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Girls swimming
2007 NYSPHSAA championships

                      Final State Meet Team Total Points                        
                              Girls - Team Scores                              
            Place School                                          Points
                1 4 - Ithaca                         4ITH            337  
                2 11-Sayville/Bayport/Blue Point     11-SB           189  
                3 5-Pittsford Swimming               5PITT           180  
                4 8-Garden City                      8GC             174  
                5 5-Canandaigua                      5CA             151  
                6 1-Brewster High School             1BHS            148  
                7 5-Fairport High School             5FAIR           144  
                8 11-Connetquot                      11CN            139  
                9 8-Great Neck South                 8GNS            106.5
               10 8-Sewanhaka                        8SEW             96  
               11 11-Ward Melville                   11WM             95  
               12 9-Valley Central                   9VC              87  
               13 2-Shenendehowa                     2SHEN            80  
               14 9-Cornwall                         9CORN            78  
               15 1-Horace Greeley                   1HG              75  
               16 9-Newburgh Free Academy            9NFA             73  
               16 6-Lockport                         6LOCK            73  
               18 1-Fox Lane High School             1FL              57.5
               19 5-Rush Henrietta                   5RHSH            51  
               20 11-Smithtown                       11SM             46  
               20 9-Washingtonville                  9WASH            46  
               22 6-Kenmore-West                     6KWES            45  
               23 1-Briarcliff/Westlake/Pleasant     1BWP             41  
               24 5-Honeoye Falls-Lima               5HFL             38.5
               25 9-F.D. Roosevelt                   9FDR             38  
               26 2-Bethlehem Central                2BC              36  
               27 10-Malone                          10MAL            32  
               27 3-Liverpool                        3LIV-NI          32  
               27 6-Clarence                         6CLAR            32  
               30 1-The Ursuline School              1URS             30  
               30 6-Jamestown                        6JMTW            30  
               30 7-Plattsburgh                      7PLAT            30  
               30 9-Pine Bush                        9PB              30  
               34 3-Oswego                           3OSW-NI          28  
               35 4 - Watkins Glen                   4WG              27.5
               36 1-Lakeland/Panas                   1LK/P            27  
               36 2-Saratoga Springs                 2SS              27  
               38 3-New Hartford                     3NHAR-AD         26  
               39 6-Sweet Home                       6SWEE            25  
               40 6-Williamsville North              6WN              24  
               40 11-Huntington                      11HN             24  
               42 2-Niskayuna                        2NISK            22  
               43 1-Pearl River                      1PEAR            19  
               43 3-Whitesboro                       3WHI             19  
               45 8-Long Beach                       8LONG            18  
               46 6-West Seneca West                 6WSW             17  
               47 5-Brighton                         5BHS             15  
               47 1-Mamaroneck High School           1MMK             15  
               47 6-Williamsville East               6WE              15  
               50 1-Pelham High School               1PELH            14.5
               51 10-St. Lawrence                    10SLC            14  
               51 1-Tappan Zee                       1TZ              14  
               51 2-Mohonasen-Schalmont              2MOHS            14  
               54 6-Olean                            6OLEA            13  
               54 6-Orchard Park                     6OPAR            13  
               56 8-Glen Cove                        8GLEN            10  
               56 1-Sleepy Hollow/Edgemont/Irvin     1SHED            10  
               58 1-Rye High School                  1RYE              9  
               59 6-Fredonia                         6FRED             8  
               59 1-Byram Hills HighSchool           1BH               8  
               59 1-Bronxville High School           1BXVL             8  
               59 2-Queensbury                       2QUEE             8  
               63 6-East Aurora                      6E-A              7  
               63 4 - Corning                        4COR              7  
               65 6-Southwestern                     6SWES             6  
               66 5-Webster Schroeder                5WSH              5.5
               67 1-New Rochelle High School         1NRHS             5  
               67 8-Hicksville                       8HICK             5  
               67 5-Athena/Odyssey                   5AT/O             5  
               67 4 - Lansing                        4LANS             5  
               71 1-Nyack High School                1NYAC             4  
               71 4 - Binghamton                     4BING             4  
               71 11-Babylon                         11BA              4  
               74 6-Amherst                          6AMHS             3  
               74 11-Half Hollow Hills               11HH              3  
               76 5-Victor                           5VICT             2  
               76 2-Ballston Spa                     2BLSP             2  
               76 5-Hilton                           5HILT             2  
               79 1-John Jay Cross River             1JJCR             1  
               79 9-Kingston                         9KING             1  
               79 8-Manhasset                        8MAN              1  
  Event 1 Girls 200 Yard Medley Relay
   School Prelims Finals 
   1 4 - Ithaca 'A' 1:46.90 1:46.22 
  1) Heise, Nicole A 11 2) Norberg, Lauren A 11 
  3) Todhunter, Logan P 12 4) Norberg, Lindsey E 11 
  29.08 57.66 (28.58) 1:22.79 (25.13) 1:46.22 (23.43)
   2 11-Connetquot 'A' 1:52.07 1:50.53 
  1) Gaffey, Melanie A 11 2) Gaffey, Mikaila 9 
  3) Bunster, Kelly E 12 4) Hetzer, Nicole 7 
  28.13 1:00.26 (32.13) 1:25.55 (25.29) 1:50.53 (24.98)
   3 5-Pittsford Swimming 'A' 1:51.26 1:50.56 
  1) Lewis, Jenny 12 2) Phillips, Danielle 9 
  3) Criscuolo, Aly 12 4) Groves, Kelley 12 
  26.80 58.81 (32.01) 1:26.46 (27.65) 1:50.56 (24.10)
   4 9-Cornwall 'A' 1:51.84 1:51.47 
  1) Ryan, Brienne 11 2) Marshall, Carly 11 
  3) Maisonet, Rebecca 12 4) Cleary, Allison 11 
  26.79 58.14 (31.35) 1:26.53 (28.39) 1:51.47 (24.94)
   5 8-Sewanhaka 'A' 1:52.87 1:51.68 
  1) Leung, Alissa 9 2) Kolackovsky, Kerrie 10 
  3) Chan, Olivia 7 4) Nugent, Susan 11 
  29.05 59.66 (30.61) 1:27.04 (27.38) 1:51.68 (24.64)
   6 9-F.D. Roosevelt 'A' 1:51.88 1:52.15 
  1) Berg, Shea 11 2) Sternberg, Corrin 12 
  3) O'Keefe, Brenna 11 4) Baczek, Olivia 11 
  29.00 1:00.06 (31.06) 1:27.66 (27.60) 1:52.15 (24.49)
   7 1-Horace Greeley 'A' 1:52.55 1:52.27 
  1) Giner, Racquel C 10 2) Gorki, Alexandra G 10 
  3) Cooper, Sammie C 10 4) Rudel, Susannah E 12 
  29.63 1:00.54 (30.91) 1:27.75 (27.21) 1:52.27 (24.52)
   8 11-Smithtown 'A' 1:52.31 1:52.78 
  1) Brennan, Alyssa 9 2) Anderer, Britney L 11 
  3) Anderer, Stephanie L 11 4) Doughty, Brigitte M 10 
  29.70 1:00.14 (30.44) 1:29.31 (29.17) 1:52.78 (23.47)
   9 1-Fox Lane High School 'A' 1:53.05 1:52.79 
  1) Holden, Kim B 11 2) Moreno, Sandra M 12 
  3) Trail, Melissa L 9 4) Balter, Lizzy A 9 
  26.90 1:00.59 (33.69) 1:27.11 (26.52) 1:52.79 (25.68)
   9 9-Newburgh Free Academy 'A' 1:52.81 1:52.79 
  1) McGrath, Devyn 9 2) Hocson, Hillary 11 
  3) Friese, Brittany 7 4) Grunewald, Cailin 12 
  29.92 1:01.50 (31.58) 1:28.19 (26.69) 1:52.79 (24.60)
   11 2-Shenendehowa 'A' 1:53.29 1:51.93 
  1) Zebrowski, Kara 11 2) Barbour, Kelsey 10 
  3) Sosnowski, Chloe 11 4) Samson, Olivia 8 
  27.58 58.93 (31.35) 1:26.54 (27.61) 1:51.93 (25.39)
   12 11-Ward Melville 'A' 1:53.50 1:52.57 
  1) Conard, Kate E 11 2) Dowd, Caitlin E 12 
  3) Vairo, Corinne D 10 4) Dasilva, Taylor A 9 
  28.62 59.83 (31.21) 1:28.00 (28.17) 1:52.57 (24.57)
   13 4 - Watkins Glen 'A' 1:55.04 1:54.01 
  1) Wixson, Haleigh 9 2) Murphy, Molly 12 
  3) Fausold, Ellie 11 4) Conklin, Jaclyn 12 
  29.07 1:00.42 (31.35) 1:28.88 (28.46) 1:54.01 (25.13)
   14 3-Liverpool-NI 'A' 1:54.72 1:54.35 
  1) Chidsey, Mary 12 2) Harris, Brittany 12 
  3) Yaworsky, Kelly 11 4) Litz, Francesca 12 
  29.54 1:01.72 (32.18) 1:28.33 (26.61) 1:54.35 (26.02)
   15 6-Olean 'A' 1:53.17 1:54.37 
  1) Leroy, Beth 12 2) Williamson, Grace 10 
  3) Bantelman, Rachel 10 4) Close, Emilee 12 
  30.34 1:01.75 (31.41) 1:28.12 (26.37) 1:54.37 (26.25)
   16 5-Fairport High School 'A' 1:54.48 1:54.75 
  1) Ingerick, Meghan 12 2) Baron, Melanie 9 
  3) Gross, Stephanie 12 4) Holden, Kaitlin 11 
  29.91 1:02.41 (32.50) 1:29.39 (26.98) 1:54.75 (25.36)
   17 2-Queensbury 'A' 1:54.50 1:55.16 
  1) Ringer, Elizabeth 11 2) McMahon, Rachael 9 
  3) Chocko, Hillary 9 4) Barber, Brooke 9 
  29.47 1:01.51 (32.04) 1:30.05 (28.54) 1:55.16 (25.11)
   18 9-Valley Central 'A' 1:54.82 1:55.63 
  1) Schuyler, Stephanie 12 2) Owens, Amy 9 
  3) Petty, Lanae 12 4) Grant, Jessica 12 
  29.70 1:02.21 (32.51) 1:29.78 (27.57) 1:55.63 (25.85)
   19 1-Briarcliff/Westlake/Pleasant 'A' 1:54.30 1:55.78 
  1) Tracey, Kim L 12 2) Berkman, Maddy R 9 
  3) Bailey, Lauren E 9 4) Anastasiou, Elle J 8 
  28.76 1:01.07 (32.31) 1:29.19 (28.12) 1:55.78 (26.59)
   20 5-Hilton 'A' 1:55.01 1:56.16 
  1) Hickey, Whitney 12 2) Burns, Morgan 8 
  3) Price, Ellie 10 4) Rode, Ashley 10 
  28.44 1:00.82 (32.38) 1:29.38 (28.56) 1:56.16 (26.78)
  C - Final
   21 6-Williamsville East 'A' 1:55.23 1:54.82 
  1) Woodling, Bailey 10 2) Ostanski, Kristin 11 
  3) Munroe, Janelle 12 4) Mayer, Tori 12 
  29.12 1:01.73 (32.61) 1:28.38 (26.65) 1:54.82 (26.44)
   22 5-Penfield 'A' 1:56.83 1:56.41 
  1) Buisman, Megan 9 2) Keech, Amy 9 
  3) Kulpinski, Kerry 12 4) Porcellio, Liz 11 
  29.80 1:02.52 (32.72) 1:31.00 (28.48) 1:56.41 (25.41)
   23 9-Warwick 'A' 1:56.47 1:59.09 
  1) Moore, Erica 10 2) Murphy, Jean Marie 12 
  3) Abribat, Casey 11 4) Marrione, Jenna 11 
  32.30 1:04.37 (32.07) 1:32.75 (28.38) 1:59.09 (26.34)
   24 7-Plattsburgh 'A' 2:01.49 2:02.04 
  1) Saiz, Hannah 11 2) Arvasais-Anhalt, Simone 11 
  3) Robinson, Bernice 12 4) Gadzuk-Shea, Megan 9 
  30.17 1:03.58 (33.41) 1:34.65 (31.07) 2:02.04 (27.39)
   25 10-St. Lawrence 'A' 2:02.11 2:03.52 
  1) Thompson, Abbey 12 2) Brothers, Anna 9 
  3) Lynch, Emily 12 4) Lavigne, Jocelyn 11 
  33.01 1:06.86 (33.85) 1:35.72 (28.86) 2:03.52 (27.80)
  Event 2 Girls 200 Yard Freestyle
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Dressel, Marissa 10 6-Ken-West 1:51.09 1:50.20 
  25.36 52.97 (27.61) 1:21.16 (28.19) 1:50.20 (29.04)
   2 Larson, Kim P 11 11-Say/Bay/Blue 1:52.50 1:52.21 
  25.71 53.82 (28.11) 1:22.78 (28.96) 1:52.21 (29.43)
   3 Daly, Jenna 12 8-Garden City 1:53.21 1:52.81 
  26.37 54.48 (28.11) 1:23.57 (29.09) 1:52.81 (29.24)
   4 Friese, Brittany 7 9-Newburgh 1:54.54 1:53.81 
  26.39 55.22 (28.83) 1:24.23 (29.01) 1:53.81 (29.58)
   5 Zarriello, Megan 9 8-Garden City 1:55.25 1:54.40 
  27.02 55.96 (28.94) 1:25.43 (29.47) 1:54.40 (28.97)
   6 Festa, Julia 10 8-Great Neck Sou 1:54.82 1:54.42 
  26.29 54.81 (28.52) 1:24.79 (29.98) 1:54.42 (29.63)
   7 Fountain, Michelle L 12 11-Say/Bay/Blue 1:55.23 1:56.01 
  26.60 55.53 (28.93) 1:25.44 (29.91) 1:56.01 (30.57)
   8 Callen, Hilary 12 3-Oswego-NI 1:55.62 1:56.88 
  26.81 56.05 (29.24) 1:26.68 (30.63) 1:56.88 (30.20)
   9 Saiz, Hannah 11 7-Plattsburgh 1:55.93 1:57.60 
  26.67 56.22 (29.55) 1:26.56 (30.34) 1:57.60 (31.04)
   10 Larkin, Colleen 9 9-Washingtonvill 1:56.78 1:57.93 
  27.69 57.46 (29.77) 1:28.03 (30.57) 1:57.93 (29.90)
   11 Polhill, Ali C 10 1-Brewster 1:56.81 1:55.41 
  26.88 56.52 (29.64) 1:26.91 (30.39) 1:55.41 (28.50)
   12 Gardner, Kailey T 11 4 - Ithaca 1:56.95 1:55.76 
  27.31 56.52 (29.21) 1:26.08 (29.56) 1:55.76 (29.68)
   13 Bentley, Jennifer 10 6-Jamestown 1:57.24 1:55.87 
  26.95 56.06 (29.11) 1:26.28 (30.22) 1:55.87 (29.59)
   14 Wood, Jenna 11 5-Fairport 1:58.06 1:57.99 
  27.09 56.60 (29.51) 1:27.28 (30.68) 1:57.99 (30.71)
   15 Schlichte, Sarah 10 8-Garden City 1:57.90 1:58.21 
  27.20 57.22 (30.02) 1:27.93 (30.71) 1:58.21 (30.28)
   16 Miller, Emma 11 5-Pittsford 1:57.91 1:58.37 
  27.82 57.90 (30.08) 1:28.51 (30.61) 1:58.37 (29.86)
   17 Glenday, Heather M 10 11-Babylon 1:57.90 1:58.47 
  26.69 56.56 (29.87) 1:27.36 (30.80) 1:58.47 (31.11)
   18 Costa, Christina M 11 1-Sh/Ed/Irv 1:57.86 1:58.52 
  27.38 57.04 (29.66) 1:27.73 (30.69) 1:58.52 (30.79)
   19 Van Winkle, Courtney 9 5-Victor 1:58.04 1:58.84 
  27.49 57.73 (30.24) 1:28.95 (31.22) 1:58.84 (29.89)
   20 Nugent, Susan 11 8-Sewanhaka 1:57.97 2:01.42 
  27.78 58.15 (30.37) 1:29.70 (31.55) 2:01.42 (31.72)
  C - Final
   21 Ackerman, Amanda 12 8-Great Neck Sou 1:58.48 1:58.92 
  28.53 58.86 (30.33) 1:29.42 (30.56) 1:58.92 (29.50)
   22 Krisanda, Chelsea 11 5-Webster Schro 1:58.15 1:59.06 
  27.85 58.04 (30.19) 1:28.61 (30.57) 1:59.06 (30.45)
   23 Johanson, Kelly A 9 1-Mamaroneck 1:59.00 1:59.13 
  27.96 57.97 (30.01) 1:28.49 (30.52) 1:59.13 (30.64)
   24 Conklin, Jennifer 10 5-Pittsford 1:58.24 1:59.75 
  28.26 58.52 (30.26) 1:29.49 (30.97) 1:59.75 (30.26)
   25 Forsyth, Ashley 9 3-Indian River-AD 1:58.54 2:00.04 
  27.73 57.93 (30.20) 1:29.39 (31.46) 2:00.04 (30.65)
   26 Mannix, Gina A 11 1-Ursuline 1:58.45 2:00.23 
  27.98 58.38 (30.40) 1:29.54 (31.16) 2:00.23 (30.69)
  Event 3 Girls 200 Yard IM
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Derlath, Erica 12 8-Garden City 2:06.34 2:05.13 
  27.88 58.64 (30.76) 1:35.54 (36.90) 2:05.13 (29.59)
   2 Kuras, Brittney 11 5-Canandaigua 2:07.61 2:06.75 
  27.28 59.16 (31.88) 1:36.68 (37.52) 2:06.75 (30.07)
   3 Norberg, Lauren A 11 4 - Ithaca 2:07.81 2:07.73 
  28.06 1:00.98 (32.92) 1:37.45 (36.47) 2:07.73 (30.28)
   4 Weaver, Joan M 11 11-Say/Bay/Blue 2:09.09 2:09.22 
  27.88 1:01.11 (33.23) 1:39.40 (38.29) 2:09.22 (29.82)
   5 Patchen, Bonnie K 12 4 - Ithaca 2:10.62 2:09.64 
  27.88 1:00.85 (32.97) 1:40.04 (39.19) 2:09.64 (29.60)
   6 Otto, Courtney 9 6-West Seneca We 2:10.82 2:09.95 
  28.09 1:01.67 (33.58) 1:39.50 (37.83) 2:09.95 (30.45)
   7 Fenn, Meaghan 11 1-Ursuline 2:10.75 2:10.53 
  28.42 1:00.65 (32.23) 1:39.44 (38.79) 2:10.53 (31.09)
   8 Jacumski, Victoria 10 6-Clarence 2:11.78 2:10.73 
  28.38 1:02.31 (33.93) 1:39.98 (37.67) 2:10.73 (30.75)
   9 Tracey, Kim L 12 1-B.W.P 2:08.88 2:11.24 
  26.93 59.67 (32.74) 1:40.03 (40.36) 2:11.24 (31.21)
   10 Zebrowski, Kara 11 2-Shenendehowa 2:11.29 2:11.51 
  28.44 1:00.72 (32.28) 1:41.36 (40.64) 2:11.51 (30.15)
   11 Chan, Olivia 7 8-Sewanhaka 2:12.82 2:10.83 
  28.84 1:02.51 (33.67) 1:39.80 (37.29) 2:10.83 (31.03)
   12 Gutowski, Paige 10 6-Sweet Home 2:13.41 2:11.56 
  28.31 1:02.12 (33.81) 1:40.17 (38.05) 2:11.56 (31.39)
   13 O'Donnell, Katie 12 2-Bethlehem Cent 2:11.88 2:11.82 
  28.41 1:00.47 (32.06) 1:41.41 (40.94) 2:11.82 (30.41)
   14 Callesano, Maggie 12 2-Saratoga Sprin 2:12.61 2:12.21 
  29.61 1:03.59 (33.98) 1:41.86 (38.27) 2:12.21 (30.35)
   15 Caldwell, Lauren 9 6-Jamestown 2:11.93 2:12.36 
  28.57 1:02.23 (33.66) 1:41.87 (39.64) 2:12.36 (30.49)
   16 Rogers, Stacey B 11 1-Pearl River 2:13.12 2:12.67 
  29.66 1:02.22 (32.56) 1:42.20 (39.98) 2:12.67 (30.47)
   17 Larkin, Kaitlyn C 11 11-Huntington 2:12.00 2:12.74 
  28.90 1:03.32 (34.42) 1:41.16 (37.84) 2:12.74 (31.58)
   18 Degrazia, Kristen A 12 11-Half Hollow H 2:13.28 2:12.88 
  28.20 1:01.02 (32.82) 1:42.10 (41.08) 2:12.88 (30.78)
   19 Ferrante, Francesca 12 8-Glen Cove 2:12.37 2:13.31 
  29.50 1:02.17 (32.67) 1:41.46 (39.29) 2:13.31 (31.85)
   20 Gorki, Alexandra G 10 1-Greeley 2:13.37 2:13.89 
  28.50 1:04.34 (35.84) 1:41.78 (37.44) 2:13.89 (32.11)
  C - Final
   21 Mullaney, Megan G 10 11-Ward Melville 2:14.15 2:12.69 
  29.17 1:03.20 (34.03) 1:41.80 (38.60) 2:12.69 (30.89)
   22 O'Keefe, Brenna 11 9-F.D. Roosevelt 2:13.55 2:12.99 
  29.17 1:02.98 (33.81) 1:43.23 (40.25) 2:12.99 (29.76)
   23 Bucaria, Kristen M 12 11-Hauppauge 2:15.34 2:13.69 
  28.81 1:03.33 (34.52) 1:42.14 (38.81) 2:13.69 (31.55)
   24 Jones, Carly 11 3-Liverpool-NI 2:14.31 2:14.61 
  29.58 1:04.40 (34.82) 1:41.71 (37.31) 2:14.61 (32.90)
   25 Hocson, Hillary 11 9-Newburgh 2:15.42 2:15.77 
  29.43 1:03.47 (34.04) 1:43.51 (40.04) 2:15.77 (32.26)
   26 Suzuka, Yuka 11 1-Yorktown 2:15.12 2:16.40 
  29.00 1:02.81 (33.81) 1:44.46 (41.65) 2:16.40 (31.94)
   27 Arnott, Katie 9 1-Suffern 2:15.12 2:16.91 
  29.89 1:05.45 (35.56) 1:44.79 (39.34) 2:16.91 (32.12)
   28 Dempsey, Sarah 10 5-Pittsford 2:15.66 2:17.78 
  29.45 1:05.45 (36.00) 1:46.11 (40.66) 2:17.78 (31.67)
   29 Anderer, Britney L 11 11-Smithtown 2:14.03 2:18.42 
  29.82 1:05.85 (36.03) 1:45.37 (39.52) 2:18.42 (33.05)
  Event 4 Girls 50 Yard Freestyle
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Niessl, Steffi E 12 1-Brewster 24.07 23.83 
  2 Savage, Heather N 11 5-Canandaigua 23.89 23.88 
  3 Ryan, Brienne 11 9-Cornwall 24.15 23.96 
  4 Morrell, Mallory 11 5-Rush 24.13 24.08 
  5 Bunster, Kelly E 12 11-Connetquot 24.36 24.09 
  6 Peck, Emily E 12 4 - Ithaca 24.29 24.23 
  7 Virgilio, Rosalie 12 9-Pine Bush 24.44 24.63 
  8 Haynes, Julie 12 10-Malone 24.71 24.65 
  9 Tyagi, Devina 12 5-Fairport 24.66 24.68 
  10 Nicholson, Caitlin A 12 4 - Ithaca 24.60 24.87 
   11 Groves, Kelley 12 5-Pittsford 24.77 24.59 
  12 Palais, Liz S 12 1-Rye 25.11 24.75 
  13 Vitullo, Amanda 12 2-Mohonasen-Scha 24.72 24.80 
  14 Petty, Lanae 12 9-Valley Central 24.77 24.96 
  15 Shults, Madeline 10 6-Southwestern 24.83 24.99 
  16 Scott, Emily 12 6-Lockport 24.90 25.05 
  17 Guba, Ali E 11 1-Pelham 25.10 25.07 
  17 Magee, Maddie 12 5-Hf-L 24.98 25.07 
  19 Dean, Kali 10 4 - Lansing 25.06 25.17 
  20 Henry, Elizabeth 10 8-Manhasset 25.12 25.35 
  C - Final
   21 Stridh, Karina L 12 1-Byram Hills 25.19 24.89 
  22 Geller, Carolyn 12 8-Great Neck Sou 25.27 25.23 
  23 Chapman, Rachel 12 6-Lockport 25.31 25.37 
  24 Gaffuri, Mary Ann 12 2-Albany 25.14 25.39 
  25 Ford, Alicia 11 4 - WhitneyPoint 25.42 25.41 
  26 Deubler, Mackenzie 9 5-Hf-L 25.39 25.42 
  27 Messina, Julia 8 5-Canandaigua 25.31 25.46 
  28 Moran, Caitlin 11 5-Rush 25.17 25.47 
  29 Woodling, Bailey 10 6-Willmsvlle Eas 25.38 25.54 
  Event 5 Girls 1 mtr Diving
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Matthews, Casey 12 6-Willmsvlle Nor 393.00 538.35 
  2 Chiang, Jenny 11 5-Fairport 349.20 520.75 
  3 Meier, Kristen 12 9-Valley Central 330.50 468.30 
  4 Coyne, Meghan 12 9-Valley Central 312.50 439.40 
  5 Harris, Kim 10 8-Long Beach 294.20 432.00 
  6 Borriello, Nicole 11 9-Valley Central 285.05 404.65 
  7 Rice, Elizabeth 12 2-Saratoga Sprin 302.30 399.95 
  8 Krok, Andrea 12 2-Shenendehowa 295.20 399.60 
  9 McCauley, Kelly 12 1-Lakeland/Panas 299.30 395.30 
  10 DiMarco, Amanda 11 1-Lakeland/Panas 302.70 392.10 
  11 Russell, Kirstie 11 2-Bethlehem Cent 290.05 390.65 
  12 Jones, Ashley 11 6-Lockport 292.60 390.50 
  13 Gossett, Alycia 12 6-Fredonia 283.40 384.65 
  14 Duell, Brandee 12 4 - Corning 276.15 379.35 
  15 Darland, Maddy 10 1-Mamaroneck 272.60 377.60 
  16 Cecco, Danielle 11 8-Hicksville 278.05 376.55 
  17 Menz, Alyssa 9 4 - Binghamton 287.80 371.95 
  18 Masters, Sarah 12 6-Amherst 275.50 371.45 
  19 Delay, Devon 10 2-Ballston Spa 282.30 370.60 
  20 Butler, Maegan 11 1-Tappan Zee 288.50 348.60 
  Event 6 Girls 100 Yard Butterfly
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Niessl, Steffi E 12 1-Brewster 56.68 55.87 
  25.78 55.87 (30.09) 
  2 Todhunter, Logan P 12 4 - Ithaca 56.55 56.27 
  26.48 56.27 (29.79) 
  3 Bunster, Kelly E 12 11-Connetquot 57.07 56.42 
  26.44 56.42 (29.98) 
  4 Polhill, Ali C 10 1-Brewster 57.62 56.59 
  26.69 56.59 (29.90) 
  5 Patchen, Bonnie K 12 4 - Ithaca 58.20 57.39 
  27.44 57.39 (29.95) 
  6 Holden, Kim B 11 1-Fox Lane 58.12 57.43 
  27.11 57.43 (30.32) 
  7 Savage, Heather N 11 5-Canandaigua 58.26 57.47 
  27.12 57.47 (30.35) 
  8 Nicholson, Caitlin A 12 4 - Ithaca 57.35 57.50 
  27.27 57.50 (30.23) 
  9 Weaver, Joan M 11 11-Say/Bay/Blue 59.72 58.51 
  27.33 58.51 (31.18) 
  10 Butler, Danielle E 12 1-Tappan Zee 59.20 58.88 
  27.69 58.88 (31.19) 
   11 Cooper, Sammie C 10 1-Greeley 59.88 59.19 
  28.19 59.19 (31.00) 
  12 Munroe, Janelle 12 6-Willmsvlle Eas 59.76 59.37 
  27.98 59.37 (31.39) 
  13 Kiernan, Erin M 12 1-Bronxville 1:00.29 59.38 
  28.02 59.38 (31.36) 
  14 Caldwell, Lauren 9 6-Jamestown 1:00.00 59.71 
  28.26 59.71 (31.45) 
  15 Krisanda, Chelsea 11 5-Webster Schro 1:00.18 59.85 
  28.57 59.85 (31.28) 
  15 Conklin, Jaclyn 12 4 - Watkins Glen 1:00.21 59.85 
  28.28 59.85 (31.57) 
  17 Berkman, Maddy R 9 1-B.W.P 59.72 1:00.10 
  28.14 1:00.10 (31.96) 
  18 Sun, Angela 8 8-Great Neck Sou 59.81 1:00.28 
  28.09 1:00.28 (32.19) 
  18 Trail, Melissa L 9 1-Fox Lane 59.93 1:00.28 
  28.50 1:00.28 (31.78) 
  20 Tegeler, Kayla 12 9-Kingston 1:00.21 1:00.31 
  28.25 1:00.31 (32.06) 
  C - Final
   21 Hogan, Michelle M 10 1-Ursuline 1:00.29 1:00.31 
  28.33 1:00.31 (31.98) 
  22 Degrazia, Kristen A 12 11-Half Hollow H 1:01.13 1:00.32 
  28.29 1:00.32 (32.03) 
  23 Hickey, Whitney 12 5-Hilton 1:00.99 1:00.40 
  28.37 1:00.40 (32.03) 
  24 Petty, Lanae 12 9-Valley Central 1:01.13 1:00.55 
  28.04 1:00.55 (32.51) 
  25 Bucaria, Kristen M 12 11-Hauppauge 1:00.97 1:00.68 
  28.37 1:00.68 (32.31) 
  26 Sims, Dani 8 1-Byram Hills 1:00.48 1:01.06 
  28.39 1:01.06 (32.67) 
  27 Walker, Juliana 12 6-Frewsburg 1:01.01 1:01.38 
  27.66 1:01.38 (33.72) 
  28 Mion, Sara 12 2-Shaker 1:01.98 1:01.64 
  28.81 1:01.64 (32.83) 
  Event 7 Girls 100 Yard Freestyle
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Larson, Kim P 11 11-Say/Bay/Blue 52.64 51.59 
  25.07 51.59 (26.52) 
  2 Kuras, Brittney 11 5-Canandaigua 52.77 52.07 
  25.34 52.07 (26.73) 
  3 Peck, Emily E 12 4 - Ithaca 52.43 52.41 
  25.25 52.41 (27.16) 
  4 Friese, Brittany 7 9-Newburgh 53.04 52.53 
  25.48 52.53 (27.05) 
  5 Gaffey, Melanie A 11 11-Connetquot 53.18 52.73 
  25.25 52.73 (27.48) 
  6 Lewis, Jenny 12 5-Pittsford 53.07 52.88 
  25.62 52.88 (27.26) 
  7 Morrell, Mallory 11 5-Rush 53.68 53.30 
  25.12 53.30 (28.18) 
  8 Fountain, Michelle L 12 11-Say/Bay/Blue 53.65 53.79 
  25.82 53.79 (27.97) 
  9 Virgilio, Rosalie 12 9-Pine Bush 54.00 53.96 
  25.53 53.96 (28.43) 
  10 Haynes, Julie 12 10-Malone 53.87 54.43 
  25.43 54.43 (29.00) 
   11 Guba, Ali E 11 1-Pelham 54.73 53.80 
  25.98 53.80 (27.82) 
  12 Bentley, Jennifer 10 6-Jamestown 54.20 53.81 
  26.07 53.81 (27.74) 
  13 Wixson, Haleigh 9 4 - Watkins Glen 54.24 54.05 
  26.14 54.05 (27.91) 
  14 Rudel, Susannah E 12 1-Greeley 54.49 54.17 
  25.89 54.17 (28.28) 
  15 Woodling, Bailey 10 6-Willmsvlle Eas 55.02 54.23 
  26.51 54.23 (27.72) 
  16 Scott, Emily 12 6-Lockport 54.03 54.32 
  25.77 54.32 (28.55) 
  17 Slone, Taylor 10 2-Saratoga Sprin 55.10 54.73 
  26.66 54.73 (28.07) 
  18 Dean, Kali 10 4 - Lansing 55.05 54.86 
  26.70 54.86 (28.16) 
  19 Geller, Carolyn 12 8-Great Neck Sou 55.03 54.98 
  26.23 54.98 (28.75) 
  20 Max, Abigail 9 3-New Hartford-AD 54.77 55.45 
  26.69 55.45 (28.76) 
  C - Final
   21 Glenday, Heather M 10 11-Babylon 55.25 54.19 
  26.24 54.19 (27.95) 
  22 Groves, Kelley 12 5-Pittsford 55.43 54.95 
  26.18 54.95 (28.77) 
  23 Ford, Alicia 11 4 - WhitneyPoint 55.26 55.17 
  26.34 55.17 (28.83) 
  24 Moran, Caitlin 11 5-Rush 55.23 55.30 
  26.84 55.30 (28.46) 
  25 Baczek, Olivia 11 9-F.D. Roosevelt 55.51 55.51 
  26.70 55.51 (28.81) 
  26 Mason, Bobbi 12 5-Irondequoit 55.40 55.64 
  26.49 55.64 (29.15) 
  27 Gaffuri, Mary Ann 12 2-Albany 55.26 55.72 
  26.68 55.72 (29.04) 
  28 Dobler, Kathryn 11 5-Pittsford 55.25 56.98 
  27.19 56.98 (29.79) 
  Event 8 Girls 500 Yard Freestyle
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Derlath, Erica 12 8-Garden City 4:54.42 4:52.75 
  27.20 56.18 (28.98) 1:25.39 (29.21) 1:54.73 (29.34)
   2:24.13 (29.40) 2:53.67 (29.54) 3:23.67 (30.00) 3:53.56 (29.89)
   4:23.42 (29.86) 4:52.75 (29.33) 
  2 Dressel, Marissa 10 6-Ken-West 4:57.35 4:54.57 
  26.67 55.55 (28.88) 1:24.84 (29.29) 1:54.37 (29.53)
   2:24.19 (29.82) 2:54.67 (30.48) 3:25.02 (30.35) 3:55.56 (30.54)
   4:25.56 (30.00) 4:54.57 (29.01) 
  3 Festa, Julia 10 8-Great Neck Sou 4:59.24 4:56.92 
  27.40 56.74 (29.34) 1:26.72 (29.98) 1:56.64 (29.92)
   2:26.68 (30.04) 2:56.71 (30.03) 3:26.77 (30.06) 3:56.89 (30.12)
   4:27.19 (30.30) 4:56.92 (29.73) 
  4 Daly, Jenna 12 8-Garden City 5:00.39 4:58.57 
  27.34 56.70 (29.36) 1:26.60 (29.90) 1:56.80 (30.20)
   2:27.09 (30.29) 2:57.21 (30.12) 3:27.54 (30.33) 3:58.03 (30.49)
   4:28.70 (30.67) 4:58.57 (29.87) 
  5 Gardner, Kailey T 11 4 - Ithaca 5:03.86 5:04.11 
  27.44 56.97 (29.53) 1:27.09 (30.12) 1:57.91 (30.82)
   2:28.82 (30.91) 2:59.91 (31.09) 3:31.31 (31.40) 4:02.52 (31.21)
   4:33.80 (31.28) 5:04.11 (30.31) 
  6 Zarriello, Megan 9 8-Garden City 5:05.45 5:04.20 
  28.40 58.30 (29.90) 1:28.68 (30.38) 1:59.33 (30.65)
   2:30.22 (30.89) 3:01.05 (30.83) 3:32.06 (31.01) 4:02.90 (30.84)
   4:33.81 (30.91) 5:04.20 (30.39) 
  7 Larkin, Colleen 9 9-Washingtonvill 5:05.64 5:06.06 
  27.60 57.69 (30.09) 1:28.44 (30.75) 1:59.25 (30.81)
   2:30.46 (31.21) 3:01.76 (31.30) 3:32.95 (31.19) 4:04.37 (31.42)
   4:35.83 (31.46) 5:06.06 (30.23) 
  8 Ackerman, Amanda 12 8-Great Neck Sou 5:08.33 5:06.27 
  26.91 55.39 (28.48) 1:24.27 (28.88) 1:53.37 (29.10)
   2:22.65 (29.28) 2:51.94 (29.29) 3:21.38 (29.44) 3:51.16 (29.78)
   4:19.55 (28.39) 5:06.27 (46.72) 
  9 Rogers, Stacey B 11 1-Pearl River 5:05.73 5:07.09 
  28.24 58.85 (30.61) 1:29.86 (31.01) 2:00.84 (30.98)
   2:31.94 (31.10) 3:03.19 (31.25) 3:34.62 (31.43) 4:05.74 (31.12)
   4:36.82 (31.08) 5:07.09 (30.27) 
  10 Callen, Hilary 12 3-Oswego-NI 5:06.71 5:08.77 
  27.85 57.95 (30.10) 1:28.75 (30.80) 1:59.99 (31.24)
   2:31.42 (31.43) 3:03.06 (31.64) 3:34.41 (31.35) 4:06.57 (32.16)
   4:37.98 (31.41) 5:08.77 (30.79) 
   11 Miller, Emma 11 5-Pittsford 5:10.13 5:08.71 
  29.02 59.53 (30.51) 1:30.53 (31.00) 2:01.90 (31.37)
   2:33.27 (31.37) 3:04.22 (30.95) 3:35.17 (30.95) 4:06.40 (31.23)
   4:37.91 (31.51) 5:08.71 (30.80) 
  12 Johanson, Kelly A 9 1-Mamaroneck 5:09.46 5:10.47 
  28.28 59.24 (30.96) 1:30.64 (31.40) 2:01.82 (31.18)
   2:33.19 (31.37) 3:04.91 (31.72) 3:36.62 (31.71) 4:08.19 (31.57)
   4:39.67 (31.48) 5:10.47 (30.80) 
  13 Schlichte, Sarah 10 8-Garden City 5:11.47 5:11.18 
  27.89 58.76 (30.87) 1:30.09 (31.33) 2:01.69 (31.60)
   2:33.40 (31.71) 3:04.98 (31.58) 3:36.57 (31.59) 4:08.40 (31.83)
   4:40.14 (31.74) 5:11.18 (31.04) 
  14 Costa, Christina M 11 1-Sh/Ed/Irv 5:12.33 5:11.81 
  27.95 58.67 (30.72) 1:29.92 (31.25) 2:01.57 (31.65)
   2:33.56 (31.99) 3:05.61 (32.05) 3:37.41 (31.80) 4:09.75 (32.34)
   4:41.75 (32.00) 5:11.81 (30.06) 
  15 Nugent, Susan 11 8-Sewanhaka 5:11.16 5:12.82 
  28.03 58.86 (30.83) 1:30.25 (31.39) 2:01.90 (31.65)
   2:33.33 (31.43) 3:05.29 (31.96) 3:37.62 (32.33) 4:09.76 (32.14)
   4:41.93 (32.17) 5:12.82 (30.89) 
  16 Baker, Meghan T 11 1-New Rochelle 5:10.65 5:13.10 
  28.52 59.55 (31.03) 1:31.09 (31.54) 2:02.48 (31.39)
   2:33.93 (31.45) 3:06.02 (32.09) 3:38.05 (32.03) 4:10.05 (32.00)
   4:42.13 (32.08) 5:13.10 (30.97) 
  17 O'Keefe, Brenna 11 9-F.D. Roosevelt 5:14.57 5:13.29 
  28.70 59.18 (30.48) 1:30.48 (31.30) 2:02.13 (31.65)
   2:33.45 (31.32) 3:05.28 (31.83) 3:37.39 (32.11) 4:09.79 (32.40)
   4:41.99 (32.20) 5:13.29 (31.30) 
  18 Conard, Kate E 11 11-Ward Melville 5:11.50 5:13.90 
  29.10 1:00.45 (31.35) 1:32.16 (31.71) 2:04.09 (31.93)
   2:36.05 (31.96) 3:07.89 (31.84) 3:40.23 (32.34) 4:12.21 (31.98)
   4:44.16 (31.95) 5:13.90 (29.74) 
  19 Saiz, Hannah 11 7-Plattsburgh 5:12.87 5:14.76 
  28.04 59.34 (31.30) 1:31.42 (32.08) 2:03.68 (32.26)
   2:36.06 (32.38) 3:08.15 (32.09) 3:40.85 (32.70) 4:14.61 (33.76)
   4:45.67 (31.06) 5:14.76 (29.09) 
  20 Green, Meghan 11 5-Pittsford 5:14.31 5:15.77 
  27.63 57.64 (30.01) 1:28.39 (30.75) 1:59.61 (31.22)
   2:31.43 (31.82) 3:04.08 (32.65) 3:37.47 (33.39) 4:11.10 (33.63)
   4:43.81 (32.71) 5:15.77 (31.96) 
  C - Final
   21 Kiernan, Erin M 12 1-Bronxville 5:14.58 5:07.17 
  28.62 59.29 (30.67) 1:30.30 (31.01) 2:01.46 (31.16)
   2:32.75 (31.29) 3:03.96 (31.21) 3:35.27 (31.31) 4:06.57 (31.30)
   4:37.65 (31.08) 5:07.17 (29.52) 
  22 Trobe, Alex 11 5-Pittsford 5:18.05 5:15.65 
  28.22 59.19 (30.97) 1:30.70 (31.51) 2:02.80 (32.10)
   2:34.93 (32.13) 3:07.33 (32.40) 3:39.83 (32.50) 4:12.15 (32.32)
   4:44.47 (32.32) 5:15.65 (31.18) 
  23 Forsyth, Ashley 9 3-Indian River-AD 5:14.79 5:16.22 
  28.14 59.27 (31.13) 1:30.80 (31.53) 2:02.80 (32.00)
   2:34.85 (32.05) 3:07.13 (32.28) 3:39.85 (32.72) 4:12.76 (32.91)
   4:45.15 (32.39) 5:16.22 (31.07) 
  24 Fenn, Meaghan 11 1-Ursuline 5:16.45 5:16.28 
  28.20 59.17 (30.97) 1:30.58 (31.41) 2:02.62 (32.04)
   2:35.05 (32.43) 3:07.41 (32.36) 3:40.11 (32.70) 4:12.90 (32.79)
   4:45.20 (32.30) 5:16.28 (31.08) 
  25 Otto, Courtney 9 6-West Seneca We 5:17.10 5:16.80 
  27.71 57.96 (30.25) 1:29.09 (31.13) 2:01.09 (32.00)
   2:33.31 (32.22) 3:06.22 (32.91) 3:39.25 (33.03) 4:12.24 (32.99)
   4:45.00 (32.76) 5:16.80 (31.80) 
  26 Parodi, Ellen 10 9-Warwick 5:18.11 5:22.94 
  29.32 1:00.57 (31.25) 1:32.94 (32.37) 2:05.33 (32.39)
   2:37.77 (32.44) 3:10.96 (33.19) 3:43.91 (32.95) 4:17.35 (33.44)
   4:50.38 (33.03) 5:22.94 (32.56) 
  Event 9 Girls 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
   School Prelims Finals 
   1 4 - Ithaca 'A' 1:36.72 1:36.19 
  1) Nicholson, Caitlin A 12 2) Todhunter, Logan P 12 
  3) Norberg, Lauren A 11 4) Peck, Emily E 12 
  24.68 48.87 (24.19) 1:12.92 (24.05) 1:36.19 (23.27)
   2 5-Canandaigua 'A' 1:39.77 1:38.49 
  1) Messina, Julia 8 2) Bentley, Paula 9 
  3) Kuras, Brittney 11 4) Savage, Heather N 11 
  25.38 50.75 (25.37) 1:15.08 (24.33) 1:38.49 (23.41)
   3 5-Fairport High School 'A' 1:39.93 1:38.66 
  1) Tyagi, Devina 12 2) Wood, Jenna 11 
  3) Holden, Kaitlin 11 4) Gardner, Emily 12 
  24.88 49.26 (24.38) 1:13.89 (24.63) 1:38.66 (24.77)
   4 11-Sayville/Bayport/Blue Point 'A' 1:38.72 1:38.68 
  1) LaPorta, Katie 11 2) Weaver, Joan M 11 
  3) Fountain, Michelle L 12 4) Larson, Kim P 11 
  26.02 50.53 (24.51) 1:15.08 (24.55) 1:38.68 (23.60)
   5 6-Lockport 'A' 1:40.06 1:39.11 
  1) Chapman, Rachel 12 2) McKenna, Lacy 12 
  3) Tolli, Caroline 11 4) Scott, Emily 12 
  24.92 50.88 (25.96) 1:15.56 (24.68) 1:39.11 (23.55)
   6 1-Brewster High School 'A' 1:39.97 1:39.41 
  1) Polhill, Ali C 10 2) Edleson, Kristi R 10 
  3) Monsees, Courtney A 10 4) Niessl, Steffi E 12 
  24.74 50.39 (25.65) 1:16.03 (25.64) 1:39.41 (23.38)
   7 5-Honeoye Falls-Lima 'A' 1:41.21 1:40.84 
  1) Deubler, Mackenzie 9 2) Magee, Maddie 12 
  3) Stankaitis, Emily 11 4) Swetman, Sara 9 
  25.29 49.74 (24.45) 1:15.14 (25.40) 1:40.84 (25.70)
   8 11-Ward Melville 'A' 1:40.99 1:41.20 
  1) Dasilva, Taylor A 9 2) Vairo, Corinne D 10 
  3) Lampe, Shannon E 9 4) Papish, Molly F 12 
  25.67 50.45 (24.78) 1:15.74 (25.29) 1:41.20 (25.46)
   9 8-Great Neck South 'A' 1:41.54 1:41.32 
  1) Chang, Linda 10 2) Festa, Julia 10 
  3) Ackerman, Amanda 12 4) Geller, Carolyn 12 
  25.98 50.76 (24.78) 1:16.72 (25.96) 1:41.32 (24.60)
   10 5-Rush Henrietta 'A' 1:41.69 1:42.09 
  1) Morrell, Mallory 11 2) Lalonde, Kelly 12 
  3) Grillo, Liz 10 4) Moran, Caitlin 11 
  24.35 50.83 (26.48) 1:17.39 (26.56) 1:42.09 (24.70)
   11 5-Pittsford Swimming 'A' 1:43.37 1:41.63 
  1) Dempsey, Sarah 10 2) Dobler, Kathryn 11 
  3) Conklin, Jennifer 10 4) Trobe, Alex 11 
  25.90 51.07 (25.17) 1:16.65 (25.58) 1:41.63 (24.98)
   12 9-Valley Central 'A' 1:42.14 1:41.71 
  1) Meier, Kristen 12 2) Tremper, Andrea 10 
  3) Grant, Jessica 12 4) Petty, Lanae 12 
  26.23 51.56 (25.33) 1:17.29 (25.73) 1:41.71 (24.42)
   13 2-Niskayuna 'A' 1:44.48 1:42.37 
  1) Whitaker, Emily 10 2) Archer, Kerry 11 
  3) Hart, Karoline 12 4) Murphy, McKenna 11 
  26.34 52.45 (26.11) 1:17.45 (25.00) 1:42.37 (24.92)
   14 10-St. Lawrence 'A' 1:51.21 1:51.81 
  1) Norton, Emilie 11 2) White, Stephanie 11 
  3) Lavigne, Jocelyn 11 4) Dufresne, Nicole 12 
  28.64 57.21 (28.57) 1:24.66 (27.45) 1:51.81 (27.15)
   15 7-Plattsburgh 'A' 1:52.39 1:52.52 
  1) Arvasais-Anhalt, Simone 11 2) Hyacinthe, Morgan 12 
  3) Robinson, Bernice 12 4) Breen, Kayla 10 
  26.52 53.90 (27.38) 1:22.54 (28.64) 1:52.52 (29.98)
  Event 10 Girls 100 Yard Backstroke
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Lewis, Jenny 12 5-Pittsford 56.38 56.09 
  27.38 56.09 (28.71) 
  2 Holden, Kim B 11 1-Fox Lane 58.07 57.74 
  27.98 57.74 (29.76) 
  3 Ryan, Brienne 11 9-Cornwall 58.26 57.93 
  27.16 57.93 (30.77) 
  4 Tracey, Kim L 12 1-B.W.P 59.64 58.96 
  28.17 58.96 (30.79) 
  5 Zebrowski, Kara 11 2-Shenendehowa 59.34 59.15 
  28.55 59.15 (30.60) 
  6 O'Donnell, Katie 12 2-Bethlehem Cent 59.95 59.51 
  28.89 59.51 (30.62) 
  7 Sun, Angela 8 8-Great Neck Sou 1:00.10 1:00.02 
  28.84 1:00.02 (31.18) 
  8 Swett, Emily 11 5-Brighton 1:00.55 1:00.52 
  29.54 1:00.52 (30.98) 
  9 Conard, Kate E 11 11-Ward Melville 1:00.53 1:01.40 
  30.19 1:01.40 (31.21) 
  10 Max, Abigail 9 3-New Hartford-AD 1:00.42 1:01.46 
  29.68 1:01.46 (31.78) 
   11 Wood, Jenna 11 5-Fairport 1:00.62 59.74 
  29.06 59.74 (30.68) 
  12 Tyagi, Devina 12 5-Fairport 1:00.59 59.76 
  29.48 59.76 (30.28) 
  13 Ferrante, Francesca 12 8-Glen Cove 1:01.11 1:00.50 
  29.69 1:00.50 (30.81) 
  14 Gaffey, Melanie A 11 11-Connetquot 1:01.27 1:00.95 
  29.31 1:00.95 (31.64) 
  15 Vitullo, Amanda 12 2-Mohonasen-Scha 1:01.08 1:01.32 
  29.51 1:01.32 (31.81) 
  16 King, Rachel 10 5-At/Od 1:01.36 1:01.39 
  29.84 1:01.39 (31.55) 
  17 Tylutki, Olivia 12 5-Pittsford 1:01.07 1:01.44 
  29.79 1:01.44 (31.65) 
  18 Leung, Alissa 9 8-Sewanhaka 1:01.30 1:01.49 
  29.73 1:01.49 (31.76) 
  19 Boyce, Lauren 10 3-New Hartford-AD 1:00.90 1:01.76 
  30.12 1:01.76 (31.64) 
  20 Wixson, Haleigh 9 4 - Watkins Glen 1:01.28 1:01.90 
  29.42 1:01.90 (32.48) 
  C - Final
   21 Bantelman, Rachel 10 6-Olean 1:01.81 1:00.95 
  29.65 1:00.95 (31.30) 
  22 Bickel, Jenna 8 2-Guilderville 1:01.96 1:01.22 
  29.92 1:01.22 (31.30) 
  23 Sims, Micah 10 1-Byram Hills 1:01.96 1:01.70 
  29.98 1:01.70 (31.72) 
  24 Berg, Shea 11 9-F.D. Roosevelt 1:01.62 1:01.90 
  30.19 1:01.90 (31.71) 
  25 Brannan, Victoria 11 5-Bport 1:01.87 1:02.13 
  30.04 1:02.13 (32.09) 
  26 Keesler, Missy 12 4-Union Endicott 1:02.22 1:02.49 
  30.75 1:02.49 (31.74) 
  27 Heise, Nicole A 11 4 - Ithaca 1:02.31 1:02.54 
  30.00 1:02.54 (32.54) 
  28 Buisman, Megan 9 5-Penfield 1:01.99 1:02.59 
  30.22 1:02.59 (32.37) 
  Event 11 Girls 100 Yard Breaststroke
   Name Year School Prelims Finals 
   1 Norberg, Lauren A 11 4 - Ithaca 1:03.92 1:03.20 
  29.76 1:03.20 (33.44) 
  2 Kolackovsky, Kerrie 10 8-Sewanhaka 1:06.25 1:06.03 
  31.14 1:06.03 (34.89) 
  3 Larkin, Kaitlyn C 11 11-Huntington 1:07.15 1:06.51 
  31.79 1:06.51 (34.72) 
  4 Risucci, Carissa 11 3-Whitesboro 1:06.25 1:06.67 
  32.10 1:06.67 (34.57) 
  5 Chan, Olivia 7 8-Sewanhaka 1:06.44 1:06.75 
  32.04 1:06.75 (34.71) 
  6 Jacumski, Victoria 10 6-Clarence 1:07.65 1:07.07 
  31.60 1:07.07 (35.47) 
  7 Gutowski, Paige 10 6-Sweet Home 1:07.73 1:07.34 
  31.88 1:07.34 (35.46) 
  8 Gorki, Alexandra G 10 1-Greeley 1:07.51 1:07.36 
  31.69 1:07.36 (35.67) 
  9 Anderer, Britney L 11 11-Smithtown 1:07.31 1:07.46 
  31.45 1:07.46 (36.01) 
  10 Sherry, Madi 11 6-Orchard Park 1:07.22 1:08.09 
  31.88 1:08.09 (36.21) 
   11 Klein, Morganne 10 9-Washingtonvill 1:08.55 1:08.16 
  32.30 1:08.16 (35.86) 
  12 Giner, Racquel C 10 1-Greeley 1:08.72 1:08.26 
  31.83 1:08.26 (36.43) 
  13 Dowd, Caitlin E 12 11-Ward Melville 1:08.10 1:08.34 
  32.19 1:08.34 (36.15) 
  14 Cedfeldt, Claudia 11 6-East Aurora 1:08.48 1:08.42 
  32.13 1:08.42 (36.29) 
  15 Hart, Karoline 12 2-Niskayuna 1:08.01 1:08.49 
  31.27 1:08.49 (37.22) 
  16 Phillips, Danielle 9 5-Pittsford 1:09.19 1:09.56 
  32.86 1:09.56 (36.70) 
  17 Fischer, Betsy C 12 1-Nyack 1:09.40 1:09.70 
  32.59 1:09.70 (37.11) 
  18 Magee, Maddie 12 5-Hf-L 1:09.15 1:09.77 
  32.42 1:09.77 (37.35) 
  19 Brennan, Alyssa 9 11-Smithtown 1:08.38 1:10.06 
  33.02 1:10.06 (37.04) 
  20 Weston, Caroline L 9 1-Johnjaycrossri 1:09.40 1:10.44 
  32.96 1:10.44 (37.48) 
  C - Final
   21 O'Halloran, Coray L 11 1-Bronxville 1:09.41 1:09.10 
  32.98 1:09.10 (36.12) 
  22 Bentley, Paula 9 5-Canandaigua 1:09.61 1:09.20 
  32.90 1:09.20 (36.30) 
  23 Callesano, Maggie 12 2-Saratoga Sprin 1:10.58 1:09.45 
  33.08 1:09.45 (36.37) 
  24 Sternberg, Corrin 12 9-F.D. Roosevelt 1:09.51 1:09.51 
  32.76 1:09.51 (36.75) 
  25 Jones, Carly 11 3-Liverpool-NI 1:09.97 1:09.70 
  33.51 1:09.70 (36.19) 
  26 Barbour, Kelsey 10 2-Shenendehowa 1:09.73 1:09.82 
  33.30 1:09.82 (36.52) 
  27 Hocson, Hillary 11 9-Newburgh 1:10.53 1:10.51 
  32.81 1:10.51 (37.70) 
  Event 12 Girls 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
   School Prelims Finals 
   1 4 - Ithaca 'A' 3:33.89 3:32.08 
  1) Nicholson, Caitlin A 12 2) Gardner, Kailey T 11 
  3) Todhunter, Logan P 12 4) Peck, Emily E 12 
  25.50 53.04 (53.04) 1:19.29 (26.25) 1:47.06 (54.02)
   2:12.09 (25.03) 2:40.05 (52.99) 3:04.65 (24.60) 3:32.08 (52.03)
   2 11-Sayville/Bayport/Blue Point 'A' 3:36.44 3:32.97 
  1) Cremer, Kylie E 12 2) Weaver, Joan M 11 
  3) Fountain, Michelle L 12 4) Larson, Kim P 11 
  27.20 56.65 (56.65) 1:21.73 (25.08) 1:49.37 (52.72)
   2:14.25 (24.88) 2:42.09 (52.72) 3:06.39 (24.30) 3:32.97 (50.88)
   3 5-Pittsford Swimming 'A' 3:37.04 3:35.78 
  1) Dobler, Kathryn 11 2) Dempsey, Sarah 10 
  3) Groves, Kelley 12 4) Lewis, Jenny 12 
  26.05 54.40 (54.40) 1:20.04 (25.64) 1:48.36 (53.96)
   2:13.30 (24.94) 2:41.88 (53.52) 3:07.48 (25.60) 3:35.78 (53.90)
   4 8-Garden City 'A' 3:37.11 3:36.28 
  1) Schlichte, Sarah 10 2) Derlath, Erica 12 
  3) Zarriello, Megan 9 4) Daly, Jenna 12 
  26.80 55.98 (55.98) 1:21.62 (25.64) 1:49.41 (53.43)
   2:15.38 (25.97) 2:43.70 (54.29) 3:08.98 (25.28) 3:36.28 (52.58)
   5 1-Brewster High School 'A' 3:38.89 3:37.73 
  1) Polhill, Ali C 10 2) O'Kelly, Lauren E 11 
  3) Edleson, Kristi R 10 4) Niessl, Steffi E 12 
  26.07 55.03 (55.03) 1:21.35 (26.32) 1:49.97 (54.94)
   2:16.25 (26.28) 2:44.62 (54.65) 3:09.27 (24.65) 3:37.73 (53.11)
   6 11-Connetquot 'A' 3:39.72 3:37.80 
  1) Bunster, Kelly E 12 2) Hetzer, Nicole 7 
  3) George, Amanda B 11 4) Gaffey, Melanie A 11 
  24.87 51.83 (51.83) 1:18.19 (26.36) 1:47.44 (55.61)
   2:14.58 (27.14) 2:45.34 (57.90) 3:10.17 (24.83) 3:37.80 (52.46)
   7 5-Fairport High School 'A' 3:42.11 3:39.02 
  1) Dufault, Michelle 9 2) Gardner, Emily 12 
  3) Wood, Jenna 11 4) Tyagi, Devina 12 
  27.01 55.88 (55.88) 1:21.96 (26.08) 1:51.11 (55.23)
   2:16.69 (25.58) 2:44.79 (53.68) 3:10.45 (25.66) 3:39.02 (54.23)
   8 5-Canandaigua 'A' 3:40.55 3:39.13 
  1) Messina, Julia 8 2) Rhoads, Christine 9 
  3) Savage, Heather N 11 4) Kuras, Brittney 11 
  27.18 56.08 (56.08) 1:23.06 (26.98) 1:53.68 (57.60)
   2:18.44 (24.76) 2:46.74 (53.06) 3:11.74 (25.00) 3:39.13 (52.39)
   9 6-Lockport 'A' 3:42.27 3:41.00 
  1) Chapman, Rachel 12 2) Bohneberg, Laura 12 
  3) Tolli, Caroline 11 4) Scott, Emily 12 
  26.47 55.21 (55.21) 1:21.74 (26.53) 1:51.61 (56.40)
   2:17.72 (26.11) 2:47.34 (55.73) 3:12.19 (24.85) 3:41.00 (53.66)
   10 8-Great Neck South 'A' 3:42.48 3:42.13 
  1) Chang, Linda 10 2) Festa, Julia 10 
  3) Ackerman, Amanda 12 4) Geller, Carolyn 12 
  27.21 57.20 (57.20) 1:22.93 (25.73) 1:51.25 (54.05)
   2:18.51 (27.26) 2:47.89 (56.64) 3:13.54 (25.65) 3:42.13 (54.24)
   11 11-Ward Melville 'A' 3:43.80 3:40.08 
  1) Conard, Kate E 11 2) Dowd, Caitlin E 12 
  3) Mullaney, Megan G 10 4) Papish, Molly F 12 
  27.08 55.39 (55.39) 1:21.05 (25.66) 1:50.14 (54.75)
   2:16.64 (26.50) 2:45.80 (55.66) 3:11.89 (26.09) 3:40.08 (54.28)
   12 9-Newburgh Free Academy 'A' 3:43.16 3:42.01 
  1) Grunewald, Cailin 12 2) York, Amanda 9 
  3) Hocson, Hillary 11 4) Friese, Brittany 7 
  26.39 55.77 (55.77) 1:22.76 (26.99) 1:53.54 (57.77)
   2:20.25 (26.71) 2:49.49 (55.95) 3:14.94 (25.45) 3:42.01 (52.52)
   13 3-Liverpool-NI 'A' 3:46.14 3:43.21 
  1) Capria, Brianna 11 2) Evangelista, Becky 9 
  3) Chidsey, Mary 12 4) Jones, Carly 11 
  27.59 56.17 (56.17) 1:23.41 (27.24) 1:53.04 (56.87)
   2:19.16 (26.12) 2:48.63 (55.59) 3:14.97 (26.34) 3:43.21 (54.58)
   14 1-The Ursuline School 'A' 3:44.40 3:43.53 
  1) Mannix, Gina A 11 2) Hogan, Michelle M 10 
  3) D'Arcy, Maggie L 10 4) Fenn, Meaghan 11 
  27.35 56.30 (56.30) 1:23.03 (26.73) 1:52.51 (56.21)
   2:18.88 (26.37) 2:48.43 (55.92) 3:14.50 (26.07) 3:43.53 (55.10)
   15 2-Shenendehowa 'A' 3:43.38 3:43.66 
  1) Salerno, Caitlin 10 2) Samson, Olivia 8 
  3) Barbour, Kelsey 10 4) Zebrowski, Kara 11 
  27.97 57.88 (57.88) 1:24.48 (26.60) 1:54.60 (56.72)
   2:21.03 (26.43) 2:50.25 (55.65) 3:15.79 (25.54) 3:43.66 (53.41)
   16 3-New Hartford-AD 'A' 3:44.72 3:44.29 
  1) Boyce, Lauren 10 2) Dauphin, Casey 11 
  3) Max, Elyssa 11 4) Max, Abigail 9 
  27.19 56.05 (56.05) 1:23.20 (27.15) 1:53.17 (57.12)
   2:20.06 (26.89) 2:49.85 (56.68) 3:15.85 (26.00) 3:44.29 (54.44)
   17 1-Byram Hills HighSchool 'A' 3:42.87 3:45.27 
  1) Sims, Dani 8 2) Fletcher, Diana C 11 
  3) Sims, Micah 10 4) Stridh, Karina L 12 
  27.06 56.19 (56.19) 1:22.79 (26.60) 1:53.19 (57.00)
   2:19.96 (26.77) 2:49.41 (56.22) 3:15.37 (25.96) 3:45.27 (55.86)
   18 9-Washingtonville 'A' 3:46.21 3:45.61 
  1) Shepherd, Christine 12 2) Bacigal, Corrine 8 
  3) Klein, Morganne 10 4) Larkin, Colleen 9 
  26.60 55.32 (55.32) 1:23.21 (27.89) 1:54.58 (59.26)
   2:21.50 (26.92) 2:50.92 (56.34) 3:17.04 (26.12) 3:45.61 (54.69)
   19 10-Malone 'A' 4:08.72 4:01.64 
  1) Matthews, Kate 12 2) Stone, Laura 11 
  3) Brand, Natalie 9 4) Haynes, Julie 12 
  28.01 59.89 (59.89) 1:31.28 (31.39) 2:05.66 (1:05.77)
   2:35.32 (29.66) 3:07.75 (1:02.09) 3:33.07 (25.32) 4:01.64 (53.89)
   20 7-Plattsburgh 'A' 4:00.80 4:01.85 
  1) Saiz, Hannah 11 2) Frechette, Madeline 10 
  3) Gadzuk-Shea, Megan 9 4) Csipak, Sarah 12 
  26.77 55.67 (55.67) 1:24.68 (29.01) 1:56.62 (1:00.95)
   2:25.30 (28.68) 2:57.11 (1:00.49) 3:26.61 (29.50) 4:01.85 (1:04.74)

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