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John Moriello's NYSSWA blog
Sunday, May 6, 2007: Horseheads parents may live to regret their call for action
   Leading off today: Be careful what you ask for, because the opera ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

   I know. I've mixed up my metaphors again. But if you think I'm confused, just imagine how the citizens of Horseheads feel right now. Some of them are going to have the phrase "do as I say, not as I do" thrown in their faces in the coming weeks.

   As the Elmira Star-Gazette reported this morning, what started as an attempt by parents to more or less overthrow a coach has morphed into a hearing tomorrow night that will set the stage for a new code of conduct.

   Student-athletes have long had to sign codes of conduct in order to participate, and most coaches are at least somewhat bound by rules of behavior spelled out in teaching contracts. So which rogue bunch will be most affected by a likely new behavior policy? Yep, the parents and spectators.

   Committees have been meeting since November, and relatively new district superintendent Ralph Marino Jr. will report to the school board on Monday with initial findings. Marino's formal recommendation for action will follow in short order, and life will be different for fanatics, especially some folks who are trying to live out their dreams through their children.

   "Enough has come out of this to make it a model process for a school district to take a look at what's good, what's bad, what's otherwise in the athletic program," consultant John Underwood told the newspaper. "A lot of it will be used as an example for teaching the rest of the state."

   There certainly are a few places around the state that could use a little guidance. More than a few schools or districts have reputations for booster clubs that border on being terrorist organizations. And there are still others whose behavior at games is about as approrpriate as Kate Moss attending a Weightwatchers meeting.

   The move toward a code of conduct began in late 2005 with parent complaints about a varsity coach. The matter reached the school board last spring -- about the same time that complaints started arriving from outside the district.

   "There have been occasions at sporting events when we have had trouble accepting the conduct of our players and our guests, and we're concerned about it," Al Dedrick, Horseheads school board president, told the newspaper.

   Translation: Horseheads was being labeled Horse's Butt. It was time to ask questions, form committees and hire a consultant to tie all the pieces together. The conclusion was the everyone needs to be held accountable, which is the message that will be aired tomorrow.

   It's a safe bet that the athletes' code of conduct will be left pretty much intact. Coaches will find themselves faced with standards that may have to be negotiated in the next contract talks with the teachers union.

   And parents are going to be told to shape up. It's somewhat telling that one of the more frequent comments

parents submitted on surveys recently was that coaches need to be "careful to not create a superstar over team."

   Coaches, on the other hand, said parents need to be "realistic about their child's abilities."

   Oh, my. Line up some more supervision and security for the next few school board meetings in Horseheads. This could be interesting.

   West Genny girls prevail: Lauren Welch scored twice and West Genesee (14-0) relied upon solid defense to beat visiting Brighton (10-1) in girls lacrosse, 9-2.

   The squads are ranked No. 1 in classes A and B, respectively, by the New York State Sportswriters Association.

   Former Aquinas coach dies: Aquinas assistant principal Mike Dianetti, the school's former boys basketball coach, died Saturday at the age of 45.

   He coached the Little Irish boys basketball team for 18 seasons, leaving the position in the 2005-06 season after a recurrence of cancer. His teams won two Section 5 titles.

   He played college basketball under John Beilein at Nazareth College.

   'We play for him': A tip of the fedora to Rick Carpiniello at The Journal News for yet another fine piece of reporting/writing while capturing the emotion of the Charlie Murphy Cup game, which in little more than a decade has become a big deal for lacrosse players at Yorktown and Lakeland/Panas.

   "This is a huge game for us because he brought the sport to Yorktown," junior Rocky Bonitatibus said about Charlie Murphy. "We play for him. We wear the patch on our jerseys. We don't play for ourselves. It hurts."

   You just don't run across enough kids who appreciate and embrace history like that, but Carpiniello found his go-to guy after Lakeland/Panas pulled out a 10-9 victory.

   Take a moment to read the rest of the game story and column. It's worth your time.

   Extra points: Shenendehowa's Matt Jones will step down next month after nine years as athletic director, but he intends to return to coaching. . . . Canisius High has named Jim Mauro as its new AD. He's a former associate AD at Niagara University. . . . Hilton's new AD is Mike Giruzzi, who held that post previously at Greece Arcadia and Greece Odyssey.

   Point of clarification: When we mentioned this week that Corning East beat Corning West in boys lacrosse for the 97th straight time, I should have also pointed out that the two schools have only played each other 97 times. Is anyone else aware of a series in any sport in which one school has beaten the other every time they've ever met (minimum of 40 meetings)? Let me know.

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