Chili, No. 2 Aquinas, No. 4 Canandaigua and No. 5 Rush-Henrietta are from Section 5? Hey, I live in Gates and pay school taxes there, so you know I respect the Spartans. And, I'm an Aquinas grad, too; it's a little-known fact that the
real motto of the Basilian Fathers who taught there is, "Teach me goodness, discipline, knowledge and how to beat the Jesuits in football."
But, puh-lease. Let's be sensible and not get the bandwagon cranked up just yet beyond yesterday's joyous postings on the forums and this morning's Page 1 story in the Democrat and Chronicle. Even if you accept that Gates Chili might be No. 1 in New York, which actually wouldn't be very far-fetched, can any informed fan honestly buy into MaxPreps' contention that the Spartans are No. 24 in the country?
I've watched portions of a couple of high school games that ESPN has shown this fall, and there are some seriously good teams out there. I can envision Gates Chili being very competitive in a game against Monroe-Woodbury at the Carrier Dome on Thanksgiving weekend, but I'm not so sure they can hang in there with the five best teams from Pennsylvania, the 10 most outstanding from Ohio, the 15 finest from Florida or Texas' top 20.
That knocks Gates Chili down to No. 51 in the country (at best), and I haven't even gotten around to 40-something other stars on the flag.
So do you see where I'm going with this? You may disagree with the weekly New York State Sportswriters Association rankings from time to time, which is OK because so do I at times.
But on our worst day, we don't try telling you that Class D Maple Grove is one spot better in the rankings than Class AA St. Anthony's. Play that game for real, and St. A just has way too much depth for the Red Dragons.
I don't say that to be disrespectful of Maple Grove. I'm just being realistic.
So send that computer out for an oil and lube.
Extra points: Baldwinsville voters rejected two school district capital-project proposals yesterday, including a $7.5 million plan to install artificial turf and renovate the athletic stadium. The vote was a decisive 1,068 to 724.