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Girls cross country
2005 NYSPHSAA championships

At Queensbury

Class AA

Place      School                  Score
1     Saratoga Springs            46
2     Hilton                      47
3     Warwick                     87
4     Suffern                     92
5     Ward Melville              117
6     Fayetteville-Manlius       132
7     Clarence                   187
8     East Meadow                203
9     Horseheads                 239

ind team sec number    name                   school
1   1   1  901  Aislinn Ryan-12          Warwick                  17:23.9
2   2   2  223  Hannah Davidson-10       Saratoga Springs         17:32.6
3   3   3  222  Lindsey Ferguson-12      Saratoga Springs         17:39.7
4   4   4  115  Shelby Greany-9          Suffern                  17:47.8
5   5   5  116  Kara McKenna-12          Suffern                  17:56.0
6       6 1175  Brittany Sheffey-11      Bellport                 18:03.4
7   6   7  544  Caroline Schultz-11      Hilton                   18:06.1
8   7   8  545  Allison Sawyer-11        Hilton                   18:06.4
9       9  375  Elizabeth McMahon-11     West Genesee             18:14.9
10      10  185  Kristin Reese-10         Carmel                   18:18.8
11   8  11  543  Amanda Griggs-12         Hilton                   18:21.4
12      12  186  Lindsay Southard-12      Carmel                   18:24.9
13      13 1177  Lauren Schmidt-12        Bayshore                 18:34.3
14      14 1178  Callie Hogan-11          Bayshore                 18:36.4
15      15  660  Kailey Harvey-12         Jamestown                18:40.0
16   9  16  329  Kristen Taylor-12        Fayetteville-Manlius     18:43.9
17  10  17  547  Shelby Herman-10         Hilton                   18:44.2
18  11  18  224  Ashley Campbell-12       Saratoga Springs         18:47.6
19  12  19 1131  Suejin Ahn-10            Ward Melville            18:49.2
20  13  20  225  Cassie Goutos-8          Saratoga Springs         18:49.7
21      21  997  Arianna Garrison-11      Newburg Free Academy     18:50.4
22  14  22  330  MacKenzie Carter-8       Fayetteville-Manlius     18:51.7
23      23  280  Chelsea Trant-8          Niskayuna                18:54.1
24  15  24  902  Tori Pennings-10         Warwick                  18:54.6
25  16  25  546  Ashley Jones-10          Hilton                   18:55.2
26      26 1176  Jessica Hampson-12       Smithtown                18:56.9
27  17  27  228  Kaitlin O'Sullivan-11    Saratoga Springs         19:02.0
28  18  28 1129  Bridget Reilly-11        Ward Melville            19:03.3
29      29  281  Cara Janeczko-8          Shenendehowa             19:08.9
30  19  30  117  MaryRose Consiglio-12    Suffern                  19:13.0
31      31  565  Jenna Bauer-11           Spencerport              19:13.2
32      32  471  Claire Usack-12          Ithaca                   19:13.4
33      33  283  Kristin Kenney-10        Bethlehem                19:15.6
34  20  34  227  Kipling Hill-12          Saratoga Springs         19:16.9
35      35  995  Kristin Clark-12         Washingtonville          19:18.0
36      36 1179  Melissa Tempesta-12      Patchogue-Medford        19:18.8
37  21  37  905  Samantha Grady-12        Warwick                  19:19.1
38  22  38  121  Christa Goldmann-9       Suffern                  19:21.0
39      39  470  Alie Cornell-11          Ithaca                   19:21.3
40      40  284  Seri Gordon-11           Shaker                   19:22.7
41      41  282  Jackie Gniewek-12        Shenendehowa             19:24.3
42  23  42  651  Gina Adoretto-12         Clarence                 19:26.0
43      43  664  Julia Ruggiero-11        Lancaster                19:28.4
44      44  187  Riti Dhillon-11          Arlington                19:29.9
45      45  996  Carolyn Gates-11         Washingtonville          19:31.6
46      46  188  Lauren Boardman-12       John Jay East Fishkill   19:34.6
47      47  377  Brittany Wilder-12       Liverpool                19:35.6
48  24  48  903  Cecilie Braadt-9         Warwick                  19:37.7
49  25  49 1132  Jenny Wang-12            Ward Melville            19:39.2
50  26  50  906  Kristen Peluso-11        Warwick                  19:39.5
51      51  379  Katie Duerr-11           Cicero-N. Syracuse       19:39.8
52      52  567  Brianna Deming-8         Webster Thomas           19:40.5
53  27  53  650  Becca Nungesser-12       Clarence                 19:41.0
54      54  998  Carmen Milian-10         Monroe Woodbury          19:41.6
55      55  378  Alicia Finger-11         Cicero-N. Syracuse       19:42.4
56  28  56 1130  Briana Shewan-12         Ward Melville            19:43.9
57      57  661  Kailey Sullivan          West Seneca West         19:44.6
58  29  58  907  Joanna Stein-12          Warwick                  19:46.7
59      59  893  Bari Melker-11           Oceanside                19:48.2
60  30  60  226  Cameron Vahanian-12      Saratoga Springs         19:49.6
61  31  61  810  Emily Weber-12           East Meadow              19:51.6
62      62  189  Jackie Gamboli-9         North Rockland           19:51.8
63  32  63  331  Jessica Hauser-11        Fayetteville-Manlius     19:52.1
64      64  566  Sandra Goettelman-12     Spencerport              19:53.6
65  33  65  904  Kaitlyn Hurley-12        Warwick                  19:54.4
66  34  66 1133  Brigid Paddock-10        Ward Melville            19:56.1
67      67  999  Emily Moore              Pine Bush                19:57.3
68      68  473  Kari Smith-12            Corning                  19:58.0
69      69  890  Lisa Page-10             Levittown                20:06.9
70      70  568  Julie Cass-10            Fairport                 20:07.4
71  35  71  437  Chelsea Usack-12         Horseheads               20:08.3
72      72  376  Colleen Smith-9          West Genesee             20:10.6
73  36  73  809  Christina Mustakis-10    East Meadow              20:12.3
74  37  74  652  Keelan Walsh-11          Clarence                 20:12.7
75      75  663  Alexandra Denzel-9       West Seneca West         20:13.3
76  38  76  332  Hilary Hooley-11         Fayetteville-Manlius     20:13.5
77  39  77  335  Catie Caputo             Fayetteville-Manlius     20:17.1
78      78  474  Erika Gates-10           Vestal                   20:19.9
79  40  79  438  Jen Siglin-12            Horseheads               20:21.1
80  41  80  333  Alyssa Panozzo-10        Fayetteville-Manlius     20:23.0
81      81  569  Jessie Wooten-12         Rush-Henrietta           20:29.2
82      82  662  Emily Sullivan           West Seneca West         20:32.6
83  42  83  120  Meghan Coffey-11         Suffern                  20:32.9
84  43  84  334  Emily Stoeckel-10        Fayetteville-Manlius     20:34.0
85  44  85  808  Bobbie Sedlmajer-9       East Meadow              20:35.1
86      86  472  Kate Rosettie-9          Corning                  20:35.5
87      87  894  Ester Lok-9              Syosset                  20:38.9
88  45  88  812  Krissy Majkowski-11      East Meadow              20:40.2
89  46  89  119  Jessie Mitchell-11       Suffern                  20:44.0
90  47  90  814  Roxanne Smith-10         East Meadow              20:44.8
91  48  91  654  Kristen Swanson-11       Clarence                 20:47.7
92  49  92  548  Caileen Childs-12        Hilton                   20:48.0
93  50  93  811  Gina Smith-12            East Meadow              20:49.6
94  51  94  436  Megan Dauchy-10          Horseheads               20:50.3
95  52  95  653  Keri Pretorius-10        Clarence                 20:53.3
96  53  96 1135  Cecile Reuge-10          Ward Melville            21:00.8
97  54  97 1134  Brooke Wanlass-11        Ward Melville            21:05.4
98      98  891  Michele Grieco-11        Massapequa               21:11.9
99      99  892  Tara Monnino-12          Massapequa               21:15.2
100  55 100  439  Megan Crimmins-12        Horseheads               21:16.2
101  56 101  813  Priya Patel-9            East Meadow              21:17.0
102  57 102  118  Caroline Heidt-12        Suffern                  21:19.6
103  58 103  440  Rachel Gaylord-12        Horseheads               21:27.5
104  59 104  442  Hannah Patterson-9       Horseheads               21:51.7
105  60 105  655  Jessica Tufte-12         Clarence                 22:17.6
106  61 106  441  Liz Robertson-12         Horseheads               22:46.6
107  62 107  549  Nicole Griffiths-12      Hilton                   22:47.2
108  63 108  656  Katy DeLong-9            Clarence                 23:02.7

1    Saratoga Springs

ind  team  number    name                         time
2    2    223      Hannah Davidson-10            17:32.6
3    3    222      Lindsey Ferguson-12           17:39.7
18   11    224      Ashley Campbell-12            18:47.6
20   13    225      Cassie Goutos-8               18:49.7
27   17    228      Kaitlin O'Sullivan-11         19:02.0
34   20    227      Kipling Hill-12               19:16.9
60   30    226      Cameron Vahanian-12           19:49.6

Score : 46      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:29.4       Time total (1 - 5): 91:51.6

2    Hilton

ind  team  number    name                         time
7    6    544      Caroline Schultz-11           18:06.1
8    7    545      Allison Sawyer-11             18:06.4
11    8    543      Amanda Griggs-12              18:21.4
17   10    547      Shelby Herman-10              18:44.2
25   16    546      Ashley Jones-10               18:55.2
92   49    548      Caileen Childs-12             20:48.0
107   62    549      Nicole Griffiths-12           22:47.2

Score : 47      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:49.1       Time total (1 - 5): 92:13.3

3    Warwick
ind  team  number    name                         time
1    1    901      Aislinn Ryan-12               17:23.9
24   15    902      Tori Pennings-10              18:54.6
37   21    905      Samantha Grady-12             19:19.1
48   24    903      Cecilie Braadt-9              19:37.7
50   26    906      Kristen Peluso-11             19:39.5
58   29    907      Joanna Stein-12               19:46.7
65   33    904      Kaitlyn Hurley-12             19:54.4

Score : 87      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:15.6       Time total (1 - 5): 94:54.8

4    Suffern

ind  team  number    name                         time
4    4    115      Shelby Greany-9               17:47.8
5    5    116      Kara McKenna-12               17:56.0
30   19    117      MaryRose Consiglio-12         19:13.0
38   22    121      Christa Goldmann-9            19:21.0
83   42    120      Meghan Coffey-11              20:32.9
89   46    119      Jessie Mitchell-11            20:44.0
102   57    118      Caroline Heidt-12             21:19.6

Score : 92      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:45.1       Time total (1 - 5): 94:50.7

5    Ward Melville
ind  team  number    name                         time
19   12   1131      Suejin Ahn-10                 18:49.2
28   18   1129      Bridget Reilly-11             19:03.3
49   25   1132      Jenny Wang-12                 19:39.2
56   28   1130      Briana Shewan-12              19:43.9
66   34   1133      Brigid Paddock-10             19:56.1
96   53   1135      Cecile Reuge-10               21:00.8
97   54   1134      Brooke Wanlass-11             21:05.4

Score : 117      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:06.9       Time total (1 - 5): 97:11.

6    Fayetteville-Manlius
ind  team  number    name                         time
16    9    329      Kristen Taylor-12             18:43.9
22   14    330      MacKenzie Carter-8            18:51.7
63   32    331      Jessica Hauser-11             19:52.1
76   38    332      Hilary Hooley-11              20:13.5
77   39    335      Catie Caputo                  20:17.1
80   41    333      Alyssa Panozzo-10             20:23.0
84   43    334      Emily Stoeckel-10             20:34.0

Score : 132      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:33.2       Time total (1 - 5): 97:58.

7    Clarence

ind  team  number    name                         time
42   23    651      Gina Adoretto-12              19:26.0
53   27    650      Becca Nungesser-12            19:41.0
74   37    652      Keelan Walsh-11               20:12.7
91   48    654      Kristen Swanson-11            20:47.7
95   52    653      Keri Pretorius-10             20:53.3
105   60    655      Jessica Tufte-12              22:17.6
108   63    656      Katy DeLong-9                 23:02.7

Score : 187      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:27.3       Time total (1 - 5): 101:00

8    East Meadow

ind  team  number    name                         time
61   31    810      Emily Weber-12                19:51.6
73   36    809      Christina Mustakis-10         20:12.3
85   44    808      Bobbie Sedlmajer-9            20:35.1
88   45    812      Krissy Majkowski-11           20:40.2
90   47    814      Roxanne Smith-10              20:44.8
93   50    811      Gina Smith-12                 20:49.6
101   56    813      Priya Patel-9                 21:17.0

Score : 203      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:53.2       Time total (1 - 5): 102:04

9    Horseheads

ind  team  number    name                         time
71   35    437      Chelsea Usack-12              20:08.3
79   40    438      Jen Siglin-12                 20:21.1
94   51    436      Megan Dauchy-10               20:50.3
100   55    439      Megan Crimmins-12             21:16.2
103   58    440      Rachel Gaylord-12             21:27.5
104   59    442      Hannah Patterson-9            21:51.7
106   61    441      Liz Robertson-12              22:46.6

Score : 239      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:19.2       Time total (1 - 5): 104:03

Girls Class A

Class A Girls

Place      School                  Score
1     Academy of Holy Names       51
2     Sayville                    95
3     Cornwall                   100
4     Pittsford Mendon           105
5     Mepham                     106
6     Horace Greeley             114
7     Amherst                    131
8     Elmira Southside           173
9     Mexico                     206

ind team sec number    name                   school
1   1   1 1136  Kristy Longman-11        Sayville                 18:24.3
2       2  887  Maegan Krifchin-12       J F K Bellmore           18:35.1
3   2   3  908  Lynne Mujndy-12          Cornwall                 18:35.9
4       4  275  Caroline King-11         Scotia-Glenville         18:36.2
5       5  560  Jeannie Sauter-9         Canandaigua              18:37.3
6       6  181  Mary Alice Howard-12     Somers                   18:43.9
7       7  180  Sara Graney-10           Tappan Zee               18:52.4
8   3   8  230  Claire Hardwick-10       Academy of Holy Names    18:56.6
9       9  695  Sarah Veith-11           Lake Shore               18:56.9
10      10  277  Cara Sprague-11          Queensbury               18:57.3
11      11 1170  Kathryn Allard-12        Miller Place             18:59.7
12   4  12  550  Katie Bower-12           Pittsford Mendon         19:04.5
13   5  13  551  Shaylyn Tuite-7          Pittsford Mendon         19:05.3
14      14  370  Margaret Knight-11       Cortland                 19:08.4
15   6  15  817  Courtney Kelly-10        Mepham                   19:13.1
16      16  183  Rosie Crean-10           The Ursuline School      19:14.1
17      17  276  Meaghan Gregory-8        Burnt Hills              19:15.3
18      18  561  Kate Cufari-10           Pittsford Sutherland     19:16.1
19   7  19  231  Johanna Ohm-9            Academy of Holy Names    19:17.6
20   8  20  122  Meghan Houser-11         Horace Greeley           19:19.3
21   9  21  229  Rachel Ohm-12            Academy of Holy Names    19:26.5
22      22  562  Catherine Smith-11       Brighton                 19:28.5
23      23  279  Erin Kuhn-10             Glens Falls              19:30.7
24  10  24  123  Alana Levy-11            Horace Greeley           19:32.9
25  11  25  603  Arielle Januskiewicz-11  Amherst                  19:37.8
26      26  184  Meghan Brown-10          The Ursuline School      19:39.9
27      27  990  Hallie Schwab-11         Rondout Valley           19:40.9
28      28  886  Kristina Rolla-10        Hewlett                  19:41.7
29  12  29  606  Mia Symoniak-12          Amherst                  19:42.2
30      30  182  Suzie Clinchy-11         Somers                   19:42.5
31      31  698  Leanne Skrabacz-11       West Seneca East         19:43.7
32      32  885  Ashlee Nieves-10         Elmont                   19:45.2
33  13  33  818  Dawn Leavy-12            Mepham                   19:46.5
34  14  34  232  Laura Isabelle-8         Academy of Holy Names    19:46.8
35      35  564  Janine Seber-10          Victor                   19:50.2
36  15  36 1137  Jackie Kaste-10          Sayville                 19:50.5
37      37  888  Rose Kennedy-12          Plainedge                19:51.3
38      38  563  Alyssa Smith-10          Brighton                 19:52.3
39  16  39  552  Morgan Atkins-7          Pittsford Mendon         19:57.4
40  17  40  125  Elizabeth O'Brien-9      Horace Greeley           19:58.8
41      41  278  Samantha Hickock-11      Glens Falls              20:00.1
42      42  697  Amanda Solly-10          West Seneca East         20:03.3
43      43  371  Leah Andrianos-11        East Syracuse Minoa      20:04.4
44      44  699  Cassie Weldon-9          Starpoint                20:07.8
45  18  45  233  Alex Falvey-10           Academy of Holy Names    20:09.6
46      46 1172  Katie Marshall-10        Kings Park               20:11.2
47      47 1174  Ashley Goldbach-12       Rocky Point              20:12.3
48      48 1173  Alexandra Taylor-8       Kings Park               20:14.4
49  19  49  605  Brenna Symoniak-8        Amherst                  20:15.0
50  20  50  819  Katie O'Brien-9          Mepham                   20:15.4
51  21  51 1138  Sarah Schaefer-11        Sayville                 20:17.3
52  22  52  910  Jackie Bozich-11         Cornwall                 20:19.0
53  23  53 1139  Melissa Santoro-11       Sayville                 20:21.8
54      54  373  Margaret Richardson-9    Fowler                   20:22.8
55  24  55  909  Chelsea Brisman-11       Cornwall                 20:24.1
56  25  56  912  Michelle Chewens-11      Cornwall                 20:28.3
57      57  889  Katie Zelles-11          South Side               20:35.1
58      58  372  Lauren Sala-10           Jamesville DeWitt        20:37.3
59  26  59  821  Samantha Beim-9          Mepham                   20:38.2
60  27  60  911  Allison Cote-11          Cornwall                 20:40.9
61  28  61  446  Stephanie Bristow-10     Elmira Southside         20:42.5
62  29  62  336  Courtney Ross-9          Mexico                   20:43.3
63  30  63  337  Ashlie Wilson-11         Mexico                   20:45.5
64      64  374  Kelsey Peek-9            Whitesboro               20:50.4
65  31  65  444  Bethany Coons-9          Elmira Southside         20:53.6
66  32  66  443  Rachel Forrest-11        Elmira Southside         20:56.6
67      67  696  Mikelle Cala-8           Lake Shore               20:57.8
68  33  68  913  Emily McVan-9            Cornwall                 20:59.1
69  34  69  126  Elizabeth Jen-9          Horace Greeley           21:00.0
70  35  70 1140  Annie Kelly-9            Sayville                 21:08.2
71      71  992  Kashara Murphy-12        Saugerties               21:11.9
72      72  994  Sarah Merusi             Port Jervis              21:16.8
73      73 1171  Melissa Tacchi-10        Miller Place             21:17.4
74  36  74  914  Natalie Jelpern-11       Cornwall                 21:18.6
75  37  75  553  Margo Marquardt-10       Pittsford Mendon         21:21.8
76  38  76  447  Carly Jordan-11          Elmira Southside         21:22.9
77  39  77  234  Grace Loughney-10        Academy of Holy Names    21:23.7
78  40  78  604  Sarah Lister-10          Amherst                  21:29.5
79  41  79  820  Melissa Hylton-12        Mepham                   21:31.5
80  42  80  338  Rachel Garrett-9         Mexico                   21:31.9
81  43  81  556  Kim Peters-12            Pittsford Mendon         21:33.4
82  44  82  445  Emily Dryburgh-10        Elmira Southside         21:34.4
83      83  993  Katie Nelson-9           Wallkill                 21:35.1
84  45  84  124  Carolyn Cannetti-11      Horace Greeley           21:35.5
85      85  465  Eriell Kent-12           Susquehanna Valley       21:37.4
86  46  86  555  Rachel Eng-12            Pittsford Mendon         21:41.8
87  47  87  554  Molly Mahoney-10         Pittsford Mendon         21:48.8
88      88  991  Emma Lang-12             Saugerties               22:01.4
89      89  469  Liz Wick-9               Elmira Free              22:04.1
90  48  90  340  Chelsea Burnham-8        Mexico                   22:05.7
91  49  91  601  Emily Steward            Amherst                  22:06.4
92  50  92  449  Jamie Dryburgh-10        Elmira Southside         22:17.4
93      93  467  Marlyn Moore-8           Elmira Free              22:23.9
94  51  94 1141  Lisa McNulty-12          Sayville                 22:24.2
95  52  95  128  Laura Mantell-10         Horace Greeley           22:24.7
96  53  96  127  Caroline O'Brien-10      Horace Greeley           22:27.5
97  54  97 1142  Amanda Jacob-12          Sayville                 22:31.9
98  55  98  815  Aileen Monks-12          Mepham                   22:37.6
99  56  99  235  Victoria Isabelle-10     Academy of Holy Names    22:39.1
100  57 100  341  Chelsea Giovo-9          Mexico                   22:55.6
101     101  468  Laura Walker-11          Elmira Free              22:57.6
102  58 102  448  Alexis McLaughlin-9      Elmira Southside         23:10.3
103  59 103  602  Diane Herzog-10          Amherst                  23:15.4
104  60 104  816  Amy Kilgallin-12         Mepham                   23:18.9
105     105  466  Danielle Miner-12        Susquehanna Valley       23:42.4
106  61 106  342  Rebekah Foster-11        Mexico                   24:33.0

1    Academy of Holy Names

ind  team  number    name                         time
8    3    230      Claire Hardwick-10            18:56.6
19    7    231      Johanna Ohm-9                 19:17.6
21    9    229      Rachel Ohm-12                 19:26.5
34   14    232      Laura Isabelle-8              19:46.8
45   18    233      Alex Falvey-10                20:09.6
77   39    234      Grace Loughney-10             21:23.7
99   56    235      Victoria Isabelle-10          22:39.1

Score : 51      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:13.0       Time total (1 - 5): 97:37.1

2    Sayville

ind  team  number    name                         time
1    1   1136      Kristy Longman-11             18:24.3
36   15   1137      Jackie Kaste-10               19:50.5
51   21   1138      Sarah Schaefer-11             20:17.3
53   23   1139      Melissa Santoro-11            20:21.8
70   35   1140      Annie Kelly-9                 21:08.2
94   51   1141      Lisa McNulty-12               22:24.2
97   54   1142      Amanda Jacob-12               22:31.9

Score : 95      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:43.9       Time total (1 - 5): 100:02.

3    Cornwall

ind  team  number    name                         time
3    2    908      Lynne Mujndy-12               18:35.9
52   22    910      Jackie Bozich-11              20:19.0
55   24    909      Chelsea Brisman-11            20:24.1
56   25    912      Michelle Chewens-11           20:28.3
60   27    911      Allison Cote-11               20:40.9
68   33    913      Emily McVan-9                 20:59.1
74   36    914      Natalie Jelpern-11            21:18.6

Score : 100      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:05.0       Time total (1 - 5): 100:28

4    Pittsford Mendon

ind  team  number    name                         time
12    4    550      Katie Bower-12                19:04.5
13    5    551      Shaylyn Tuite-7               19:05.3
39   16    552      Morgan Atkins-7               19:57.4
75   37    553      Margo Marquardt-10            21:21.8
81   43    556      Kim Peters-12                 21:33.4
86   46    555      Rachel Eng-12                 21:41.8
87   47    554      Molly Mahoney-10              21:48.8

Score : 105      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:28.9       Time total (1 - 5): 101:02

5    Mepham

ind  team  number    name                         time
15    6    817      Courtney Kelly-10             19:13.1
33   13    818      Dawn Leavy-12                 19:46.5
50   20    819      Katie O'Brien-9               20:15.4
59   26    821      Samantha Beim-9               20:38.2
79   41    820      Melissa Hylton-12             21:31.5
98   55    815      Aileen Monks-12               22:37.6
104   60    816      Amy Kilgallin-12              23:18.9

Score : 106      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:18.4       Time total (1 - 5): 101:24

6    Horace Greeley

ind  team  number    name                         time
20    8    122      Meghan Houser-11              19:19.3
24   10    123      Alana Levy-11                 19:32.9
40   17    125      Elizabeth O'Brien-9           19:58.8
69   34    126      Elizabeth Jen-9               21:00.0
84   45    124      Carolyn Cannetti-11           21:35.5
95   52    128      Laura Mantell-10              22:24.7
96   53    127      Caroline O'Brien-10           22:27.5

Score : 114      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:16.2       Time total (1 - 5): 101:26

7    Amherst

ind  team  number    name                         time
25   11    603      Arielle Januskiewicz-11       19:37.8
29   12    606      Mia Symoniak-12               19:42.2
49   19    605      Brenna Symoniak-8             20:15.0
78   40    604      Sarah Lister-10               21:29.5
91   49    601      Emily Steward                 22:06.4
103   59    602      Diane Herzog-10               23:15.4
DNF      607      Claire Wietig-11

Score : 131      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:28.6       Time total (1 - 5): 103:10

8    Elmira Southside

ind  team  number    name                         time
61   28    446      Stephanie Bristow-10          20:42.5
65   31    444      Bethany Coons-9               20:53.6
66   32    443      Rachel Forrest-11             20:56.6
76   38    447      Carly Jordan-11               21:22.9
82   44    445      Emily Dryburgh-10             21:34.4
92   50    449      Jamie Dryburgh-10             22:17.4
102   58    448      Alexis McLaughlin-9           23:10.3

Score : 173      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:51.9       Time total (1 - 5): 105:30

9    Mexico

ind  team  number    name                         time
62   29    336      Courtney Ross-9               20:43.3
63   30    337      Ashlie Wilson-11              20:45.5
80   42    338      Rachel Garrett-9              21:31.9
90   48    340      Chelsea Burnham-8             22:05.7
100   57    341      Chelsea Giovo-9               22:55.6
106   61    342      Rebekah Foster-11             24:33.0
DNF      339      Jennifer Blascziens-11

Score : 206      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:12.3       Time total (1 - 5): 108:02

Class B

Place      School                  Score
1     East Aurora                 53
2     Honeoye Falls-Lima          63
3     Shoreham Wading River       91
4     Pearl River                 94
5     Saranac Lake               141
6     Broadalbin Perth           174
7     New Hartford               199
8     Maine Endwell              199
9     New Paltz                  223
10     Franklin Academy           230
11     Manhasset                  251

ind team sec number    name                   school
1   1   1  501  Liz Deir-11              Honeoye Falls-Lima       18:08.2
2   2   2  129  Samantha Stadt-12        Pearl River              18:37.4
3       3  881  Brianna Welch-8          North Shore              18:48.4
4   3   4  502  Audrey Mangan-12         Honeoye Falls-Lima       19:00.0
5       5  884  Theresa Rush-12          Valley Stream North      19:03.1
6       6  365  Brittany Burns-12        South Jefferson          19:05.3
7   4   7  450  Megan Jacoby-9           Maine Endwell            19:09.1
8       8  595  Amber Sanders-12         Batavia                  19:12.2
9       9  175  Reilly Kiernan-12        Pelham                   19:13.1
10   5  10  614  Sarah Mosser-12          East Aurora              19:13.7
11   6  11  929  Natalie Busby-10         New Paltz                19:14.7
12      12  460  Paige Mullins-10         Johnson City             19:16.2
13      13  690  Jaime Wallace-8          Alden                    19:16.6
14   7  14 1143  Erin Hayes-11            Shoreham Wading River    19:16.9
15   8  15  715  Mari Walsh-10            Saranac Lake             19:17.2
16      16  366  Heather Wilson-10        Homer                    19:20.8
17   9  17  613  Kirsten Weberg           East Aurora              19:27.1
18      18  694  Hannah Moffett-8         Albion                   19:28.4
19  10  19  503  Meg VanHouten-10         Honeoye Falls-Lima       19:30.5
20  11  20  612  Marla Kelley-11          East Aurora              19:32.8
21  12  21  611  Jenna Hulton-10          East Aurora              19:34.8
22      22  975  Siobhan Dwyer-12         Spackenkill              19:43.6
23      23  692  Nicole Calbi-10          Olean                    19:44.7
24      24  693  Ashley Carlson-10        Olean                    19:45.0
25  13  25  716  Maya Correll-8           Saranac Lake             19:45.3
26  14  26  132  Kristine Mun-11          Pearl River              19:50.5
27      27  369  Kiley Evans-9            Cazenovia                19:51.0
28      28  270  Gina Cristaldi-9         Hudson Falls             19:53.0
29  15  29 1145  Brooke Johnson-9         Shoreham Wading River    19:53.3
30      30  367  Jen Davenport-12         Homer                    19:53.6
31  16  31  609  Erin Crawford-9          East Aurora              19:57.0
32  17  32  131  Julie Hudak-11           Pearl River              19:58.1
33  18  33  504  Brittney Lillie-11       Honeoye Falls-Lima       19:58.9
34      34  176  Annie O'Callaghnan-11    Rye                      19:59.9
35  19  35  343  Meghan Hunsiker-12       New Hartford             20:01.1
36  20  36 1144  Kathryn Sheehan-10       Shoreham Wading River    20:01.9
37      37 1165  Deanna Schmidt-12        Bayport-Blue Point       20:03.0
38  21  38  236  Lianna Ferguson-9        Broadalbin Perth         20:03.9
39      39  597  Emily Rodenhouse-11      Palmyra-Macedon          20:05.1
40      40  596  Angela Jorvela-8         Batavia                  20:05.9
41      41  786  Danielle Smelser-12      Plattsburgh              20:08.2
42      42  368  Michelle Brandt-10       Chittenango              20:08.9
43      43  691  Chelsea Mahany-10        Alden                    20:09.6
44      44  463  Katherine Miller-11      Southern Springs         20:15.2
45  22  45  130  Michelle Farrell-11      Pearl River              20:17.5
46      46 1168  Wendy Pere-9             Mt. Sinai                20:18.7
47  23  47 1036  Sarah Marlowe-11         Franklin Academy         20:19.3
48      48 1166  Mary Kate Sivilli-8      John Glenn               20:20.2
49      49  977  Kasey Zucco-12           Red Hook                 20:22.3
50      50  785  Kim Jones-10             Plattsburgh              20:24.4
51  24  51 1146  Kristi Conway-8          Shoreham Wading River    20:25.3
52  25  52 1147  Stephanie Anderson-9     Shoreham Wading River    20:27.2
53      53 1070  Emily Pierce-11          Canton                   20:28.8
54  26  54  239  Elizabeth Ferlazzo-9     Broadalbin Perth         20:30.2
55  27  55  717  Lisa Reyell-12           Saranac Lake             20:30.6
56      56  880  Lauren Mobyed-11         Mineola                  20:31.0
57  28  57  237  Nicole Wojciechowski-9   Broadalbin Perth         20:31.3
58  29  58  610  Ellen Duane-12           East Aurora              20:32.2
59  30  59  608  Tara O'Connar            East Aurora              20:33.3
60  31  60  507  Emma Denton-9            Honeoye Falls-Lima       20:33.6
61      61  179  Nicole Collins-10        Dover                    20:33.9
62      62  882  Lauren DelLatto-12       Seaford                  20:34.4
63  32  63  346  Stephannie Metzger-10    New Hartford             20:35.5
64      64  883  Brianna Cano-9           Valley Stream North      20:35.7
65  33  65  822  Alexandra Kennedy-11     Manhasset                20:36.3
66  34  66  238  Alex Kuhl-10             Broadalbin Perth         20:36.6
67      67  979  Becky Huben-12           Onteora                  20:37.1
68      68  272  Julie Nabozny-11         Ichabod Crane            20:37.7
69      69  177  Rachel Smith-12          Edgemont                 20:38.0
70  35  70  505  Kate Banford-10          Honeoye Falls-Lima       20:38.4
71  36  71  718  Sydnie Lieb-12           Saranac Lake             20:38.8
72      72  464  Amy Williams-12          Windsor                  20:41.3
73  37  73 1148  Suzanne Wallace-11       Shoreham Wading River    20:41.5
74  38  74  930  Kayla Koonz-9            New Paltz                20:42.9
75  39  75  134  Caitlin Reilly-11        Pearl River              20:48.0
76  40  76  451  Derinda Hayes-10         Maine Endwell            20:48.3
77      77 1167  Kristen Boysen-11        Mt. Sinai                20:48.7
78  41  78  828  Natalie Bindert-11       Manhasset                20:50.0
79  42  79  345  Alma Zygmunt-10          New Hartford             20:50.4
80      80  599  Maureen McAneney-10      Hornell                  20:53.0
81      81 1169  Amber Selig-9            Westhampton Beach        20:54.0
82      82  461  Andrea Hlebica-10        Johnson City             20:54.4
83      83  598  Kim Law-11               Newark                   20:54.8
84      84  271  Mairin O'Connor-10       Bishop Gibbons           20:57.8
85  43  85  133  Blaithin Loughran-9      Pearl River              20:58.7
86      86  978  Lucy Vonrousner-10       Red Hook                 21:00.3
87      87  273  Taylor Wills-10          Ichabod Crane            21:05.2
88  44  88  506  Laura Bryan-12           Honeoye Falls-Lima       21:05.7
89      89 1072  Corina Whiteford-10      Canton                   21:06.2
90      90  787  Brittany Trahan-10       Northeastern Clinton     21:06.7
91      91  788  Bailey Weightman-8       Beekmantown              21:10.1
92  45  92  455  Danielle Brenon-10       Maine Endwell            21:10.4
93  46  93 1038  Lindsay Hardy-12         Franklin Academy         21:12.4
94  47  94 1037  Paige Studlack-9         Franklin Academy         21:12.8
95      95  789  Emily Medeiros-12        Saranac                  21:13.2
96  48  96  135  Nicole Martin-11         Pearl River              21:14.1
97      97  976  Maria Towle-12           Spackenkill              21:14.5
98  49  98  452  Laura Hansen-10          Maine Endwell            21:18.3
99      99 1074  Megan Morrison-8         Ogdensburg Free          21:21.8
100  50 100  826  Lisa Mascali-12          Manhasset                21:22.9
101  51 101  344  Danielle Fiorentino-11   New Hartford             21:23.7
102     102 1071  Stacey Morrison-11       Canton                   21:30.0
103     103  462  Rachel Fox-11            Johnson City             21:31.2
104  52 104  932  Katie Reid-12            New Paltz                21:33.8
105     105  178  Olivia Diamond-12        Edgemont                 21:34.8
106  53 106  931  Claire Bird-11           New Paltz                21:35.9
107  54 107 1040  Monique Choiniere-12     Franklin Academy         21:39.8
108  55 108  347  Amanda Horth-11          New Hartford             21:40.1
109  56 109  348  Jordan Pal-10            New Hartford             21:41.7
110     110  274  Karyn Clements-12        Cobelskill-Richmondville 21:48.7
111  57 111  719  Aja Roddy-12             Saranac Lake             21:53.9
112  58 112  349  Hiba Kaashmiri-12        New Hartford             21:54.4
113     113 1073  Emma Angus-11            Canton                   21:58.1
114  59 114  720  Cathy Byno-11            Saranac Lake             22:01.8
115  60 115 1039  Ashley Lamica-10         Franklin Academy         22:11.9
116  61 116  456  Marie Farro-9            Maine Endwell            22:32.3
117  62 117 1149  Jane Moldovan-11         Shoreham Wading River    22:41.6
118  63 118  824  Hilary Gallo-11          Manhasset                22:48.4
119  64 119  823  Carolyn Kim-12           Manhasset                22:57.7
120  65 120  240  Hannah Pecora-10         Broadalbin Perth         23:02.1
121  66 121  453  Megan Cordi-10           Maine Endwell            23:02.8
122  67 122 1041  Brandi Walbridge-10      Franklin Academy         23:12.0
123  68 123  242  Katrina Ossenfort-9      Broadalbin Perth         23:26.8
124  69 124  454  Amanda Stasiuk-11        Maine Endwell            23:44.5
125  70 125  241  Alissa LaPort-11         Broadalbin Perth         23:59.3
126  71 126  827  Meredith Hinz-11         Manhasset                24:03.8
127  72 127  825  Kaitlin Powers-12        Manhasset                24:05.7
128  73 128 1042  Alayna Gervais-10        Franklin Academy         24:18.1
129  74 129  933  Sarah Harrison-12        New Paltz                24:40.4
130  75 130  934  Catherine Bird-9         New Paltz                25:50.2
131  76 131  935  Katie Weber-12           New Paltz                25:58.0
"DNF          721  Emily Martin-9           Saranac Lake	"

1    East Aurora

ind  team  number    name                         time
10    5    614      Sarah Mosser-12               19:13.7
17    9    613      Kirsten Weberg                19:27.1
20   11    612      Marla Kelley-11               19:32.8
21   12    611      Jenna Hulton-10               19:34.8
31   16    609      Erin Crawford-9               19:57.0
58   29    610      Ellen Duane-12                20:32.2
59   30    608      Tara O'Connar                 20:33.3

Score : 53      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:43.3       Time total (1 - 5): 97:45.4

2    Honeoye Falls-Lima

ind  team  number    name                         time
1    1    501      Liz Deir-11                   18:08.2
4    3    502      Audrey Mangan-12              19:00.0
19   10    503      Meg VanHouten-10              19:30.5
33   18    504      Brittney Lillie-11            19:58.9
60   31    507      Emma Denton-9                 20:33.6
70   35    505      Kate Banford-10               20:38.4
88   44    506      Laura Bryan-12                21:05.7

Score : 63      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:25.4       Time total (1 - 5): 97:11.2

3    Shoreham Wading River

ind  team  number    name                         time
14    7   1143      Erin Hayes-11                 19:16.9
29   15   1145      Brooke Johnson-9              19:53.3
36   20   1144      Kathryn Sheehan-10            20:01.9
51   24   1146      Kristi Conway-8               20:25.3
52   25   1147      Stephanie Anderson-9          20:27.2
73   37   1148      Suzanne Wallace-11            20:41.5
117   62   1149      Jane Moldovan-11              22:41.6

Score : 91      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:10.3       Time total (1 - 5): 100:04.

4    Pearl River

ind  team  number    name                         time
2    2    129      Samantha Stadt-12             18:37.4
26   14    132      Kristine Mun-11               19:50.5
32   17    131      Julie Hudak-11                19:58.1
45   22    130      Michelle Farrell-11           20:17.5
75   39    134      Caitlin Reilly-11             20:48.0
85   43    133      Blaithin Loughran-9           20:58.7
96   48    135      Nicole Martin-11              21:14.1

Score : 94      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:10.6       Time total (1 - 5): 99:31.5

5    Saranac Lake

ind  team  number    name                         time
15    8    715      Mari Walsh-10                 19:17.2
25   13    716      Maya Correll-8                19:45.3
55   27    717      Lisa Reyell-12                20:30.6
71   36    718      Sydnie Lieb-12                20:38.8
111   57    719      Aja Roddy-12                  21:53.9
114   59    720      Cathy Byno-11                 22:01.8
DNF      721      Emily Martin-9

Score : 141      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:36.7       Time total (1 - 5): 102:05

6    Broadalbin Perth

ind  team  number    name                         time
38   21    236      Lianna Ferguson-9             20:03.9
54   26    239      Elizabeth Ferlazzo-9          20:30.2
57   28    237      Nicole Wojciechowski-9        20:31.3
66   34    238      Alex Kuhl-10                  20:36.6
120   65    240      Hannah Pecora-10              23:02.1
123   68    242      Katrina Ossenfort-9           23:26.8
125   70    241      Alissa LaPort-11              23:59.3

Score : 174      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:58.2       Time total (1 - 5): 104:44

7    New Hartford

ind  team  number    name                         time
35   19    343      Meghan Hunsiker-12            20:01.1
63   32    346      Stephannie Metzger-10         20:35.5
79   42    345      Alma Zygmunt-10               20:50.4
101   51    344      Danielle Fiorentino-11        21:23.7
108   55    347      Amanda Horth-11               21:40.1
109   56    348      Jordan Pal-10                 21:41.7
112   58    349      Hiba Kaashmiri-12             21:54.4

Score : 199      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:39.0       Time total (1 - 5): 104:30

8    Maine Endwell

ind  team  number    name                         time
7    4    450      Megan Jacoby-9                19:09.1
76   40    451      Derinda Hayes-10              20:48.3
92   45    455      Danielle Brenon-10            21:10.4
98   49    452      Laura Hansen-10               21:18.3
116   61    456      Marie Farro-9                 22:32.3
121   66    453      Megan Cordi-10                23:02.8
124   69    454      Amanda Stasiuk-11             23:44.5

Score : 199      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:23.2       Time total (1 - 5): 104:58

9    New Paltz

ind  team  number    name                         time
11    6    929      Natalie Busby-10              19:14.7
74   38    930      Kayla Koonz-9                 20:42.9
104   52    932      Katie Reid-12                 21:33.8
106   53    931      Claire Bird-11                21:35.9
129   74    933      Sarah Harrison-12             24:40.4
130   75    934      Catherine Bird-9              25:50.2
131   76    935      Katie Weber-12                25:58.0

Score : 223      Time gap (1 - 5): 5:25.7       Time total (1 - 5): 107:47

10    Franklin Academy

ind  team  number    name                         time
47   23   1036      Sarah Marlowe-11              20:19.3
93   46   1038      Lindsay Hardy-12              21:12.4
94   47   1037      Paige Studlack-9              21:12.8
107   54   1040      Monique Choiniere-12          21:39.8
115   60   1039      Ashley Lamica-10              22:11.9
122   67   1041      Brandi Walbridge-10           23:12.0
128   73   1042      Alayna Gervais-10             24:18.1

Score : 230      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:52.6       Time total (1 - 5): 106:36

11    Manhasset

ind  team  number    name                         time
65   33    822      Alexandra Kennedy-11          20:36.3
78   41    828      Natalie Bindert-11            20:50.0
100   50    826      Lisa Mascali-12               21:22.9
118   63    824      Hilary Gallo-11               22:48.4
119   64    823      Carolyn Kim-12                22:57.7
126   71    827      Meredith Hinz-11              24:03.8
127   72    825      Kaitlin Powers-12             24:05.7

Score : 251      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:21.4       Time total (1 - 5): 108:35

Class C

Place      School                  Score
1     Bronxville                  29
2     Sauquoit Valley             61
3     Sullivan West               99
4     Akron                      125
5     Newark Valley              149
6     Voorheesville              167
7     Attica                     198
8     Friends Academy            219
9     Hampton Bays               225
10     Potsdam                    235
11     Ausable Valley             240

ind team sec number    name                   school
1       1  590  Ellen Muster-11          Marion                   18:49.5
2   1   2  401  Erin Cawley-9            Newark Valley            18:59.1
3   2   3  136  Amanda Hudson-12         Bronxville               19:00.7
4   3   4  138  Virginia Connor-10       Bronxville               19:04.3
5       5  170  Sophia Spring-11         Croton                   19:05.2
6   4   6  137  Tori Flannery-9          Bronxville               19:12.9
7   5   7  350  Samantha Stedman-11      Sauquoit Valley          19:21.0
8       8  363  Kristen Fekete-11        C B A-Syracuse           19:27.2
9       9  360  Erica Bourgeois-12       Adirondak                19:29.0
10   6  10  139  Henrietta Miers-8        Bronxville               19:31.9
11      11  173  Renee Liffland-10        Pawling                  19:34.4
12   7  12  351  Carly Calogero-12        Sauquoit Valley          19:42.5
13      13  495  Kelly Billingiere-11     Harpursville             19:42.8
14      14  364  Amy Schachtler-11        Westmoreland             19:43.3
15   8  15  937  Jessica Wagner-12        Sullivan West            19:51.8
16   9  16  402  Jenny Schaffhouser-12    Newark Valley            19:56.1
17  10  17  508  Sarah Kirsch-11          Attica                   19:58.0
18      18  970  Courtney Roosa-10        Tri-Valley               20:00.4
19      19  685  Macki Snyder-12          Wilson                   20:00.8
20      20 1160  Marissa Banducci-11      Center Moriches          20:01.8
21      21  361  McKenzie Clemens-12      Lowville                 20:04.8
22      22  593  Tatiana Pallagi-10       Avon                     20:07.3
23      23  269  Rachel Wysocki-9         Schuylerville            20:08.2
24  11  24  618  Casey Neill-10           Akron                    20:08.7
25          877* Kaitlyn Collins-9        Oyster Bay               20:10.5
26      25  971  Rachel Sanborn-9         Tri-Valley               20:12.2
27  12  26  936  April Ackerman-12        Sullivan West            20:15.2
28      27  267  Kimberly Negrich-11      Mayfield                 20:17.4
29  13  28  615  Fawn Dorr-12             Akron                    20:18.5
30  14  29  140  Emma Clarke-10           Bronxville               20:19.5
31  15  30  352  Jenna Clarke-12          Sauquoit Valley          20:22.0
32  16  31  356  Kaleigh Beha-9           Sauquoit Valley          20:27.4
33      32  174  Mairin Din-10            Irvington                20:28.2
34  17  33  243  Hilary Edmunds-10        Voorheesville            20:29.2
35      34  171  Molly Burke-12           Hastings                 20:31.3
36  18  35  355  Kristina Holland-11      Sauquoit Valley          20:33.6
37      36  592  Margaret Infantino-9     Dansville                20:34.0
38      37  362  Leah McDowell-10         Canastota                20:34.5
39      38  266  Erica Lepkowski-12       Maple Hill               20:34.9
40  19  39  509  Justine Swartz-8         Attica                   20:35.2
41  20  40  353  Olivia Waszkiewicz-9     Sauquoit Valley          20:54.7
42          876* Jackie Henderson-11      Oyster Bay               21:01.3
43          878* Abby Squire-11           Wheatley                 21:04.0
44  21  41  354  Sarah Stuhlman-10        Sauquoit Valley          21:09.9
45      42  496  Kylee Jordan-11          Lansing                  21:14.3
46  22      832* Kathleen Durante-11      Friends Academy          21:15.8
47      43  172  Noelle Consididine-12    Hastings                 21:16.6
48      44  973  Noelle Benson-10         Rhinebeck                21:18.7
49      45  686  Megan Bischof-9          Allegany-Limestone       21:19.9
50      46  594  Gillian Taylor-11        Byron-Bergen             21:20.4
51  23      722* Courtney Difiore         Ausable Valley           21:20.7
52  24  47  938  Amanda Ward-12           Sullivan West            21:21.1
53      48  265  Ada Lauterbach-10        Berne Knox Westerlo      21:21.3
54  25  49  941  Chelsie Schadt-10        Sullivan West            21:22.1
55      50  497  Katie Hass-12            Seton                    21:22.5
56      51  591  Liz DeLong-12            Dansville                21:23.5
57  26  52  620  Sarah Schaefer-10        Akron                    21:24.2
58      53  687  Rosie Cooper             Falconer                 21:24.8
59  27  54  244  Chantel Little-10        Voorheesville            21:26.2
60  28  55  245  Alison Vogelien-11       Voorheesville            21:32.7
61  29      831* Karina Kononenko-11      Friends Academy          21:34.3
62  30  56  939  Rianne Erlwein-7         Sullivan West            21:35.9
63      57  972  Erin Beach-11            Tri-Valley               21:38.7
64      58  498  Katherine Sullivan-11    Seton                    21:44.4
65      59  974  Phillipa Spencer-12      John S. Burke            21:45.0
66  31  60  940  Charlotte Peters-9       Sullivan West            21:46.3
67  32  61 1150  Jackie Maloney-12        Hampton Bays             21:49.5
68  33  62  942  Kendra Barker-8          Sullivan West            21:51.0
69  34  63  616  Ellen Goldhawk-9         Akron                    21:51.4
70  35  64 1043  Jessica Avadikian-11     Potsdam                  21:53.6
71  36  65 1151  Sarah Greene-9           Hampton Bays             21:57.3
72      66  268  Alyssa Bonnier-9         Hoosic Valley            22:04.8
73  37  67 1044  Brandi Kelley-12         Potsdam                  22:08.1
74      68  688  Jessica Stechenfinger-10 John F. Kennedy          22:09.0
75      69 1065  Tahentahawi Chubb-9      Salmon River             22:16.0
76  38      723* Brittany Woodring        Ausable Valley           22:16.9
77  39  70 1152  Leighann Cavanaugh-12    Hampton Bays             22:18.2
78  40  71  141  Leigh Murphy-11          Bronxville               22:20.5
79  41  72  617  Jenny Kowalewski-10      Akron                    22:22.6
80      73  499  Stephanie Cawley-9       Seton                    22:23.1
81      74 1069  Katie Boyd-11            Gouverneur               22:23.4
82  42      724* Persephone Turetsky      Ausable Valley           22:26.5
83  43  75  142  Katherine Marrone-8      Bronxville               22:27.8
84      76 1161  Katherine Berdan-12      Center Moriches          22:28.6
85  44  77  404  Lisa Serbaniewicz-9      Newark Valley            22:30.0
86  45      833* Liz Alber-12             Friends Academy          22:34.8
87  46  78  405  Kelly Cawley-9           Newark Valley            22:44.9
88  47  79  247  Kali Votraw-9            Voorheesville            22:45.3
89  48  80  248  Zoe Edmunds-8            Voorheesville            22:51.7
90  49  81  403  Jessica Johnson-8        Newark Valley            22:53.7
91      82  689  Brittany Champagne-12    Cleveland Hill           22:56.4
92  50  83  246  Jessica Brown-9          Voorheesville            22:57.3
93      84 1068  Brittany Browe-10        Gouverneur               23:03.2
94      85 1164  Laura Prochilo-9         Babylon                  23:04.1
95      86 1163  Margaret Tighe-8         Babylon                  23:08.8
96  51  87 1154  Courtney Dubrowsky-10    Hampton Bays             23:14.8
97  52  88 1045  Amanda Fisher-10         Potsdam                  23:21.1
98  53  89  619  Barbie Redeye-10         Akron                    23:27.6
99  54  90 1046  Raina Mesibov-10         Potsdam                  23:31.1
100  55  91  511  Val Ulm-11               Attica                   23:31.4
101  56  92  513  Mindy Bellinger-11       Attica                   23:35.8
102  57  93 1048  Laura Koberda-9          Potsdam                  23:36.9
103  58  94  512  Holly Papke-11           Attica                   23:37.3
104  59  95 1047  Sarah Unrue-10           Potsdam                  23:38.6
105      96 1162  Nicolette Broda-9        Center Moriches          23:44.0
106  60  97  407  Kaitlin Trippany-12      Newark Valley            23:47.1
107  61      834* Maia Collier-11          Friends Academy          23:48.7
108  62      829* Chelsea Lax-11           Friends Academy          23:50.7
109  63  98  510  Nichole Dylag-9          Attica                   23:56.8
110  64  99  249  Elizabeth Dawson-10      Voorheesville            24:04.6
111  65 100  514  Samantha Seewaldt-10     Attica                   24:06.1
112  66      725* Colleen Costin           Ausable Valley           24:11.2
113  67 101 1153  Megan Schuck-12          Hampton Bays             24:15.6
114  68 102  621  Audra Doll               Akron                    24:26.8
115     103 1067  Amanda Ellsworth-12      Salmon River             24:46.4
116     104 1066  Samantha Whitehead-8     Salmon River             24:52.4
117  69 105  406  Erica Mosher-11          Newark Valley            25:03.4
118  70 106 1049  Jessica Lanning-12       Potsdam                  25:07.6
119  71      726* Sabrina Maples           Ausable Valley           25:22.9
120  72 107 1155  Amanda Furrer-12         Hampton Bays             25:40.2
121  73      728* Krystyna Kornecki        Ausable Valley           26:59.2
122  74      727* Hannah Lawrence          Ausable Valley           27:01.6
123  75      835* Rachel Arnesen-9         Friends Academy          29:21.4
124  76 108 1156  Carolann Dubrowsky-12    Hampton Bays             30:43.8
DNF          875* Kate Oakey-10            East Rockaway
DNF          830* Julia Hilzik-10          Friends Academy

1    Bronxville

ind  team  number    name                         time
3    2    136      Amanda Hudson-12              19:00.7
4    3    138      Virginia Connor-10            19:04.3
6    4    137      Tori Flannery-9               19:12.9
10    6    139      Henrietta Miers-8             19:31.9
30   14    140      Emma Clarke-10                20:19.5
78   40    141      Leigh Murphy-11               22:20.5
83   43    142      Katherine Marrone-8           22:27.8

Score : 29      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:18.8       Time total (1 - 5): 97:09.3

2    Sauquoit Valley

ind  team  number    name                         time
7    5    350      Samantha Stedman-11           19:21.0
12    7    351      Carly Calogero-12             19:42.5
31   15    352      Jenna Clarke-12               20:22.0
32   16    356      Kaleigh Beha-9                20:27.4
36   18    355      Kristina Holland-11           20:33.6
41   20    353      Olivia Waszkiewicz-9          20:54.7
44   21    354      Sarah Stuhlman-10             21:09.9

Score : 61      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:12.6       Time total (1 - 5): 100:26.

3    Sullivan West

ind  team  number    name                         time
15    8    937      Jessica Wagner-12             19:51.8
27   12    936      April Ackerman-12             20:15.2
52   24    938      Amanda Ward-12                21:21.1
54   25    941      Chelsie Schadt-10             21:22.1
62   30    939      Rianne Erlwein-7              21:35.9
66   31    940      Charlotte Peters-9            21:46.3
68   33    942      Kendra Barker-8               21:51.0

Score : 99      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:44.1       Time total (1 - 5): 104:26.

4    Akron

ind  team  number    name                         time
24   11    618      Casey Neill-10                20:08.7
29   13    615      Fawn Dorr-12                  20:18.5
57   26    620      Sarah Schaefer-10             21:24.2
69   34    616      Ellen Goldhawk-9              21:51.4
79   41    617      Jenny Kowalewski-10           22:22.6
98   53    619      Barbie Redeye-10              23:27.6
114   68    621      Audra Doll                    24:26.8

Score : 125      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:13.9       Time total (1 - 5): 106:05

5    Newark Valley

ind  team  number    name                         time
2    1    401      Erin Cawley-9                 18:59.1
16    9    402      Jenny Schaffhouser-12         19:56.1
85   44    404      Lisa Serbaniewicz-9           22:30.0
87   46    405      Kelly Cawley-9                22:44.9
90   49    403      Jessica Johnson-8             22:53.7
106   60    407      Kaitlin Trippany-12           23:47.1
117   69    406      Erica Mosher-11               25:03.4

Score : 149      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:54.6       Time total (1 - 5): 107:03

6    Voorheesville

ind  team  number    name                         time
34   17    243      Hilary Edmunds-10             20:29.2
59   27    244      Chantel Little-10             21:26.2
60   28    245      Alison Vogelien-11            21:32.7
88   47    247      Kali Votraw-9                 22:45.3
89   48    248      Zoe Edmunds-8                 22:51.7
92   50    246      Jessica Brown-9               22:57.3
110   64    249      Elizabeth Dawson-10           24:04.6

Score : 167      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:22.5       Time total (1 - 5): 109:05

7    Attica

ind  team  number    name                         time
17   10    508      Sarah Kirsch-11               19:58.0
40   19    509      Justine Swartz-8              20:35.2
100   55    511      Val Ulm-11                    23:31.4
101   56    513      Mindy Bellinger-11            23:35.8
103   58    512      Holly Papke-11                23:37.3
109   63    510      Nichole Dylag-9               23:56.8
111   65    514      Samantha Seewaldt-10          24:06.1

Score : 198      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:39.3       Time total (1 - 5): 111:17

8    Friends Academy

ind  team  number    name                         time
46   22    832      Kathleen Durante-11           21:15.8
61   29    831      Karina Kononenko-11           21:34.3
86   45    833      Liz Alber-12                  22:34.8
107   61    834      Maia Collier-11               23:48.7
108   62    829      Chelsea Lax-11                23:50.7
123   75    835      Rachel Arnesen-9              29:21.4
DNF      830      Julia Hilzik-10

Score : 219      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:34.9       Time total (1 - 5): 113:04

9    Hampton Bays

ind  team  number    name                         time
67   32   1150      Jackie Maloney-12             21:49.5
71   36   1151      Sarah Greene-9                21:57.3
77   39   1152      Leighann Cavanaugh-12         22:18.2
96   51   1154      Courtney Dubrowsky-10         23:14.8
113   67   1153      Megan Schuck-12               24:15.6
120   72   1155      Amanda Furrer-12              25:40.2
124   76   1156      Carolann Dubrowsky-12         30:43.8

Score : 225      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:26.1       Time total (1 - 5): 113:35

10    Potsdam

ind  team  number    name                         time
70   35   1043      Jessica Avadikian-11          21:53.6
73   37   1044      Brandi Kelley-12              22:08.1
97   52   1045      Amanda Fisher-10              23:21.1
99   54   1046      Raina Mesibov-10              23:31.1
102   57   1048      Laura Koberda-9               23:36.9
104   59   1047      Sarah Unrue-10                23:38.6
118   70   1049      Jessica Lanning-12            25:07.6

Score : 235      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:43.3       Time total (1 - 5): 114:30

11    Ausable Valley

ind  team  number    name                         time
51   23    722      Courtney Difiore              21:20.7
76   38    723      Brittany Woodring             22:16.9
82   42    724      Persephone Turetsky           22:26.5
112   66    725      Colleen Costin                24:11.2
119   71    726      Sabrina Maples                25:22.9
121   73    728      Krystyna Kornecki             26:59.2
122   74    727      Hannah Lawrence               27:01.6

Score : 240      Time gap (1 - 5): 4:02.2       Time total (1 - 5): 115:38

Class D 

Place      School                  Score
1     T.A. Edison                 55
2     Beaver River                68
3     Greenwich                   96
4     Seton Catholic             100
5     Randolph                   132
6     Oakfield-Alabama           147
7     Millbrook                  174
8     Norwood Norfolk            188
9     Haldane                    203
10     Shelter Island             279

ind team sec number    name                   school
1   1   1  729  Mary Kate Champagne-10   Seton Catholic           18:35.9
2   2   2  250  Emily Fung-10            Greenwich                18:40.9
3       3  585  Jessica Bradley-10       Pavilion                 18:50.8
4       4  492  Kerrin Epstein-12        Moravia                  19:18.8
5       5 1060  Wendy Pavlus-11          Tupper Lake              19:36.8
6   3   6  301  Chelsea Nuffer-12        Beaver River             19:40.2
7       7  395  Bobbie Steeprock-9       LaFayette                19:44.4
8   4   8  730  Genna Hartung-9          Seton Catholic           19:48.3
9       9  490  Ashley Horton-11         Candor                   19:50.8
10   5  10 1050  Colleen Cotey-10         Norwood Norfolk          19:52.8
11      11  396  Chelsea Gibson-12        Weedsport                19:53.7
12      12  587  Carey Crooker-9          Addison                  19:55.2
13   6  13  408  Sarah Palmer-8           T.A. Edison              19:56.0
14      14  586  Amanda Moreland-8        East Bloomfield          19:57.7
15   7  15  409  Caitlin Palmer-11        T.A. Edison              19:58.6
16   8      143* Jessica Neville-11       Haldane                  20:00.2
17   9  16  302  Alexis Nuffer-12         Beaver River             20:01.9
18      17  399  Stephanie Teale-12       Fabius Pompey            20:13.9
19      18  260  Ashley Jackman-10        Duanesburg               20:15.3
20      19  397  Alissa Kersey-11         Sandy Creek              20:20.1
21      20  965  Ann Shults-9             John A. Coleman          20:26.0
22      21  680  Michelle Damcott-12      Sherman                  20:29.9
23  10  22  410  Caitlin Sullivan-11      T.A. Edison              20:30.8
24      23  398  Monica Hastedt-11        Onondaga                 20:32.2
25  11  24  943  Ema Waldschmidt-8        Millbrook                20:35.5
26      25  775  Heidi Baumbach-10        Lake Placid              20:36.5
27  12  26  303  Dana Zehr-10             Beaver River             20:36.7
28      27  493  Claire Hunsinger-9       Moravia                  20:38.7
29      28  494  Johanna Sluiter-12       Delhi                    20:39.6
30  13  29  253  Ashley Fung-10           Greenwich                20:41.1
31  14  30  622  Christina DiLallo-10     Randolph                 20:44.0
32  15  31  412  Jessica Stanton-11       T.A. Edison              20:45.4
33  16  32 1051  Emily Cotey-8            Norwood Norfolk          20:45.7
34  17  33  411  Jessica Overacker-10     T.A. Edison              20:46.3
35      34  589  Katelynn Beman-8         Lyons                    20:47.4
36      35  682  Samantha Kopp-9          Franklinville            20:48.2
37  18  36  515  Kim Mills-9              Oakfield-Alabama         20:52.6
38  19  37  944  Elaina Nellis-8          Millbrook                20:53.7
39      38  261  Natasha DeGiulea-10      Duanesburg               21:01.2
40      39  264  Molly Frazer-12          Schenectady Christian    21:02.5
41      40  263  KatieRose Kaidas-12      Schenectady Christian    21:03.6
42      41  588  Ashley Calarco-9         Notre Dame-Batavia       21:06.1
43  20  42  304  Teri Lyndaker-9          Beaver River             21:08.7
44  21  43  252  Maya Seegers-12          Greenwich                21:10.7
45  22  44  623  Brooke Adams-11          Randolph                 21:18.3
46      45  262  Kelsey Demick-8          Berlin                   21:19.2
47  23  46  517  Becky Call-10            Oakfield-Alabama         21:20.0
48      47  681  Lindsey Alday-9          Sherman                  21:31.3
49      48  684  Mallory Apperson-8       Maple Grove              21:31.9
50  24  49  305  McKayla Nuffer-10        Beaver River             21:33.3
51      50  491  Sydney O'Konsky-9        Candor                   21:36.7
52  25  51  624  Danielle Howard-12       Randolph                 21:39.8
53  26  52  731  Lucia Pombo Ribo-11      Seton Catholic           21:44.2
54      53  776  Paige Devlin-11          Lake Placid              21:45.1
55  27  54  516  Rachel Mumau-12          Oakfield-Alabama         21:45.8
56  28  55  251  Chelsea Borbolla-11      Greenwich                21:46.2
57      56  966  Kacie Giuliano-10        John A. Coleman          21:46.9
58  29  57  732  Kate Prendergast-9       Seton Catholic           21:48.3
59  30      144* Miranda Ward-12          Haldane                  21:49.2
60      58  683  Kristy Warner-11         Franklinville            21:49.7
61  31  59  414  Lindsay Rice-11          T.A. Edison              21:51.7
62  32  60  254  Brittania O'Keefe-10     Greenwich                21:56.6
63  33  61  255  Kara Alheim-9            Greenwich                22:07.7
64      62 1061  Becky Pickering-10       Tupper Lake              22:10.3
65  34  63  518  Kerri Boyle-12           Oakfield-Alabama         22:12.4
66  35  64  625  Roxanne Finch-8          Randolph                 22:18.7
67  36  65  626  Stephanie DiLallo        Randolph                 22:20.8
68  37  66  306  Emma Petzoldt-9          Beaver River             22:22.1
69  38  67  307  Chrissy Crowell-9        Beaver River             22:24.5
70  39  68  256  Sara Cutie-11            Greenwich                22:27.6
71  40  69  734  Lucy Wilke-11            Seton Catholic           22:28.7
72  41      145* Samantha Gunn-9          Haldane                  22:37.6
73  42  70  733  Laura Gregory-11         Seton Catholic           22:40.1
74      71  968  Ashley Vicari-10         Eldred                   22:40.5
75      72  967  Kristina Brown-8         Eldred                   22:55.3
76  43  73  627  Abbie Milliman-10        Randolph                 22:57.5
77      74  777  Megan Labbate-11         Lake Placid              23:00.9
78      75  779  Stephanie Pepper-9       Chazy                    23:01.1
79          165* Lulu Hosagai-10          Keio                     23:03.5
80  44  76  413  Brittany Schrock-11      T.A. Edison              23:03.8
81  45  77  519  Katie Dixson-12          Oakfield-Alabama         23:14.4
82      78 1198  Elizabeth Garland-9      Port Jefferson           23:15.9
83  46  79  945  Chelsea Mailler-9        Millbrook                23:23.5
84  47  80  946  Olivia Shanks-8          Millbrook                23:27.3
85  48  81  628  Kelly Davies-9           Randolph                 23:28.2
86      82  778  Ashley Lavery-9          Lake Placid              23:33.5
87      83 1195  Rafiella Gurtler-9       Pierson                  23:35.5
88  49  84 1101  Katrina Kaasik-9         Shelter Island           23:55.0
89  50  85  520  Angela Larmon-9          Oakfield-Alabama         23:57.7
90          166* Andrea Green-10          Blindbrook               23:58.4
91  51  86  948  Kairlyn Hoty-8           Millbrook                23:59.0
92  52  87 1102  Emma Bowditch-10         Shelter Island           24:07.1
93      88 1199  Lauren DeFina-11         Port Jefferson           24:17.2
94  53  89 1052  Molly Brady-10           Norwood Norfolk          24:26.3
95  54  90  949  Jessica Koralus-8        Millbrook                24:32.5
96  55  91 1054  Amy Dufore-12            Norwood Norfolk          24:48.8
97  56  92  947  Noel Liakos-8            Millbrook                24:50.1
98  57  93 1103  Callie Starzee-9         Shelter Island           24:55.1
99      94  969  Grace Babula-10          Eldred                   25:07.4
100  58      146* Justine Neville-7        Haldane                  25:11.5
101      95 1062  Redia Spada-9            Tupper Lake              25:18.1
102  59  96 1056  Suzzy Gibson-10          Norwood Norfolk          25:43.1
103  60  97 1106  Carol Anne Hoffman-11    Shelter Island           26:08.2
104  61  98 1104  Millicent McCarthy-10    Shelter Island           26:09.0
105  62  99  521  Mary Pastwick-10         Oakfield-Alabama         26:17.6
106  63 100 1105  Tina Rando-10            Shelter Island           26:23.0
107  64 101 1055  Kayla Holte-10           Norwood Norfolk          26:23.3
108  65 102 1053  Lynsey Parody-9          Norwood Norfolk          26:27.7
109  66      147* Briana Harrold-9         Haldane                  26:42.3
110  67 103 1107  Kelsey Heinze-9          Shelter Island           26:54.9
DNF         1196  Arielle Chase-9          Pierson

1    T.A. Edison

ind  team  number    name                         time
13    6    408      Sarah Palmer-8                19:56.0
15    7    409      Caitlin Palmer-11             19:58.6
23   10    410      Caitlin Sullivan-11           20:30.8
32   15    412      Jessica Stanton-11            20:45.4
34   17    411      Jessica Overacker-10          20:46.3
61   31    414      Lindsay Rice-11               21:51.7
80   44    413      Brittany Schrock-11           23:03.8

Score : 55      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:50.3       Time total (1 - 5): 101:57.

2    Beaver River

ind  team  number    name                         time
6    3    301      Chelsea Nuffer-12             19:40.2
17    9    302      Alexis Nuffer-12              20:01.9
27   12    303      Dana Zehr-10                  20:36.7
43   20    304      Teri Lyndaker-9               21:08.7
50   24    305      McKayla Nuffer-10             21:33.3
68   37    306      Emma Petzoldt-9               22:22.1
69   38    307      Chrissy Crowell-9             22:24.5

Score : 68      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:53.1       Time total (1 - 5): 103:00.

3    Greenwich

ind  team  number    name                         time
2    2    250      Emily Fung-10                 18:40.9
30   13    253      Ashley Fung-10                20:41.1
44   21    252      Maya Seegers-12               21:10.7
56   28    251      Chelsea Borbolla-11           21:46.2
62   32    254      Brittania O'Keefe-10          21:56.6
63   33    255      Kara Alheim-9                 22:07.7
70   39    256      Sara Cutie-11                 22:27.6

Score : 96      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:15.7       Time total (1 - 5): 104:15.

4    Seton Catholic

ind  team  number    name                         time
1    1    729      Mary Kate Champagne-10        18:35.9
8    4    730      Genna Hartung-9               19:48.3
53   26    731      Lucia Pombo Ribo-11           21:44.2
58   29    732      Kate Prendergast-9            21:48.3
71   40    734      Lucy Wilke-11                 22:28.7
73   42    733      Laura Gregory-11              22:40.1

Score : 100      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:52.8       Time total (1 - 5): 104:25

5    Randolph

ind  team  number    name                         time
31   14    622      Christina DiLallo-10          20:44.0
45   22    623      Brooke Adams-11               21:18.3
52   25    624      Danielle Howard-12            21:39.8
66   35    625      Roxanne Finch-8               22:18.7
67   36    626      Stephanie DiLallo             22:20.8
76   43    627      Abbie Milliman-10             22:57.5
85   48    628      Kelly Davies-9                23:28.2

Score : 132      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:36.8       Time total (1 - 5): 108:21

6    Oakfield-Alabama

ind  team  number    name                         time
37   18    515      Kim Mills-9                   20:52.6
47   23    517      Becky Call-10                 21:20.0
55   27    516      Rachel Mumau-12               21:45.8
65   34    518      Kerri Boyle-12                22:12.4
81   45    519      Katie Dixson-12               23:14.4
89   50    520      Angela Larmon-9               23:57.7
105   62    521      Mary Pastwick-10              26:17.6

Score : 147      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:21.8       Time total (1 - 5): 109:25

7    Millbrook

ind  team  number    name                         time
25   11    943      Ema Waldschmidt-8             20:35.5
38   19    944      Elaina Nellis-8               20:53.7
83   46    945      Chelsea Mailler-9             23:23.5
84   47    946      Olivia Shanks-8               23:27.3
91   51    948      Kairlyn Hoty-8                23:59.0
95   54    949      Jessica Koralus-8             24:32.5
97   56    947      Noel Liakos-8                 24:50.1

Score : 174      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:23.5       Time total (1 - 5): 112:19

8    Norwood Norfolk

ind  team  number    name                         time
10    5   1050      Colleen Cotey-10              19:52.8
33   16   1051      Emily Cotey-8                 20:45.7
94   53   1052      Molly Brady-10                24:26.3
96   55   1054      Amy Dufore-12                 24:48.8
102   59   1056      Suzzy Gibson-10               25:43.1
107   64   1055      Kayla Holte-10                26:23.3
108   65   1053      Lynsey Parody-9               26:27.7

Score : 188      Time gap (1 - 5): 5:50.3       Time total (1 - 5): 115:36

9    Haldane

ind  team  number    name                         time
16    8    143      Jessica Neville-11            20:00.2
59   30    144      Miranda Ward-12               21:49.2
72   41    145      Samantha Gunn-9               22:37.6
100   58    146      Justine Neville-7             25:11.5
109   66    147      Briana Harrold-9              26:42.3

Score : 203      Time gap (1 - 5): 6:42.1       Time total (1 - 5): 116:20

10    Shelter Island

ind  team  number    name                         time
88   49   1101      Katrina Kaasik-9              23:55.0
92   52   1102      Emma Bowditch-10              24:07.1
98   57   1103      Callie Starzee-9              24:55.1
103   60   1106      Carol Anne Hoffman-11         26:08.2
104   61   1104      Millicent McCarthy-10         26:09.0
106   63   1105      Tina Rando-10                 26:23.0
110   67   1107      Kelsey Heinze-9               26:54.9

Score : 279      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:14.0       Time total (1 - 5): 125:14

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