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Girls outdoor track
2008 NYSPHSAA championships

At University of Buffalo

Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash Division 1
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Sasha Richards            12 Mount Vernon-1           12.25Q -3.7  1 
  2 Sametra Kelly             11 Edison Tech-1            12.30Q -2.9  3 
  3 Samantha Francis          11 Paul Robeson-1           12.70Q -7.0  2 
  4 Samantha Edwards          12 Floral Park-1            12.34Q -2.9  3 
  5 Geannitta McClain          9 Proctor-1                12.66Q -3.7  1 
  6 Jamiee McCleary           11 Mercy (Roc.)-1           12.80Q -7.0  2 
  7 Ashley Fields              9 Amherst-1                12.38q -2.9  3 
  8 Allison Rogers            11 Amherst-1                12.62q -2.9  3 
  9 Deidra Bryant             12 Baldwin-1                12.70  -3.7  1 
 10 Natavia Berry             12 Middletown-1             12.74  -2.9  3 
 11 Ihiechi Ohia Enyia        11 Saunders-1               12.84  -7.0  2 
 12 Patrice Johnson           11 C. Spellman-1            12.91  -3.7  1 
 13 Lisa Luchsinger           10 Sachem East-1            12.92  -3.7  1 
 14 Altagra Vasquez           12 A.P. Randolph-1          13.14  -7.0  2 
 15 Shatiira Browne           12 Schenectady-1            13.23  -7.0  2 
 16 Christine Wilkinson       12 Copaigue-1               13.34  -7.0  2 
 17 Kamari Canady             10 Binghamton-1             13.56  -2.9  3 
 -- Geneen Dore               12 Indian River-1              FS  -3.7  1 
 -- Jennifer Mitchell          9 Newburgh-1                  FS  -3.7  1 
Event 1  Girls 100 Meter Dash Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Sasha Richards            12 Mount Vernon-1           12.54  -4.9 
  2 Samantha Edwards          12 Floral Park-1            12.70  -4.9 
  3 Geannitta McClain          9 Proctor-1                12.78  -4.9 
  4 Samantha Francis          11 Paul Robeson-1           12.81  -4.9 
  5 Ashley Fields              9 Amherst-1                12.91  -4.9 
  6 Allison Rogers            11 Amherst-1                12.92  -4.9 
  7 Jamiee McCleary           11 Mercy (Roc.)-1           12.93  -4.9 
Event 2  Girls 200 Meter Dash Division 1
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Nadonnia Rodriques        12 Boys & Girls-1           24.76Q -2.0  1 
  2 Samantha Edwards          12 Floral Park-1            24.91Q -2.2  3 
  3 Ashley Fields              9 Amherst-1                24.95Q -1.3  2 
  4 Jen Clayton               10 Suffern-1                25.18Q -2.2  3  25.177
  5 Melissa Caddle            10 Canarsie-1               25.18Q -1.3  2  25.180
  6 Kala Allen                 8 Wmsvl. East-1            25.28Q -2.0  1 
  7 Salisha Johnson           10 Spring Valley-1          25.45q -1.3  2 
  8 Geannitta McClain          9 Proctor-1                25.56q -2.2  3 
  9 Ashley Bell               12 Riverhead-1              25.57  -1.3  2 
 10 Valencia Hannon            8 Elmont-1                 25.69  -2.0  1 
 11 Lisa Luchsinger           10 Sachem East-1            25.90  -2.2  3 
 12 Kelly Connolly            12 Washingtonville1         26.20  -1.3  2 
 13 Lindsey Seymour            9 Elmira SS-1              26.21  -2.0  1 
 14 Kekelly Ketemepi          12 C. Spellman-1            26.59  -1.3  2 
 15 Jessica Farmer            11 Franklin Acad.-1         26.74  -2.2  3 
 16 Aziza Gamble              10 Lansingburgh-1           26.84  -2.2  3 
Event 2  Girls 200 Meter Dash Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Nadonnia Rodriques        12 Boys & Girls-1           24.68  -0.1 
  2 Jen Clayton               10 Suffern-1                24.94  -0.1 
  3 Samantha Edwards          12 Floral Park-1            25.00  -0.1 
  4 Kala Allen                 8 Wmsvl. East-1            25.22  -0.1 
  5 Ashley Fields              9 Amherst-1                25.31  -0.1 
  6 Geannitta McClain          9 Proctor-1                25.42  -0.1 
  7 Melissa Caddle            10 Canarsie-1               25.64  -0.1 
  8 Salisha Johnson           10 Spring Valley-1          26.25  -0.1 
Event 3  Girls 400 Meter Dash Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Kala Allen                 8 Wmsvl. East-1            55.61   2 
  2 Christie Verdier          12 Baldwin-1                55.88   3 
  3 Janet Mellor              10 Mount Sinai-1            56.05   3 
  4 Jasmine Blocker           10 Manhasset-1              57.64   3 
  5 Sheina Roberts            11 Bshp Loughlin-1          57.83   2 
  6 Christina Monroe          11 Proctor-1                57.94   2 
  7 Carissa Davis             11 Central Islip-1          57.96   2 
  8 Dasia Jones               11 Newburgh-1               58.00   2 
  9 Brianna Cromartie         11 Aquinas Inst-1           58.04   3 
 10 Jessica Hennig            11 Pine Bush-1              58.32   3 
 11 Liz Schwennker            12 Guilderland-1            58.37   1 
 12 Heidy Palacios            12 Saunders-1               58.38   2 
 13 Sharisse Gaskin           11 East High Roc.-1         58.45   3 
 14 Karlie Dean               12 John Jay-EF-1            58.63   2 
 15 Tessa West                10 Cardozo-1                59.00   2 
 16 Allison Rogers            11 Amherst-1                59.22   1 
 17 Katie Bott                10 West Genesee-1           59.63   1 
 18 Christina Abrebresh       12 C. Spellman-1            59.80   1 
 19 Samantha Howell           12 Vestal-1               1:00.64   1 
 20 Kylie Strom               10 Union-Endicott-1       1:05.46   1 
Event 4  Girls 800 Meter Run Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Charlene Lipsey           11 Hempstead-1            2:12.25  
  2 Sarah McCurdy             12 Bayshore-1             2:13.11  
  3 Emily Menges              10 Garden City-1          2:13.17   2:13.163
  4 Michelle Riley            10 Saratoga-1             2:13.17   2:13.167
  5 Jackie Burns              12 N.Tonawanda-1          2:14.96  
  6 Liz Reamer                11 Ithaca-1               2:15.72  
  7 Megan Patrignelli         10 Monroe-Woodbury1       2:16.05  
  8 Caroline Tolli            11 Lockport-1             2:16.34  
  9 Malekah Holland           10 Bishop Ford-1          2:16.64  
 10 Brianne Bellon            10 Saratoga-1             2:16.75  
 11 Justine Noel              12 Midwood-1              2:17.95  
 12 Danielle Toritto          11 Smithtown East-1       2:18.79  
 13 Brittney Killebrew        10 James Madison-1        2:18.92  
 14 Mindy Sawnor              11 Greece Athena-1        2:19.42  
 15 Ashley Maurer             11 Carmel-1               2:22.84  
 16 Trina Bills               10 Liverpool-1            2:22.93  
 17 Lisa Lungaro              12 North Rockland-1       2:24.03  
 18 Angela Ryck               11 Fairport-1             2:25.21  
 19 Maggie Lapinski           11 Canton-1               2:27.65  
Event 7  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Division 1
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 2 Best Times
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Janice Jackson            11 Medgar Evers-1           14.71Q -2.5  3 
  2 Madalayne Smith           10 Saratoga-1               14.73Q -7.6  1 
  3 Ashley Hendrix            12 Uniondale-1              15.15Q -4.2  2 
  4 Allie VanBuren            10 Wmsvl. South-1           14.97Q -2.5  3 
  5 Kaitlin Sullivan          12 Kings Park-1             15.22Q -4.2  2 
  6 Jamiee McCleary           11 Mercy (Roc.)-1           15.63Q -7.6  1 
  7 Janeeka Benson            12 Liverpool-1              15.30q -2.5  3 
  8 Dotrine Jacobs            10 Newburgh-1               15.42q -2.5  3 
  9 Longjohn Ibiebim          12 HHH West-1               15.52  -2.5  3 
 10 Stephanie Smigiera        11 W. Seneca East-1         15.75  -4.2  2 
 11 Danielle Silas            12 Glen Cove-1              15.81  -4.2  2 
 12 Toni Werner                9 Pine Bush-1              15.93  -7.6  1 
 13 Jasmine Thompson          10 Cicero-N. Syr-1          15.98  -2.5  3 
 14 Ashley AuPont             11 Union-Endicott-1         16.15  -7.6  1 
 15 Tricia Beckles            12 South Shore-1            16.26  -4.2  2 
 16 Ayo Ehindero              12 Brighton-1               16.44  -7.6  1 
 17 Aeisha McDavid             9 Ursuline-1               17.23  -4.2  2 
 18 Joanne TeReile            12 Canton-1                 18.44  -4.2  2 
 -- Olivia Abbatte            10 St. Anthony's-1             FS  -7.6  1 
Event 7  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Madalayne Smith           10 Saratoga-1               14.39  -4.2 
  2 Janice Jackson            11 Medgar Evers-1           14.56  -4.2 
  3 Allie VanBuren            10 Wmsvl. South-1           14.75  -4.2 
  4 Ashley Hendrix            12 Uniondale-1              15.03  -4.2 
  5 Kaitlin Sullivan          12 Kings Park-1             15.07  -4.2 
  6 Jamiee McCleary           11 Mercy (Roc.)-1           15.18  -4.2 
  7 Janeeka Benson            12 Liverpool-1              15.93  -4.2 
 -- Dotrine Jacobs            10 Newburgh-1                 DNF  -4.2 
Event 8  Girls 400 Meter Hurdles Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Dalilah Muhammad          12 Cardozo-1                57.81   3 
  2 Elizabeth Mott            12 New Rochelle-1           58.01   3 
  3 Allie VanBuren            10 Wmsvl. South-1         1:01.28   3 
  4 Danielle McHolder         11 Newburgh-1             1:01.88   3 
  5 NaTasha Greggs            11 Wilson Magnet-1        1:01.97   3 
  6 Donna Jeanty              10 Brentwood-1            1:02.52   3 
  7 Allison Hoh               10 Honeoye Falls-1        1:03.92   2  1:03.911
  8 Kaitlin Sullivan          12 Kings Park-1           1:03.92   2  1:03.919
  9 Jess Marini               11 Fay.-Manlius-1         1:04.35   2 
 10 Meagan Gillispie          12 Boys & Girls-1         1:04.86   3 
 11 Sarah Mikulski            12 Wmsvl. North-1         1:05.43   2 
 12 Kendra Adams              11 Burnt Hills-1          1:05.79   2 
 13 Danielle Silas            12 Glen Cove-1            1:05.92   2 
 14 Regine Lazard             10 Baldwin-1              1:06.47   2 
 15 Shanyce Goulding          11 Bishop Ford-1          1:06.61   2 
 16 Daira Veloz               12 Middletown-1           1:06.93   3 
 17 Taryn VanValen            10 Ithaca-1               1:10.40   1 
 18 Kaylie Lamica             10 Franklin Acad.-1       1:13.14   1 
Event 11  Girls Long Jump Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Jen Clayton               10 Suffern-1             19-01.50  +0.0 
  2 Ashley Hendrix            12 Uniondale-1           18-04.00  +0.0 
  3 Jennifer Adams            12 Batavia-1             17-11.00  +0.0 
  4 Kia Allen                 11 Murry Bergtraum1      17-10.75   0.3 
  5 Patricia McNish           11 Manhasset-1           17-03.25   0.2 
  6 Geannitta McClain          9 Proctor-1             17-03.25  -0.4 
  7 Nicole Castilloux         11 W. Seneca West-1      17-02.75  +0.0 
  8 Madalayne Smith           10 Saratoga-1            17-02.25  +0.0 
  9 Essence Felder            11 Brentwood-1           16-10.50  -0.5 
 10 Jewel Moore               12 Medgar Evers-1        16-09.50  +0.0 
 11 Melissa Cummiskey         12 Clarence-1            16-07.75  +0.0 
 12 Marshay Zamlowski         12 Chittenango-1         16-05.50  -0.1 
 13 Diane MacDowell           12 Valley Central-1      16-00.00  -0.1 
 14 Mikia McQueen             11 Newburgh-1            15-11.25  +0.0 
 15 Siobhan Gedon             12 St.John the Bap1      15-01.00   0.7 
 -- Genevieve Ruppel          11 Sleepy Hollow-1           FOUL       
 -- Caitlin Mastroe           11 Johnson City-1            FOUL       
Event 12  Girls Triple Jump Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Sametra Kelly             11 Edison Tech-1         38-07.75  -0.1 
  2 Jen Clayton               10 Suffern-1             37-11.50  -0.7 
  3 Stephanie Barnes          11 Bayshore-1            37-10.00  -1.4 
  4 Marlene Ricketts          10 Westbury-1            37-06.00  +0.0 
  5 Patricia McNish           11 Manhasset-1           37-05.50   0.2 
  6 Camille Ginyard           10 Vestal-1              37-02.00  -2.1 
  7 Geneen Dore               12 Indian River-1        36-07.00   0.2 
  8 Aisha Chisholm            12 New Rochelle-1        36-04.50   1.1 
  9 Pony Sokiri               10 Proctor-1             36-00.00  -0.4 
 10 Mary Kate Mahany          12 Penfield-1            35-11.00  -1.6 
 11 Jenna Raepple              9 Grand Island-1        35-09.75   0.2 
 12 Kylie Lipinski            12 Queensbury-1          35-05.00  -0.6 
 13 Ashley Dell'Aira          12 Shoreham WR-1         35-02.75  -1.1 
 14 Jodyann Pitt              11 Lafayette PSAL-1      34-08.00   0.3 
 15 Jasmine Springer          11 Dewitt Clinton-1      34-00.75  -0.5 
 16 Jennifer Mitchell          9 Newburgh-1            33-03.75  -0.6 
 17 Alex Jean Joseph          12 Molloy-1              32-02.25  -0.9 
Event 13  Girls Shot Put Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Melissa Kurzdorfer        10 Lancaster-1           46-04.50  
  2 Vanessa Stewart           10 North Babylon-1       44-04.75  
  3 Shante' White             12 Henninger-1           41-04.50  
  4 Erin Miller               11 Lockport-1            40-01.25  
  5 Elisa Baskin              11 Binghamton-1          38-01.25  
  6 Kathryn Wahls             11 Brockport-1           37-11.50  
  7 Charlotte Pope            11 New Rochelle-1        37-02.00  
  8 Dwayna Freeland           12 A.P. Randolph-1       37-01.75  
  9 Samantha Yager            11 Batavia-1             36-02.75  
 10 Deanna Knapp              12 Middletown-1          36-01.75  
 11 Brittany Broomfield        9 Dewitt Clinton-1      35-04.75  
 12 Jennifer Allen            11 S. Glens Falls-1      35-03.25  
 13 Rebecca Power             12 Molloy-1              35-02.50  
 14 Catie Nyitray             10 H. Frank Carey-1      31-11.75  
 15 Ashley Gadway              9 Franklin Acad.-1      30-01.00  
 -- Symmone Fisher            12 Longwood-1                FOUL  
Event 14  Girls Discus Throw Division 1
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Melissa Kurzdorfer        10 Lancaster-1             146-07  
  2 Ashley Clasen             11 Shoreham WR-1           139-10  
  3 Claire Dishong            11 Brockport-1             133-02  
  4 Cherrice Brown            11 Bayshore-1              129-01  
  5 Erin Miller               11 Lockport-1              124-09  
  6 Briana Delbene            11 Guilderland-1           117-08  
  7 Samantha Spindel          12 Brewster-1              116-03  
  8 Charlotte Pope            11 New Rochelle-1          113-04  
  9 Nina Renken               11 Sacred Heart-1          110-05  
 10 Shante' White             12 Henninger-1             106-10  
 11 Alexandra Jaffer          12 Kingston-1              101-06  
 12 Dwayna Freeland           12 A.P. Randolph-1          97-10  
 13 Yordanka Aleksieva        12 East Meadow-1            96-02  
 14 Amanda Gadway              9 Franklin Acad.-1         84-09  
 -- Sarita Barreiro           12 Binghamton-1              FOUL  
Event 17  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Division 1
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Suffern-1                                             47.78   3 
     1) Tamika Montama 12               2) Janelle Clayton 11             
     3) Jenna Schaffer 12               4) Jen Clayton 10                 
  2 Boys & Girls-1                                        47.79   3 
     1) Meagan Gillispie 12             2) Deandra Nelson 12              
     3) Hadassah Bruno 12               4) Nadonnia Rodriques 12          
  3 Elmont-1                                              48.17   3 
     1) Cherrelle King 10               2) Valencia Hannon 8              
     3) Nyree Richardson 12             4) Ashley McCarthy 9              
  4 West Seneca West-1                                    48.75   2 
     1) Nicole Castilloux 11            2) Kristen Harrigan 9             
     3) Jillian O'Brien 12              4) Kelsey Randall 12              
  5 Middletown-1                                          48.94   2 
     1) Natavia Berry 12                2) Keioki Hewitt 10               
     3) Tara Tillman 10                 4) Daira Veloz 12                 
  6 Canarsie-1                                            48.98   3 
     1) Melissa Caddle 10               2) Magan Edwards 12               
     3) Nakia Diggs 11                  4) LaKeisha Nichols 11            
  7 Pine Bush-1                                           49.05   2 
     1) Toni Werner 9                   2) Amber Passalaqua 10            
     3) Alexis Grable 11                4) Opeyemi Ifafore 11             
  8 Rome Free Academy-1                                   49.06   3 
     1) Kaleigh McKinney 12             2) Chanelle McWilliams 12         
     3) Hillary Baker 10                4) Jessica Razy 10                
  9 Riverhead-1                                           49.17   2 
     1) Ashley Bell 12                  2) Quiera DeCosta 11              
     3) Ellie Markewitz 10              4) Victoria Crump 10              
 10 Edison Tech-1                                         49.30   2 
     1) Ashley Brooks 9                 2) Toni Snead 11                  
     3) Sharon Holley 11                4) Danielle King 11               
 11 Saratoga-1                                            49.43   1 
     1) Melinda Boyce 11                2) Hannah Reeves 10               
     3) Maria Scerra 12                 4) Madalayne Smith 10             
 12 Copaigue-1                                            49.46   2 
     1) Thailia LeGendre 10             2) Dominique Cunningham 12        
     3) Christine Wilkinson 12          4) Danielle Dickson 11            
 13 New Rochelle-1                                        49.76   3 
     1) Christina Hamilton 10           2) Aisha Chisholm 12              
     3) Keshia Clarke 9                 4) Elizabeth Mott 12              
 14 Hempstead-1                                           49.85   2 
     1) Natasha Kennedy 12              2) Sasha Lawson 11                
     3) Suhailah Abdul-Wali 12          4) Charlene Lipsey 11             
 15 Binghamton-1                                          49.95   2 
     1) Shanequa Johnson 10             2) Tarah Myers 12                 
     3) Kiki Jones 9                    4) Kamari Canady 10               
 16 Liverpool-1                                           50.03   3 
     1) Nikki Liadka 10                 2) Cara Scalisi 11                
     3) Wanetta Rodney 11               4) Hannah Anthes 9                
 17 Elmira Southside-1                                    50.24   1 
     1) Shatima Brown 9                 2) Taylor Pierson 8               
     3) Lindsey Seymour 9               4) Emily Buck 9                   
 18 Aquinas Institute-1                                   50.25   3 
     1) Elyssa Place 10                 2) Jessica Walker 12              
     3) Ashley Grove 12                 4) Mandi Hochheimer 10            
 19 St. John the Baptist-1                                50.81   1 
     1) Victoria Lundin 12              2) Helena Adams 12                
     3) Michelle Cutolo 12              4) Siobhan Gedon 12               
 20 Franklin Academy-1                                    53.78   1 
     1) Monique Laflesh 11              2) Sarah Marlow 12                
     3) Kaitlin Sexton 11               4) Jessica Farmer 11              
Event 18  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Division 1
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Pine Bush-1                                         3:54.37   3 
     1) Alexis Grable 11                2) Nicole Rozario 12              
     3) Amber Passalaqua 10             4) Jessica Hennig 11              
  2 Warwick Valley-1                                    3:54.56   3 
     1) Kristen Jados 11                2) Lillian Greibesland 10         
     3) Shernai Bentley 11              4) Claire Pettit 12               
  3 Ursuline-1                                          3:56.03   2 
     1) Rosie Crean 12                  2) Elia Francis 12                
     3) Shanel Golding 9                4) Kaitlin Mallinson 9            
  4 Boys & Girls-1                                      3:56.75   3 
     1) Kenesha Abrams 11               2) Kerri Thompson 10              
     3) Shemeka Morgan 10               4) Nagua Cohran 11                
  5 Mount Vernon-1                                      3:57.24   3 
     1) Sereta Steen 10                 2) Breanda Crump 11               
     3) Sasha Richards 12               4) Julia Miller 11                
  6 Benjamin Cardozo-1                                  3:57.46   2 
     1) Dalilah Muhammad 12             2) Tessa West 10                  
     3) Alison Lee 12                   4) Shanese Orr 9                  
  7 Brentwood-1                                         3:58.79   3 
     1) Camille Cross 12                2) Stefanny Laureano 10           
     3) Donna Jeanty 10                 4) Essence Felder 11              
  8 Uniondale-1                                         3:59.13   2 
     1) Ashley Hendrix 12               2) Grace Lawal 10                 
     3) Kathleen Claremont 11           4) Katrina Johnson-Green 11       
  9 Shenendehowa-1                                      3:59.22   2 
     1) Meredith Cully 10               2) Kathleen Klein 10              
     3) Anna Suriano 7                  4) Allie Maguire 9                
 10 Garden City-1                                       3:59.47   3 
     1) Catherine Cafaro 10             2) Taryn Schmeltzinger 9          
     3) Brooke Senken 12                4) Emily Menges 10                
 11 Colonie-1                                           3:59.65   2 
     1) Nayamka Roberts-Smith 11        2) Corrine Serrano 8              
     3) Emily Finnegan 11               4) Kristina Lenge 9               
 12 Cardinal Spellman-1                                 4:00.09   2 
     1) Kayla Smith 12                  2) Kekelly Ketemepi 12            
     3) Patrice Johnson 11              4) Christina Abrebresh 12         
 13 Wilson Magnet-1                                     4:00.21   3 
     1) NaTasha Greggs 11               2) Asia Henry 11                  
     3) Tara Murphy 10                  4) Doriean Broady 10              
 14 North Tonawanda-1                                   4:02.10   1 
     1) Staci Czaja 9                   2) Olivia DiPalma 10              
     3) Kayleigh Bemisderfer 10         4) Jackie Burns 12                
 15 Kellenberg-1                                        4:04.15   2 
     1) Candice Gibson 11               2) Kristen Wenthen 12             
     3) Kelsey Gardner 11               4) Megan Wendelken 12             
 16 Fairport-1                                          4:04.77   3 
     1) Caitlin Cocilova 12             2) Lauren Burke 9                 
     3) Angela Ryck 11                  4) Michelle Barnum 10             
 17 Bayshore-1                                          4:08.94   2 
     1) Tenica Roberts 12               2) Brittany Silipo 11             
     3) Darleen Eiermann 10             4) Rashida Charles 12             
 18 Vestal-1                                            4:09.85   1 
     1) Samantha Howell 12              2) Erica Eiche 9                  
     3) M.K. Kulp 9                     4) Emily Spellane 9               
 19 Proctor-1                                           4:10.41   1 
     1) Kierra Arthur 8                 2) Shykiera Heyward 9             
     3) Christina Monroe 11             4) Heather Vroman 12              
 20 Canton-1                                            4:18.77   1 
     1) Joanne TeReile 12               2) Rachel Bowdish 11              
     3) Maggie Lapinski 11              4) Kaitlin Fanning 10             
Event 101  Girls 100 Meter Dash Division 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Renee McDougall           12 Horace Mann-2            12.54Q -2.9  2 
  2 Adele Jackson-Gibson      11 Nichols (Buf)-2          12.87Q -5.8  1 
  3 Imani Richardson          12 Southampton-2            12.62Q -2.9  2 
  4 Rachel Pierantozzi        10 Millbrook-2              13.00Q -5.8  1 
  5 Gennie DePass             10 Utica ND-2               12.63q -2.9  2 
  6 Klarissa Ricks             9 Holy Names-2             12.65q -2.9  2 
  7 Diana Sainvil             10 Woodlands-2              13.25q -2.9  2 
  8 Shontai Moye              10 Buffalo East-2           13.25q -5.8  1 
  9 Amanda Woods              11 Newark Valley-2          13.27  -2.9  2 
 10 Aprili Stewart-Washingto  12 John Marshall-2          13.46  -5.8  1 
 11 Corrine Becker            11 Saranac Lake-2           13.47  -2.9  2 
 12 Lauren Gray               10 Carle Place-2            13.67  -5.8  1 
 13 Michelle Smith            11 Gouverneur-2             13.72  -5.8  1 
 14 Ann Lynch                 10 Horace Mann-2            13.84  -5.8  1 
Event 101  Girls 100 Meter Dash Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Adele Jackson-Gibson      11 Nichols (Buf)-2          12.56  -3.9 
  2 Renee McDougall           12 Horace Mann-2            12.60  -3.9 
  3 Klarissa Ricks             9 Holy Names-2             12.83  -3.9 
  4 Rachel Pierantozzi        10 Millbrook-2              12.84  -3.9 
  5 Gennie DePass             10 Utica ND-2               12.89  -3.9 
  6 Imani Richardson          12 Southampton-2            12.90  -3.9 
  7 Shontai Moye              10 Buffalo East-2           13.22  -3.9 
  8 Diana Sainvil             10 Woodlands-2              13.51  -3.9 
Event 102  Girls 200 Meter Dash Division 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Renee McDougall           12 Horace Mann-2            25.45Q -1.8  1 
  2 Alexis Easterling         11 Woodlands-2              25.55Q -2.2  2 
  3 Melissa Zajdel            11 CBA-Syr.-2               25.89Q -2.2  2 
  4 Shontai Moye              10 Buffalo East-2           25.90Q -1.8  1 
  5 Erica Kisel               10 Waverly-2                26.09q -1.8  1 
  6 Aprili Stewart-Washingto  12 John Marshall-2          26.57q -2.2  2  26.567
  7 Sherez Mohamed            11 Holy Names-2             26.57q -1.8  1  26.569
  8 Savanna Connors           12 Ellenville-2             26.64q -1.8  1 
  9 Caitlin Schlachter        11 John Glenn-2             27.02  -2.2  2  27.018
 10 Michelle Smith            11 Gouverneur-2             27.02  -2.2  2  27.020
 11 Monica Mitry              11 Locust Valley-2          28.00  -1.8  1 
 12 Missy Seymour             12 Saranac-2                28.26  -2.2  2 
Event 102  Girls 200 Meter Dash Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Renee McDougall           12 Horace Mann-2            25.14  -0.8 
  2 Melissa Zajdel            11 CBA-Syr.-2               25.63  -0.8 
  3 Alexis Easterling         11 Woodlands-2              25.81  -0.8 
  4 Sherez Mohamed            11 Holy Names-2             26.37  -0.8 
  5 Erica Kisel               10 Waverly-2                26.41  -0.8 
  6 Shontai Moye              10 Buffalo East-2           26.51  -0.8 
  7 Savanna Connors           12 Ellenville-2             26.73  -0.8 
  8 Aprili Stewart-Washingto  12 John Marshall-2          27.59  -0.8 
Event 103  Girls 400 Meter Dash Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Alexis Easterling         11 Woodlands-2              57.19   2 
  2 Melissa Zajdel            11 CBA-Syr.-2               57.29   2 
  3 Leah Wightman             11 Chatham-2                57.57   2 
  4 Ayanna Kelly              12 Malverne-2               58.55   1 
  5 Laura Isabelle            10 Holy Names-2             58.90   2 
  6 Katie Woodford             9 Oxford-2                 58.97   2 
  7 Mallory Dewink            10 Clymer-2                 59.25   2 
  8 Jasmine Poles             10 LeRoy-2                  59.82   2 
  9 Sarah Girardin            11 Chapel Field-2         1:01.72   1 
 10 Bridget Straub            11 Mercy-2                1:02.07   1 
 -- Rosilyn Cummings          11 Beekmantown-2               FS   2 
Event 104  Girls 800 Meter Run Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Phyllis Francis           10 McAuley-2              2:11.91  
  2 Heather Wilson            12 Homer-2                2:15.39  
  3 Hayley Madsen             11 Chatham-2              2:15.55  
  4 Caitlin Hudson            11 Bronxville-2           2:16.29  
  5 Kyla Kenyon                9 Tupper Lake-2          2:19.21  
  6 Dana Walsh                10 Conv of The SH-2       2:19.24  
  7 Molly Roush                7 NE Clinton-2           2:19.27  
  8 Michelle Staiger          11 Chenango Forks-2       2:20.29  
  9 Christine Bub             11 Letchworth-2           2:20.73  
 10 Erin Holbrook             10 East Aurora-2          2:21.32  
 11 Marin McDermott           12 Red Hook-2             2:29.68  
 12 Caiti Derenze             11 Mercy-2                2:30.87  
 13 Katie Lombardi            11 Cold Sprg Hbr-2        2:30.89  
Event 107  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Division 2
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Brooklynn Ventura         11 Waterloo-2               14.91Q -1.8  1 
  2 Avery Evans               11 Pine Plains-2            15.53Q -5.0  2 
  3 Chelsea Gruet             12 Broadalbin-2             15.85Q -1.8  1 
  4 Ashley Mahlmeister        11 Sidney-2                 15.93Q -5.0  2 
  5 Brittany Moody            12 S. Jefferson-2           15.92q -1.8  1 
  6 Stephanie Hasher          12 Bayport-Bluept-2         17.00q -5.0  2 
  7 Emily Palmer              12 Ticonderoga-2            17.12q -1.8  1 
  8 Tyonna Smith              11 Hamilton-2               17.49q -1.8  1 
  9 Grace Moore               11 Fredonia-2               18.24  -5.0  2 
 10 Lindsay Drummond           9 Ogdensburg-2             18.68  -5.0  2 
 11 Joanna Koronios            9 Carle Place-2            18.89  -5.0  2 
Event 107  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Brooklynn Ventura         11 Waterloo-2               15.16  -5.4 
  2 Ashley Mahlmeister        11 Sidney-2                 15.75  -5.4 
  3 Avery Evans               11 Pine Plains-2            15.95  -5.4 
  4 Brittany Moody            12 S. Jefferson-2           15.98  -5.4 
  5 Chelsea Gruet             12 Broadalbin-2             16.67  -5.4 
  6 Stephanie Hasher          12 Bayport-Bluept-2         17.00  -5.4 
  7 Emily Palmer              12 Ticonderoga-2            17.12  -5.4 
  8 Tyonna Smith              11 Hamilton-2               17.29  -5.4 
Event 108  Girls 400 Meter Hurdles Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H#
  1 Brooklynn Ventura         11 Waterloo-2             1:01.65   2 
  2 Mari Giurastante          11 Chenango Valley2       1:01.76   2 
  3 Anna Weber                11 Cooperstown-2          1:04.94   2 
  4 Lauren Nelson             12 Trumansburg-2          1:06.14   2 
  5 Elizbabeth Woodhead       12 Portville-2            1:06.28   2 
  6 Lianna Ferguson           11 Broadalbin-2           1:06.40   2 
  7 Christie Barnett          11 Skaneateles-2          1:06.62   2 
  8 Kalyn Weber               12 Lake George-2          1:06.81   2 
  9 Rachel Kim                10 Bronxville-2           1:07.81   1 
 10 Jackie Wild               12 John Glenn-2           1:08.36   1 
 11 Alice Walsh               10 Conv of The SH-2       1:08.72   1 
 12 Holly Black               12 Peru-2                 1:10.37   1 
 13 Katie Donovan             10 Clifton-Fine-2         1:11.46   1 
 14 Alison Brown              11 Friends Acad.-2        1:11.78   1 
 15 Emma Tingley               9 Tri-Valley-2           1:13.96   1 
Event 111  Girls Long Jump Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Lakeshia McCloud          12 Bath-Haverling-2      17-10.50  +0.0 
  2 Adele Jackson-Gibson      11 Nichols (Buf)-2       17-07.25  +0.0 
  3 Jennifer Lighthall        12 Holland Patent-2      17-07.25  +0.0 
  4 Alexis Easterling         11 Woodlands-2           17-05.00  +0.0 
  5 Ashley Mahlmeister        11 Sidney-2              17-04.50  +0.0 
  6 Kristen Guenther          12 Arkport-2             17-03.75  +0.0 
  7 Olivia Weeks              11 Elmira ND-2           17-03.25  +0.0 
  8 Becky Henning             12 Wilson-2              17-02.75  +0.0 
  9 Klarissa Ricks             9 Holy Names-2          16-09.00  +0.0 
 10 Kayla Brantmeyer          11 Center Moriches2      16-05.25  -0.1 
 11 Michelle Smith            11 Gouverneur-2          15-08.75  -0.1 
 12 Amanda Maynard            12 Plattsburgh-2         15-05.50  -0.1 
 13 Megan McHugh              12 Carle Place-2         15-02.00  -0.5 
 14 Alisha Ellsworth           9 Northville-2          15-00.25   0.2 
 15 Marin McDermott           12 Red Hook-2            15-00.25  -0.5 
Event 112  Girls Triple Jump Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind
  1 Olivia Weeks              11 Elmira ND-2           38-06.75   0.7 
  2 Lakeshia McCloud          12 Bath-Haverling-2      38-04.00  -1.0 
  3 Theresa Kennedy           10 Holy Names-2          37-03.00   1.7 
  4 Katie Darling             12 Jordan-Elbridge2      35-03.75   2.3 
  5 Kirsten Angierski         12 Depew-2               35-00.50  -0.5 
  6 Katie Chun                12 Port Jefferson-2      34-08.00  -2.1 
  7 Megan McHugh              12 Carle Place-2         33-08.00   1.6 
  8 Jessica Dunnigan           9 Liberty-2             33-08.00   0.2 
  9 Dyana William             11 Cardinal O'Hara2      33-00.75   0.6 
 10 Katie Donovan             10 Clifton-Fine-2        32-10.00   1.4 
 11 Alexis Harrington         11 Plattsburgh-2         32-05.25  -1.3 
 12 Sharlene Chisholm         11 Woodlands-2           31-10.25   0.2 
Event 113  Girls Shot Put Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Rachel Roberts            11 Remsen-2              41-00.25  
  2 Taylor Eldridge           10 Cleveland Hill-2      40-05.75  
  3 Lexia Robinson            11 Woodlands-2           37-04.00  
  4 Abigail Oakes             12 Lyndonville-2         36-02.75  
  5 Chrissy Scanlon           12 Lake George-2         35-01.25  
  6 Kathryn McDuffy           12 Beekmantown-2         34-10.75  
  7 Amanda Spoto              10 St Joseph Hill-2      34-03.00  
  8 Melissa Reigles           11 BGA-2                 33-07.50  
  9 Eva Klohnova              12 Onteora-2             33-02.00  
 10 Francine Orekoya          11 Malverne-2            31-02.75  
 11 Clarissa Coverdale        12 Bayport-Bluept-2      30-03.75  
 12 Chelsea Larkin            10 Tupper Lake-2         26-00.75  
Event 114  Girls Discus Throw Division 2
    Name                    Year School                  Finals 
  1 Taylor Eldridge           10 Cleveland Hill-2        135-01  
  2 Kayla Forgit              12 Morris-2                114-01  
  3 Catie Coxon               12 Duanesburg-2            112-11  
  4 Katie Gibbins                Holy Angels-2           106-08  
  5 Miriam Larson-Koester     12 S. Cayuga-2             104-11  
  6 Lexia Robinson            11 Woodlands-2             102-07  
  7 Ikeyanna Hamlin           12 Beekmantown-2           101-07  
  8 Helene Bruckner           12 Port Jefferson-2        100-07  
  9 Abigail Oakes             12 Lyndonville-2            94-00  
 10 Nickcole Collins          11 Gouverneur-2             89-02  
 11 Rachel Roberts            11 Remsen-2                 86-01  
 12 Joanna Koronios            9 Carle Place-2            85-10  
 13 Claire Wilsey             11 Onteora-2                81-10  
Event 117  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Division 2
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Woodlands-2                                           49.14   2 
     1) Dominque Forbes 10              2) Diana Sainvil 10               
     3) Sharlene Chisholm 11            4) Alexis Easterling 11           
  2 School of the Arts-2                                  49.77   2 
     1) DeChele Hester 12               2) Courtney Malcolm 12            
     3) Alexandra Ryan 12               4) Briana Dorsey 10               
  3 Academy of Holy Names-2                               49.82   2 
     1) Christina Cooper 10             2) Sherez Mohamed 11              
     3) Klarissa Ricks 9                4) Theresa Kennedy 10             
  4 Tonawanda-2                                           50.01   2 
     1) Christine Garrity 8             2) Jenna Metzger 12               
     3) Katie Mol 12                    4) Brianna Snyder 10              
  5 Southampton-2                                         50.53   2 
     1) Jena Arnister 11                2) Jeanette Henderson 10          
     3) Imani Richardson 12             4) Leah Eleazer 11                
  6 CBA-Syracuse-2                                        50.58   1 
     1) Nicole SanGiacomo 11            2) Edie Douglas 11                
     3) Nadine Dosa 10                  4) Melissa Zajdel 11              
  7 Ellenville-2                                          51.28   1  51.275
     1) Savanna Connors 12              2) Kayla Hornbeck 12              
     3) Erica Stoeckeler 11             4) Samantha Verbert 9             
  8 Norwich-2                                             51.28   2  51.280
     1) Cleo Daoud 9                    2) Sarah Bonnell 10               
     3) Elisha Eddy 10                  4) Katie Benenati 10              
  9 Ticonderoga-2                                         51.87   1 
     1) Elsie Philips 12                2) Lexi Reale 11                  
     3) Emily Palmer 12                 4) Ainsley MacAlpine 11           
 10 Gouverneur-2                                          54.03   1 
     1) Amanda Brown 11                 2) Olivia Langevin 11             
     3) Michelle Smith 11               4) Justine Ward 12                
 -- Malverne-2                                               DQ   2  Rule 5-10-1
     1) Britney Baptiste 9              2) Ayanna Kelly 12                
     3) Ashley William 12               4) Brittany Jenkins 11            
Event 118  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Division 2
    School                                               Finals  H#
  1 Academy of Holy Names-2                             4:01.96   2 
     1) Laura Isabelle 10               2) Sherez Mohamed 11              
     3) Lauren Recchia 10               4) Rayanne Geleta 11              
  2 Medina-2                                            4:02.42   2 
     1) Alishia Newman 9                2) Nicole Porter 9                
     3) Miranda Benthin 12              4) Chelsea Champlin 12            
  3 Bronxville-2                                        4:03.03   2 
     1) Henrietta Miers 10              2) Maggie Goff 10                 
     3) Caitlin Hudson 11               4) Olivia Bruton 11               
  4 Waverly-2                                           4:03.11   2 
     1) Mariah Brown 9                  2) Erica Kisel 10                 
     3) Kayla Hager 10                  4) Catherine Hursh 12             
  5 Saranac-2                                           4:09.59   2 
     1) Amy McCasland 12                2) Missy Seymour 12               
     3) Robbi Bailey 10                 4) Katie McIntosh 10              
  6 Mercy-2                                             4:10.66   2 
     1) Victoria Cataldo 7              2) Bridget Straub 11              
     3) Ali Smith 12                    4) Olivia Schumann 9              
  7 Homer-2                                             4:13.63   2 
     1) Erika Trivisonno 12             2) Maureen DeAngles 11            
     3) Caitlin McMahon 12              4) Heather Wilson 12              
  8 Sullivan West-2                                     4:14.64   1 
     1) Kasi Pilny 11                   2) Morgan Hawkins 10              
     3) Katie Manzi 10                  4) Liz Peters 9                   
  9 Tupper Lake-2                                       4:15.61   1 
     1) Allysa Houle 11                 2) Beth Keniston 11               
     3) Brooke Aldridge 12              4) Kyla Kenyon 9                  
 10 Pembroke-2                                          4:16.54   2 
     1) Sydney Phillips 11              2) Nicole Sharick 11              
     3) Katie Hackett 10                4) Kelsey Lewis 10                
 11 Cold Spring Harbor-2                                4:18.56   1 
     1) Olivia Galano 10                2) Kyra McAndrew 11               
     3) Leah Deitch 11                  4) Katie Lombardi 11              
 12 Immaculata Academy-2                                4:22.43   1 
     1) Natalie Schichtel 9             2) Gabby Leo 9                    
     3) Jill Fitzner 10                 4) Kristin Miga 12                
Event 501  Girls 100 Meter Dash Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Sasha Richards            12 Mount Vernon-1           12.29  -2.0  10   
  2 Adele Jackson-Gibson      11 Nichols (Buf)-2          12.39  -2.0   8   
  3 Renee McDougall           12 Horace Mann-2            12.42  -2.0   6   
  4 Samantha Francis          11 Paul Robeson-1           12.49  -2.0   4   
  5 Samantha Edwards          12 Floral Park-1            12.52  -2.0   2   
  6 Geannitta McClain          9 Proctor-1                12.60  -2.0   1   
  7 Klarissa Ricks             9 Holy Names-2             12.67  -2.0 
  8 Rachel Pierantozzi        10 Millbrook-2              12.70  -2.0 
Event 502  Girls 200 Meter Dash Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Nadonnia Rodriques        12 Boys & Girls-1           24.72  -3.0  10   
  2 Samantha Edwards          12 Floral Park-1            24.94  -3.0   8   
  3 Renee McDougall           12 Horace Mann-2            25.11  -3.0   6   
  4 Jen Clayton               10 Suffern-1                25.23  -3.0   4   
  5 Ashley Fields              9 Amherst-1                25.60  -3.0   2   
  6 Geannitta McClain          9 Proctor-1                25.68  -3.0   1   
  7 Kala Allen                 8 Wmsvl. East-1            25.93  -3.0 
  8 Melissa Zajdel            11 CBA-Syr.-2               26.42  -3.0 
Event 503  Girls 400 Meter Dash Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Kala Allen                 8 Wmsvl. East-1            55.24   10   
  2 Janet Mellor              10 Mount Sinai-1            55.35    8   
  3 Christie Verdier          12 Baldwin-1                57.29    6   
  4 Leah Wightman             11 Chatham-2                57.31    4   
  5 Sheina Roberts            11 Bshp Loughlin-1          57.47    2   
  6 Jasmine Blocker           10 Manhasset-1              57.69    1   
  7 Melissa Zajdel            11 CBA-Syr.-2               57.91  
Event 504  Girls 800 Meter Run Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Charlene Lipsey           11 Hempstead-1            2:07.46   10   
  2 Phyllis Francis           10 McAuley-2              2:09.29    8   
  3 Emily Menges              10 Garden City-1          2:09.58    6   
  4 Sarah McCurdy             12 Bayshore-1             2:09.67    4   
  5 Michelle Riley            10 Saratoga-1             2:12.36    2   
  6 Jackie Burns              12 N.Tonawanda-1          2:12.87    1   
  7 Hayley Madsen             11 Chatham-2              2:13.53  
  8 Heather Wilson            12 Homer-2                2:17.29  
Event 505  Girls 1500 Meter Run Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Emily Lipari              10 Roslyn-1               4:30.58   10   
  2 Tori Pennings             12 Warwick Valley-1       4:33.22    8   
  3 MacKenzie Carter          10 Fay.-Manlius-1         4:34.13    6   
  4 Mary Kate Champagne       12 Seton Catholic-2       4:36.20    4   
  5 Molly Malone              10 Fay.-Manlius-1         4:36.92    2   
  6 Elizabeth Marvin          11 Rhinebeck-2            4:37.93    1   
  7 Jaclyn Marshall           12 Kings Park-1           4:38.78  
  8 Molly Pezzulo              9 Burnt Hills-1          4:39.13  
  9 Emma Miller-Bedell        12 Tappan Zee-1           4:40.37  
 10 Jenna Hulton              12 East Aurora-2          4:40.58  
 11 Kati Holowacz             12 BGA-2                  4:42.13  
 12 Alison Lee                12 Cardozo-1              4:43.46  
 13 Jessica Fingers           11 Monticello-1           4:43.64  
 14 Liz Schinski              10 Geneseo-2              4:44.00  
 15 Heidi Baumbach            12 Lake Placid-2          4:45.57  
 16 Brenna Symoniak           10 Amherst-1              4:46.16  
 17 Lauren Recchia            10 Holy Names-2           4:46.19  
 18 Kendra Zaffuto            12 Mercy (Roc.)-1         4:46.73  
 19 Christy Ambrosini         11 Long Beach-1           4:47.54  
 20 Lauren Mullins             8 Johnson City-1         4:48.48  
 21 Alyssa Smith              12 Brighton-1             4:52.58  
 22 Chelsea Kushner            9 Pearl River-1          4:52.59  
 23 Shanique Da Silva          9 Bishop Ford-1          4:53.13  
 24 Jessica Bramhall          12 Homer-2                4:53.54  
 25 Dana Walsh                10 Conv of The SH-2       4:56.58  
 26 Kaila Maguire             11 Potsdam-2              4:59.73  
 27 Amelia Phillips            7 Bronxville-2           5:05.08  
 28 Caiti Derenze             11 Mercy-2                5:17.43  
 29 Olivia Galano             10 Cold Sprg Hbr-2        5:26.19  
Event 506  Girls 3000 Meter Run Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Emily Lipari              10 Roslyn-1               9:37.53   10   
  2 Samantha Roecker          11 Burnt Hills-1          9:42.16    8   
  3 Hannah Davidson           12 Saratoga-1             9:49.21    6   
  4 Suejin Ahn                12 Ward Melville-1        9:50.38    4   
  5 Mary Kate Champagne       12 Seton Catholic-2       9:53.61    2   
  6 Claire Hardwick           12 Holy Names-2           9:54.38    1   
  7 Courtney Chapman           9 Fay.-Manlius-1        10:02.72  
  8 McKenna Coughlin           9 Johnson City-1        10:03.25  
  9 Allison Lasnicki          10 Canastota-2           10:06.03  
 10 Brenna Symoniak           10 Amherst-1             10:08.43  
 11 Catherine Lusardi         12 East Aurora-2         10:09.52  
 12 Shelby Herman             12 Hilton-1              10:12.45  
 13 Kathryn Buchan            11 Fay.-Manlius-1        10:12.86  
 14 Tori Flannery             11 Bronxville-2          10:13.54  
 15 Kate Rosettie             11 Corning-1             10:14.90  
 16 Jessica Fingers           11 Monticello-1          10:15.74  
 17 Samantha Nadel             8 North Shore-1         10:16.91  
 18 Christine Driscoll         9 Geneva-2              10:21.97  
 19 Aisling Cuffe              9 Cornwall-1            10:24.15  
 20 Samantha Jorgensen         9 Pawling-2             10:28.09  
 21 Rachel O'Driscoll         10 Holy Child-2          10:29.61  
 22 Caroline O'Hea             8 Ward Melville-1       10:32.41  
 23 Erica Cirino              10 Cold Sprg Hbr-2       10:36.23  
 24 Shaylyn Tuite              9 Pittsford-Mndn-1      10:39.34  
 25 Kaila Maguire             11 Potsdam-2             10:40.75  
 26 Jill Shea                 12 Nardin Academy-1      10:44.59  
 27 Katherine Hekker          11 North Rockland-1      11:08.48  
 28 Somer Pettet              10 Watkins Glen-2        11:15.37  
 29 Anna Clarke                8 Rhinebeck-2           11:17.47  
 30 Jadon Works               11 Paul Robeson-1        11:25.57  
 31 Meagan Donovan            10 John Glenn-2          11:34.40  
Event 507  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Madalayne Smith           10 Saratoga-1               14.15  -0.7  10   
  2 Janice Jackson            11 Medgar Evers-1           14.35  -0.7   8   
  3 Ashley Hendrix            12 Uniondale-1              14.45  -0.7   6   
  4 Allie VanBuren            10 Wmsvl. South-1           14.55  -0.7   4   
  5 Jamiee McCleary           11 Mercy (Roc.)-1           14.80  -0.7   2   
  6 Kaitlin Sullivan          12 Kings Park-1             14.82  -0.7   1   
  7 Ashley Mahlmeister        11 Sidney-2                 15.04  -0.7 
  8 Brooklynn Ventura         11 Waterloo-2               15.25  -0.7 
Event 508  Girls 400 Meter Hurdles Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dalilah Muhammad          12 Cardozo-1                57.90   10   
  2 Elizabeth Mott            12 New Rochelle-1           58.49    8   
  3 Allie VanBuren            10 Wmsvl. South-1         1:00.70    6   
  4 Mari Giurastante          11 Chenango Valley2       1:01.86    4   
  5 Donna Jeanty              10 Brentwood-1            1:02.28    2   
  6 Danielle McHolder         11 Newburgh-1             1:02.61    1 1:02.604
  7 NaTasha Greggs            11 Wilson Magnet-1        1:02.61   1:02.605
  8 Brooklynn Ventura         11 Waterloo-2             1:04.84  
Event 509  Girls 2000 Meter Steeplechase Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Shelby Greany             11 Suffern-1              6:43.03   10   
  2 Erin Cawley               11 Newark Valley-2        6:53.19    8   
  3 Danielle Winslow           9 Queensbury-1           6:56.57    6   
  4 Nicole Rozario            12 Pine Bush-1            6:59.42    4   
  5 Meaghan Gregory           11 Burnt Hills-1          7:00.36    2   
  6 Ryann Cretney             12 Lansing-2              7:01.63    1   
  7 Janie Turek                9 Mount Sinai-1          7:05.21  
  8 Lindsay Raulli            11 Cicero-N. Syr-1        7:08.40  
  9 Jess Tobin                10 Clarkstown So.-1       7:11.08  
 10 Meghan VanHouten          12 Honeoye Falls-1        7:13.06  
 11 Ada Lauterbach            12 Berne-Knox-Wst-2       7:14.29  
 12 Kirsten Weberg            11 East Aurora-2          7:15.85  
 13 Lianne Farber             10 Northport-1            7:18.00  
 14 Amanda Moreland           10 Bloomfield-2           7:24.35  
 15 Annabel Clarke            10 Rhinebeck-2            7:24.42  
 16 Kelsey Fraser             12 Lockport-1             7:24.46  
 17 Courtney Kelly            12 Mepham-1               7:26.82  
 18 Samantha Jorgensen         9 Pawling-2              7:28.77  
 19 Julia McMahon             10 Poly Prep-2            7:32.72  
 20 Rachel Hosie              11 Skaneateles-2          7:37.14  
 21 Tricia Rosettie           12 Corning-1              7:47.17  
 22 Alexa Cosgro              10 Seton Catholic-2       7:48.56  
 23 Kira Garry                 9 Friends Acad.-2        7:48.71  
 24 Kadian Dunkley            11 Clara Barton-1         7:55.23  
 25 Melissa Groark             9 John Glenn-2           8:04.20  
 26 Colleen Cotey             12 Norwood-Norfolk2       8:09.34  
 27 Emily Sullivan             9 Massena-1              8:56.88  
Event 510  Girls Outdoor Pentathlon Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Britney Clarke            12 North Rockland-1          3383   10   
  2 Paige Wray                12 Hilton-1                  3154    8   
  3 Morgan Wheeler            11 Averill Park-1            3116    6   
  4 Farath Raphael            11 HHH East-1                3045    4   
  5 Brittany Brown            11 Pelham-2                  2890    2   
  6 Kelsey Hanson             10 Shenendehowa-1            2884    1   
  7 Enrica Nixon               9 Dewitt Clinton-1          2883  
  8 Tameekia Cooper           11 New Rochelle-1            2876  
  9 Michelle Rotondo           9 Garden City-1             2839  
 10 Lauren McGrath            12 Shoreham WR-1             2809  
 11 Alexis Broz                8 Schuylerville-2           2797  
 12 Amanda Breymeier          10 Wmsvl. South-1            2787  
 13 Sara Wickes               10 Monroe-Woodbury1          2775  
 14 Lindsey Dubas             12 Windsor-2                 2764  
 15 Katie Darling             11 Delhi-2                   2761  
 16 Asha Daley                12 Jamaica-1                 2719  
 17 Jessica Conter            12 Molloy-1                  2701  
 18 Kristie Pageau            12 Saranac-2                 2638  
 19 Rachel Frost              10 Geneseo-2                 2540  
 20 Jennifer Curley           12 Madrid-Wdgton.-2          2437  
 21 Kerry Tkacik              11 Horseheads-1              2344  
 22 Nicole Emborski           12 Randolph-2                2338  
 23 Kim McKay                 12 Liberty-2                 2278  
 24 Lisa Kimak                10 Jordan-Elbridge2          2183  
 25 Brittany Coverdale        12 Bayport-Bluept-2          1979  
 26 Stephanie Madey           10 Carle Place-2             1505  
Event 510  Pentathlon: #1 Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Championship Pentathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Britney Clarke            12 North Rockland-1         15.06  -0.8  5    834
  2 Kelsey Hanson             10 Shenendehowa-1           15.56  -0.8  5    769
  3 Enrica Nixon               9 Dewitt Clinton-1         15.72  -3.6  8    749
  4 Asha Daley                12 Jamaica-1                15.77  -3.6  8    743
  5 Farath Raphael            11 HHH East-1               15.79  -1.9  6    740
  6 Brittany Brown            11 Pelham-2                 15.80  -1.9  6    739
  7 Paige Wray                12 Hilton-1                 15.84  -4.5  7    734
  8 Lauren McGrath            12 Shoreham WR-1            15.89  -0.8  5    728
  9 Tameekia Cooper           11 New Rochelle-1           15.91  -4.5  7    725
 10 Sara Wickes               10 Monroe-Woodbury1         15.96  -4.6  4    719
 11 Monique Roberts           12 Cicero-N. Syr-1          16.38  -4.5  7    668
 12 Lindsay Sturnick          11 Aquinas Inst-1           16.62  -4.5  7    640
 13 Katie Darling             11 Delhi-2                  16.73  -3.6  8    627
 14 Michelle Rotondo           9 Garden City-1            16.90  -3.7  1    608
 15 Morgan Wheeler            11 Averill Park-1           17.06  -1.9  6    590
 16 Amanda Breymeier          10 Wmsvl. South-1           17.12  -0.8  5    583
 17 Kristie Pageau            12 Saranac-2                17.21  -3.6  2    573
 18 Alexis Broz                8 Schuylerville-2          17.29  -1.9  6    564
 19 Lindsey Dubas             12 Windsor-2                17.30  -3.8  3    563
 20 Jessica Conter            12 Molloy-1                 17.30  -4.6  4    563
 21 Rachel Frost              10 Geneseo-2                17.39  -3.6  2    553
 22 Kerry Tkacik              11 Horseheads-1             18.02  -3.6  2    486
 23 Stephanie Madey           10 Carle Place-2            18.18  -3.8  3    470
 24 Nicole Emborski           12 Randolph-2               18.65  -3.7  1    424
 25 Jennifer Curley           12 Madrid-Wdgton.-2         18.67  -3.6  2    422
 26 Lisa Kimak                10 Jordan-Elbridge2         18.75  -4.6  4    414
 27 Kim McKay                 12 Liberty-2                18.91  -3.8  3    399
 28 Brittany Coverdale        12 Bayport-Bluept-2         19.78  -3.7  1    321
Event 510  Pentathlon: #2 Girls High Jump Championship Pentathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Morgan Wheeler            11 Averill Park-1           1.66m     806
  1 Alexis Broz                8 Schuylerville-2          1.66m     806
  3 Paige Wray                12 Hilton-1                 1.57m     701
  3 Michelle Rotondo           9 Garden City-1            1.57m     701
  3 Britney Clarke            12 North Rockland-1         1.57m     701
  3 Lindsey Dubas             12 Windsor-2                1.57m     701
  7 Brittany Brown            11 Pelham-2                 1.54m     666
  7 Lauren McGrath            12 Shoreham WR-1            1.54m     666
  7 Rachel Frost              10 Geneseo-2                1.54m     666
  7 Jennifer Curley           12 Madrid-Wdgton.-2         1.54m     666
  7 Farath Raphael            11 HHH East-1               1.54m     666
 12 Kerry Tkacik              11 Horseheads-1             1.52m     644
 13 Lindsay Sturnick          11 Aquinas Inst-1           1.51m     632
 13 Amanda Breymeier          10 Wmsvl. South-1           1.51m     632
 13 Kelsey Hanson             10 Shenendehowa-1           1.51m     632
 16 Enrica Nixon               9 Dewitt Clinton-1         1.48m     599
 16 Nicole Emborski           12 Randolph-2               1.48m     599
 16 Katie Darling             11 Delhi-2                  1.48m     599
 19 Kristie Pageau            12 Saranac-2                1.45m     566
 19 Sara Wickes               10 Monroe-Woodbury1         1.45m     566
 19 Jessica Conter            12 Molloy-1                 1.45m     566
 22 Tameekia Cooper           11 New Rochelle-1           1.42m     534
 22 Lisa Kimak                10 Jordan-Elbridge2         1.42m     534
 24 Stephanie Madey           10 Carle Place-2            1.39m     502
 24 Asha Daley                12 Jamaica-1                1.39m     502
 26 Kim McKay                 12 Liberty-2                1.36m     470
 27 Brittany Coverdale        12 Bayport-Bluept-2         1.33m     439
 -- Monique Roberts           12 Cicero-N. Syr-1             NH  
Event 510  Pentathlon: #3 Girls Shot Put Championship Pentathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Farath Raphael            11 HHH East-1              10.99m     594
  2 Morgan Wheeler            11 Averill Park-1          10.67m     573
  3 Tameekia Cooper           11 New Rochelle-1           9.84m     519
  4 Britney Clarke            12 North Rockland-1         9.83m     518
  5 Kristie Pageau            12 Saranac-2                9.39m     490
  6 Brittany Coverdale        12 Bayport-Bluept-2         9.14m     473
  7 Kelsey Hanson             10 Shenendehowa-1           8.87m     456
  8 Asha Daley                12 Jamaica-1                8.59m     438
  9 Katie Darling             11 Delhi-2                  8.49m     431
 10 Amanda Breymeier          10 Wmsvl. South-1           8.37m     423
 11 Sara Wickes               10 Monroe-Woodbury1         8.35m     422
 12 Kim McKay                 12 Liberty-2                8.21m     413
 13 Enrica Nixon               9 Dewitt Clinton-1         8.15m     409
 14 Paige Wray                12 Hilton-1                 8.14m     408
 15 Rachel Frost              10 Geneseo-2                8.13m     408
 16 Jessica Conter            12 Molloy-1                 7.93m     395
 17 Brittany Brown            11 Pelham-2                 7.85m     390
 18 Alexis Broz                8 Schuylerville-2          7.70m     380
 19 Lisa Kimak                10 Jordan-Elbridge2         7.57m     372
 20 Kerry Tkacik              11 Horseheads-1             7.20m     348
 21 Jennifer Curley           12 Madrid-Wdgton.-2         7.09m     341
 21 Lindsey Dubas             12 Windsor-2                7.09m     341
 23 Lauren McGrath            12 Shoreham WR-1            7.06m     339
 24 Nicole Emborski           12 Randolph-2               6.83m     324
 25 Lindsay Sturnick          11 Aquinas Inst-1           6.66m     313
 26 Stephanie Madey           10 Carle Place-2            6.04m     274
 27 Michelle Rotondo           9 Garden City-1            5.26m     225
Event 510  Pentathlon: #4 Girls Long Jump Championship Pentathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Britney Clarke            12 North Rockland-1         5.22m  -0.1    620
  2 Morgan Wheeler            11 Averill Park-1           5.00m  -0.1    559
  3 Jessica Conter            12 Molloy-1                 4.98m  +0.0    554
  4 Lindsey Dubas             12 Windsor-2                4.85m  -0.9    519
  5 Lauren McGrath            12 Shoreham WR-1            4.82m  -0.1    511
  6 Michelle Rotondo           9 Garden City-1            4.70m  -0.4    479
  7 Katie Darling             11 Delhi-2                  4.69m   2.6    477
  8 Enrica Nixon               9 Dewitt Clinton-1         4.67m  -0.2    472
  9 Sara Wickes               10 Monroe-Woodbury1         4.66m  -0.8    469
  9 Tameekia Cooper           11 New Rochelle-1           4.66m   1.1    469
 11 Brittany Brown            11 Pelham-2                 4.62m   0.8    459
 12 Paige Wray                12 Hilton-1                 4.54m  -0.6    438
 13 Kelsey Hanson             10 Shenendehowa-1           4.50m  -0.1    428
 14 Jennifer Curley           12 Madrid-Wdgton.-2         4.48m  -0.5    423
 14 Amanda Breymeier          10 Wmsvl. South-1           4.48m   0.4    423
 16 Rachel Frost              10 Geneseo-2                4.45m  -0.9    416
 17 Alexis Broz                8 Schuylerville-2          4.39m   0.2    401
 18 Lindsay Sturnick          11 Aquinas Inst-1           4.38m  -0.5    398
 19 Asha Daley                12 Jamaica-1                4.33m  -0.2    386
 20 Farath Raphael            11 HHH East-1               4.32m  -0.1    384
 21 Kristie Pageau            12 Saranac-2                4.30m  -0.1    379
 22 Kerry Tkacik              11 Horseheads-1             4.19m   0.4    352
 23 Nicole Emborski           12 Randolph-2               4.16m  -0.5    345
 24 Kim McKay                 12 Liberty-2                4.15m  -0.2    343
 25 Lisa Kimak                10 Jordan-Elbridge2         4.12m  -0.1    336
 26 Stephanie Madey           10 Carle Place-2            3.78m   0.2    259
 27 Brittany Coverdale        12 Bayport-Bluept-2         3.75m  -0.6    252
Event 510  Pentathlon: #5 Girls 800 Meter Run Championship Pentathlon
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Paige Wray                12 Hilton-1               2:16.38   2    873
  2 Michelle Rotondo           9 Garden City-1          2:19.84   1    826
  3 Amanda Breymeier          10 Wmsvl. South-1         2:27.39   1    726
  4 Britney Clarke            12 North Rockland-1       2:28.66   2    710
  5 Farath Raphael            11 HHH East-1             2:32.55   2    661
  6 Enrica Nixon               9 Dewitt Clinton-1       2:33.13   2    654
  7 Kim McKay                 12 Liberty-2              2:33.23   1    653
  8 Asha Daley                12 Jamaica-1              2:33.50   1    650
  9 Nicole Emborski           12 Randolph-2             2:33.80   1    646
 10 Alexis Broz                8 Schuylerville-2        2:33.82   2    646
 11 Lindsey Dubas             12 Windsor-2              2:34.29   2    640
 12 Brittany Brown            11 Pelham-2               2:34.66   2    636
 13 Kristie Pageau            12 Saranac-2              2:35.16   1    630
 14 Tameekia Cooper           11 New Rochelle-1         2:35.17   2    629
 15 Katie Darling             11 Delhi-2                2:35.39   2    627
 16 Jessica Conter            12 Molloy-1               2:35.69   2    623
 17 Sara Wickes               10 Monroe-Woodbury1       2:37.74   2    599
 18 Kelsey Hanson             10 Shenendehowa-1         2:37.75   2    599
 19 Morgan Wheeler            11 Averill Park-1         2:38.70   2    588
 20 Jennifer Curley           12 Madrid-Wdgton.-2       2:38.92   1    585
 21 Lauren McGrath            12 Shoreham WR-1          2:40.65   2    565
 22 Lisa Kimak                10 Jordan-Elbridge2       2:44.08   1    527
 23 Kerry Tkacik              11 Horseheads-1           2:45.26   1    514
 24 Rachel Frost              10 Geneseo-2              2:46.84   1    497
 25 Brittany Coverdale        12 Bayport-Bluept-2       2:47.12   1    494
 -- Stephanie Madey           10 Carle Place-2              DNF   1 
Event 511  Girls Long Jump Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Jen Clayton               10 Suffern-1             18-09.00   0.4  10   
  2 Ashley Hendrix            12 Uniondale-1           18-03.25  -0.4   8   
  3 Lakeshia McCloud          12 Bath-Haverling-2      17-07.50   1.3   6   
  4 Jennifer Adams            12 Batavia-1             17-06.25   0.9   4   
  5 Kia Allen                 11 Murry Bergtraum1      17-04.25   0.7   2   
  6 Adele Jackson-Gibson      11 Nichols (Buf)-2       17-03.00   0.8   1   
  7 Jennifer Lighthall        12 Holland Patent-2      16-05.75  -0.9 
Event 512  Girls Triple Jump Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Lakeshia McCloud          12 Bath-Haverling-2      38-03.25  -0.3  10   
  2 Theresa Kennedy           10 Holy Names-2          37-07.00   0.7   8   
  3 Marlene Ricketts          10 Westbury-1            37-04.00  +0.0   6   
  4 Olivia Weeks              11 Elmira ND-2           36-07.75  -0.3   4   
  5 Jen Clayton               10 Suffern-1             36-03.75   0.2   2   
  6 Patricia McNish           11 Manhasset-1           36-00.75  -0.2   1   
  7 Stephanie Barnes          11 Bayshore-1            34-08.50   0.7 
Event 513  Girls Shot Put Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Melissa Kurzdorfer        10 Lancaster-1           44-06.00   10   
  2 Rachel Roberts            11 Remsen-2              41-08.25    8   
  3 Shante' White             12 Henninger-1           41-03.50    6   
  4 Erin Miller               11 Lockport-1            41-03.50    4   
  5 Elisa Baskin              11 Binghamton-1          39-09.50    2   
  6 Taylor Eldridge           10 Cleveland Hill-2      38-02.00    1   
  7 Vanessa Stewart           10 North Babylon-1       37-00.75  
  8 Kathryn Wahls             11 Brockport-1           34-07.25  
Event 514  Girls Discus Throw Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Melissa Kurzdorfer        10 Lancaster-1             141-10   10   
  2 Ashley Clasen             11 Shoreham WR-1           139-00    8   
  3 Taylor Eldridge           10 Cleveland Hill-2        131-09    6   
  4 Cherrice Brown            11 Bayshore-1              127-02    4   
  5 Claire Dishong            11 Brockport-1             126-00    2   
  6 Erin Miller               11 Lockport-1              113-09    1   
  7 Briana Delbene            11 Guilderland-1           111-09  
  8 Samantha Spindel          12 Brewster-1              109-01  
Event 515  Girls High Jump Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Sarah Palmer               9 Schuylerville-2        5-08.00   10   
  2 Janelle Clayton           11 Suffern-1              5-07.00    8   
  3 Emily Hren                11 East Hampton-1         5-07.00    6   
  4 Shykiera Heyward           9 Proctor-1              5-06.00    4   
  5 Shorna Brown              12 Kingston-1             5-06.00    2   
  6 Mary Cushman              10 W. Irondequoit-1       5-06.00    1   
  7 Theresa Kennedy           10 Holy Names-2           5-04.00  
  8 Tiffany Bennett           12 Marlboro-2             5-04.00  
  9 Juliana Lawniczak         10 Ch'ville-Chili-1       5-04.00  
 10 Ashley Abrams              9 S. Glens Falls-1       5-02.00  
 11 Gina Campagna             11 Cicero-N. Syr-1        5-02.00  
 12 Danielle Anderson          9 Jamestown-1            5-02.00  
 13 Ashley AuPont             11 Union-Endicott-1       5-02.00  
 14 Calista Hutchinson        12 S. Jefferson-2         5-02.00  
 15 Ashley Grant              10 Monroe-Woodbury1       5-02.00  
 16 Justine Ward              12 Gouverneur-2           5-02.00  
 17 Lucy Rollins              12 Rye-2                  5-00.00  
 17 Emma Dewart               12 Barker-2               5-00.00  
 17 Alexandra Van Tuyl        12 Smithtown West-1       5-00.00  
 17 Amanda Maynard            12 Plattsburgh-2          5-00.00  
 21 Michelle Duffy            11 Island Trees-1         5-00.00  
 22 Emily Johns               12 Bath-Haverling-2       5-00.00  
 23 Sally Gale                 9 Nyack-1                5-00.00  
 24 Joanne Imbert              9 Valley Str. C-1        5-00.00  
 25 Ann Lynch                 10 Horace Mann-2          4-10.00  
 26 Andraya Spiliotis         11 Port Jefferson-2       4-10.00  
 26 Shelby Olafson             9 Watkins Glen-2         4-10.00  
 28 Micayla McGinn            12 Peru-2                 4-10.00  
 28 Naci Johnson              12 Paul Robeson-1         4-10.00  
 -- Casey Carey               12 Kellenberg-1                NH  
 -- Laura Kroon               12 CV-Springfield-2            NH  
 -- Laura Lesch               12 Hamburg-1                   NH  
Event 516  Girls Pole Vault Championship
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Michelle Quimby           11 Shenendehowa-1        12-00.00   10   
  2 Camille Ginyard           10 Vestal-1              12-00.00    8   
  3 Linda Hadfield            10 New York Mills-2      12-00.00    6   
  4 Jenna Marrione            11 Warwick Valley-1      11-06.00    4   
  5 Sydnie Leroy              11 Port Jervis-1         11-06.00    2   
  6 Tara Brenner              11 Dryden-2              11-03.00    1   
  7 Claire Dishong            11 Brockport-1           11-00.00  
  8 Katie Mack                10 Olean-2               10-06.00  
  8 Lori Rendos               12 Clarkstown So.-1      10-06.00  
  8 Danielle Moriarity        11 Ballston Spa-1        10-06.00  
 11 Carol Melice              12 Lansing-2             10-06.00  
 12 Nicole Corey              12 Tappan Zee-1          10-06.00  
 13 Molly Coakley             11 Newfane-2             10-06.00  
 14 Amanda Zdanowicz          10 Proctor-1             10-00.00  
 15 Rebecca Graudons          10 Mayfield-2            10-00.00  
 16 Esther Kim                10 HHH West-1             9-00.00  
 16 Jessica Gniazdowski       12 Pioneer-1              9-00.00  
 16 Heather Theiss            10 Hewlett-1              9-00.00  
 16 Caroline McManus          10 Cold Sprg Hbr-2        9-00.00  
 20 Julia Mizutani             9 Pine Plains-2          9-00.00  
 21 Kathryn Galyon            11 Nanuet-2               9-00.00  
 22 Andesha Abraham           12 Harry Truman-1         8-00.00  
 22 Breanne Ingargiola           Bayport-Bluept-2       8-00.00  
 -- Sharlyn Ramirez           11 Victor-1                    NH  
 -- Aubrey Wilkins             9 Hornell-2                   NH  
 -- Kelly Benfey              10 Rome Free Acad-1            NH  
 -- Aly Rofrano               12 Sayville-1                  NH  
 -- Rebecca Power             12 Molloy-1                    NH  
Event 517  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Championship
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Suffern-1                                             47.64   10   
     1) Tamika Montama 12               2) Janelle Clayton 11             
     3) Jenna Schaffer 12               4) Jen Clayton 10                 
  2 Boys & Girls-1                                        48.08    8   
     1) Meagan Gillispie 12             2) Deandra Nelson 12              
     3) Mashenta Pitts 12               4) Nadonnia Rodriques 12          
  3 Elmont-1                                              48.54    6   
     1) Cherrelle King 10               2) Valencia Hannon 8              
     3) Nyree Richardson 12             4) Ashley McCarthy 9              
  4 Rome Free Academy-1                                   49.01    4   
     1) Kaleigh McKinney 12             2) Chanelle McWilliams 12         
     3) Hillary Baker 10                4) Jessica Razy 10                
  5 West Seneca West-1                                    49.09    2   
     1) Nicole Castilloux 11            2) Kristen Harrigan 9             
     3) Jillian O'Brien 12              4) Kelsey Randall 12              
  6 Canarsie-1                                            49.43    1   
     1) Melissa Caddle 10               2) Magan Edwards 12               
     3) Nakia Diggs 11                  4) LaKeisha Nichols 11            
  7 Middletown-1                                          49.68  
     1) Natavia Berry 12                2) Keioki Hewitt 10               
     3) Tara Tillman 10                 4) Daira Veloz 12                 
  8 Pine Bush-1                                           50.15  
     1) Toni Werner 9                   2) Amber Passalaqua 10            
     3) Alexis Grable 11                4) Opeyemi Ifafore 11             
Event 518  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Championship
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Boys & Girls-1                                      3:50.50   10   
     1) Kenesha Abrams 11               2) Kerri Thompson 10              
     3) Jodian Burke 11                 4) Nagua Cohran 11                
  2 Warwick Valley-1                                    3:52.70    8   
     1) Kristen Jados 11                2) Lillian Greibesland 10         
     3) Shernai Bentley 11              4) Claire Pettit 12               
  3 Mount Vernon-1                                      3:53.37    6   
     1) Sereta Steen 10                 2) Breanda Crump 11               
     3) Sasha Richards 12               4) Julia Miller 11                
  4 Brentwood-1                                         3:55.14    4   
     1) Andrea Aberbeen 10              2) Stefanny Laureano 10           
     3) Donna Jeanty 10                 4) Essence Felder 11              
  5 Benjamin Cardozo-1                                  3:56.08    2   
     1) Dalilah Muhammad 12             2) Tessa West 10                  
     3) Alison Lee 12                   4) Shanese Orr 9                  
  6 Pine Bush-1                                         3:56.30    1   
     1) Alexis Grable 11                2) Nicole Rozario 12              
     3) Amber Passalaqua 10             4) Jessica Hennig 11              
  7 Ursuline-1                                          3:59.80  
     1) Rosie Crean 12                  2) Elia Francis 12                
     3) Shanel Golding 9                4) Kaitlin Mallinson 9            
  8 Uniondale-1                                         4:01.45  
     1) Ashley Hendrix 12               2) Grace Lawal 10                 
     3) Kathleen Claremont 11           4) Katrina Johnson-Green 11       
Event 519  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Championship
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Warwick Valley-1                                    8:56.71   10   
     1) Jaqueline Kasal 9               2) Lillian Greibesland 10         
     3) Claire Pettit 12                4) Tori Pennings 12               
  2 Saratoga-1                                          9:07.70    8   
     1) Brianne Bellon 10               2) Cassie Goutos 10               
     3) Hannah Davidson 12              4) Michelle Riley 10              
  3 Suffern-1                                           9:08.35    6   
     1) Allie Carlson 12                2) Carol Dugandzic 11             
     3) Christy Goldmann 11             4) Shelby Greany 11               
  4 Valley Central-1                                    9:09.53    4   
     1) Holly Cavalluzzo 7              2) Jackie Cavalluzzo 12           
     3) Kristal Conklin 12              4) Dominique Wiggins 11           
  5 Garden City-1                                       9:14.77    2   
     1) Aoi Nishimura 7                 2) Jenna DeAngelo 8               
     3) Maddie Adams 12                 4) Emily Menges 10                
  6 Ward Melville-1                                     9:18.35    1   
     1) Brigid Paddock 12               2) MaryKate Anselmini 9           
     3) Suejin Ahn 12                   4) Caroline O'Hea 8               
  7 East Meadow-1                                       9:18.58  
     1) Nicole Banker 12                2) Alyssa Graziano 11             
     3) Sara Alpert 11                  4) Jennifer Flores 10             
  8 Ursuline-1                                          9:18.89  
     1) Katie Sullivan 11               2) Rosie Crean 12                 
     3) Meghan Brown 12                 4) Jackie McCarthy 10             
  9 Bronxville-2                                        9:20.03  
     1) Caitlin Hudson 11               2) Olivia Bruton 11               
     3) Emma Clarke 12                  4) Tori Flannery 11               
 10 Shenendehowa-1                                      9:22.93  
     1) Alexandra Burtnick 9            2) Cara Janeczko 10               
     3) Morgan Roche 12                 4) Lizzie Predmore 8              
 11 Bayshore-1                                          9:23.65  
     1) Olivia Civardi 11               2) Danielle Rowe 8                
     3) Sarah McCurdy 12                4) Stephanie Barnes 11            
 12 Rush-Henrietta-1                                    9:27.10  
     1) Laura Varble 12                 2) Jamie Varble 12                
     3) Cassie DiMarino 12              4) Zarah Quinn 11                 
 13 Lockport-1                                          9:28.42  
     1) MaryRachel Robbins 12           2) Maggie Russell 9               
     3) Kelsey Fraser 12                4) Caroline Tolli 11              
 14 Ithaca-1                                            9:28.45  
     1) Katy Kohls 12                   2) Claire McIlvennie 12           
     3) Mary Carroll 8                  4) Liz Reamer 11                  
 15 Cicero-North Syracuse-1                             9:29.55  
     1) Lauren Spink 12                 2) Taylor Wendler 10              
     3) Lindsay Raulli 11               4) McKaye Neumeister 12           
 16 East Aurora-2                                       9:30.02  
     1) Jenna Hulton 12                 2) Erin Holbrook 10               
     3) Erin Crawford 11                4) Kirsten Weberg 11              
 17 Academy of Holy Names-2                             9:30.72  
     1) Claire Hardwick 12              2) Lauren Recchia 10              
     3) Maura Tuffey 10                 4) Laura Isabelle 10              
 18 Midwood-1                                           9:31.00  
     1) Shantel Peters 12               2) Justine Noel 12                
     3) Effua Sosoo 11                  4) Jonelle White 10               
 19 Kellenberg-1                                        9:33.05  
     1) Clare Carroll 10                2) Liz Edwards 12                 
     3) Kylie Pearse 9                  4) Colleen Meenan 10              
 20 Fayetteville-Manlius-1                              9:33.74  
     1) Colleen Mulvihill 10            2) Alexandra Chapman 11           
     3) Kathryn Fanning 10              4) Katie Sischo 8                 
 21 Wayland-Cohocton-2                                  9:38.75  
     1) Mary Booth 11                   2) Aimee Hopkins 11               
     3) Devin Snyder 12                 4) Abby Decker 11                 
 22 Owego-2                                             9:49.49  
     1) Shelby Tomko 11                 2) Kristy Scordino 10             
     3) Megan Springsteen 10            4) Alexis Fairbanks 11            
 23 Rhinebeck-2                                         9:51.62  
     1) Annabel Clarke 10               2) Megan Parsi 11                 
     3) Noelle Benson 12                4) Elizabeth Marvin 11            
 24 Skaneateles-2                                       9:55.09  
     1) Alexis Mazzeo 11                2) Christina Homeyer 12           
     3) Beatrice Walton 11              4) Grace van der Ven 10           
 25 Bayport-Bluepoint-2                                10:00.33  
     1) Chelsea Boulianne 11            2) Julia Martin                   
     3) Katie Sheehan 10                4) Leeanna Simo                   
 26 Plattsburgh-2                                      10:11.92  
     1) Emma Deshaies 8                 2) Sophie Deshaies 8              
     3) Simone Arvisais-Anhalt 11       4) Monique Arvisais-Anhalt 10     
 27 Cold Spring Harbor-2                               10:22.02  
     1) Erica Cirino 10                 2) Olivia Galano 10               
     3) Alexandra Gennosa 11            4) Katie Lombardi 11              
 28 Franklin Academy-1                                 10:30.57  
     1) Ashley Lamica 12                2) Paige Studlack 11              
     3) Ellen Studlack 11               4) Christine Hanna 10             
 29 Gouverneur-2                                       10:51.71  
     1) Lindsey Weldon 10               2) Lindsey McCormick 8            
     3) Megan Morrow 8                  4) Jennifer Brown 10              
Girls Outdoor Pentathlon Championship
                            Points     100H       HJ       SP       LJ      800
  1 Britney Clarke                    15.06    1.57m    9.83m    5.22m  2:28.66
    North Rockland-1                w: -0.8  5-01.75    32-03  w: -0.1         
    12 Team Points: 10        3383    (834)    (701)    (518)    (620)    (710)
  2 Paige Wray                        15.84    1.57m    8.14m    4.54m  2:16.38
    Hilton-1                        w: -4.5  5-01.75  26-08.5  w: -0.6         
    12 Team Points: 8         3154    (734)    (701)    (408)    (438)    (873)
  3 Morgan Wheeler                    17.06    1.66m   10.67m    5.00m  2:38.70
    Averill Park-1                  w: -1.9  5-05.25 35-00.25  w: -0.1         
    11 Team Points: 6         3116    (590)    (806)    (573)    (559)    (588)
  4 Farath Raphael                    15.79    1.54m   10.99m    4.32m  2:32.55
    Half Hollow Hills East-1        w: -1.9   5-00.5 36-00.75  w: -0.1         
    11 Team Points: 4         3045    (740)    (666)    (594)    (384)    (661)
  5 Brittany Brown                    15.80    1.54m    7.85m    4.62m  2:34.66
    Pelham-2                        w: -1.9   5-00.5 25-09.25   w: 0.8         
    11 Team Points: 2         2890    (739)    (666)    (390)    (459)    (636)
  6 Kelsey Hanson                     15.56    1.51m    8.87m    4.50m  2:37.75
    Shenendehowa-1                  w: -0.8   4-11.5 29-01.25  w: -0.1         
    10 Team Points: 1         2884    (769)    (632)    (456)    (428)    (599)
  7 Enrica Nixon                      15.72    1.48m    8.15m    4.67m  2:33.13
    Dewitt Clinton-1                w: -3.6  4-10.25    26-09  w: -0.2         
    9                         2883    (749)    (599)    (409)    (472)    (654)
  8 Tameekia Cooper                   15.91    1.42m    9.84m    4.66m  2:35.17
    New Rochelle-1                  w: -4.5  4-07.75  32-03.5   w: 1.1         
    11                        2876    (725)    (534)    (519)    (469)    (629)
  9 Michelle Rotondo                  16.90    1.57m    5.26m    4.70m  2:19.84
    Garden City-1                   w: -3.7  5-01.75 17-03.25  w: -0.4         
    9                         2839    (608)    (701)    (225)    (479)    (826)
 10 Lauren McGrath                    15.89    1.54m    7.06m    4.82m  2:40.65
    Shoreham Wading River-1         w: -0.8   5-00.5    23-02  w: -0.1         
    12                        2809    (728)    (666)    (339)    (511)    (565)
 11 Alexis Broz                       17.29    1.66m    7.70m    4.39m  2:33.82
    Schuylerville-2                 w: -1.9  5-05.25 25-03.25   w: 0.2         
    8                         2797    (564)    (806)    (380)    (401)    (646)
 12 Amanda Breymeier                  17.12    1.51m    8.37m    4.48m  2:27.39
    Williamsville South             w: -0.8   4-11.5  27-05.5   w: 0.4         
    10                        2787    (583)    (632)    (423)    (423)    (726)
 13 Sara Wickes                       15.96    1.45m    8.35m    4.66m  2:37.74
    Monroe-Woodbury-1               w: -4.6     4-09 27-04.75  w: -0.8         
    10                        2775    (719)    (566)    (422)    (469)    (599)
 14 Lindsey Dubas                     17.30    1.57m    7.09m    4.85m  2:34.29
    Windsor-2                       w: -3.8  5-01.75 23-03.25  w: -0.9         
    12                        2764    (563)    (701)    (341)    (519)    (640)
 15 Katie Darling                     16.73    1.48m    8.49m    4.69m  2:35.39
    Delhi-2                         w: -3.6  4-10.25 27-10.25   w: 2.6         
    11                        2761    (627)    (599)    (431)    (477)    (627)
 16 Asha Daley                        15.77    1.39m    8.59m    4.33m  2:33.50
    Jamaica-1                       w: -3.6  4-06.75 28-02.25  w: -0.2         
    12                        2719    (743)    (502)    (438)    (386)    (650)
 17 Jessica Conter                    17.30    1.45m    7.93m    4.98m  2:35.69
    Archbishop Molloy-1             w: -4.6     4-09 26-00.25  w: +0.0         
    12                        2701    (563)    (566)    (395)    (554)    (623)
 18 Kristie Pageau                    17.21    1.45m    9.39m    4.30m  2:35.16
    Saranac-2                       w: -3.6     4-09 30-09.75  w: -0.1         
    12                        2638    (573)    (566)    (490)    (379)    (630)
 19 Rachel Frost                      17.39    1.54m    8.13m    4.45m  2:46.84
    Geneseo-2                       w: -3.6   5-00.5 26-08.25  w: -0.9         
    10                        2540    (553)    (666)    (408)    (416)    (497)
 20 Jennifer Curley                   18.67    1.54m    7.09m    4.48m  2:38.92
    Madrid-Waddington-2             w: -3.6   5-00.5 23-03.25  w: -0.5         
    12                        2437    (422)    (666)    (341)    (423)    (585)
 21 Kerry Tkacik                      18.02    1.52m    7.20m    4.19m  2:45.26
    Horseheads-1                    w: -3.6  4-11.75  23-07.5   w: 0.4         
    11                        2344    (486)    (644)    (348)    (352)    (514)
 22 Nicole Emborski                   18.65    1.48m    6.83m    4.16m  2:33.80
    Randolph-2                      w: -3.7  4-10.25    22-05  w: -0.5         
    12                        2338    (424)    (599)    (324)    (345)    (646)
 23 Kim McKay                         18.91    1.36m    8.21m    4.15m  2:33.23
    Liberty-2                       w: -3.8   4-05.5 26-11.25  w: -0.2         
    12                        2278    (399)    (470)    (413)    (343)    (653)
 24 Lisa Kimak                        18.75    1.42m    7.57m    4.12m  2:44.08
    Jordan-Elbridge-2               w: -4.6  4-07.75    24-10  w: -0.1         
    10                        2183    (414)    (534)    (372)    (336)    (527)
 25 Brittany Coverdale                19.78    1.33m    9.14m    3.75m  2:47.12
    Bayport-Bluepoint-2             w: -3.7  4-04.25    30-00  w: -0.6         
    12                        1979    (321)    (439)    (473)    (252)    (494)
 26 Stephanie Madey                   18.18    1.39m    6.04m    3.78m      DNF
    Carle Place-2                   w: -3.8  4-06.75 19-09.75   w: 0.2         
    10                        1505    (470)    (502)    (274)    (259)      (0)
DNF Marissa Kefalidis                   DNS      SCR      DNS      SCR      DNS
    Dalton School-2                                                            
    12                                  (0)      (0)      (0)      (0)      (0)
DNF Lindsay Sturnick                  16.62    1.51m    6.66m    4.38m      DNS
    Aquinas Institute-1             w: -4.5   4-11.5 21-10.25  w: -0.5         
    11                                (640)    (632)    (313)    (398)      (0)
DNF Monique Roberts                   16.38       NH      SCR      SCR      DNS
    Cicero-North Syracuse-1         w: -4.5                                    
    12                                (668)      (0)      (0)      (0)      (0)

            Women - Championship - Team Rankings - 19 Events Scored
    1) Suffern-1                   50        2) Warwick Valley-1           30   
    3) Boys & Girls-1              28        4) Saratoga-1                 26   
    5) Lancaster-1                 20        5) Roslyn-1                   20   
    7) Mount Vernon-1              16        7) Bath-Haverling-2           16   
    9) Uniondale-1                 14       10) Horace Mann-2              12   
   10) Benjamin Cardozo-1          12       12) Shenendehowa-1             11   
   13) Schuylerville-2             10       13) Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake  10   
   13) Hempstead-1                 10       13) North Rockland-1           10   
   13) Williamsville South         10       13) Floral Park-1              10   
   13) Williamsville East-1        10       20) Nichols School (Buffalo)-   9   
   20) Academy of Holy Names-2      9       22) Newark Valley-2             8   
   22) Medgar Evers-1               8       22) New Rochelle-1              8   
   22) Shoreham Wading River-1      8       22) Remsen-2                    8   
   22) Vestal-1                     8       22) Hilton-1                    8   
   22) Garden City-1                8       22) Bayshore-1                  8   
   22) Fayetteville-Manlius-1       8       22) Catherine McAuley-2         8   
   22) Mount Sinai-1                8       34) Cleveland Hill-2            7   
   35) Westbury-1                   6       35) Henninger-1                 6   
   35) Queensbury-1                 6       35) Averill Park-1              6   
   35) Seton Catholic-2             6       35) New York Mills-2            6   
   35) Brentwood-1                  6       35) Elmont-1                    6   
   35) Proctor-1                    6       35) East Hampton-1              6   
   35) Baldwin-1                    6       46) Ward Melville-1             5   
   46) Lockport-1                   5       46) Pine Bush-1                 5   
   49) Elmira Notre Dame-2          4       49) Rome Free Academy-1         4   
   49) Valley Central-1             4       49) Chatham-2                   4   
   49) Paul Robeson-1               4       49) Half Hollow Hills East-1    4   
   49) Chenango Valley-2            4       49) Batavia-1                   4   
   57) Our Lady of Mercy (Roch.)    2       57) Brockport-1                 2   
   57) Port Jervis-1                2       57) Bishop Loughlin-1           2   
   57) Kingston-1                   2       57) Binghamton-1                2   
   57) Amherst-1                    2       57) Murry Bergtraum-1           2   
   57) Manhasset-1                  2       57) West Seneca West-1          2   
   57) Pelham-2                     2       68) Canarsie-1                  1   
   68) Dryden-2                     1       68) Rhinebeck-2                 1   
   68) Kings Park-1                 1       68) North Tonawanda-1           1   
   68) Lansing-2                    1       68) West Irondequoit-1          1   
   68) Newburgh-1                   1                                           

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