Leading off today: Kevin Wagstaff has resigned after two seasons in charge of the Maine-Endwell football program,
The Press & Sun-Bulletin reported last night.
Wagstaff submitted his letter of resignation to AD Dave Cook this week, citing what he termed "borderline burnout."
"Ordinarily when a season ends, I can re-group for a couple months and get ready to go; I just haven't been able to do that," Wagstaff told the paper. "It's not an easy decision, but if I couldn't give everything I have to the kids, I just don't think it'd be fair."
Wagstaff, 52, was 14-6. He had previous stints as an assistant at Union-Endicott, Maine-Endwell and Seton Catholic.
Noteworthy on Friday: Shenendehowa, ranked fourth in Class AA, beat previously perfect Pioneer, top-ranked in 'A,' 58-53, in the Lockport Kiwanis Girls Basketball Invitational. Barb Shea had 14 points and Marissa Ray 13 for Shen.
A (JV) game for the ages: The Democrat and Chronicle reports Tuesday's boys JV basketball game between Newark and Wayne turned into a six-overtime epic.
Newark won, 96-89, as sophomore Ben Holt scored 56 points without the benefit of a three-pointer.
Ready to call it a career: Monticello boys basketball Coach Dick O'Neill is wrapping up his 36th and final season (the first 13 were at Burke Catholic) on the bench, with his record standing at 405-185.
If he's lost a tiny bit of the fire, his sense of humor certainly hasn't gone away.
"It's not one time I've coached basketball that (wife Diane) said a damn thing about it not one time," he said. "Some Saturdays she wanted to know why I wasn't having