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Boys indoor track
2013 NYSPHSAA championships

At Cornell University

Boys 55 Meter Dash
16 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 6 Best Times
State Record: #  6.31  3/4/1995    Jarmiene Holloway,, Marshall                
State Record: #  6.31  2/24/2009   Jermaine Brown, Medger Evers                
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Curtis Samuel             11 Erasmus Hall              6.44Q  4 
  2 Brian Smith               12 Greece Athena             6.52Q  1 
  3 Christopher Belcher       12 Sayville                  6.53Q  2 
  4 Justin Guerre             11 St. Francis Prep          6.62Q  3 
  5 Dellon Peters             11 James Madison             6.64Q  5  6.640
  6 Andy Smigiera             12 W .Seneca East            6.56Q  2 
  7 Carnell Noble             10 Greece Olympia            6.64Q  3  6.636
  8 Brandon Gooden            12 John Bowne                6.65Q  4  6.645
  9 George Brown              12 Rome Free Acad.           6.65Q  1  6.646
 10 Anthony Hall              12 Cornwall                  6.70Q  5 
 11 Jordan Wright             11 Shoreham WR               6.65q  2  6.649
 12 Sterling Lowry            11 Nottingham                6.65q  3  6.650
 13 Leo Pavoldi               12 Schalmont                 6.66q  3 
 14 Aaron Ormon               11 St. Dominic               6.68q  1 
 15 Ammar Brown                9 Schenectady               6.69q  2 
 16 Bamidele Akinniyi         11 Web. Schroeder            6.70q  1  6.698
 17 Jerry McPeak              10 Elmira                    6.70   4  6.700
 18 Da'Quan Hollingsworth     11 Jamestown                 6.71   5 
 19 Zachary Sullivan          11 Corning                   6.71   5 
 20 Tyler Ford                12 White Plains              6.72   5 
 21 Patrick Quigley           11 Wantagh                   6.73   1 
 22 Shomari Ingram            12 Burnt Hills               6.74   3 
 23 Jean-Paul Fiallo          11 Dover                     6.75   1 
 24 Andrew Taitt              12 William Floyd             6.75   4 
 25 Georgio Cineius           12 Suffern                   6.76   2 
 26 Nick Cometti              11 Solvay                    6.79   3 
 26 Mozai Nelson              11 St. Anthony's             6.79   4 
 28 Matt Shatah               10 Will. South               6.79   3 
 29 Ian Parnell               12 Hackley                   6.79   4 
 30 Delencio Blanco-Holstead  12 Valley Str Cent           6.79   2 
 31 Rayon Scarlett            12 Westbury                  6.80   2 
 32 Devin Rose                10 Poly Prep                 6.85   5 
 33 Casy Kies                 12 Vestal                    6.87   1 
 34 Seth Wilson               10 Monroe-Woodbury           6.93   5 
 35 Skyler Barriere           10 Plattsburgh               6.95   3 
 36 Darrius Bryant            12 Indian River              7.01   4 
 37 O'Den Robertson           11 Potsdam                   7.09   4 
 38 Justin Sapini             11 Spring Valley             7.09   5 
 39 Justyn Granger             8 Ticonderoga               7.40   2 
Boys 55 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
State Record: #  6.31  3/4/1995    Jarmiene Holloway,, Marshall                
State Record: #  6.31  2/24/2009   Jermaine Brown, Medger Evers                
    Name                    Year School                   Semis  H#
  1 Curtis Samuel             11 Erasmus Hall              6.45Q  1 
  2 Christopher Belcher       12 Sayville                  6.46Q  2 
  3 Brian Smith               12 Greece Athena             6.50Q  2 
  4 Justin Guerre             11 St. Francis Prep          6.59Q  1 
  5 Carnell Noble             10 Greece Olympia            6.54q  2 
  6 Aaron Ormon               11 St. Dominic               6.58q  2 
  7 Andy Smigiera             12 W .Seneca East            6.60q  2 
  8 Dellon Peters             11 James Madison             6.61q  1  6.602
  9 George Brown              12 Rome Free Acad.           6.61   1  6.605
 10 Sterling Lowry            11 Nottingham                6.61   1  6.607
 11 Brandon Gooden            12 John Bowne                6.61   1  6.609
 12 Anthony Hall              12 Cornwall                  6.64   2 
 13 Ammar Brown                9 Schenectady               6.66   2 
 14 Jordan Wright             11 Shoreham WR               6.68   2 
 15 Bamidele Akinniyi         11 Web. Schroeder            6.68   1 
 16 Leo Pavoldi               12 Schalmont                 6.73   1 
Boys 55 Meter Dash
State Record: #  6.31  3/4/1995    Jarmiene Holloway,, Marshall                
State Record: #  6.31  2/24/2009   Jermaine Brown, Medger Evers                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Christopher Belcher       12 Sayville                  6.35  
  2 Curtis Samuel             11 Erasmus Hall              6.44  
  3 Brian Smith               12 Greece Athena             6.48  
  4 Aaron Ormon               11 St. Dominic               6.52  
  5 Dellon Peters             11 James Madison             6.56  
  6 Andy Smigiera             12 W .Seneca East            6.61  
  7 Justin Guerre             11 St. Francis Prep          6.62  
  8 Carnell Noble             10 Greece Olympia            7.83  
Boys 300 Meter Dash
8 Advance:  Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
State Record: # 33.27  12/18/1999  Anthony Ewers, Lawerence                    
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Izaiah Brown              10 Amsterdam                34.70Q  4 
  2 Ayo Obadare               12 Elmont                   35.16Q  2 
  3 Diamonte Corley           12 William Floyd            35.39Q  5 
  4 Jon Alkins                12 Eastchester              35.42Q  1 
  5 Brian Smith               12 Greece Athena            35.71Q  3 
  6 Josh Wray                 12 Rush-Henrietta           35.61q  2 
  7 Rai Benjamin              10 Mount Vernon             35.69q  4 
  8 Tavon Nowell              12 Mt St Michael's          35.90q  5 
  9 Josh Gali                 12 Middle Country           35.99   1 
 10 Kiambu Gall               10 Paul Robeson             36.14   5 
 11 Treyvon Mask              12 Baldwin                  36.38   1 
 12 Marlon Montague           11 St. Anthony's            36.38   5 
 13 Richardson Pierre         11 Spring Valley            36.49   2 
 14 Michael Moore             11 Boys and Girls           36.52   1 
 15 Y'Majesty Allen           11 Huntington               36.52   4 
 16 Nick Cometti              11 Solvay                   36.59   4 
 17 Lawrence Williams         12 St Joseph Coll.          36.63   1 
 18 TJ Santiago               11 Washingtonville          36.68   3 
 19 Tremaine Devore           12 Uniondale                36.76   3 
 20 Ian Parnell               12 Hackley                  36.78   3 
 21 Semasa Oni                11 Medgar Evers             36.82   4 
 22 Nick Powers               12 Colonie                  36.90   2 
 23 Shakoy Burton             12 Middletown               36.96   3 
 24 David Ingraham            11 McQuaid                  37.18   4 
 25 Brian Jennings            12 Vestal                   37.20   2 
 26 Mark Broughton            12 Cicero-NS                37.35   5 
 27 Matt Schaefer             11 Will. North              37.40   2 
 28 Matt Ridge                12 Iroquois                 37.60   3 
 29 Felix Garcia              11 Indian River             37.76   1 
 30 Jordan Kasarjian          12 Friends Seminary         37.82   5 
 31 Sobaan Ayub               11 Saranac                  37.98   2 
 32 Justin Judson             11 Elmira                   38.05   1 
 33 Dustin Durgan             11 Saranac                  39.25   4 
 34 Alize Jarrett             11 Beaver River             39.60   3 
Boys 300 Meter Dash
State Record: # 33.27  12/18/1999  Anthony Ewers, Lawerence                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Izaiah Brown              10 Amsterdam                34.38  
  2 Diamonte Corley           12 William Floyd            34.68  
  3 Jon Alkins                12 Eastchester              34.69  
  4 Brian Smith               12 Greece Athena            34.84  
  5 Ayo Obadare               12 Elmont                   34.85  
  6 Tavon Nowell              12 Mt St Michael's          35.67  
  7 Josh Wray                 12 Rush-Henrietta           35.68  
  8 Rai Benjamin              10 Mount Vernon             36.09  
Boys 600 Meter Run
State Record: # 1:17.58  2/4/2012    Styrmar Livingston, C.Columbus            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Matt Murray               11 Norwich                1:20.61   4 
  2 Jonathan Greenwood        12 Freeport               1:20.84   4 
  3 Jake Burcham              11 HH Hills East          1:21.57   4 
  4 Dylan Murphy              12 Kellenberg             1:21.98   4 
  5 Justin Alleyne            12 New Rochelle           1:22.29   4 
  6 Rob Smith                 12 Shaker                 1:22.71   2 
  7 Harrison Martin           12 Bayport-Blue Pt.       1:22.74   2 
  8 Pat Rooney                12 Monroe-Woodbury        1:22.95   4 
  9 Richard Rose              10 Boys and Girls         1:23.26   4 
 10 Ben Reinhart              12 Clarence               1:23.28   2 
 11 Alex Wood                 12 Ogdensburg             1:23.42   3 
 12 Josh Hanna                12 Aquinas                1:23.47   3 
 13 Ian Weykamp               12 Shaker                 1:23.67   1 
 14 Patrick McGuire           12 Smithtown West         1:23.72   3 
 15 Colby Bleier              12 Pitt Sutherland        1:23.75   3 
 16 Chad Barker               12 Elmont                 1:24.07   3 
 17 Charlie Beeler            12 Fay.-Manlius           1:24.48   1 
 18 Romaine Angel             12 JFK-PSAL               1:24.71   3 
 19 Budd Brown                12 Baldwin                1:24.85   2 
 20 Alex Combs                11 Cornwall               1:25.03   2 
 21 Tim Whelan                11 Cheektowaga            1:25.08   1 
 22 Thomas Louro              11 St. Anthony's          1:25.45   2 
 23 Isao Anzai                12 Collegiate             1:25.76   2 
 24 Caelum Maloney            12 Chaminade              1:26.16   3 
 25 Rourk Marlow              12 Franklin Academy       1:26.42   1 
 26 Justin Earnest            12 Horseheads             1:26.83   1 
 27 Bill DiRenzo              12 Jordan-Elbridge        1:26.85   1 
 28 Ben Drexler               12 Aquinas                1:26.97   3 
 29 Lukas Chaya               12 Beacon-PSAL            1:27.45   4 
 30 Ty Tedford                12 Saranac                1:28.63   1 
 31 Cyd Scott                 11 Carmel                 1:29.10   2 
 32 Shawn Silliman            10 Ticonderoga            1:30.76   1 
Boys 1000 Meter Run
State Record: # 2:24.1h  2/22/1983   Miles Irish, Burnt Hills                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Cory McCarty              12 Elmira                 2:29.90  
  2 Alec Peinkofer            12 Baldwinsville          2:30.39  
  3 Sean Kelly                11 Chaminade              2:30.80  
  4 Ryan Manahan              12 Marcellus              2:31.06  
  5 Andrew Morra              12 Garden City            2:31.38  
  6 Eric Holt                 12 Carmel                 2:31.51  
  7 Tom Meehan                11 Eastport-S Manor       2:32.46  
  8 Daniel DeLuna             12 Massapequa             2:32.50  
  9 Andrew Mullen             12 Brighton               2:32.73  
 10 Ronaldo Ball              12 Curtis                 2:33.05  
 11 John Flannery             11 Bronxville             2:34.35  
 12 Chris Odin                12 Northport              2:34.43  
 13 Alex Lazarich             12 Sachem North           2:34.56  
 14 Gunnar Nolan              10 Chaminade              2:34.57  
 15 Connor Quinn              12 Washingtonville        2:35.03  
 16 Gabe Rodriguez            12 Geneseo                2:36.09  
 17 Erik Winberg              12 Rome Free Acad.        2:36.29  
 18 Sidgie Greene             12 Thomas Jefferson       2:36.61  
 19 Kalen Sullivan            12 W. Seneca West         2:37.09  
 20 Ross Pirnie               12 Hilton                 2:38.41  
 21 Tim Boston                11 Suffern                2:38.42  
 22 Ben Eisenhut              10 Lansing                2:38.82  
 23 Ethan Vinson              12 Potsdam                2:39.48  
 24 Jack Fallon-Underwood     11 Shaker                 2:39.67  
 25 Steve Smith               12 Pine Bush              2:40.49  
 26 Hugh Kenny                11 Poly Prep              2:40.71  
 27 Connor Loops              12 Iroquois               2:44.91  
 28 Sean Tyrell               11 Saranac                2:45.14  
 29 Jon Holmes                12 Colonie                2:48.23  
 30 Javeed Nazir              12 Ticonderoga            2:54.23  
Boys 1600 Meter Run
State Record: # 4:05.50  3/14/2010   Alex Hatz, FM                             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Nick Ryan                 12 Fay.-Manlius           4:14.02  
  2 T.J. Hornberger           11 Lake Shore             4:17.24  
  3 Steve Rossettie           12 Corning                4:18.14  
  4 Keith Pease               12 Greece Athena          4:18.16  
  5 Mike Branigan             10 Northport              4:19.47  
  6 James Gowans              12 Mexico                 4:20.05  
  7 Tim McGowan               11 Northport              4:21.58  
  8 Marco Pompilj             10 Collegiate             4:21.83  
  9 Dan Galford               12 Msgr. Farrell          4:21.86  
 10 Steve Booker              11 Bethlehem              4:22.35  
 11 Jeremy Spiezio            10 Greenwich              4:23.09  
 12 Devin Rocks               12 Bishop Ford            4:23.27  
 13 Patrick Ginty             12 St. Anthony's          4:24.34  
 14 Christopher Landi         12 Calhoun                4:25.77  
 15 Stephen Bourguet          12 Manhasset              4:26.03  
 16 Morgan Marlow             12 Franklin Academy       4:26.21  
 17 Luke Gavigan              10 Tappan Zee             4:26.26  
 18 Brennan Root              12 Rush-Henrietta         4:26.77  
 19 Ross Wightman             12 Chatham                4:29.05  
 20 JT McEntyre               12 Monroe-Woodbury        4:31.38  
 21 Liam Purdy                11 North Rockland         4:31.41  
 22 Ben Gollin                12 Oneonta                4:31.66  
 23 Will Ronchetti            11 Brighton               4:32.67  
 24 Mitchell Ryan             12 Seton Catholic         4:33.72  
 25 Mitchell Daddario         10 Sweet Home             4:34.25  
 26 Kevin Trimmer             12 McKee/SI Tech          4:34.56  
 27 Ryan Cooney               12 Massapequa             4:35.33  
 28 Joshua Kotran             11 Packer                 4:35.55  
 29 Jared Olson               12 Warwick Valley         4:36.35  
 30 Ryan Udvadia              11 Shoreham WR            4:37.20  
 31 Mitchell Abrams           12 FH LaguardiaL          4:38.10  
 32 Cullin Burdett            12 North Salem            4:39.53  
 33 John McCarthy             11 Corning                4:41.89  
 34 Corey Lamere              12 Franklin Academy       4:44.42  
 35 Josh Perez                11 Baldwinsville          4:51.11  
 36 Jeriqho Gadway            10 Plattsburgh            4:52.02  
Boys 3200 Meter Run
State Record: # 8:50.40  1/24/2004   Josh McDougal, Home School, Peru          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Sibby Hanson              12 Arlington              9:13.43  
  2 Kris Moran                12 North Babylon          9:19.89  
  3 Mickey Burke              11 Rush-Henrietta         9:20.93  
  4 Tim McGowan               11 Northport              9:22.51  
  5 Bryce Millar              10 Fay.-Manlius           9:25.05  
  6 Alex Campanella           12 Eldred                 9:25.60  
  7 Brian Cook                11 Pearl River            9:28.43  
  8 Matt Jorgensen            12 Pawling                9:28.88  
  9 John Knox III             12 Gloversville           9:29.59  
 10 Ryan Udvadia              11 Shoreham WR            9:31.34  
 11 Thomas Slattery           11 Chaminade              9:32.85  
 12 Jack Stevenson            12 Stuyvesant             9:34.31  
 13 Ryan DePinto              10 Syosset                9:35.23  
 14 Patrick Tucker            10 St. Anthony's          9:35.63  
 15 Justin Middleton          12 Auburn                 9:35.73  
 16 Joseph Tucker             10 St. Anthony's          9:38.37  
 17 Richard Buchanan          10 Windsor                9:38.53  
 18 Dan Huben                 11 Clarence               9:39.03  
 19 Tyler Ranke               11 Hilton                 9:39.28  
 20 Alex Shodai               11 Middletown             9:40.61  
 21 Jack Scott                12 Fairport               9:43.89  
 22 Jack Curran               12 Calhoun                9:45.71  
 23 Ty Buckley                12 Collegiate             9:48.02  
 24 Gavin Gaynor               9 Saratoga               9:49.28  
 25 Tyler Sutherland          11 Trumansburg            9:50.22  
 26 Andrew Tario              12 Averill Park          10:01.90  
 27 Zach Toner                12 Calhoun               10:05.59  
 28 Evan Page                 11 Seton Catholic        10:08.01  
 29 Calvin Butlak             10 Lake Shore            10:10.53  
 30 Jack Farley               10 Collegiate            10:16.03  
 31 Jeriqho Gadway            10 Plattsburgh           10:24.67  
 32 Liam Buckley              11 Collegiate            10:28.77  
 33 Jake Erdman               11 Gouverneur            10:41.44  
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
16 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 8 Best Times
State Record: #  7.22  3/7/1987    Joe Galeano, Centereach                     
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  H#
  1 Jay Hebert                11 Ticonderoga               7.38Q  1 
  2 Cory Keefe                12 Oswego                    7.60Q  3 
  3 Amir Rogers               12 NE/NW Prep                7.68Q  2  7.678
  4 Luke Pascale              12 Roslyn                    7.68Q  4  7.679
  5 Tyvon Rivers              12 Sweet Home                7.76Q  3 
  6 Wynn Curtis               12 Corning                   7.77Q  1 
  7 John Stallworth           12 Connetquot                7.79Q  4  7.786
  8 Daniel Genender           12 Middletown                7.89Q  2 
  9 Devin Mirenda             12 Smithtown West            7.79q  1  7.790
 10 Javaun Porter             12 Chaminade                 7.80q  3 
 11 Christian Doherty         12 Fordham Prep              7.82q  1 
 12 Patrick Clark             12 Scarsdale                 7.87q  4 
 13 Devon Willis              11 Schalmont                 7.91q  2  7.903
 14 James Burns               11 Port Washington           7.91q  3  7.904
 15 Axel Joseph               11 Sheepshead Bay            7.93q  2 
 16 Kevin Freedman            11 Grand Island              7.98q  4 
 17 Shawn Bleichert           10 Shenendehowa              8.02   3 
 18 DJ Ohlson                 11 Alexander                 8.08   1 
 19 Powel Deslandes           10 Sheepshead Bay            8.09   4 
 20 Alex Egeli                11 Batavia                   8.12   4 
 21 Will Holt                 12 Dryden                    8.13   2 
 22 Peter Clark               11 Potsdam                   8.14   4 
 23 Thomas Matera             11 Fordham Prep              8.15   2 
 24 Morgan Austen             11 Cicero-NS                 8.17   1 
 25 Micheal Outing            10 Farmingdale               8.20   2 
 26 Cody Updike               12 Beaver River              8.25   4 
 27 Shawn Silliman            10 Ticonderoga               8.27   2 
 28 Alex Walker               12 Suffern                   8.30   3 
 29 Jonathon Pierre           12 Middletown                8.31   3 
 30 Dominic Ansel             11 Friends Seminary          9.11   3 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
State Record: #  7.22  3/7/1987    Joe Galeano, Centereach                     
    Name                    Year School                   Semis  H#
  1 Jay Hebert                11 Ticonderoga               7.35Q  1 
  2 Amir Rogers               12 NE/NW Prep                7.54Q  2 
  3 Cory Keefe                12 Oswego                    7.56Q  2 
  4 Luke Pascale              12 Roslyn                    7.69Q  1 
  5 Devon Willis              11 Schalmont                 7.77q  1 
  6 Wynn Curtis               12 Corning                   7.83q  2 
  7 Patrick Clark             12 Scarsdale                 7.88q  1 
  8 Devin Mirenda             12 Smithtown West            7.91q  1  7.904
  9 Christian Doherty         12 Fordham Prep              7.91   2  7.905
 10 Daniel Genender           12 Middletown                7.94   1 
 11 Axel Joseph               11 Sheepshead Bay            7.96   2 
 12 James Burns               11 Port Washington           7.98   2 
 13 Kevin Freedman            11 Grand Island              7.99   1 
 14 Tyvon Rivers              12 Sweet Home                8.02   1 
 15 John Stallworth           12 Connetquot                8.14   2 
 16 Javaun Porter             12 Chaminade                 8.21   2 
Boys 55 Meter Hurdles
State Record: #  7.22  3/7/1987    Joe Galeano, Centereach                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Jay Hebert                11 Ticonderoga               7.31  
  2 Cory Keefe                12 Oswego                    7.40  
  3 Amir Rogers               12 NE/NW Prep                7.47  
  4 Patrick Clark             12 Scarsdale                 7.66  
  5 Luke Pascale              12 Roslyn                    7.75   7.744
  6 Wynn Curtis               12 Corning                   7.75   7.747
  7 Devon Willis              11 Schalmont                 7.85  
  8 Devin Mirenda             12 Smithtown West            7.88  
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
State Record: # 1:27.67  3/16/2003   Newburgh                                  
                Mike Riullano, J Pearson, Elzie Coleman, L Pearson
    School                                              Prelims  H#
  1 William Floyd                                       1:32.21Q  1 
     1) Isaiah Lawson 12                2) Diamonte Corley 12             
     3) Dwight Corley 10                4) Andrew Taitt 12                
  2 Colonie                                             1:34.10Q  2 
     1) Nick Powers 12                  2) Denis Ahmetovic 11             
     3) Zach Latnie 12                  4) Aaron Nimako 12                
  3 Mt. St. Michael's Academy                           1:33.09Q  1 
     1) Anton Porter 10                 2) Dorwin Mitchell 12             
     3) Kasim Thomas 11                 4) Andrew White 12                
  4 Corning                                             1:34.70Q  2 
     1) Zachary Sullivan 11             2) Elijah Cherry 12               
     3) Wynn Curtis 12                  4) Aiden Collins 11               
  5 Elmont                                              1:34.71q  1 
     1) Cherron Royal 12                2) Calvin Aristide 12             
     3) Paul Jean 12                    4) Bradley Atkins 12              
  6 Tilden Educational Campus                           1:34.79q  2 
     1) Kyle Baptiste 11                2) Kwasi Applewhite 11            
     3) Paul Clarke 10                  4) Benjamin Fairweather 12        
  7 Middletown                                          1:34.84q  1 
     1) Ashawn Bryan 12                 2) Jonathon Pierre 12             
     3) Shaquam Thorpe 10               4) Shakoy Burton 12               
  8 Nottingham                                          1:35.10q  1 
     1) Tayquon Hightower 11            2) Jefari Davis 11                
     3) Romeo Kpolo 12                  4) Sterling Lowry 11              
  9 Spring Valley                                       1:36.13   2 
     1) Devin Hawley 11                 2) Richardson Pierre 11           
     3) Calvin Webb 11                  4) Lugduni Desrosi 9              
 10 Iroquois                                            1:39.50   2 
     1) Matt Ridge 12                   2) Josh Schiemant 12              
     3) Jeremy Horn 11                  4) Justin Petrocy 12              
 11 Indian River                                        1:39.86   1 
     1) Deondre Grier 11                2) Darrius Bryant 12              
     3) David Morin 12                  4) Felix Garcia 11                
 12 Friends Seminary                                    1:40.78   2 
     1) Antione Gray 12                 2) Aqil Nabi 12                   
     3) Devon Kasarjian 12              4) Jordan Kasarjian 12            
 13 Ticonderoga                                         1:41.49   1 
     1) Jay Hebert 11                   2) Jarryn Granger 11              
     3) Tanner Wright 12                4) Coleman Granger 11             
 -- Greece Olympia                                           DQ 
     1) Craig Hardgers 12               2) Ja'marie Jefferson 12          
     3) Desmond Mobley 12               4) Carnell Noble 10               
Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
State Record: # 1:27.67  3/16/2003   Newburgh                                  
             Mike Riullano, J Pearson, Elzie Coleman, L Pearson
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Mt. St. Michael's Academy                           1:34.30  
     1) Anton Porter 10                 2) Dorwin Mitchell 12             
     3) Kasim Thomas 11                 4) Andrew White 12                
  2 Nottingham                                          1:35.07  
     1) Tayquon Hightower 11            2) Jefari Davis 11                
     3) Romeo Kpolo 12                  4) Sterling Lowry 11              
  3 Elmont                                              1:35.313
     1) Cherron Royal 12                2) Calvin Aristide 12             
     3) Paul Jean 12                    4) Bradley Atkins 12              
  4 Tilden Educational Campus                           1:35.316
     1) Kyle Baptiste 11                2) Kwasi Applewhite 11            
     3) Paul Clarke 10                  4) Benjamin Fairweather 12        
  5 Corning                                             1:35.92  
     1) Zachary Sullivan 11             2) Elijah Cherry 12               
     3) Wynn Curtis 12                  4) Sterling France 12             
  6 Middletown                                          1:37.21  
     1) Ashawn Bryan 12                 2) Jonathon Pierre 12             
     3) Shaquam Thorpe 10               4) Shakoy Burton 12               
 -- Colonie                                                 DNF  
     1) Nick Powers 12                  2) Denis Ahmetovic 11             
     3) Zach Latnie 12                  4) Jayson Gayle 12                
 -- William Floyd                                           DNF  
     1) Isaiah Lawson 12                2) Diamonte Corley 12             
     3) Dwight Corley 10                4) Andrew Taitt 12                
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
State Record: # 3:15.12  2/3/2012    Boys & Girls                              
                         R. Rose, J. Morrison, C. Renwick, J. Grant        
    School                                              Prelims  H#
  1 Elmont                                              3:24.32Q  1 
     1) Roshane Wright 12               2) Brandon Atkins 12              
     3) Chad Barker 12                  4) Ayo Obadare 12                 
  2 Half Hollow Hills West                              3:29.57Q  2 
     1) Joshua Connors 11               2) Frederic Fils Aime 12          
     3) Kory Fitzgerald 10              4) Bryce Johnson 11               
  3 Tilden Educational Campus                           3:29.93Q  2 
     1) Kyle Baptiste 11                2) Kwasi Applewhite 11            
     3) Dwayne Charles 11               4) Benjamin Fairweather 12        
  4 St. John The Baptist                                3:31.62Q  1 
     1) Pat Rowan 12                    2) Jeremy Schneider 12            
     3) Kyle Collins 12                 4) John Selle 12                  
  5 Aquinas Institute                                   3:30.10q  2 
     1) Isaac Darling 11                2) Ben Drexler 12                 
     3) Khris Greggs 12                 4) Josh Hanna 12                  
  6 Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake                           3:30.24q  2 
     1) Matt Bunch 12                   2) Luke Cameron 11                
     3) Robert Kirsty 11                4) John Rabideau 11               
  7 Baldwinsville                                       3:30.98q  2 
     1) Andrew Fleming 12               2) Jeff Mahar 11                  
     3) Nate Wicks 12                   4) Dan Walker 11                  
  8 Valley Central                                      3:34.26q  1 
     1) Phillip Hurtault 11             2) Khari Harris 11                
     3) Sam Otuonye 11                  4) Mark Cannatella 11             
  9 Mount Vernon                                        3:35.08   1 
     1) Julian Thompson 12              2) Chevaun Samuels 12             
     3) Phillip Powell 11               4) Rai Benjamin 10                
 10 Saranac                                             3:35.48   1 
     1) Ty Tedford 12                   2) Dustin Durgan 11               
     3) Sobaan Ayub 11                  4) Justin Liechty 10              
 11 West Seneca West                                    3:38.14   1 
     1) Greg Hart 11                    2) James Tobias 12                
     3) Jonathan Rehner 11              4) Robert Frazer 10               
 12 Ogdensburg                                          3:39.12   2 
     1) Donovan Smith 11                2) Andrew Colburn 12              
     3) Taylor Richardson 10            4) Alex Wood 12                   
 13 Corning                                             3:44.16   1 
     1) Cullen Vaughn 12                2) Gabe Enicks 10                 
     3) Zack Bush 12                    4) Aiden Collins 11               
Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
State Record: # 3:15.12  2/3/2012    Boys & Girls                              
                         R. Rose, J. Morrison, C. Renwick, J. Grant        
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Elmont                                              3:26.66  
     1) Roshane Wright 12               2) Brandon Atkins 12              
     3) Chad Barker 12                  4) Ayo Obadare 12                 
  2 Half Hollow Hills West                              3:26.75  
     1) Joshua Connors 11               2) Frederic Fils Aime 12          
     3) Kory Fitzgerald 10              4) Bryce Johnson 11               
  3 St. John The Baptist                                3:27.65  
     1) Pat Rowan 12                    2) Jeremy Schneider 12            
     3) Kyle Collins 12                 4) John Selle 12                  
  4 Aquinas Institute                                   3:29.65  
     1) Isaac Darling 11                2) Ben Drexler 12                 
     3) Khris Greggs 12                 4) Josh Hanna 12                  
  5 Baldwinsville                                       3:29.95  
     1) Andrew Fleming 12               2) Jeff Mahar 11                  
     3) Nate Wicks 12                   4) Dan Walker 11                  
  6 Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake                           3:30.49  
     1) Matt Bunch 12                   2) Luke Cameron 11                
     3) Robert Kirsty 11                4) John Rabideau 11               
  7 Valley Central                                      3:35.26  
     1) Phillip Hurtault 11             2) Khari Harris 11                
     3) Sam Otuonye 11                  4) Mark Cannatella 11             
 -- Tilden Educational Campus                                FS  
     1) Kyle Baptiste 11                2) Kwasi Applewhite 11            
     3) Paul Clarke 10                  4) Benjamin Fairweather 12        
Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
State Record: # 7:42.22  2/5/2005    Syosset                                   
             Adam Lampert, Chris Howell, Sean Tully, Dan Tully 
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Northport                                           7:56.52  
     1) Mike Branigan 10                2) James Dickinson 12             
     3) David Hatch 12                  4) Chris Odin 12                  
  2 Syosset                                             8:00.20  
     1) Michael Wilkens 12              2) Jake Schlessinger 12           
     3) Simon Nwana 11                  4) Nicholas Ouassil 11            
  3 Warwick Valley                                      8:00.74  

     1) Jordan Burton 11                2) Dan Kelly 11                   
     3) Aaron Peterson 12               4) Tanner Senius 10               
  4 Kellenberg Memorial                                 8:01.96  
     1) James McQuade 12                2) Randall Turner 12              
     3) James Malebranche 12            4) Cody Olszewski 12              
  5 Arlington                                           8:03.49  
     1) Tom Wimmers 11                  2) Jimmy Asselmeyer 10            
     3) Chris Koenitzer 12              4) Sibby Hanson 12                
  6 Fayetteville-Manlius                                8:03.68  
     1) Connor Farrell 12               2) Colin Fitzgibbons 12           
     3) Bryce Millar 10                 4) Nick Ryan 12                   
  7 Saratoga                                            8:04.25  
     1) Evan Quinones 12                2) Travis Briggs 12               
     3) Joe Verro 11                    4) Jay Navin 11                   
  8 McQuaid Jesuit                                      8:04.46  
     1) Michael Sullivan 12             2) A.J. Stuver 12                 
     3) Nate Howe 11                    4) Austin Peters 11               
  9 Collegiate                                          8:08.73  
     1) JP Meredith 12                  2) Andrew Berger 10               
     3) Ty Buckley 12                   4) Marco Pompilj 10               
 10 Elmira                                              8:10.57  
     1) Seth Kramer 12                  2) Cory McCarty 12                
     3) Brendan Collins 10              4) Shaun Kurcoba 12               
 11 Clarence                                            8:19.45  
     1) Dan Huben 11                    2) Justin Richardson 12           
     3) Ben Reinhart 12                 4) Dan Rogers 12                  
 12 Franklin Academy                                    8:24.64  
     1) John Picarro 12                 2) Corey Lamere 12                
     3) Morgan Marlow 12                4) Rourk Marlow 12                
 13 Saranac                                             9:22.25  
     1) Ben Strack 12                   2) Sean Tyrell 11                 
     3) Justin Liechty 10               4) Josh Wade 11                   
Boys Distance Medley
    School                                               Finals 
  1 Section 11                                          8:50.95  
     1) Vincent Cicale 12               2) Gerald Riley 10                
     3) Connor Christian 12             4) James Burke 10                 
  2 Section 4                                           8:57.66  
     1) Dan White 12                    2) Dakota Babcock 12              
     3) Cal Randle 12                   4) Richard Buchanan 10            
  3 CHSAA                                               8:57.76  
     1) James Buckley 12                2) Michael Houston 12             
     3) Jacob Lascano 12                4) Paolo Fiore 12                 
  4 Section 3                                           9:00.73  
     1) Alex Christensen 11             2) Tayquon Hightower 11           
     3) Nate Delles 12                  4) Anthony Lupia 12               
  5 Section 8                                           9:01.35  
     1) Patrick Quigley 11              2) Justin Grant 12                
     3) Michael Grady 10                4) Dale Mittleman 11              
  6 Section 2                                           9:01.62  
     1) Jordan Johnson 11               2) Jacob Williams 11              
     3) Collin Rowe 10                  4) Michael Borini 12              
  7 Section 9                                           9:03.54  
     1) Peter Sander 12                 2) Anthony Vega 12                
     3) Jeremy White 12                 4) Mike Vecchio 11                
  8 Section 1                                           9:04.20  
     1) Chris Cardon 12                 2) Trenton Beram 11               
     3) Mike Anson 12                   4) Ben Adler 11                   
  9 Section 6                                           9:10.65  
     1) Jake Eneix 12                   2) Louis Capizzi 12               
     3) Matt McCann 11                  4) Justin Petrocy 12              
 10 Section 5                                           9:14.98  
     1) George Mertens 11               2) Jared Gonzalez 11              
     3) Derek Swarthout 11              4) Bobby Cooper 12                
 11 PSAL                                                9:15.04  
     1) Robbie Hokett 12                2) John Martinez 12               
     3) Justin White 12                 4) Nicholas Willoughby 12         
Boys High Jump
State Record: #  7-04  12/29/2000  Dan Olson, Albany Academy                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Michael McCann            12 Smithtown West         6-10.00  
  2 Rubin Owens               11 LeRoy                  6-07.00  
  3 Maurice Epps              12 Copiague               6-06.00  
  4 DJ Ohlson                 11 Alexander              6-06.00  
  5 Daniel Pierre             10 Middletown             6-04.00  
  6 Charles Stokes            11 Corcoran               6-04.00  
  7 Desmond Mobley            12 Greece Olympia         6-04.00  
  8 James Brown               11 Beacon                 6-02.00  
  9 Ted Okon                  11 Clarence               6-02.00  
  9 Kingsley Ogbanno          12 Lakeland/Panas         6-02.00  
 11 Mitch Paciga              11 Sullivan West          6-02.00  
 11 Qiyam Green               12 Kingston               6-02.00  
 13 Justin Sicari             11 Msgr. Farrell          6-02.00  
 14 Mike Egotanda             11 Vestal                 6-02.00  
 15 Najee Taylor              11 Clarkstown South       6-00.00  
 16 Paul Ford                 12 Ausable Forks          6-00.00  
 16 Robert Scherb             10 Horseheads             6-00.00  
 16 Devante MC Lean           12 Martin L. King         6-00.00  
 19 Tommy Holzmacher          11 Calhoun                6-00.00  
 -- Cyrenius Nelson           12 McKee/SI Tech               NH  
 -- Erik Trinkle              12 Shaker                      NH  
 -- Scott Midgett             12 Xavier                      NH  
 -- Isaiah Turek              12 Ichabod Crane               NH  
 -- Abe Gravell               11 Franklin Academy            NH  
 -- Bill Adey                 12 W. Seneca West              NH  
 -- Riley Synenki             11 West Canada                 NH  
 -- Anthony Mastronardi       12 Windsor                     NH  
Boys Pole Vault
State Record: # 17-01  1/15/2011   Jordan Yamoah, Arlington                    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 James Steck               12 Shaker                15-00.00  
  2 Justin Farrenkopf         12 Ellenville            14-09.00  
  3 Sean McEvoy               12 Fordham Prep          14-09.00  
  4 Todd Uckermark            11 Warwick Valley        14-06.00  
  5 Samuel Harding            12 Canandaigua           14-06.00  
  6 Dan Normoyle              11 Riverhead             14-06.00  
  7 Gavin DiMaria             12 Kenmore East          14-00.00  
  8 Max Curran                11 Williamson            14-00.00  
  9 Dylan Bland               11 Lansing               14-00.00  
 10 Jonah Spaeth              12 Riverhead             14-00.00  
 11 Michael Wilkens           12 Syosset               14-00.00  
 12 Matt Urbano               12 Iona Prep             13-06.00  
 13 Derek Dibona              10 Warwick Valley        13-06.00  
 13 Karl Nilsen               12 Smithtown West        13-06.00  
 13 Ryan Ellis                11 Gates-Chili           13-06.00  
 16 Chris Guglielmo           12 Clarkstown South      13-00.00  
 17 Zach Liebmann             11 Jamesville-Dewit      13-00.00  
 18 John Delahantey           12 Long Beach            12-00.00  
 18 Travis Chewning-Kulick    12 Liverpool             12-00.00  
 20 Casey Ogden               12 Shaker                12-00.00  
 20 Robert Williamson-Noble   12 Irvington             12-00.00  
 -- Max Jordan                10 Lansing                     NH  
 -- Erik Gaster               12 Beacon                      NH  
 -- Joe Crispi                11 Msgr. Farrell               NH  
 -- Xiao Zhi Shi              11 Bayside                     NH  
 -- Dave Kerling              12 Cheektowaga                 NH  
 -- Mark Scotto Divetta       11 McKee/SI Tech               NH  
Boys Long Jump
State Record: # 25-07.75  3/1/1993    Marvin Forde, Uniondale                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Desmond Mobley            12 Greece Olympia        23-05.75  
      20-04.25  20-08.50  22-01  22-02.50  23-04.25  23-05.75
  2 Jamal Bynum               12 Middletown            22-02.50  
      19-01  20-10.25  21-06  22-02.50  21-08.50  21-11
  3 Alex Reid                 12 Lockport              22-02.25  
      21-01.75  20-09.75  20-03.50  22-02.25  21-05.75  21-10
  4 Dashawn Taylor            11 Longwood              22-01.25  
      21-08  22-01.25  FOUL  21-04.75  FOUL  FOUL
  5 Mike Egotanda             11 Vestal                21-10.00  
      21-10  21-01  20-06.50  20-00.50  21-04.25  19-08.25
  6 Devin Mirenda             12 Smithtown West        21-06.75  
      20-10.75  19-02.75  20-09  20-11.25  21-06.75  21-06
  7 Chas Higgins              12 Schalmont             21-04.25  
      21-02.50  FOUL  FOUL  20-07.25  21-02  21-04.25
  8 Eric Zemaitis             11 Spencerport           21-04.00  
      FOUL  20-10.50  19-08  18-10.25  18-08.75  21-04
  9 Devlen Williams           12 Corcoran              21-03.25  
      20-00.75  20-10.50  19-10  20-01.25  21-03.25  20-02
 10 Victorin Kothor           12 Greece Odyssey        20-10.00  
      20-03  19-03  20-10         
 11 Qiyam Green               12 Kingston              20-09.75  
      20-09.50  20-09.75  20-03.50         
 12 Vincent Jackson           12 Amityville            20-08.50  
      19-01.50  20-08.50  19-05.75           
 13 Pascal Bastien            11 Baldwin               20-06.00  
      20-06  FOUL  19-02         
 14 Mustafaa Dais             11 Hackley               20-05.50  
      20-05.50  20-05.50  19-03.25         
 15 Tayvon Hall               12 West Hempstead        20-04.25  
      20-04.25  20-01.75  20-03.75         
 16 Dan Fehrman               12 Central Square        20-04.00  
      20-00  20-04  20-00.50         
 17 Christian Doherty         12 Fordham Prep          20-03.75  
      FOUL  20-01  20-03.75         
 18 Nickino Allwood           11 Medgar Evers          20-01.75  
      16-05.75  20-01.75  18-10         
 19 Alex Monaco               10 North Salem           19-11.75  
      FOUL  19-11.75  19-00.75         
 20 Carl Shen                 12 Elmira Notre Dam      19-10.25  
      FOUL  19-07  19-10.25         
 21 Rephael Joseph            12 Chatham               19-09.75  
      FOUL  19-07.75  19-09.75           
 22 Darren James              12 Arch. Molloy          19-08.00  
      19-08  16-10.75  19-04         
 23 Michael Cruz              12 North Rockland        19-06.25  
      18-11  19-04.75  19-06.25         
 24 Jonas Miller              12 Plattsburgh           19-03.25  
      19-03.25  16-06.50  18-04.50         
 25 Qasim Ray                 12 Thomas Jefferson      19-01.25  
      18-01  19-01.25  18-10.25           
 26 Roshane Wright            12 Elmont                18-10.25  
      16-07.50  FOUL  18-10.25         
 27 Aaron Sharlow             12 Franklin Academy      18-09.50  
      18-04.50  18-09  18-09.50         
 28 Jarryn Granger            11 Ticonderoga           18-07.00  
      FOUL  18-05.50  18-07         
 29 Taylor Bouchard           11 Ogdensburg            18-01.75  
      FOUL  18-01.75  FOUL         
 30 David Pollack             12 Lockport              16-10.75  
      16-10.75  16-03.75  PASS         
 -- Jerry McPeak              10 Elmira                    FOUL  
      FOUL  FOUL  FOUL         
Boys Triple Jump
State Record: # 50-07.25  3/2/1991    Chris Lopez, Archbishop Malloy           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Darrel Jones              11 Monroe-Woodbury       47-09.25  
      44-09.50  47-02  43-10  45-08.50  47-09.25  47-03.25
  2 Jamal Bynum               12 Middletown            47-09.00  
      44-09.25  45-10.25  46-01.75  46-03  46-10.75  47-09
  3 Kaishaun Cathey           12 Edison Tech           46-11.00  
      44-10.25  46-11  43-05.50  45-02.25  FOUL  43-07.50
  4 Fillan Lee                12 Herbert Lehman        46-06.00  
      45-00  44-07.50  46-00.75  44-10.75  45-10.50  46-06
  5 Devon Willis              11 Schalmont             46-02.25  
      46-02.25  46-00  43-02  45-08  45-08.25  45-03.75
  6 Thomas Johnson            12 White Plains          45-11.75  
      44-01  45-06.50  44-07.50  45-11.75  45-09.50  45-09
  7 Jahmal Burt               12 Amityville            45-00.00  
      43-01.75  43-00.75  45-00  FOUL  PASS  PASS
  8 Kamar Marston Mills       12 North Babylon         44-11.75  
      44-11.75  FOUL  42-04.50  PASS  FOUL  FOUL
  9 Dan Fehrman               12 Central Square        44-07.25  
      44-07.25  43-11.75  42-04.50         
 10 Casey Burley              11 Warwick Valley        44-06.75  
      44-01  FOUL  44-06.75           
 11 Kevin Chery               12 Connetquot            44-06.50  
      42-08  FOUL  44-06.50         
 12 Rubin Owens               11 LeRoy                 43-10.75  
      43-03.25  43-10.75  43-04.50  PASS  PASS  PASS
 13 John Enkler               12 O.L. of Lourdes       43-04.25  
      42-05.50  42-11  43-04.25         
 14 Chauncey Scissum          12 Rush-Henrietta        43-02.25  
      42-06.50  43-02.25  FOUL         
 15 Riley Synenki             11 West Canada           43-01.50  
      FOUL  42-03.75  43-01.50         
 16 Charles Lambert           10 Xavier                43-00.50  
      43-00.50  FOUL  41-05         
 17 Isaiah Turek              12 Ichabod Crane         42-11.75  
      FOUL  41-06.75  42-11.75         
 18 Matt Civilette            11 Fredonia              42-11.00  
      42-11  42-00  FOUL         
 19 Pascal Bastien            11 Baldwin               42-09.25  
      42-01.25  FOUL  42-09.25         
 20 Mustafaa Dais             11 Hackley               42-08.25  
      FOUL  42-08.25  42-07.75         
 21 Kadir Wisdom              12 St. Francis Prep      41-10.75  
      41-09.50  41-10.75  FOUL         
 22 Glenn Okobi               12 Uniondale             41-08.25  
      41-08.25  40-05  FOUL         
 23 Alex Reid                 12 Lockport              41-01.00  
      41-01  FOUL  PASS         
 24 Bill Adey                 12 W. Seneca West        40-09.75  
      40-09.75  40-02.50  FOUL         
 25 Darrius Bryant            12 Indian River          40-08.00  
      40-01  40-07.50  40-08         
 26 Sean Callahan             11 Windsor               40-07.25  
      39-08.50  39-06.75  40-07.25         
 27 Sean D Avilar             11 Thomas Jefferson      39-06.00  
      FOUL  39-06  39-05         
 28 Jarryn Granger            11 Ticonderoga           39-02.00  
      36-11.25  39-02  39-02         
 29 Jacob Sias                10 Ogdensburg            39-01.25  
      FOUL  36-03.25  39-01.25         
 30 Jonas Miller              12 Plattsburgh           36-11.75  
      FOUL  36-11.75  36-02.75         
 -- Mike Egotanda             11 Vestal                    FOUL  
      FOUL  PASS  PASS         
Boys Shot Put
State Record: # 64-11.50  3/6/2004    Derek McGuire, IHC (Watertown)           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Devon Patterson           11 Will. South           60-01.00  
      54-01.75  57-01  53-11.25  56-11.50  57-05.25  60-01
  2 Will Pope                 12 Iona Prep             55-01.75  
      51-07.75  52-09.75  53-08.50  53-04.75  55-01.75  51-01.75
  3 Brandon Sicurella         11 Lancaster             55-00.50  
      52-02.25  51-07.50  FOUL  52-07  55-00.50  53-01.25
  4 Luke Toscano              12 Kings Park            54-11.75  
      52-08.75  53-01.50  51-09.25  50-11.75  54-11.75  50-09
  5 Benjamin Bonhurst         11 Smithtown West        54-07.50  
      54-07.50  FOUL  52-07.50  FOUL  FOUL  FOUL
  6 Noah White                12 Jericho               53-06.50  
      53-06.50  FOUL  FOUL  50-00.50  FOUL  51-05.75
  7 Ryan Cribbin              12 Irondequoit           53-01.50  
      50-08.25  53-01.50  51-09.25  52-01.25  FOUL  50-08.50
  8 Ryan Griffin              12 Shaker                51-03.75  
      49-07.75  51-03.75  FOUL         
  9 Shaheem Lewis             12 Huntington            50-10.25  
      48-11.25  50-10.25  50-07.75         
 10 Brett Davies              12 Farmingdale           49-08.50  
      48-00.75  48-07.50  49-08.50         
 11 Tony DeYoung              11 Lancaster             49-07.00  
      FOUL  49-04.50  49-07           
 12 Aric Boyes                12 Tri-Valley            48-10.75  
      46-01  48-10.75  46-11.75         
 13 Corey Wilkinson           12 Westhill-Ludden       48-10.00  
      48-09  48-10  FOUL         
 14 Will McFee                12 Greenwich             48-02.25  
      48-02.25  47-06.25  47-09.50         
 15 Lesley Clervil            12 Thomas Jefferson      48-00.25  
      44-07  48-00.25  FOUL         
 16 Oghenakpob Efekoro        11 Forest Hills          47-02.00  
      43-00.50  FOUL  47-02         
 17 Geoffrey Bell             11 Liverpool             46-11.75  
      FOUL  45-03.50  46-11.75         
 18 Matthew Weissheier        12 Kellenberg            46-11.25  
      45-11.50  FOUL  46-11.25         
 19 Dameon Reeves             12 Batavia               46-09.00  
      46-09  45-10.25  46-04.75         
 20 David Zamora              12 Fox Lane              46-00.50  
      44-07.25  44-10.75  46-00.50           
 21 Eric Favors               10 North Rockland        45-04.25  
      FOUL  45-04.25  FOUL         
 22 Tim Wilson                12 Washingtonville       44-06.00  
      44-06  44-01.50  44-03.25         
 23 Alind Barany              12 Binghamton            43-11.00  
      42-11.50  42-08.50  43-11         
 24 Pedro Aparicio            11 BGA                   43-02.25  
      43-02.25  42-06.25  42-10.75         
 25 Cody Quantock             11 Seton Catholic        39-02.25  
      38-02.75  38-05.50  39-02.25         
 26 Evan Bresette             12 Seton Catholic        39-00.50  
      39-00.50  38-07.75  37-10.50         
 27 Kaden Black               12 Indian River          35-03.75  
      32-10  35-03.75  33-04.50         
 28 Brandon Bliss             10 Indian River          30-04.75  
      FOUL  FOUL  30-04.75    


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