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Boys cross country
2007 NYSPHSAA championships

At Norwood-Norfolk

Class AA

Place      School                  Score
1     Warwick                     41
2     Shenendehowa                61
3     Smithtown                  116
4     Ithaca                     130
5     Liverpool                  134
6     Arlington                  139
7     Penfield                   147
8     Clarence                   184
9     Port Washington            239

ind team sec number    name                   school
1       1  585  Pat DuPont-12             Fairport                 15:35.3
2   1   2 1101  Giovanni Signoretti-12    Smithtown                15:51.8
3       3  180  Julian Sheinbaum-121      Scarsdale                15:53.2
4   2   4  943  Alex Leuchanka-11         Warwick                  15:57.8
5       5  680  Drew Perilli-10           Lockport                 16:00.6
6   3   6  301  Ethan Hickey-12           Liverpool                16:03.6
7       7  276  R.J.Sniffen-12            Shaker                   16:04.6
8       8 1186  Barry Franklin-12         Longwood                 16:04.8
9       9  275  Dimitri Goutos-11         Saratoga                 16:05.0
10      10  872  David Frankel-12         Syosset                  16:06.0
11   4  11  515  Tyler Stachecki-12       Penfield                 16:06.7
12      12  277  Craig Weiss-11           Shaker                   16:09.9
13      13  874  Kevon Carter-12          Valley Stream Central    16:15.9
14      14 1189  Colin Anderson-11        Northport                16:16.9
15   5  15  945  Mike Fox-12              Warwick                  16:17.7
16      16  490  Vasili Papastrat-11      Binghamton               16:18.5
17      17  278  Chris Manico-12          Shaker                   16:20.6
18      18  588  Alex Brimstein-11        Webster Thomas           16:20.9
19   6  19  219  Dan Harris-10            Shenendehowa             16:21.4
20   7  20  215  Jamie Glover-11          Shenendehowa             16:23.6
21   8  21  408  Andris Goncarovs-10      Ithaca                   16:24.1
22      22 1185  Jonathan Cuomo-12        William Floyd            16:25.3
23   9  23  948  Greg Miniger-12          Warwick                  16:25.6
24  10  24  949  Ryan Florkewicz-12       Warwick                  16:25.8
25      25  586  Jordan Roose-11          Brockport                16:26.2
26      26  184  Mark Castelli-12         Carmel                   16:26.4
27      27  399  Alex Hatz-10             Fayetteville-Manlius     16:27.1
28  11  28  302  Bryan Picciotto-12       Liverpool                16:27.4
29  12  29 1102  Brendan Connell-11       Smithtown                16:27.8
30  13  30  839  Marco Bertolotti-10      Port Washington          16:28.3
31  14  31  216  Mike Danaher-11          Shenendehowa             16:29.0
32      32  279  Roland Graves-12         Guilderland              16:29.2
33      33  181  David Carlin-12          Scarsdale                16:29.7
34      34  995  Steven Challacombe-11    Newburg Free Academy     16:30.0
35  15  35  944  Brad Ackerman-12         Warwick                  16:30.3
36  16  36  217  John McDonald-12         Shenendehowa             16:30.7
37  17  37  622  John Inzina-12           Clarence                 16:31.7
38  18  38  218  Brian Trainor-11         Shenendehowa             16:32.0
39  19  39  109  Jared Leslie-11          Arlington                16:35.4
40  20  40  110  John Muller-11           Arlington                16:36.2
41      41  997  Ian Donnelly-12          Washingtonville          16:36.9
42  21  42  410  Paul Kintner-12          Ithaca                   16:37.2
43  22  43  111  Dan Kane-12              Arlington                16:37.8
44  23  44  220  Alex Belensz-12          Shenendehowa             16:38.7
45  24  45  517  Brett Crandell-12        Penfield                 16:38.9
46      46  183  Andrew Gelston-12        White Plains             16:39.7
47      47  395  Steve Houghmaster-10     West Genesee             16:40.5
48      48  870  Brandon Abasolo-11       Long Beach               16:41.1
49  25  49  947  Tim Luthin-9             Warwick                  16:41.3
50      50  871  Mike Yang-11             Oceanside                16:41.6
51      51  396  Scott Garrett-12         Auburn                   16:42.1
52      52 1188  Evan Bloomberg-11        Northport                16:44.1
53      53  397  Cory Greczyn-12          Baldwinsville            16:45.3
54      54  398  Andrew Sargrad-12        Fayetteville-Manlius     16:46.9
55  26  55  221  Brent Pavlich-11         Shenendehowa             16:47.6
56      56  182  Nick Hughes-10           North Rockland           16:50.1
57  27  57  946  Danny Prial-12           Warwick                  16:51.6
58  28  58  303  Colin Savage-10          Liverpool                16:51.9
59  29  59 1105  Brendan Ward-12          Smithtown                16:53.9
60  30  60  108  Adam Doherty-11          Arlington                16:54.6
61      61  873  Josh Tumen-12            Syosset                  16:55.5
62      62  589  Mike Mattiucci-11        Webster Thomas           16:55.8
63  31  63  516  Greg Redfield-11         Penfield                 16:56.7
64  32  64  412  Aaron Kaufman-12         Ithaca                   16:56.9
65  33  65  518  Mike Cauwels-11          Penfield                 16:58.8
66  34  66  409  Dan Craighead-12         Ithaca                   16:59.1
67      67  998  James Carroll-12         Washingtonville          16:59.3
68  35  68  411  Sharif Younes-11         Ithaca                   16:59.7
69  36  69 1103  August Oetting-12        Smithtown                16:59.9
70  37  70  414  Dylan Marcus-11          Ithaca                   17:02.1
71      71  491  Anthony Gastani-11       Binghamton               17:02.4
72      72  494  Jarred Cornfield-10      Corning                  17:05.7
73  38  73 1104  Nick Roetgen-12          Smithtown                17:06.1
74  39  74 1106  Mott Knott-11            Smithtown                17:06.3
75      75  587  Matt Cain-12             Brockport                17:07.5
76  40  76  623  Casey Perdziak-12        Clarence                 17:09.1
77      77  999  Martin Hehir-9           Washingtonville          17:10.7
78  41  78  628  Peter Grupp-12           Clarence                 17:11.3
79      79  996  Greg Laraia-12           Newburg Free Academy     17:11.9
80  42  80  625  Forest Rung-12           Clarence                 17:13.6
81  43  81 1107  Tom Daly-12              Smithtown                17:14.4
82  44  82  626  Geraint Davies-12        Clarence                 17:15.8
83  45  83  307  Andrew O'Leary           Liverpool                17:16.9
84  46  84  624  Tally Berberich-12       Clarence                 17:18.3
85  47  85  306  Chris Clemons-10         Liverpool                17:20.1
86  48  86  113  Alec Wise-11             Arlington                17:20.6
87  49  87  305  Dan Szilagyi-12          Liverpool                17:22.1
88  50  88  627  Taylor Yerrick-10        Clarence                 17:23.0
89      89  682  Dan Heberle-12           Niagara Wheatfield       17:24.1
90  51  90  840  Noah Bondy-11            Port Washington          17:24.8
91  52  91  304  Tommy Piraino-12         Liverpool                17:28.8
92  53  92  413  Will Troy-11             Ithaca                   17:30.8
93  54  93  841  Renan DelValle-12        Port Washington          17:32.0
94  55  94  519  Mike Bradley-112         Penfield                 17:32.8
95  56  95  112  Zak Fitzsimmons-12       Arlington                17:33.7
96      96  492  Paul Jensen-11           Binghamton               17:34.8
97      97 1187  Brian Townsend-12        Ward Melville            17:38.2
98      98  493  Cedric Forbes-10         Corning                  17:39.4
99      99  683  Lee Swaydis-10           Frontier                 17:41.0
100  57 100  520  Joe Mozingo-11          Penfield                 17:49.6
101  58 101  114  John Thomas Boyle-9     Arlington                17:54.9
102  59 102  521  Jamie Hospers-10        Penfield                 17:57.9
103     103  681  Savantuay Boyette-10    Jamestown                18:02.0
104     104  684  Mike Thielman-11        Williamsville North      18:14.0
105  60 105  838  Jeffrey D'elia-11       Port Washington          18:19.3
106  61 106  837  Jacob Levine-10         Port Washington          18:27.3
107  62 107  836  Eric Ruvio-12           Port Washington          18:28.8
108  63 108  842  Robbie Rubinstein-12    Port Washington          18:36.0

Class AA 

Place      School                  Score
1     Queensbury                  34
2     Pittsford Mendon            73
3     Wantagh                    101
4     Cornwall                   106
5     Somers                     129
6     Hauppague                  147
7     East Syracuse-Minoa        158
8     Union Endicott             203
9     Hamburg                    228

ind team sec number    name                   school
1       1 1180  Kyle Merber-12            Half Hollow Hills West   15:45.1
2       2  990  Brendan Devine-12         Monticello               15:52.9
3       3  580  Zach Rivers-12            Victor                   15:57.9
4   1   4  222  Matt Flint-12             Queensbury               16:00.6
5   2   5  308  Jeff Sweeney-12           East Syracuse-Minoa      16:01.5
6       6  898  Brian Riley-12            South Side               16:07.0
7   3   7  951  Ian Clerkin-12            Cornwall                 16:19.1
8   4   8  848  Quimes Delacruz-11        Wantagh                  16:23.7
9   5   9  223  Sheldon Reeves-11         Queensbury               16:28.3
10      10  582  Paul Phelan-12           Pittsford Sutherland     16:29.1
11   6  11  522  Tucker Likly-11          Pittsford Mendon         16:30.2
12      12  676  Zachary Ball-12          Kenmore East             16:30.6
13      13  581  Mike Kurvach-12          Victor                   16:31.1
14   7  14  224  Brian Gallagher-12       Queensbury               16:31.7
15   8  15  309  Nick Sadlocha-11         East Syracuse-Minoa      16:32.9
16      16  675  Evan Tsembelis-11        Grand Island             16:34.8
17      17  897  Tom Lipari-12            Roslyn                   16:35.2
18   9  18 1108  Dylan Conway-12          Hauppague                16:36.5
19      19  270  Otis Ubriago-9           Burnt Hills-Ballston Lk  16:40.8
20      20  583  Scott Longwell-12        Pittsford Sutherland     16:42.4
21  10  21  225  Gabe Campbell-12         Queensbury               16:43.2
22  11  22  226  Alex Benway-12           Queensbury               16:44.1
23      23 1181  Will Kearns-12           Westhampton Beach        16:44.6
24      24  390  Evan Oustrich-11         Mexico                   16:45.3
25      25  176  Chris Mezias-12          Horace Greeley           16:45.9
26  12  26  523  Adam VanVleck-10         Pittsford Mendon         16:46.2
27      27  271  Sean Pezzulo-10          Burnt Hills-Ballston Lk  16:46.6
28  13  28  950  Colin Anderson-12        Cornwall                 16:47.0
29      29  679  Ryan Wentz-12            Starpoint                16:51.2
30      30  584  Nate Wallenhorst-11      Greece Athena            16:53.8
31      31 1182  Joe McNulty-10           Sayville                 16:55.1
32      32  178  Brandon Freyer-10        Brewster                 16:56.5
33  14  33  524  Bobby Hallock-12         Pittsford Mendon         16:58.7
34      34 1183  Colin Culhane-12         Sayville                 16:59.2
35  15  35  228  Kevin Sprague-11         Queensbury               16:59.6
36  16  36  843  Andrew Coelho-11         Wantagh                  17:00.6
37      37  485  Nathaniel Jacobson-11    Elmira Free Academy      17:01.0
38      38  488  Joe Savino-11            Horseheads               17:01.3
39      39  393  Dave Rugari-12           Whitesboro               17:02.2
40  17  40  227  Sean Barber-12           Queensbury               17:06.3
41      41  677  Timothy Mativier-12      Kenmore East             17:08.0
42  18  42  952  Tim Anzovino-12          Cornwall                 17:09.0
43  19  43  525  Jason Skipper-11         Pittsford Mendon         17:09.3
44  20  44  117  Todd Apgar-12            Somers                   17:09.6
45  21  45  849  Tom Clark-11             Wantagh                  17:11.3
46      46  175  John Vallo-12            Beacon                   17:12.8
47      47  391  Daniel Frank-9           Jamesville-DeWitt        17:13.3
48      48  274  Conor Dowd-12            Averill Park             17:13.7
49      49  993  Matt Dunham-12           Saugerties               17:16.3
50      50  272  Kent Harlow-11           Burnt Hills-Ballston Lk  17:16.7
51      51  392  Nick Lynch-11            Watertown                17:17.0
52      52  678  David Szykowiak-12       Amherst                  17:18.9
53      53  992  Michael Corrado-11       Wallkill                 17:19.2
54      54  991  David Wilbur-10          Monticello               17:19.6
55      55  899  David Coletta-11         South Side               17:20.0
56  22  56  526  Bryan Dooley-12          Pittsford Mendon         17:20.7
57  23  57 1109  Kevin Ansel-11           Hauppague                17:21.4
58      58  179  Adel Reddad-12           Brewster                 17:24.0
59      59  896  Russell Larson-12        Lynbrook                 17:24.8
60  24  60  415  Dan Bertoni-11           Union Endicott           17:25.7
61      61  273  Scott Maughan-10         Burnt Hills-Ballston Lk  17:26.1
62      62  489  Nick Madison-11          Oneonta                  17:27.7
63  25  63  115  John Turro-12            Somers                   17:29.2
64  26  64  846  Luke Milano-11           Wantagh                  17:30.5
65  27  65  118  Vinny Cascio-12          Somers                   17:31.0
66      66 1184  Matt Smith-12            Bellport                 17:31.4
67  28  67  121  Patrick Hashmall-11      Somers                   17:33.1
68  29  68  120  Doug Milde-12            Somers                   17:33.7
69      69  177  Cord Sgaglio-10          Fox Lane                 17:36.0
70      70  487  Ben Snoggrass-10         Vestal                   17:38.1
71  30  71 1111  Mark Appeldorf-12        Hauppague                17:41.9
72  31  72  416  Sam Vankuren-12          Union Endicott           17:43.3
73      73  394  Garrett Parker-12        Whitesboro               17:44.7
74  32  74  119  Robert Gorecki-10        Somers                   17:46.4
75  33  75 1110  Casy Cardillo-11         Hauppague                17:47.5
76      76  895  Ryan Cassidy-12          Calhoun                  17:58.2
77  34  77  844  Chris Lewis-11           Wantagh                  17:59.5
78  35  78  953  Kris Kolewe-12           Cornwall                 18:00.6
79  36  79  116  Pat Portells-12          Somers                   18:01.9
80  37  80  955  Steve Fowler-9           Cornwall                 18:02.3
81  38  81  633  Zach Combs-10            Hamburg                  18:02.7
82  39  82  845  John Greisheimer-11      Wantagh                  18:05.3
83  40  83  630  Kyle Folaran-12          Hamburg                  18:05.7
84  41  84  847  Nick Fillipazzo-10       Wantagh                  18:06.1
85  42  85  956  Adam Freeman-11          Cornwall                 18:06.8
86  43  86  632  Ryan Hagelin-11          Hamburg                  18:08.5
87  44  87  311  Nate Lapierre-11         East Syracuse-Minoa      18:09.0
88  45  88  420  Ryan Crist-10            Union Endicott           18:09.7
89      89  486  David Dier-12            Elmira Southside         18:11.3
90  46  90  631  Jamie Rindfuss-11        Hamburg                  18:12.2
91  47  91  417  Andy Mencel-12           Union Endicott           18:14.5
92      92  994  Alex Gardner-12          Port Jervis              18:15.6
93  48  93  528  John Schoeniger-12       Pittsford Mendon         18:17.1
94  49  94  527  Tim Moulton-11           Pittsford Mendon         18:20.5
95  50  95  313  Pete Ferstler-10         East Syracuse-Minoa      18:21.2
96  51  96  954  Kyle Buser-12            Cornwall                 18:25.4
97  52  97 1113  Alex Goldman-12          Hauppague                18:26.0
98  53  98 1112  Tyler Chin-10            Hauppague                18:26.9
99         1001* Tyler Hayes-11           Massena                  18:33.1
100  54  99  314  Craig Andrianos-11       East Syracuse-Minoa      18:33.6
101  55 100 1114  Joe Ekstrom-12           Hauppague                18:34.0
102  56 101  421  Kyle Gilyard-10          Union Endicott           18:38.5
103  57 102  310  Matt Lyons-10            East Syracuse-Minoa      18:45.1
104  58 103  312  Andrew Frost-9           East Syracuse-Minoa      18:47.2
105  59 104  418  Jeremy Anderson-9        Union Endicott           18:47.8
106  60 105  419  Josh Chilson-10          Union Endicott           18:56.0
107  61 106  634  Will Cole-11             Hamburg                  19:52.5
108  62 107  635  John Cuddihy-11          Hamburg                  20:17.0
DNF         1007* Colin Bronchetti-9       Massena
DNF         1006* Spencer Tubbs-11         Massena
DNF         1005* Schyler Oakes-9          Massena
DNF         1004* Robert Rochefort-10      Massena
DNF         1003* Danny Matthews-10        Massena
DNF         1002* Mike Deshais-11          Massena
DNF          629  Joe Whalen-11            Hamburg

Class B

Place      School                  Score
1     Shoreham-Wading River       55
2     East Aurora                 76
3     Honeoye Falls-Lima          86
4     Red Hook                   105
5     Pearl River                141
6     Westhill                   152
7     Ichabod Crane              171
8     Valley Stream North        188
9     Windsor                    195
10    Plattsburgh                210
11    Ogdenburg Free             340

ind team sec number    name                   school
1   1   1  536  Alex Deir-10              Honeoye Falls-Lima       16:05.5
2       2  380  Chris Stogsdill-11        Marcellus                16:06.2
3   2   3  643  Scott Anderson-11         East Aurora              16:13.5
4   3   4  322  Andrew Corcoran-12        Westhill                 16:21.3
5   4   5  129  Michael Hickey-11         Pearl River              16:25.2
6   5   6 1122  Bobby Andrews-11          Shoreham-Wading River    16:26.0
7       7  476  Max Straneva-10           Chenango Valley          16:27.9
8       8  475  Jeff Martinez-11          Johnson City             16:30.7
9       9  888  Willie Schefer-12         North Shore              16:31.1
10      10  478  Jeff Smith-12            Owego                    16:31.5
11      11  382  Nick Barletta-10         Bishop Grimes-Ludden     16:31.8
12      12  695  Nick Pardee-12           Newfane                  16:34.6
13      13  572  Dan Sirianni-12          Aquinas                  16:36.8
14      14  290  Jonathan Aziz-11         Notre Dame-Bish. Gibbons 16:38.1
15   6  15  644  Lyle O'Brien-11          East Aurora              16:38.8
16      16  196  Ben Steinberg-12         Edgemont                 16:40.0
17      17  980  Nick Mancuso-12          New Paltz                16:41.4
18   7  18  537  Stave Mangan-10          Honeoye Falls-Lima       16:44.1
19      19  381  Sean Curry-11            Bishop Grimes-Ludden     16:44.3
20      20  573  Jordan Merritt-11        Penn Yan                 16:46.5
21      21  383  Ryan Millar-11           New Hartford             16:48.3
22      22  195  Jonathan Zupan-12        Putnam Valley            16:49.4
23      23  697  Matt Metzger-12          Fredonia                 16:49.6
24   8  24 1123  Kyle Wightman-11         Shoreham-Wading River    16:49.9
25      25  384  Ryan Sanders-12          South Jefferson          16:55.2
26      26 1075  Matt Pierce-10           Canton                   16:56.4
27      27  571  Brandon Cowles-10        Newark                   16:57.0
28   9  28  538  Ethan Wickus-11          Honeoye Falls-Lima       16:58.5
29  10  29  909  Klaus Schmidt-11         Red Hook                 17:00.2
30  11  30 1124  Brian Nill-11            Shoreham-Wading River    17:01.0
31  12  31 1127  Chris Pohlot-9           Shoreham-Wading River    17:04.0
32      32  479  John Campbell-11         Owego                    17:06.0
33      33  574  Aaron Hoven-11           Midlakes                 17:06.8
34  13  34  323  Eric Moore-12            Westhill                 17:07.8
35  14  35  130  Danny McKallen-12        Pearl River              17:08.1
36      36  197  Max Robinson-10          Rye                      17:08.5
37  15  37  908  Ian Ellis Jones-12       Red Hook                 17:11.2
38      38  570  Seth LaTray-12           Newark                   17:11.4
39      39  291  Zach Williams-12         Cobbleskill-Rich'ville   17:13.1
40      40  886  Joseph Nassirian-10      Manhasset                17:14.1
41  16  41  645  Alex Weberg-9            East Aurora              17:16.0
42  17  42  236  Kalib Failing-11         Ichabod Crane            17:17.1
43  18  43  750  Brian Ellsworth-12       Plattsburgh              17:17.4
44      44  698  Wesley Buehler-12        Fredonia                 17:17.8
45      45  294  Alney Tobias-10          Lansingburgh             17:18.6
46      46 1170  Jonathan Hoeg-11         Mt. Sinai                17:19.1
47  19  47 1126  James Gladusz-11         Shoreham-Wading River    17:19.3
48  20  48  429  David Bates-10           Windsor                  17:19.5
49  21  49 1128  Sean Norberg-12          Shoreham-Wading River    17:21.8
50  22  50  646  Tom Neu-10               East Aurora              17:22.5
51      51  696  Travis Klossner-12       Albion                   17:23.0
52  23  52  807  Steven Carey-12          Valley Stream North      17:23.4
53      53  477  Brian Cashman-10         Chenango Valley          17:24.5
54      54  889  Joseph Lasher-10         Seaford                  17:24.7
55      55 1172  Eric Haun-12             Baypoprt-Blue Point      17:25.0
56  24  56  751  David Ellsworth-12       Plattsburgh              17:25.3
57  25  57  912  Andrew Dwyer-10          Red Hook                 17:28.1
58  26  58 1125  Sam Vermeuille-12        Shoreham-Wading River    17:28.6
59  27  59  910  Jonathan Byrne-11        Red Hook                 17:33.1
60      60  292  Andrew Goodspeed-11      Broadalbin-Perth         17:34.9
61  28  61  911  Spencer Dalzell-10       Red Hook                 17:35.2
62  29  62  802  Carlo Balbo-12           Valley Stream North      17:37.3
63      63  293  Brian Kelly-12           Hudson Falls             17:37.6
64  30  64  647  Brad Whitney-11          East Aurora              17:38.1
65      65  982  Jeffrey Pennings-11      Goshen                   17:39.0
66  31  66  238  Sean Shattenkirk-11      Ichabod Crane            17:39.5
67  32  67  803  David Monteiro-12        Valley Stream North      17:40.3
68  33  68  237  Cody Price-9             Ichabod Crane            17:40.6
69      69 1173  Kevin Snyder-12          Baypoprt-Blue Point      17:41.3
70  34  70  540  Chris Baldwin-11         Honeoye Falls-Lima       17:41.8
71  35  71  539  Tom Ramsdell-9           Honeoye Falls-Lima       17:42.4
72  36  72  131  Chris Siciliano-12       Pearl River              17:42.7
73  37  73  432  Eric Fox-9               Windsor                  17:43.3
74  38  74  541  Kevin Hoose-9            Honeoye Falls-Lima       17:44.1
75  39  75  752  Matt Holden-12           Plattsburgh              17:45.7
76  40  76  241  Robert Morris-11         Ichabod Crane            17:46.3
77      77  199  Joe Violone-10           Byram Hills              17:47.7
78      78  790  Brendan Courneene-10     Beekmantown              17:48.8
79  41  79  430  Mike Buchanan-10         Windsor                  17:49.3
80      80  983  Zach Grieb-11            Goshen                   17:49.9
81  42  81  133  Nick LoRe-12             Pearl River              17:50.4
82  43  82  326  Vinny Savastano-11       Westhill                 17:51.3
83  44  83  324  Kevin Zych-10            Westhill                 17:51.7
84      84  699  Nick Orlowski-9          Alden                    17:52.9
85  45  85  132  Ryan McKallen-10         Pearl River              17:53.7
86      86  198  Nick Lopilato-12         J.F. Kennedy Catholic    17:56.5
87  46  87  434  Thomas Rupp-11           Windsor                  17:56.7
88      88  885  David Knowles-11         Manhasset                17:57.6
89      89  984  Cory Alvarado-11         Onteora                  17:59.3
90      90 1076  Myles Schank-11          Franklin Academy         17:59.6
91  47  91  801  Anthony Russello-10      Valley Stream North      18:03.3
92      92 1077  Joel Landry-11           Franklin Academy         18:04.0
93  48  93  542  Nico Grecco-11           Honeoye Falls-Lima       18:08.0
94  49  94  325  Adam Nicolais-11         Westhill                 18:10.0
95  50  95  240  Aaron George-11          Ichabod Crane            18:10.9
96  51  96  431  Corey Mix-11             Windsor                  18:11.6
97      97 1171  Sean Peterson-12         Mt. Sinai                18:13.0
98      98 1174  Justin Bridges-11        John Glenn               18:15.1
99      99  887  Jake Tobol-12            North Shore              18:16.7
100  52 100  433  Eric McMahon-9           Windsor                  18:17.0
101  53 101  648  Kevin O'Connor-9         East Aurora              18:17.2
102  54 102  135  James Kavanagh-12        Pearl River              18:17.7
103     103  791  Judd Collier-9           Beekmantown              18:18.0
104  55 104  239  Ryan Gildersleeve-11     Ichabod Crane            18:19.7
105  56 105  913  Adam Snyder-10           Red Hook                 18:22.8
106     106  981  Brian Busby-9            New Paltz                18:24.7
107  57 107  805  Joe Paraszczuk-12        Valley Stream North      18:25.2
108  58 108  327  Josh Strough-12          Westhill                 18:27.2
109  59 109  242  Kenneth Noll-12          Ichabod Crane            18:33.6
110  60 110  435  Brian Svoboda-9          Windsor                  18:36.5
111  61 111  649  Matt Malican-11          East Aurora              18:41.3
112     112  793  John Coupal-12           Northeastern Clinton     18:47.6
113     113  794  Josh Mesec-12            Northeastern Clinton     18:49.9
114  62 114  753  Nathan Caudill-11        Plattsburgh              18:52.4
115     115  792  Doug Osbourne-10         Peru                     18:57.1
116  63 116  806  Michael Rossi-11         Valley Stream North      19:02.7
117  64 117 1017  Mike Rolfe-11            Ogdenburg Free           19:05.3
118  65 118 1016  Troy Cunningham-12       Ogdenburg Free           19:18.4
119  66 119 1015  Travis Corkins-11        Ogdenburg Free           19:24.3
120  67 120  754  Jeff Donlan-10           Plattsburgh              19:26.3
121  68 121  804  Jaime Toro-11            Valley Stream North      19:27.5
122  69 122  328  Dave Krawczyk-12         Westhill                 19:28.3
123     123 1078  Teddy Parsons-12         Gouverneur               19:31.1
124  70 124 1018  Reggie Pierce-10         Ogdenburg Free           19:36.9
125  71 125  914  Cory O'Farrell-10        Red Hook                 19:39.3
126  72 126  755  Jessie Toohill-12        Plattsburgh              19:43.0
127  73 127  756  Sam Beguin-11            Plattsburgh              19:48.3
128  74 128  134  Pat Kohlbrenner-10       Pearl River              19:55.1
129     129 1079  Jon Bigness-10           Salmon River             19:55.9
130  75 130 1021  Matt Bell-11             Ogdenburg Free           20:29.5
131  76 131 1019  Matt Rose-12             Ogdenburg Free           20:33.5
132  77 132 1020  Colby Hurteau-10         Ogdenburg Free           20:33.7

Class C

Place      School                  Score
1     Newark Valley               37
2     Tully                       42
3     Voorheesville              119
4     Wilson                     141
5     Irvington                  156
6     Rhinebeck                  164
7     Port Jefferson             189
8     Norwood-Norfolk            194
9     Oyster Bay                 210
10     Bath-Haverling            221
11     Saranac Lake              265

ind team sec number    name                   school
1       1  190  Colby DelBene-12          Pawling                  15:54.8
2   1   2  436  Jamie Vavra-12            Newark Valley            16:01.5
3   2   3  329  Chris Burke-12            Tully                    16:06.6
4       4  595  Stephen Hine-12           Dansville                16:21.6
5       5  375  Robbie Argentine-11       Canastota                16:28.9
6   3   6  437  Joe Blazey-11             Newark Valley            16:32.4
7       7  975  Colin Seidl-11            Sullivan West            16:35.6
8       8  377  Jack Kelley-12            C.B.A. - Syracuse        16:40.8
9       9  286  Ethan Clary-12            Schuylerville            16:41.7
10      10  690  Jason Zayac-12           Royalton-Hartland        16:44.1
11   4  11  330  Ethan Lennox-12          Tully                    16:47.2
12   5  12 1022  Jon Eng-10               Norwood-Norfolk          16:48.1
13      13  376  Aaron Walker-10          Canastota                16:49.5
14   6  14  650  Donald Truesdall-12      Wilson                   16:51.6
15   7  15  438  Marten Peterson-12       Newark Valley            16:53.6
16   8  16  441  Chris Birch-11           Newark Valley            16:55.1
17   9  17  332  Ohure Sam-10             Tully                    16:57.8
18  10  18  243  Macky Lloyd-12           Voorheesville            16:58.3
19  11  19  331  Nate Weber-11            Tully                    17:00.3
20  12  20  651  Tony Kaminski-12         Wilson                   17:04.3
21  13  21  137  Julian Saliani-10        Irvington                17:04.8
22      22  378  Jeff Donohue-12          Jordan-Elbridge          17:05.3
23      23  285  Austin Lane-8            Greenwich                17:07.7
24      24  977  Paul Lagno-12            Millbrook                17:08.0
25      25  692  Davidlee Klimchuk-12     Akron                    17:08.2
26  14  26  136  Ian Mathews-11           Irvington                17:09.3
27  15  27  810  Joseph Jazwinski-11      Oyster Bay               17:10.5
28      28  288  Willie Underwood-9       Lake George              17:10.7
29      29  287  Steven Petremale-10      Lake George              17:11.4
30  16  30  333  Marc Stachowski-12       Tully                    17:12.9
31      31  693  Clifford Nielson-10      Gowanda                  17:13.1
32  17  32  543  Derek Snyder-12          Bath-Haverling           17:15.7
33  18  33  440  Jesse Payne-11           Newark Valley            17:18.1
34  19  34  652  Kevin Hanes-9            Wilson                   17:18.4
35      35  599  Jake Krautwurst-11       LeRoy                    17:19.6
36      36  192  Patrick Wortner-10       Dobbs Ferry              17:20.2
37  20  37  244  Conor Cashin-10          Voorheesville            17:21.6
38  21  38  334  Greg Hortnett-12         Tully                    17:23.1
39      39  598  Collin Bartholemew-11    Pembroke                 17:25.6
40  22  40  439  Karl Peterson-12         Newark Valley            17:26.8
41      41  379  Cody Stanton-10          Jordan-Elbridge          17:30.5
42  23  42 1130  Phillip Ross-12          Port Jefferson           17:34.8
43  24  43  245  Ian Powell-11            Voorheesville            17:35.0
44      44  596  Andrew Gotham-12         Honeoye                  17:35.7
45  25  45  915  Zak Wills-10             Rhinebeck                17:36.2
46  26  46  917  Dylan Nowik-10           Rhinebeck                17:37.3
47      47  694  Josh Larsen-12           Falconer                 17:38.8
48      48  194  Ben Levitz-12            Bronxville               17:40.3
49  27  49  335  Nick Davis-12            Tully                    17:41.5
50      50  289  Dave Haverly-11          Berne-Knox-Westerlo      17:42.5
51  28  51  544  Darren Snyder-12         Bath-Haverling           17:43.6
52      52  882  Michael Fuller-12        East Rockaway            17:44.2
53  29  53  701  Aidan Bickford-12        Saranac Lake             17:45.4
54  30  54 1024  Graham Stone-10          Norwood-Norfolk          17:46.6
55      55  193  Jack Hutton-11           Bronxville               17:47.5
56  31  56  248  Nathan Bub-11            Voorheesville            17:48.2
57  32  57  916  Tim Simon-12             Rhinebeck                17:51.2
58  33  58  442  CJ Morgan-11             Newark Valley            17:52.7
59      59  597  Zach Havelin-12          Mynderse                 17:55.3
60  34  60  246  Tommy Pasquali-12        Voorheesville            17:55.8
61      61  191  Jon Nash-12              Pawling                  17:56.2
62  35  62 1129  Christopher Costanzo-12  Port Jefferson           17:56.6
63      63  470  Leon Nevins-11           Walton-Downsville        17:59.7
64  36  64 1132  Kevin Sullivan-10        Port Jefferson           18:00.0
65  37  65  812  Justin Nakrin-11         Oyster Bay               18:00.2
66      66  884  Eric Castillo-11         Friends Academy          18:00.4
67  38  67  247  Taylor Treadgold-10      Voorheesville            18:01.6
68      68  881  Kyle Dunning-12          East Rockaway            18:03.9
69  39  69  138  Steve Talay-12           Irvington                18:04.2
70      70 1196  James Fuchs-12           Hampton Bays             18:04.4
71      71  472  Will Mullen-10           Waverly                  18:06.3
72      72 1070  Alex Brehm-12            Potsdam                  18:10.2
73      73  474  Josh Barber-10           Lansing                  18:11.3
74  40  74  918  Olaf Lang-11             Rhinebeck                18:11.6
75  41  75  919  Alirio Gonzalez-10       Rhinebeck                18:11.8
76      76  691  Mark Kern-12             Royalton-Hartland        18:13.3
77  42  77 1023  Austin Dufresne-12       Norwood-Norfolk          18:14.6
78      78  978  Nicholas Denman-12       Tri Valley               18:16.1
79      79 1071  George Morris-10         Potsdam                  18:18.0
80  43  80  809  Chris Poelker-12         Oyster Bay               18:18.7
81  44  81  139  Matt Menard-11           Irvington                18:19.6
82      82  473  Chris McCarty-10         Waverly                  18:19.8
83  45  83 1133  Nicholas Vernola-11      Port Jefferson           18:20.3
84      84  976  Matthew Layman-12        Sullivan West            18:21.4
85  46  85  142  Michael Kennelly-10      Irvington                18:21.6
86  47  86  140  John Lindberg-12         Irvington                18:21.8
87  48  87  808  Brian Dillman-10         Oyster Bay               18:22.8
88  49  88  545  Garrison Koehler-10      Bath-Haverling           18:24.5
89      89  471  Cody Scott-9             Trumansburg              18:27.3
90      90 1072  Cory Hosken-11           Potsdam                  18:28.3
91      91  883  Ben Curran-11            Friends Academy          18:29.0
92      92 1195  Rob Giunta-12            Hampton Bays             18:32.4
93      93  880  Brendon Reardon-12       Carle Place              18:33.2
94  50  94 1131  Matthew Kahn-12          Port Jefferson           18:34.2
95  51  95  654  Mike Reubens-8           Wilson                   18:34.7
96  52  96  141  Sam Lindberg-10          Irvington                18:39.9
97  53  97  653  Shayne Diez-12           Wilson                   18:43.2
98      98 1199  Eddie McIntyre-12        Mattituck                18:43.4
99      99 1198  Nick Triosi-10           Mattituck                18:43.7
100     100 1197  Luke Merz-10             Babylon                  18:45.6
101  54 101  249  Tucker Bourque-10        Voorheesville            18:47.0
102  55 102  702  Greg Bowler-11           Saranac Lake             18:48.2
103  56 103  703  Jordan Bryant-12         Saranac Lake             19:00.1
104     104  979  Thomas Riordan-11        Tri Valley               19:00.5
105  57 105  920  Damian Lavender-9        Rhinebeck                19:02.2
106  58 106 1025  Josh Eng                 Norwood-Norfolk          19:16.8
107  59 107 1027  Justin Woodward-12       Norwood-Norfolk          19:23.3
108  60 108 1134  Kyle Hirasaka-11         Port Jefferson           19:23.9
109  61 109  546  Sean Ainsworth-10        Bath-Haverling           19:25.1
110  62 110  704  Sam Racette-12           Saranac Lake             19:25.7
111  63 111  706  Alex Beideck-11          Saranac Lake             19:26.6
112  64 112  705  Eamon Kemp-11            Saranac Lake             19:31.0
113     113  785  Nate Muzzy               AuSable Valley           19:31.9
114  65 114 1028  Ryan Fisher-9            Norwood-Norfolk          19:39.3
115  66 115  547  Sam Armstrong-10         Bath-Haverling           19:45.2
116  67 116  813  Chris Tzanavaras-12      Oyster Bay               19:45.4
117  68 117  656  Matt Matson-12           Wilson                   19:45.6
118  69 118  811  Joseph LaCorte-9         Oyster Bay               19:56.4
119     119  787  Kurt Whitford            AuSable Valley           19:58.1
120  70 120  655  Ben Truesdall-10         Wilson                   20:00.6
121  71 121 1026  Dylan Spicer-11          Norwood-Norfolk          20:01.2
122     122  786  Kory Devins              AuSable Valley           20:05.9
123  72 123  921  Ethan Romano-10          Rhinebeck                20:08.1
124  73 124  548  Steve Stromsness-11      Bath-Haverling           20:12.6
125     125  789  Brian Wolff-11           Saranac Lake H.S.        20:16.8
126     126 1073  Will Yellott-10          Potsdam HS               20:35.5
127     127 1074  Joey Skufka              Potsdam HS               20:41.5
128     128  788  Zach Young-12            Saranac Lake H.S.        20:55.5
129  74 129  707  Erik Young-10            Saranac Lake             21:38.9
130  75 130 1135  Gerard Keegan-12         Port Jefferson           21:56.7
131  76 131  814  Scott Harrigan-12        Oyster Bay               21:59.6
132  77 132  549  Tyler Southard-11        Bath-Haverling           22:12.4

Class D

Place      School                  Score
1     Beaver River                49
2     Pavilion                    70
3     Stony Brook                101
4     Barker                     111
5     Ticonderoga                118
6     Groton                     149
7     Schenectady Christian      181
8     Keio Academy               203
9     Tupper Lake                203
10     John A Coleman             246

ind team sec number    name                   school
1   1   1   708  Lee Berube-12            Ticonderoga              16:14.5
2       2   590  Frank Johnson-11         Letchworth               16:59.9
3       3   783  Michael Champagne        Seton Catholic-Platts.   17:01.9
4       4   495  Dan Young-11             Seton Catholic           17:05.3
5       5   780  Pat Stewart-12           Lake Placid              17:05.7
6       6   496  Jason Phillips-11        Moravia                  17:05.8
7       7   591  Brian Gowiski-12         Arkport                  17:10.8
8       8   371  Chris Martin-11          Onondaga                 17:12.5
9   2   9   501  Justin Richardson-11     Pavilion                 17:16.3
10      10  497  Geoffrey Hall-10         Spencer Van Etten        17:21.1
11   3  11 1143  Billy Collins-12         Stony Brook              17:24.8
12   4  12  502  Josh GArrett-12          Pavilion                 17:25.8
13      13  685  Jeff Rozler-11           Maple Grove              17:27.2
14      14  373  Zach Yates-11            Oriskany                 17:30.7
15      15  593  Andrew Richardson-12     Alexander                17:31.0
16      16  372  Adam McDevitt-12         Fabius-Pompey            17:31.5
17      17  594  Kevin Grazioplene-11     Oakfield-Alabama         17:31.7
18      18  592  Nicholas Richardson-12   Alexander                17:32.0
19   5  19  450  Mikhail Kern-11          Groton                   17:32.3
20   6  20 1144  Luke Reimer-12           Stony Brook              17:34.9
21      21  499  Tom Benner-12            Laurens                  17:35.6
22   7  22  344  Ryan Scanlon-10          Beaver River             17:35.8
23      23  970  Greg Lewis-11            Livingston Manor         17:38.4
24   8  24  503  Tyler Richardson-9       Pavilion                 17:40.5
25      25  686  Tayler Moore-12          Maple Grove              17:41.1
26   9  26  343  Brian Cheney-12          Beaver River             17:42.0
27  10  27  346  Matt Cheney-9            Beaver River             17:46.9
28      28  687  Max Easton-12            Franklinville            17:48.9
29      29  281  Matt DeGeyter-11         Hawthorne Valley         17:49.9
30      30  282  MacKenzie Oglesby-12     Maple Hill               17:55.6
31      31  781  Zander McClelland-9      Lake Placid              18:00.3
32  11  32  347  Shane Scanlon-11         Beaver River             18:01.0
33  12  33  349  Carlos Ruiz-11           Beaver River             18:01.5
34  13  34  608  Scott Matheis-12         Barker                   18:01.8
35  14     1036* Charlie Beaudette-10     Tupper Lake              18:03.8
36      35  374  Michael Greer-11         Weedsport                18:05.0
37      36  498  Jon Schiefen-12          Thomas A. Edison         18:06.1
38      37  280  Kyle Lynch-12            Duanesburg               18:07.6
39  15  38  201  Kyle Galarneau-11        Schenectady Christian    18:07.9
40      39  283  Noah Dingman-12          North Warren             18:08.8
41  16  40  345  Ben Moser-12             Beaver River             18:13.2
42      41  784  Zach Ziemer              Seton Catholic-Platts.   18:14.1
43  17  42  609  Erick Bennes-10          Barker                   18:16.3
44  18  43  612  Nate Jackson-11          Barker                   18:16.6
45  19  44  348  Zach Moser-12            Beaver River             18:21.0
46      45  688  Chris Biela-12           Franklinville            18:24.2
47  20  46  150  Shuhei Hayashi-12        Keio Academy             18:25.5
48      47  689  Ted Krueger-12           Franklinville            18:26.9
49  21     1037* Mike Schram-11           Tupper Lake              18:27.1
50      48  284  Josh Norman-11           Mayfield                 18:27.6
51  22  49  202  Brendan Guere-11         Schenectady Christian    18:28.9
52  23  50  710  Mike Lonergan-12         Ticonderoga              18:33.0
53      51 1190  Wade Kotula-12           Shelter Island           18:35.4
54  24  52  611  Ryan Lamb-10             Barker                   18:37.5
55  25  53  504  Jon Valento-10           Pavilion                 18:37.9
56  26  54  709  Brendan Carberry-11      Ticonderoga              18:41.3
57  27  55 1145  Carlo Masakayan-10       Stony Brook              18:42.5
58      56  971  Justin Harrington-12     Chester                  18:42.9
59  28  57  453  Mike Competillo-11       Groton                   18:43.8
60  29  58 1147  Thomas Payne-12          Stony Brook              18:44.5
61      59  782  Matt Saulpaugh-10        Lake Placid              18:52.9
62  30  60  711  Jared Best-11            Ticonderoga              18:53.5
63      61  972  Adam St.Germain-11       Chapel Field             18:56.6
64  31  62  506  Ryan Dempsey-10          Pavilion                 18:58.7
65      63 1193  Gene Thomsen-11          Southold                 19:02.0
66      64 1192  Schuyler Needham-12      Shelter Island           19:05.3
67  32  65  451  Jonah Hebdon-11          Groton                   19:07.3
68  33  66  152  Shin Nikaido-11          Keio Academy             19:08.6
69  34  67  505  Tim Noble-10             Pavilion                 19:09.3
70  35  68  452  Andrew Robinson-10       Groton                   19:10.9
71  36  69 1146  David Hickey-12          Stony Brook              19:12.0
72  37  70 1148  Jeffrey Lin-12           Stony Brook              19:15.4
73  38  71  712  Jay Berube-9             Ticonderoga              19:15.8
74      72  185  Forrest Kinsley-12       Haldane                  19:18.5
75  39  73  613  Andrew Carmer-9          Barker                   19:20.2
76  40  74  151  Keita Fukuda-11          Keio Academy             19:20.8
77      75  974  Lee Wakeman-12           Chapel Field             19:23.3
78  41  76  203  Ian Compton-11           Schenectady Christian    19:23.5
79  42  77  929  Matt Farcher-12          John A Coleman           19:25.6
80  43     1038* Willie Bencze-10         Tupper Lake              19:26.1
81  44  78  713  Josh Cook-9              Ticonderoga              19:27.9
82      79  973  Ryan Conroy              Chapel Field             19:29.5
83  45  80  931  TaeHung Kim-12           John A Coleman           19:30.6
84  46  81  714  Eian Tierney-12          Ticonderoga              19:31.6
85  47  82  507  Max Lord-9               Pavilion                 19:40.3
86  48  83  932  David Kim-12             John A Coleman           19:43.9
87  49  84  454  Steven Stout-12          Groton                   19:44.3
88  50  85  204  Tim Moore-9              Schenectady Christian    19:45.0
89      86 1191  Louis Toth-12            Shelter Island           19:47.4
90  51  87  930  Cody Vincent-12          John A Coleman           19:49.5
91      88 1194  Morgan Waddington        Shelter Island           19:50.7
92  52  89 1149  Shan Chowdhury-12        Stony Brook              20:01.0
93  53  90  206  Tim Humphrey-12          Schenectady Christian    20:07.4
94  54  91  156  Junya Ohata-11           Keio Academy             20:13.9
95  55  92  614  Erick Braham-9           Barker                   20:17.2
96  56  93  153  Jun Takeuchi-12          Keio Academy             20:23.3
97  57  94  455  Robert Stoughton-10      Groton                   20:27.5
98  58  95  205  Steven Brundage-11       Schenectady Christian    20:29.1
99  59  96  610  Tyler Scheving-8         Barker                   20:30.6
100  60  97  933  Brett DeNeve-10          John A Coleman           20:32.7
101      98  188  Michael Bryant-12        The Children's Village   20:38.7
102  61     1039* Charlie Bencze-9         Tupper Lake              20:39.5
103  62  99  154  Kyohei Yamaguchi-11      Keio Academy             20:55.9
104  63 100  456  Gage Bush-9              Groton                   21:01.5
105  64     1040* Justin Dederick-10       Tupper Lake              21:03.9
106     101  187  Everett Ward-12          The Children's Village   21:33.1
107  65 102  934  Sam Bochar-10            John A Coleman           21:36.5
108  66 103  155  Takaho Chubachi-11       Keio Academy             21:37.5
109     104  186  Zack Slinskey-12         Haldane                  21:56.2
110     105  189  Michael Bushell-12       The Children's Village   21:57.5
111  67 106  935  Zadok Barringer-9        John A Coleman           22:30.6
112  68 107  207  Zach Richie-12           Schenectady Christian    22:57.7
113         1097* Ben Martin               Brushton-Moira           23:37.6
114         1096* Dwayne Ghostlaw          Brushton-Moira           23:58.5
DNF         1095* Ryan Bushey              Brushton-Moira
DNF          370  Mitch Miller-12          Morrisville-Eaton

Merged team results

Place      School                  Score
1      Warwick                     84
2      Shenendehowa               121
3      Queensbury                 151
4      Smithtown                  234
5      Ithaca                     257
6      Newark Valley              259
7      Arlington                  282
8      Tully                      288
9      Liverpool                  295
10     Penfield                   315
11     Shoreham-Wading River      334
12     Pittsford Mendon           340
13     Clarence                   402
14     East Aurora                415
15     Honeoye Falls-Lima         429
16     Wantagh                    497
17     Cornwall                   527
18     Red Hook                   568
19     Pearl River                612
20     Somers                     624
21     Westhill                   655
22     Voorheesville              669
23     Hauppague                  712
24     East Syracuse-Minoa        720
25     Port Washington            743
26     Wilson                     750
27     Ichabod Crane              776
28     Irvington                  817
29     Windsor                    829
30     Beaver River               845
31     Valley Stream North        845
32     Rhinebeck                  885
33     Pavilion                   902
34     Plattsburgh                954
35     Union Endicott             958
36     Port Jefferson             982
37     Norwood-Norfolk           1006
38     Oyster Bay                1043
39     Stony Brook               1066
40     Ticonderoga               1067
41     Bath-Haverling            1096
42     Hamburg                   1126
43     Barker                    1164
44     Groton                    1263
45     Saranac Lake              1295
46     Schenectady Christian     1369
47     Tupper Lake               1408
48     Keio Academy              1457
49     Ogdenburg Free            1488
50     John A Coleman            1553

Merged individual results (top 50)

ind team sec number    name                   school
1       1  585   Pat DuPont-12            Fairport                 15:35.3
2       2 1180   Kyle Merber-12           Half Hollow Hills West   15:45.1
3   1   3 1101   Giovanni Signoretti-12   Smithtown                15:51.8
4       4  990   Brendan Devine-12        Monticello               15:52.9
5       5  180   Julian Sheinbaum-121     Scarsdale                15:53.2
6       6  190   Colby DelBene-12         Pawling                  15:54.8
7   2   7  943   Alex Leuchanka-11        Warwick                  15:57.8
8       8  580   Zach Rivers-12           Victor                   15:57.9
9   3   9  222   Matt Flint-12            Queensbury               16:00.6
9       9  680   Drew Perilli-10          Lockport                 16:00.6
11   4  11  308  Jeff Sweeney-12          East Syracuse-Minoa      16:01.5
11   4  11  436  Jamie Vavra-12           Newark Valley            16:01.5
13   6  13  301  Ethan Hickey-12          Liverpool                16:03.6
14      14  276  R.J.Sniffen-12           Shaker                   16:04.6
15      15 1186  Barry Franklin-12        Longwood                 16:04.8
16      16  275  Dimitri Goutos-11        Saratoga                 16:05.0
17   7  17  536  Alex Deir-10             Honeoye Falls-Lima       16:05.5
18      18  872  David Frankel-12         Syosset                  16:06.0
19      19  380  Chris Stogsdill-11       Marcellus                16:06.2
20   8  20  329  Chris Burke-12           Tully                    16:06.6
21   9  21  515  Tyler Stachecki-12       Penfield                 16:06.7
22      22  898  Brian Riley-12           South Side               16:07.0
23      23  277  Craig Weiss-11           Shaker                   16:09.9
24  10  24  643  Scott Anderson-11        East Aurora              16:13.5
25  11  25  708  Lee Berube-12            Ticonderoga              16:14.5
26      26  874  Kevon Carter-12          Valley Stream Central    16:15.9
27      27 1189  Colin Anderson-11        Northport                16:16.9
28  12  28  945  Mike Fox-12              Warwick                  16:17.7
29      29  490  Vasili Papastrat-11      Binghamton               16:18.5
30  13  30  951  Ian Clerkin-12           Cornwall                 16:19.1
31      31  278  Chris Manico-12          Shaker                   16:20.6
32      32  588  Alex Brimstein-11        Webster Thomas           16:20.9
33  14  33  322  Andrew Corcoran-12       Westhill                 16:21.3
34  15  34  219  Dan Harris-10            Shenendehowa             16:21.4
35      35  595  Stephen Hine-12          Dansville                16:21.6
36  16  36  215  Jamie Glover-11          Shenendehowa             16:23.6
37  17  37  848  Quimes Delacruz-11       Wantagh                  16:23.7
38  18  38  408  Andris Goncarovs-10      Ithaca                   16:24.1
39  19  39  129  Michael Hickey-11        Pearl River              16:25.2
40      40 1185  Jonathan Cuomo-12        William Floyd            16:25.3
41  20  41  948  Greg Miniger-12          Warwick                  16:25.6
42  21  42  949  Ryan Florkewicz-12       Warwick                  16:25.8
43  22  43 1122  Bobby Andrews-11         Shoreham-Wading River    16:26.0
44      44  586  Jordan Roose-11          Brockport                16:26.2
45      45  184  Mark Castelli-12         Carmel                   16:26.4
46      46  399  Alex Hatz-10             Fayetteville-Manlius     16:27.1
47  23  47  302  Bryan Picciotto-12       Liverpool                16:27.4
48  24  48 1102  Brendan Connell-11       Smithtown                16:27.8
49      49  476  Max Straneva-10          Chenango Valley          16:27.9
50  25  50  839  Marco Bertolotti-10      Port Washington          16:28.3
50  25  50  223  Sheldon Reeves-11        Queensbury               16:28.3

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