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Girls cross country
2008 NYSPHSAA championships

At Sunken Meadow State Park

Place      School                  Score
  1     Fayetteville-Manlius        22
  2     Saratoga Springs            48
  3     Arlington                  116
  4     Bayshore                   116
  5     Monroe-Woodbury            123
  6     Syosset                    177
  7     Rush-Henrietta             186
  8     West Seneca West           193
  9     Corning                    195

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls AA Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

Place  Section   Score
  1     III     184
  2      II     198
  3       I     379
  4      XI     392
  5      IX     394
  6       V     608
  7    VIII     639
  8      VI     727
  9      IV     750

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls AA Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008
ind team sec number    name                   school
  1   1   1  336  Courtney Chapman-10      Fayetteville-Manlius     18:12.9
  2       2  170  Shelby Greany-12         Suffern                  18:46.3
  3   2   3  337  Hannah Luber-11          Fayetteville-Manlius     18:54.0
  4       4  275  Lizzie Predmore-9        Shenendehowa             19:07.4
  5   3   5  230  Cassie Goutos-11         Saratoga Springs         19:08.8
  6   4   6  339  Molly Malone-11          Fayetteville-Manlius     19:09.8
  7   5   7  338  Meaghan Anklin-12        Fayetteville-Manlius     19:16.6
  8       8  980  Holly Cavalluzzo-8       Valley Central           19:19.7
  9       9  982  Lauren Hehir-9           Washingtonville          19:20.2
 10   6  10  915  Meaghan Ventarola-9      Monroe-Woodbury          19:20.8
 11   7  11 1143  Kim Moran-12             Bayshore                 19:21.2
 12   8  12  127  Rachel Sorna-11          Arlington                19:21.7
 13      13  485  Mary Carroll-9           Ithaca                   19:22.3
 14   9  14  232  Brianne Bellon-11        Saratoga Springs         19:23.5
 15  10  15  341  MacKenzie Carter-11      Fayetteville-Manlius     19:25.5
 16  11  16  234  Keelin Hollowood-8       Saratoga Springs         19:29.2
 17  12  17  233  Amanda Borroughs-10      Saratoga Springs         19:35.5
 18      18 1190  Caroline O'Hea-9         Ward Melville            19:37.1
 19  13  19  231  Sydney King-10           Saratoga Springs         19:39.3
 20  14  20  340  Kathryn Buchan-12        Fayetteville-Manlius     19:42.1
 21      21  276  Cara Janeczko-11         Shenendehowa             19:43.0
 22      22  277  Jordan Westcott-11       Shenendehowa             19:43.6
 23      23  171  Jessica Tobin-11         Clarkstown South         19:50.1
 24  15  24  122  Brianna Service-12       Arlington                19:52.6
 25      25  383  Danae Polsin-12          Baldwinsville            19:53.7
 26      26  590  Brianna Deming-11        Webster Thomas           19:57.7
 27      27  695  Erin Kling-12            Jamestown                20:00.1
 28      28  983  Soibhan O'Brien-10       Warwick Valley           20:01.6
 29      29  380  Taylor Wendler-11        Cicero North Syracuse    20:02.1
 30  16  30  916  Sabrina Brooks-10        Monroe-Woodbury          20:02.6
 31      31  172  Elizabeth Trelstad-9     White Plains             20:03.1
 32      32 1193  Sarah Zieve-8            Northport                20:04.0
 33      33 1192  Lianne Farber-11         Northport                20:07.3
 34  17  34  229  Madison Carr-8           Saratoga Springs         20:07.6
 35      35  384  Brigid Heenam-12         Liverpool                20:08.5
 36  18  36  443  Kate Rosettie-12         Corning                  20:09.9
 37      37 1194  Victoria Lowe-9          Smithtown                20:10.9
 38      38  593  Rosie Roessel-12         Fairport                 20:13.1
 39  19  39 1144  Stephanie Barnes-12      Bayshore                 20:15.5
 40      40  591  Amanda Cocchiara-10      Hilton                   20:19.8
 41  20  41  917  Elizabeth O'Donnell-11   Monroe-Woodbury          20:22.9
 42      42 1191  Mary Kate Anselmini-10   Ward Melville            20:23.3
 43  21  43  342  Alexandra Chapman        Fayetteville-Manlius     20:23.6
 44      44  173  Rachel Miura-12          John Jay East Fishkill   20:26.9
 45  22  45  124  Carolyn Nasr-12          Arlington                20:29.8
 46      46  278  Alex Burtnick-10         Shenendehowa             20:32.1
 47  23  47 1147  Kathryn Glynn-10         Bayshore                 20:32.8
 48      48  279  Mikala Anson-12          Colonie                  20:36.0
 49      49  879  Emily Marchini-11        Massapequa               20:36.8
 50  24  50  444  Alex Nagle-11            Corning                  20:37.7
 51  25  51  808  Esther Lok-12            Syosset                  20:38.7
 52      52  981  Melissa Carder-11        Valley Central           20:39.0
 53  26  53  235  Megan Conway-10          Saratoga Springs         20:39.9
 54      54  877  Amanda Schmidt-10        Massapequa               20:40.3
 55      55  878  Caitlyn Krug-10          Massapequa               20:41.6
 56  27  56  551  Jodi Robinson-11         Rush-Henrietta           20:41.9
 57  28  57  662  Emily Sullivan-12        West Seneca West         20:42.3
 58      58  174  Gina Talt-10             Mamaroneck               20:43.3
 59      59  984  Lia Gizzarelli-12        Newburgh                 20:44.2
 60  29  60  661  Chelsea Needham-10       West Seneca West         20:46.5
 61  30  61  813  Rachel Ngu-10            Syosset                  20:49.5
 62  31  62  811  Kiera Harrison-12        Syosset                  20:50.3
 63      63  381  Dana Rinaldi-9           Cicero North Syracuse    20:51.8
 64      64  875  Cara Mattson-12          East Meadow              20:53.0
 65  32  65 1145  Lindsay Arcuri-8         Bayshore                 20:53.3
 66  33  66  553  Zarah Quinn-12           Rush-Henrietta           20:53.7
 67  34  67  123  Chelsea Hanson-12        Arlington                20:54.4
 68  35  68 1146  Megan O'Donovan-11       Bayshore                 20:56.7
 69  36  69  552  Lizzie Greiner-9         Rush-Henrietta           20:59.0
 70      70  876  Charlene Lipsey-12       Hempstead                21:00.9
 71      71  594  Jenn Spitzer-12          Fairport                 21:01.8
 72      72  592  Lindsay Crocetti-12      Hilton                   21:02.1
 73  37  73  128  Victoria Sanford-11      Arlington                21:04.6
 74      74  696  Nichole Bochman-12       Jamestown                21:07.3
 75  38  75  918  Carly Keiss-11           Monroe-Woodbury          21:08.8
 76  39  76  125  Mallory Mecca-11         Arlington                21:10.0
 77      77  697  Rebecca Love-10          Frontier                 21:10.8
 78  40  78  658  Mary Janak-10            West Seneca West         21:15.0
 79      79  382  Lindsay Raulli-12        Cicero North Syracuse    21:16.2
 80  41  80  659  Victoria Luongo-10       West Seneca West         21:18.3
 81  42  81  550  Rachel Zoyhofski-12      Rush-Henrietta           21:22.2
 82  43  82  920  Christina Clarkin        Monroe-Woodbury          21:23.0
 83      83  698  Sarah Loud-9             Williamsville North      21:23.9
 84      84  486  Elizabeth Reamer-12      Ithaca                   21:24.2
 85  44  85  126  Allison Ryley-11         Arlington                21:32.3
 86  45  86  814  Rebecca Alizzi-12        Syosset                  21:34.6
 87  46  87  812  Kim Ridini-12            Syosset                  21:37.1
 88  47  88  919  Kate Fitzgerald-12       Monroe-Woodbury          21:40.3
 89  48  89  554  Kristen Cronmiller-11    Rush-Henrietta           21:42.5
 90  49  90  921  Jenn Boyle               Monroe-Woodbury          21:46.2
 91      91  699  Rachel Dorogi-9          Williamsville North      21:47.2
 92      92  488  Zoe McAlear-9            Ithaca High              21:50.9
 93  50  93  446  Mattea Rossettie-11      Corning                  21:57.9
 94      94  487  Taryn VanValen-11        Ithaca                   22:02.4
 95      95  489  Megan Mormile-11         Ithaca High              22:04.7
 96  51  96  449  Lani Nagle-9             Corning                  22:12.2
 97  52  97  445  Jenn Abel-12             Corning                  22:25.0
 98  53  98 1149  Catherine Schmidt-10     Bayshore                 22:25.5
 99  54  99  810  Katherine Wilkens-12     Syosset                  22:28.9
100  55 100  663  Kelsie Tangelder-11      West Seneca West         22:43.8
101  56 101  660  Michelle McLaughlin-10   West Seneca West         22:58.0
102  57 102  448  Amanda Oggeri-10         Corning                  22:59.3
103  58 103 1148  Shannon Christie-11      Bayshore                 23:03.5
104  59 104  657  Megan Weinreber-8        West Seneca West         23:06.7
105  60 105  447  Aisha Muhammad-12        Corning                  23:11.9
106  61 106  555  Emily Wegman-10          Rush-Henrietta           24:03.5
107  62 107  556  Meggie Crandall-12       Rush-Henrietta           26:02.1
DNF          809  Sophia Arzoumanidis      Syosset                         

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls AA Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008

   1    Fayetteville-Manlius     

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   1    1    336      Courtney Chapman-10           18:12.9
   3    2    337      Hannah Luber-11               18:54.0
   6    4    339      Molly Malone-11               19:09.8
   7    5    338      Meaghan Anklin-12             19:16.6
  15   10    341      MacKenzie Carter-11           19:25.5
  20   14    340      Kathryn Buchan-12             19:42.1
  43   21    342      Alexandra Chapman             20:23.6

  Score : 22      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:12.6       Time total (1 - 5): 94:58.8

   2    Saratoga Springs         

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   5    3    230      Cassie Goutos-11              19:08.8
  14    9    232      Brianne Bellon-11             19:23.5
  16   11    234      Keelin Hollowood-8            19:29.2
  17   12    233      Amanda Borroughs-10           19:35.5
  19   13    231      Sydney King-10                19:39.3
  34   17    229      Madison Carr-8                20:07.6
  53   26    235      Megan Conway-10               20:39.9

  Score : 48      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:30.5       Time total (1 - 5): 97:16.3

   3    Arlington                

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  12    8    127      Rachel Sorna-11               19:21.7
  24   15    122      Brianna Service-12            19:52.6
  45   22    124      Carolyn Nasr-12               20:29.8
  67   34    123      Chelsea Hanson-12             20:54.4
  73   37    128      Victoria Sanford-11           21:04.6
  76   39    125      Mallory Mecca-11              21:10.0
  85   44    126      Allison Ryley-11              21:32.3

  Score : 116      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:42.9       Time total (1 - 5): 101:43.1

   4    Bayshore                 

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  11    7   1143      Kim Moran-12                  19:21.2
  39   19   1144      Stephanie Barnes-12           20:15.5
  47   23   1147      Kathryn Glynn-10              20:32.8
  65   32   1145      Lindsay Arcuri-8              20:53.3
  68   35   1146      Megan O'Donovan-11            20:56.7
  98   53   1149      Catherine Schmidt-10          22:25.5
 103   58   1148      Shannon Christie-11           23:03.5

  Score : 116      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:35.5       Time total (1 - 5): 101:59.5

   5    Monroe-Woodbury          

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  10    6    915      Meaghan Ventarola-9           19:20.8
  30   16    916      Sabrina Brooks-10             20:02.6
  41   20    917      Elizabeth O'Donnell-11        20:22.9
  75   38    918      Carly Keiss-11                21:08.8
  82   43    920      Christina Clarkin             21:23.0
  88   47    919      Kate Fitzgerald-12            21:40.3
  90   49    921      Jenn Boyle                    21:46.2

  Score : 123      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:02.2       Time total (1 - 5): 102:18.1

   6    Syosset                  

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  51   25    808      Esther Lok-12                 20:38.7
  61   30    813      Rachel Ngu-10                 20:49.5
  62   31    811      Kiera Harrison-12             20:50.3
  86   45    814      Rebecca Alizzi-12             21:34.6
  87   46    812      Kim Ridini-12                 21:37.1
  99   54    810      Katherine Wilkens-12          22:28.9
    DNF      809      Sophia Arzoumanidis                  

  Score : 177      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:58.4       Time total (1 - 5): 105:30.2

   7    Rush-Henrietta           

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  56   27    551      Jodi Robinson-11              20:41.9
  66   33    553      Zarah Quinn-12                20:53.7
  69   36    552      Lizzie Greiner-9              20:59.0
  81   42    550      Rachel Zoyhofski-12           21:22.2
  89   48    554      Kristen Cronmiller-11         21:42.5
 106   61    555      Emily Wegman-10               24:03.5
 107   62    556      Meggie Crandall-12            26:02.1

  Score : 186      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:00.6       Time total (1 - 5): 105:39.3

   8    West Seneca West         

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  57   28    662      Emily Sullivan-12             20:42.3
  60   29    661      Chelsea Needham-10            20:46.5
  78   40    658      Mary Janak-10                 21:15.0
  80   41    659      Victoria Luongo-10            21:18.3
 100   55    663      Kelsie Tangelder-11           22:43.8
 101   56    660      Michelle McLaughlin-10        22:58.0
 104   59    657      Megan Weinreber-8             23:06.7

  Score : 193      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:01.5       Time total (1 - 5): 106:45.9

   9    Corning                  

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  36   18    443      Kate Rosettie-12              20:09.9
  50   24    444      Alex Nagle-11                 20:37.7
  93   50    446      Mattea Rossettie-11           21:57.9
  96   51    449      Lani Nagle-9                  22:12.2
  97   52    445      Jenn Abel-12                  22:25.0
 102   57    448      Amanda Oggeri-10              22:59.3
 105   60    447      Aisha Muhammad-12             23:11.9

  Score : 195      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:15.1       Time total (1 - 5): 107:22.7

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls AA Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

   1    Section III
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   1    1    336      Courtney Chapman-10           18:12.9
   3    3    337      Hannah Luber-11               18:54.0
   6    6    339      Molly Malone-11               19:09.8
   7    7    338      Meaghan Anklin-12             19:16.6
  15   15    341      MacKenzie Carter-11           19:25.5
  20   20    340      Kathryn Buchan-12             19:42.1
  25   25    383      Danae Polsin-12               19:53.7
  29   29    380      Taylor Wendler-11             20:02.1
  35   35    384      Brigid Heenam-12              20:08.5
  43   43    342      Alexandra Chapman             20:23.6
  63   63    381      Dana Rinaldi-9                20:51.8
  79   79    382      Lindsay Raulli-12             21:16.2

  Score : 184      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:10.7       Time total (1 - 10): 195:08.8

   2    Section II
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   4    4    275      Lizzie Predmore-9             19:07.4
   5    5    230      Cassie Goutos-11              19:08.8
  14   14    232      Brianne Bellon-11             19:23.5
  16   16    234      Keelin Hollowood-8            19:29.2
  17   17    233      Amanda Borroughs-10           19:35.5
  19   19    231      Sydney King-10                19:39.3
  21   21    276      Cara Janeczko-11              19:43.0
  22   22    277      Jordan Westcott-11            19:43.6
  34   34    229      Madison Carr-8                20:07.6
  46   46    278      Alex Burtnick-10              20:32.1
  48   48    279      Mikala Anson-12               20:36.0
  53   53    235      Megan Conway-10               20:39.9

  Score : 198      Time gap (1 - 10): 1:24.7       Time total (1 - 10): 196:30.0

   3    Section I
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   2    2    170      Shelby Greany-12              18:46.3
  12   12    127      Rachel Sorna-11               19:21.7
  23   23    171      Jessica Tobin-11              19:50.1
  24   24    122      Brianna Service-12            19:52.6
  31   31    172      Elizabeth Trelstad-9          20:03.1
  44   44    173      Rachel Miura-12               20:26.9
  45   45    124      Carolyn Nasr-12               20:29.8
  58   58    174      Gina Talt-10                  20:43.3
  67   67    123      Chelsea Hanson-12             20:54.4
  73   73    128      Victoria Sanford-11           21:04.6
  76   76    125      Mallory Mecca-11              21:10.0
  85   85    126      Allison Ryley-11              21:32.3

  Score : 379      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:18.3       Time total (1 - 10): 201:32.8

   4    Section XI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  11   11   1143      Kim Moran-12                  19:21.2
  18   18   1190      Caroline O'Hea-9              19:37.1
  32   32   1193      Sarah Zieve-8                 20:04.0
  33   33   1192      Lianne Farber-11              20:07.3
  37   37   1194      Victoria Lowe-9               20:10.9
  39   39   1144      Stephanie Barnes-12           20:15.5
  42   42   1191      Mary Kate Anselmini-10        20:23.3
  47   47   1147      Kathryn Glynn-10              20:32.8
  65   65   1145      Lindsay Arcuri-8              20:53.3
  68   68   1146      Megan O'Donovan-11            20:56.7
  98   98   1149      Catherine Schmidt-10          22:25.5
 103  103   1148      Shannon Christie-11           23:03.5

  Score : 392      Time gap (1 - 10): 1:35.5       Time total (1 - 10): 202:22.1

   5    Section IX
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   8    8    980      Holly Cavalluzzo-8            19:19.7
   9    9    982      Lauren Hehir-9                19:20.2
  10   10    915      Meaghan Ventarola-9           19:20.8
  28   28    983      Soibhan O'Brien-10            20:01.6
  30   30    916      Sabrina Brooks-10             20:02.6
  41   41    917      Elizabeth O'Donnell-11        20:22.9
  52   52    981      Melissa Carder-11             20:39.0
  59   59    984      Lia Gizzarelli-12             20:44.2
  75   75    918      Carly Keiss-11                21:08.8
  82   82    920      Christina Clarkin             21:23.0
  88   88    919      Kate Fitzgerald-12            21:40.3
  90   90    921      Jenn Boyle                    21:46.2

  Score : 394      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:03.3       Time total (1 - 10): 202:22.8

   6    Section V
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  26   26    590      Brianna Deming-11             19:57.7
  38   38    593      Rosie Roessel-12              20:13.1
  40   40    591      Amanda Cocchiara-10           20:19.8
  56   56    551      Jodi Robinson-11              20:41.9
  66   66    553      Zarah Quinn-12                20:53.7
  69   69    552      Lizzie Greiner-9              20:59.0
  71   71    594      Jenn Spitzer-12               21:01.8
  72   72    592      Lindsay Crocetti-12           21:02.1
  81   81    550      Rachel Zoyhofski-12           21:22.2
  89   89    554      Kristen Cronmiller-11         21:42.5
 106  106    555      Emily Wegman-10               24:03.5
 107  107    556      Meggie Crandall-12            26:02.1

  Score : 608      Time gap (1 - 10): 1:44.8       Time total (1 - 10): 208:13.8

   7    Section VIII
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  49   49    879      Emily Marchini-11             20:36.8
  51   51    808      Esther Lok-12                 20:38.7
  54   54    877      Amanda Schmidt-10             20:40.3
  55   55    878      Caitlyn Krug-10               20:41.6
  61   61    813      Rachel Ngu-10                 20:49.5
  62   62    811      Kiera Harrison-12             20:50.3
  64   64    875      Cara Mattson-12               20:53.0
  70   70    876      Charlene Lipsey-12            21:00.9
  86   86    814      Rebecca Alizzi-12             21:34.6
  87   87    812      Kim Ridini-12                 21:37.1
  99   99    810      Katherine Wilkens-12          22:28.9
    DNF      809      Sophia Arzoumanidis                  

  Score : 639      Time gap (1 - 10): 1:00.3       Time total (1 - 10): 209:22.8

   8    Section VI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  27   27    695      Erin Kling-12                 20:00.1
  57   57    662      Emily Sullivan-12             20:42.3
  60   60    661      Chelsea Needham-10            20:46.5
  74   74    696      Nichole Bochman-12            21:07.3
  77   77    697      Rebecca Love-10               21:10.8
  78   78    658      Mary Janak-10                 21:15.0
  80   80    659      Victoria Luongo-10            21:18.3
  83   83    698      Sarah Loud-9                  21:23.9
  91   91    699      Rachel Dorogi-9               21:47.2
 100  100    663      Kelsie Tangelder-11           22:43.8
 101  101    660      Michelle McLaughlin-10        22:58.0
 104  104    657      Megan Weinreber-8             23:06.7

  Score : 727      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:43.7       Time total (1 - 10): 212:15.2

   9    Section IV
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  13   13    485      Mary Carroll-9                19:22.3
  36   36    443      Kate Rosettie-12              20:09.9
  50   50    444      Alex Nagle-11                 20:37.7
  84   84    486      Elizabeth Reamer-12           21:24.2
  92   92    488      Zoe McAlear-9                 21:50.9
  93   93    446      Mattea Rossettie-11           21:57.9
  94   94    487      Taryn VanValen-11             22:02.4
  95   95    489      Megan Mormile-11              22:04.7
  96   96    449      Lani Nagle-9                  22:12.2
  97   97    445      Jenn Abel-12                  22:25.0
 102  102    448      Amanda Oggeri-10              22:59.3
 105  105    447      Aisha Muhammad-12             23:11.9

  Score : 750      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:02.7       Time total (1 - 10): 214:07.2

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls A Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008

Place      School                  Score
  1     Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa    23
  2     Cornwall                    57
  3     Mendon                      86
  4     Ursuline                   104
  5     Vestal                     144
  6     MacArthur                  179
  7     Whitesboro                 190
  8     Starpoint                  190
  9     Kings Park                 199

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls A Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

Place  Section   Score
  1      II     106
  2       V     317
  3      IX     361
  4       I     391
  5    VIII     573
  6      IV     603
  7     III     610
  8      VI     620
  9      XI     725

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls A Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008
ind team sec number    name                   school
  1       1  883  Emily Lipari-11          Roslyn                   18:17.8
  2   1   2  929  Aisling Cuffe-10         Cornwall                 18:22.8
  3       3  280  Danielle Winslow-10      Queensbury               18:25.2
  4   2   4  243  Sam Roecker-12           Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 18:59.0
  5   3   5  244  Molly Pezzulo-10         Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 18:59.7
  6       6  985  Jessica Finger-12        Monticello               19:03.0
  7   4   7  501  Shaylyn Tuite-10         Mendon                   19:21.9
  8   5   8  247  Meaghan Gregory-12       Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 19:35.6
  9       9  175  Emily Singer-11          Harrison                 19:37.8
 10      10  282  Carly Wynn-10            Queensbury               19:44.0
 11      11  281  Morgan Mueller-11        Queensbury               19:46.0
 12   6  12  248  Riley Wilk-10            Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 19:46.9
 13   7  13  245  Alyssa Drapeau-9         Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 19:47.8
 14      14  490  Sydney Williams-10       Susquehanna Valley       19:48.2
 15      15  597  Jeannie Sauter-12        Canandaigua              19:49.1
 16      16  595  Meghan McCormick-9       Canandaigua              19:54.7
 17   8  17  502  Morgan Atkins-10         Mendon                   19:55.2
 18      18  283  Katie Messina-12         Queensbury               19:56.3
 19      19  882  Samantha Rae Beim-12     Mepham                   19:59.7
 20      20  670  Katie Niblock-11         Sweet Home               20:01.3
 21   9  21  930  Amanda Fasano-9          Cornwall                 20:02.0
 22      22  284  Chelsea Trant-11         Niskayuna                20:02.5
 23  10  23  931  Dana Welch-12            Cornwall                 20:04.3
 24  11  24  612  Lauren Scarupa-12        Starpoint                20:15.9
 25  12  25  136  Katie Sullivan-12        Ursuline                 20:17.0
 26  13  26  246  Stephanie Carrier-7      Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 20:19.6
 27      27  176  Jacqueline Pollack-11    Tappan Zee               20:20.3
 28      28  596  Kellie Mack-8            Canandaigua              20:23.2
 29      29  599  Sarah Swertfeger-9       Greece Olympia           20:26.6
 30  14  30  249  Kiersten Anderson-11     Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 20:28.9
 31      31  387  Tia Bullard-10           Mexico                   20:32.9
 32      32  598  Mindy Sawnor-12          Greece Athena            20:35.7
 33      33  672  Mikelle Cala-11          Lake Shore               20:36.4
 34      34  385  Jillian Busby-12         Watertown                20:37.1
 35  15  35  503  Allison Hallock-9        Mendon                   20:37.5
 36  16  36  458  Mary Katherine Kulp-10   Vestal                   20:38.0
 37  17  37  350  Kelsey Peek-12           Whitesboro               20:39.2
 38  18  38  932  Emily McVan-12           Cornwall                 20:42.6
 39      39  177  Miriam Munn-11           Brewster                 20:43.2
 40      40  179  Ariana Bottalico-8       Brewster                 20:43.8
 41  19  41  933  Christina LoCurto-10     Cornwall                 20:44.7
 42      42  987  Justine Davis-9          Monticello               20:45.3
 43  20  43  457  Jessica Spellane-12      Vestal                   20:45.7
 44      44  986  Emma Cohen-12            Monticello               20:46.7
 45      45 1196  Michelle Gaye-10         Harborfields             20:54.9
 46  21  46  139  Carlie Brittan-10        Ursuline                 20:57.4
 47      47  881  Cassie Papandrew-12      Lynbrook                 21:00.0
 48  22  48  138  Jackie McCarthy-11       Ursuline                 21:01.6
 49      49  178  Christy Bak-12           Brewster                 21:03.2
 50      50  671  Kimberly Vona-11         Lake Shore               21:04.3
 51  23  51  142  Ashley O'Sullivan-11     Ursuline                 21:10.8
 52      52  388  Eileen Cody-11           Jameville DeWitt         21:12.3
 53      53  386  Erin Hudson-12           Fulton                   21:13.7
 54  24  54 1158  Christine Hagan-10       Kings Park               21:14.3
 55  25  55  826  Kristina Coiro-9         MacArthur                21:15.3
 56      56  674  Alexandra Zielinski-10   West Seneca East         21:16.0
 57  26  57  137  Mary O'Shea-9            Ursuline                 21:21.7
 58      58  988  Nicki McCarthy-12        Wallkill                 21:22.7
 59      59 1195  Amber Selig-12           Westhampton              21:24.3
 60      60  884  Kaleigh Craig-9          Wantagh                  21:25.2
 61      61  389  Meghan Visser-11         East Syracuse Minoa      21:26.1
 62  27  62 1157  Ale Taylor-11            Kings Park               21:28.3
 63      63 1197  Krystina Choinski-10     Hauppauge                21:29.8
 64  28  64  351  Kaitlyn Day-11           Whitesboro               21:31.4
 65      65  493  Rebecca Judson-11        Elmira Southside         21:35.7
 66      66  880  Ava Fitzgerald-10        Calhoun                  21:37.3
 67      67  492  Bethany Coons-12         Elmira Southside         21:38.5
 68  29  68  507  Lauren Young-11          Mendon                   21:39.6
 69      69 1198  Melissa Del Rosario-12   Bellport                 21:40.5
 70  30  70  505  Anna Bower-12            Mendon                   21:55.2
 71      71  491  Andrea Prusik-11         Union Endicott           21:56.3
 72      72  494  Kristin Pasquino-12      Union Endicott           21:57.2
 73  31  73  506  Katherine Hawes-10       Mendon                   22:05.3
 74  32  74  825  Jessica Race-9           MacArthur                22:07.1
 75  33  75  462  Carly Gates-9            Vestal                   22:09.9
 76  34  76  459  Amy Sorber-10            Vestal                   22:11.9
 77  35  77  611  Courtney Laderer-9       Starpoint                22:13.4
 78  36  78  822  Caitlin Smith-12         MacArthur                22:15.9
 79  37  79  504  Casey McCarthy-11        Mendon                   22:17.1
 80  38  80  141  Shanel Golding-10        Ursuline                 22:22.3
 81  39  81  140  Madie Federle-11         Ursuline                 22:22.9
 82      82  673  Martina Tsembelis-11     Grand Island             22:24.4
 83  40  83  352  Laura Szczesniak-10      Whitesboro               22:25.5
 84  41  84  460  Alicia Sutpin-9          Vestal                   22:28.0
 85  42  85  828  Jen McLaughlin-11        MacArthur                22:30.6
 86      86  989  Brittany Foote-10        Goshen                   22:33.4
 87  43  87  609  Molly Emerick-10         Starpoint                22:35.8
 88  44  88  824  Courtney Livoti-10       MacArthur                22:36.4
 89  45  89  827  Lindsey McLaughlin-9     MacArthur                22:37.8
 90  46  90 1159  Shannon Hopkins-12       Kings Park               22:41.3
 91  47  91 1161  Nicole Cronin-11         Kings Park               22:41.9
 92      92 1199  Sarah Pellegrini-10      Sayville                 22:45.7
 93  48  93  934  Mikayla Bittner-10       Cornwall                 22:50.3
 94  49  94  613  Cassie Weldon-12         Starpoint                22:58.0
 95  50  95  935  Meghan Donovan-10        Cornwall                 23:08.5
 96  51  96  356  Shelby Fiorini           Whitesboro               23:10.7
 97         1090* Renee Deruchia-9         Massena                  23:27.6
 98  52  97  608  Audrey Collins-8         Starpoint                23:32.6
 99  53  98  461  Alyssa Mushalla-10       Vestal                   23:35.2
100  54  99  354  Taylor Decker-9          Whitesboro               23:44.7
101  55 100 1163  Kristen Schultz-11       Kings Park               23:47.1
102  56 101  463  Shivani Kamodia-10       Vestal                   23:54.1
103  57 102 1162  Julianne Rudmann-12      Kings Park               24:07.5
104  58 103  353  Katelyn Rounds-10        Whitesboro               24:10.7
105  59 104  355  Ashley Everhart-11       Whitesboro               25:09.7
106  60 105  610  Haylee Keeley-10         Starpoint                28:48.4
DNF         1160  Stephanie Roberts-10     Kings Park                      
DNF          823  Candice Noakes-11        MacArthur                       

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls A Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008

   1    Burnt Hills-Ballston Spa 

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   4    2    243      Sam Roecker-12                18:59.0
   5    3    244      Molly Pezzulo-10              18:59.7
   8    5    247      Meaghan Gregory-12            19:35.6
  12    6    248      Riley Wilk-10                 19:46.9
  13    7    245      Alyssa Drapeau-9              19:47.8
  26   13    246      Stephanie Carrier-7           20:19.6
  30   14    249      Kiersten Anderson-11          20:28.9

  Score : 23      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:48.8       Time total (1 - 5): 97:09.0

   2    Cornwall                 

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   2    1    929      Aisling Cuffe-10              18:22.8
  21    9    930      Amanda Fasano-9               20:02.0
  23   10    931      Dana Welch-12                 20:04.3
  38   18    932      Emily McVan-12                20:42.6
  41   19    933      Christina LoCurto-10          20:44.7
  93   48    934      Mikayla Bittner-10            22:50.3
  95   50    935      Meghan Donovan-10             23:08.5

  Score : 57      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:21.9       Time total (1 - 5): 99:56.4

   3    Mendon                   

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   7    4    501      Shaylyn Tuite-10              19:21.9
  17    8    502      Morgan Atkins-10              19:55.2
  35   15    503      Allison Hallock-9             20:37.5
  68   29    507      Lauren Young-11               21:39.6
  70   30    505      Anna Bower-12                 21:55.2
  73   31    506      Katherine Hawes-10            22:05.3
  79   37    504      Casey McCarthy-11             22:17.1

  Score : 86      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:33.3       Time total (1 - 5): 103:29.4

   4    Ursuline                 

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  25   12    136      Katie Sullivan-12             20:17.0
  46   21    139      Carlie Brittan-10             20:57.4
  48   22    138      Jackie McCarthy-11            21:01.6
  51   23    142      Ashley O'Sullivan-11          21:10.8
  57   26    137      Mary O'Shea-9                 21:21.7
  80   38    141      Shanel Golding-10             22:22.3
  81   39    140      Madie Federle-11              22:22.9

  Score : 104      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:04.7       Time total (1 - 5): 104:48.5

   5    Vestal                   

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  36   16    458      Mary Katherine Kulp-10        20:38.0
  43   20    457      Jessica Spellane-12           20:45.7
  75   33    462      Carly Gates-9                 22:09.9
  76   34    459      Amy Sorber-10                 22:11.9
  84   41    460      Alicia Sutpin-9               22:28.0
  99   53    461      Alyssa Mushalla-10            23:35.2
 102   56    463      Shivani Kamodia-10            23:54.1

  Score : 144      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:50.0       Time total (1 - 5): 108:13.5

   6    MacArthur                

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  55   25    826      Kristina Coiro-9              21:15.3
  74   32    825      Jessica Race-9                22:07.1
  78   36    822      Caitlin Smith-12              22:15.9
  85   42    828      Jen McLaughlin-11             22:30.6
  88   44    824      Courtney Livoti-10            22:36.4
  89   45    827      Lindsey McLaughlin-9          22:37.8
    DNF      823      Candice Noakes-11                    

  Score : 179      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:21.1       Time total (1 - 5): 110:45.3

   7    Whitesboro               

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  37   17    350      Kelsey Peek-12                20:39.2
  64   28    351      Kaitlyn Day-11                21:31.4
  83   40    352      Laura Szczesniak-10           22:25.5
  96   51    356      Shelby Fiorini                23:10.7
 100   54    354      Taylor Decker-9               23:44.7
 104   58    353      Katelyn Rounds-10             24:10.7
 105   59    355      Ashley Everhart-11            25:09.7

  Score : 190      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:05.5       Time total (1 - 5): 111:31.5

  8    Starpoint                

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  24   11    612      Lauren Scarupa-12             20:15.9
  77   35    611      Courtney Laderer-9            22:13.4
  87   43    609      Molly Emerick-10              22:35.8
  94   49    613      Cassie Weldon-12              22:58.0
  98   52    608      Audrey Collins-8              23:32.6
 106   60    610      Haylee Keeley-10              28:48.4

  Score : 190      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:16.7       Time total (1 - 5): 111:35.7

   9    Kings Park               

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  54   24   1158      Christine Hagan-10            21:14.3
  62   27   1157      Ale Taylor-11                 21:28.3
  90   46   1159      Shannon Hopkins-12            22:41.3
  91   47   1161      Nicole Cronin-11              22:41.9
 101   55   1163      Kristen Schultz-11            23:47.1
 103   57   1162      Julianne Rudmann-12           24:07.5
    DNF     1160      Stephanie Roberts-10                 

  Score : 199      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:32.8       Time total (1 - 5): 111:52.9

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls A Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

   1    Section II
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   3    3    280      Danielle Winslow-10           18:25.2
   4    4    243      Sam Roecker-12                18:59.0
   5    5    244      Molly Pezzulo-10              18:59.7
   8    8    247      Meaghan Gregory-12            19:35.6
  10   10    282      Carly Wynn-10                 19:44.0
  11   11    281      Morgan Mueller-11             19:46.0
  12   12    248      Riley Wilk-10                 19:46.9
  13   13    245      Alyssa Drapeau-9              19:47.8
  18   18    283      Katie Messina-12              19:56.3
  22   22    284      Chelsea Trant-11              20:02.5
  26   26    246      Stephanie Carrier-7           20:19.6
  30   30    249      Kiersten Anderson-11          20:28.9

  Score : 106      Time gap (1 - 10): 1:37.3       Time total (1 - 10): 195:03.0

   2    Section V
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   7    7    501      Shaylyn Tuite-10              19:21.9
  15   15    597      Jeannie Sauter-12             19:49.1
  16   16    595      Meghan McCormick-9            19:54.7
  17   17    502      Morgan Atkins-10              19:55.2
  28   28    596      Kellie Mack-8                 20:23.2
  29   29    599      Sarah Swertfeger-9            20:26.6
  32   32    598      Mindy Sawnor-12               20:35.7
  35   35    503      Allison Hallock-9             20:37.5
  68   68    507      Lauren Young-11               21:39.6
  70   70    505      Anna Bower-12                 21:55.2
  73   73    506      Katherine Hawes-10            22:05.3
  79   79    504      Casey McCarthy-11             22:17.1

  Score : 317      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:33.3       Time total (1 - 10): 204:38.7

   3    Section IX
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   2    2    929      Aisling Cuffe-10              18:22.8
   6    6    985      Jessica Finger-12             19:03.0
  21   21    930      Amanda Fasano-9               20:02.0
  23   23    931      Dana Welch-12                 20:04.3
  38   38    932      Emily McVan-12                20:42.6
  41   41    933      Christina LoCurto-10          20:44.7
  42   42    987      Justine Davis-9               20:45.3
  44   44    986      Emma Cohen-12                 20:46.7
  58   58    988      Nicki McCarthy-12             21:22.7
  86   86    989      Brittany Foote-10             22:33.4
  93   93    934      Mikayla Bittner-10            22:50.3
  95   95    935      Meghan Donovan-10             23:08.5

  Score : 361      Time gap (1 - 10): 4:10.6       Time total (1 - 10): 204:27.5

   4    Section I
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   9    9    175      Emily Singer-11               19:37.8
  25   25    136      Katie Sullivan-12             20:17.0
  27   27    176      Jacqueline Pollack-11         20:20.3
  39   39    177      Miriam Munn-11                20:43.2
  40   40    179      Ariana Bottalico-8            20:43.8
  46   46    139      Carlie Brittan-10             20:57.4
  48   48    138      Jackie McCarthy-11            21:01.6
  49   49    178      Christy Bak-12                21:03.2
  51   51    142      Ashley O'Sullivan-11          21:10.8
  57   57    137      Mary O'Shea-9                 21:21.7
  80   80    141      Shanel Golding-10             22:22.3
  81   81    140      Madie Federle-11              22:22.9

  Score : 391      Time gap (1 - 10): 1:43.9       Time total (1 - 10): 207:16.8

   5    Section VIII
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   1    1    883      Emily Lipari-11               18:17.8
  19   19    882      Samantha Rae Beim-12          19:59.7
  47   47    881      Cassie Papandrew-12           21:00.0
  55   55    826      Kristina Coiro-9              21:15.3
  60   60    884      Kaleigh Craig-9               21:25.2
  66   66    880      Ava Fitzgerald-10             21:37.3
  74   74    825      Jessica Race-9                22:07.1
  78   78    822      Caitlin Smith-12              22:15.9
  85   85    828      Jen McLaughlin-11             22:30.6
  88   88    824      Courtney Livoti-10            22:36.4
  89   89    827      Lindsey McLaughlin-9          22:37.8
    DNF      823      Candice Noakes-11                    

  Score : 573      Time gap (1 - 10): 4:18.6       Time total (1 - 10): 213:05.3

   6    Section IV
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  14   14    490      Sydney Williams-10            19:48.2
  36   36    458      Mary Katherine Kulp-10        20:38.0
  43   43    457      Jessica Spellane-12           20:45.7
  65   65    493      Rebecca Judson-11             21:35.7
  67   67    492      Bethany Coons-12              21:38.5
  71   71    491      Andrea Prusik-11              21:56.3
  72   72    494      Kristin Pasquino-12           21:57.2
  75   75    462      Carly Gates-9                 22:09.9
  76   76    459      Amy Sorber-10                 22:11.9
  84   84    460      Alicia Sutpin-9               22:28.0
  99   98    461      Alyssa Mushalla-10            23:35.2
 102  101    463      Shivani Kamodia-10            23:54.1

  Score : 603      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:39.8       Time total (1 - 10): 215:09.4

   7    Section III
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  31   31    387      Tia Bullard-10                20:32.9
  34   34    385      Jillian Busby-12              20:37.1
  37   37    350      Kelsey Peek-12                20:39.2
  52   52    388      Eileen Cody-11                21:12.3
  53   53    386      Erin Hudson-12                21:13.7
  61   61    389      Meghan Visser-11              21:26.1
  64   64    351      Kaitlyn Day-11                21:31.4
  83   83    352      Laura Szczesniak-10           22:25.5
  96   96    356      Shelby Fiorini                23:10.7
 100   99    354      Taylor Decker-9               23:44.7
 104  103    353      Katelyn Rounds-10             24:10.7
 105  104    355      Ashley Everhart-11            25:09.7

  Score : 610      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:11.8       Time total (1 - 10): 216:33.6

   8    Section VI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  20   20    670      Katie Niblock-11              20:01.3
  24   24    612      Lauren Scarupa-12             20:15.9
  33   33    672      Mikelle Cala-11               20:36.4
  50   50    671      Kimberly Vona-11              21:04.3
  56   56    674      Alexandra Zielinski-10        21:16.0
  77   77    611      Courtney Laderer-9            22:13.4
  82   82    673      Martina Tsembelis-11          22:24.4
  87   87    609      Molly Emerick-10              22:35.8
  94   94    613      Cassie Weldon-12              22:58.0
  98   97    608      Audrey Collins-8              23:32.6
 106  105    610      Haylee Keeley-10              28:48.4

  Score : 620      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:31.3       Time total (1 - 10): 216:58.1

   9    Section XI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  45   45   1196      Michelle Gaye-10              20:54.9
  54   54   1158      Christine Hagan-10            21:14.3
  59   59   1195      Amber Selig-12                21:24.3
  62   62   1157      Ale Taylor-11                 21:28.3
  63   63   1197      Krystina Choinski-10          21:29.8
  69   69   1198      Melissa Del Rosario-12        21:40.5
  90   90   1159      Shannon Hopkins-12            22:41.3
  91   91   1161      Nicole Cronin-11              22:41.9
  92   92   1199      Sarah Pellegrini-10           22:45.7
 101  100   1163      Kristen Schultz-11            23:47.1
 103  102   1162      Julianne Rudmann-12           24:07.5
    DNF     1160      Stephanie Roberts-10                 

  Score : 725      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:52.2       Time total (1 - 10): 220:08.1

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls B  Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

Place      School                  Score
  1     East Aurora                 46
  2     Pearl River                 69
  3     North Shore                 73
  4     Honeoye Falls-Lima         125
  5     Maine Endwell              136
  6     Broadalbin-Perth           139
  7     Canton                     181
  8     Shoreham Wading River      212
  9     New Paltz                  235
 10     Westhill                   255
 11     Plattsburgh                314

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls B  Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

Place  Section   Score
  1      VI     224
  2    VIII     332
  3       I     336
  4       V     346
  5      IV     434
  6      II     588
  7      XI     681
  8     III     746
  9       X     867
 10      IX     875
 11     VII    1075

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls B  Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008
ind team sec number    name                   school
  1       1  675  Brenna Symoniak-11       Amherst                  18:50.6
  2       2  495  Lauren Mullins-9         Johnson City             18:54.8
  3   1   3  835  Samantha Nadel-9         North Shore              19:02.1
  4       4  570  Christine Driscoll-10    Geneva                   19:23.8
  5       5  885  Erica Cirino-11          Cold Spring Harbor       19:25.2
  6   2   6  401  Megan Jacoby-12          Maine Endwell            19:30.6
  7   3   7  621  Kirsten Weberg-12        East Aurora              19:46.2
  8   4   8  830  Brianna Welch-11         North Shore              19:47.2
  9   5   9  143  Chelsea Kushner-10       Pearl River              19:48.0
 10   6  10  620  Catherine Phillips-11    East Aurora              19:49.0

 11      11  677  Jaime Wallace-11         Alden                    19:52.0
 12   7  12  250  Gina Cristaldi-12        Broadalbin-Perth         19:54.9
 13   8  13 1057  Aimee Beaudette-10       Canton                   19:55.6
 14      14  180  Megan Young-8            Nanuet                   19:56.1
 15   9  15  144  Kelli VanHouten-9        Pearl River              19:56.5
 16  10  16  617  Megan Hulton-10          East Aurora              19:56.8
 17  11  17  402  Marie Ferro-12           Maine Endwell            19:57.5
 18  12  18  508  Jessica Brunet-11        Honeoye Falls-Lima       20:03.7
 19  13  19  616  Erin Crawford-12         East Aurora              20:04.5
 20  14  20  619  Marta McLaughlin-7       East Aurora              20:11.3
 21      21 1170  Janie Turek-10           Mount Sinai              20:16.0
 22  15  22  145  Kerry Guerin-10          Pearl River              20:22.0
 23      23  573  Angela Jarvela-11        Batavia                  20:23.8
 24  16  24  146  Erica Guerin-10          Pearl River              20:27.6
 25      25  888  Brianna Cano-12          Valley Stream North      20:28.5
 26      26  572  Alison Lockwood-10       Geneva                   20:30.3
 27  17  27  510  Ruth Steinke-9           Honeoye Falls-Lima       20:32.7
 28  18  28  829  Brianna Nerud-9          North Shore              20:37.1
 29  19  29  936  Gabby Mancuso-10         New Paltz                20:38.2
 30      30  571  Kelley Driscoll-11       Geneva                   20:39.5
 31      31  497  Kristy Scordino-11       Owego                    20:40.8
 32      32  390  Elizabeth Dean-8         Marcellus                20:41.9
 33      33  182  Jessica Kendzor-11       Kennedy Catholic         20:42.9
 34  20  34  618  Sarah Mars-10            East Aurora              20:43.2
 35  21  35  833  Gabriella Vezza-8        North Shore              20:45.5
 36  22  36 1058  Maggie Lapinski-12       Canton                   20:55.3
 37  23  37  251  Opal Jessica Bogdan-9    Broadalbin-Perth         20:55.6
 38      38  394  Savannah Boucher-11      New Hartford             20:59.5
 39  24  39  147  Maria Kohlbrenner-9      Pearl River              21:01.7
 40  25  40  148  Tara Clinton-12          Pearl River              21:02.7
 41  26  41 1059  Sophie Goobic-11         Canton                   21:03.7
 42      42  496  McKenna Coughlin-10      Johnson City             21:04.0
 43  27  43  513  Emma Denton-12           Honeoye Falls-Lima       21:05.9
 44      44  391  Carly VanTassel-11       South Jefferson          21:08.0
 45  28  45 1102  Kristen Purdy-11         Shoreham Wading River    21:08.3
 46  29  46  832  Elizabeth Caldwell-8     North Shore              21:10.7
 47  30  47  509  Allison Hoh-11           Honeoye Falls-Lima       21:16.8
 48  31  48  252  Emily Baker-9            Broadalbin-Perth         21:17.4
 49  32  49  253  Nicole Wojciechowski-12  Broadalbin-Perth         21:18.7
 50  33  50  615  Ashley Beyer-12          East Aurora              21:20.0
 51      51  886  Karissa Chiantella-11    Locust Valley            21:20.4
 52  34  52  722  Monique Arvisais Anhalt-1Plattsburgh              21:23.2
 53  35  53 1101  Brooke Johnson-12        Shoreham Wading River    21:26.5
 54  36  54  403  Taylor Hackett-10        Maine Endwell            21:27.0
 55      55  286  Analiese Mau-9           Cobleskill-Richmondville 21:28.5
 56      56  676  Victoria Sosnowski       Amherst                  21:30.6
 57  37  57 1103  Codi Mullen-10           Shoreham Wading River    21:30.9
 58      58  498  Alexis Fairbanks-12      Owego                    21:31.2
 59      59 1174  Meagan Donovan-11        John Glenn               21:32.0
 60      60  285  Erica Kuhn-10            Glens Falls              21:35.7
 61      61  889  Kristen Wraith-11        Valley Stream South      21:38.4
 62  38  62  358  Katie Powers-11          Westhill                 21:41.9
 63  39  63  512  Emmy Held-8              Honeoye Falls-Lima       21:45.9
 64      64 1171  Amanda Stasiewicz-11     Mount Sinai              21:46.2
 65      65  574  Erika Steensma-9         Wayne                    21:46.5
 66  40  66  404  Kristine Fish-10         Maine Endwell            21:51.0
 67      67  784  Bailey Weightman-11      Beekmantown              21:53.9
 68  41  68  149  Caitlin Lardaro-9        Pearl River              21:55.4
 69  42  69  511  Kaylin Beiter-10         Honeoye Falls-Lima       21:56.4
 70  43  70  831  Charlotte Manogue-11     North Shore              21:58.3
 71      71  287  Larissa Melendez-10      Cobleskill-Richmondville 21:59.5
 72      72  181  Deanna Felicissimo-9     Nanuet                   21:59.8
 73      73  991  Kim Wiley-10             Onteora                  22:01.1
 74      74  499  Madison Zeitz-8          Windsor                  22:02.4
 75      75  679  Rachel Parker-11         Newfane                  22:02.7
 76      76  678  Hannah Moffett-11        Albion                   22:03.4
 77  44  77  357  Heather Clancy-12        Westhill                 22:07.3
 78      78  184  Margaret Larkin-12       Pelham                   22:07.8
 79      79  183  Breeda Mannion-11        Kennedy Catholic         22:08.8
 80  45  80  834  Marisa Dussel-12         North Shore              22:09.1
 81      81  990  Diana Gonzalez           Onteora                  22:13.2
 82  46  82  254  Julianna Mendez-12       Broadalbin-Perth         22:17.0
 83      83 1172  Brittany Callahan-11     Mount Sinai              22:17.6
 84  47  84  405  Samantha Wilks-8         Maine Endwell            22:20.2
 85      85  288  Sandra Garcia Fine-10    Cobleskill-Richmondville 22:25.5
 86      86  393  Lauren MacDonald-11      Vernon Verona Sherrill   22:25.8
 87      87  887  Kristen Adorno           Seaford                  22:26.2
 88  48  88  407  Adriana Hartung-11       Maine Endwell            22:28.4
 89      89  289  Taylor Florio-9          Notre Dame-Bishop Gibbons22:29.5
 90  49  90  938  Kayla Koonz-12           New Paltz                22:29.7
 91      91  392  Leah Williams-11         South Jefferson          22:31.0
 92  50  92  937  Jordan Stern-11          New Paltz                22:33.3
 93      93 1173  Ashley Bofinger-11       Bayport/Bluepoint        22:36.0
 94      94 1095  Megan Morrison-11        Ogdenburg Free Academy   22:43.7
 95  51  95  406  Amber McGlynn-12         Maine Endwell            22:45.4
 96      96  992  Erica Beesmer-11         Onteora                  22:46.7
 97  52  97  939  Naomi Bouchard-9         New Paltz                22:49.6
 98      98  993  Cara Ugolino-11          Onteora                  22:50.9
 99  53  99  514  Rebekah Steinke-11       Honeoye Falls-Lima       22:52.7
100  54 100  359  Lissa DiPaloa-10         Westhill                 22:58.7
101     101  994  Lorna Brundrett-9        Red Hook                 22:59.3
102  55 102 1104  Corinne Woederkehr-10    Shoreham Wading River    22:59.8
103  56 103 1060  Emily Sweeney-11         Canton                   23:00.0
104  57 104 1105  Stephanie Anderson-12    Shoreham Wading River    23:01.0
105     105 1098  Paige Studlack-12        Franklin Academy         23:04.0
106  58 106 1106  Caitlin Condron-11       Shoreham Wading River    23:11.4
107  59 107  360  Susan Lopez-10           Westhill                 23:15.2
108     108  780  Abi Lajti-10             Peru                     23:18.6
109  60 109  361  Catherine Coon-11        Westhill                 23:37.2
110  61 110  255  Sarah DePalma-9          Broadalbin-Perth         23:48.6
111  62 111  723  Sophie Deshaies-9        Plattsburgh              23:51.1
112  63 112  256  Nicole Vainauskas-9      Broadalbin-Perth         24:00.4
113     113 1099  Jacqueline Whitman-9     Franklin Academy         24:19.2
114  64 114  362  Katie Lenkiewicz-11      Westhill                 24:28.2
115     115 1096  Mithra Mohtashan-9       Ogdenburg Free Academy   24:29.4
116     116  781  Brittany Maulding-9      Peru                     24:30.6
117     117  783  Grace Mayhew-8           Peru                     24:35.8
118  65 118  941  Machele Clark-11         New Paltz                24:39.2
119  66 119  940  Catherine Bird-10        New Paltz                24:40.8
120  67 120 1107  Alyssa Fleming-9         Shoreham Wading River    24:46.6
121     121  782  Becca Goddeau-10         Peru                     24:53.5
122  68 122  363  Kathryn Christensen-11   Westhill                 24:59.6
123     123 1097  Amanda LaRue-11          Ogdenburg Free Academy   25:20.1
124  69 124 1061  Nicole Potter-10         Canton                   25:22.2
125  70 125 1062  Claire Sweeney-11        Canton                   25:39.3
126  71 126  725  Rochelle Gist-12         Plattsburgh              25:47.8
127  72 127  942  Mairead Fogarty-11       New Paltz                25:48.3
128  73 128  726  Emily Manchester-10      Plattsburgh              26:15.5
129  74 129  724  Emma Schneider Ferrari-11Plattsburgh              26:17.2
130  75 130  728  Savannah Moore-12        Plattsburgh              26:32.4
131  76 131  727  Molly Defayette-10       Plattsburgh              26:32.8
DNF         1063  Audrey Mooradian-10      Canton                          

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls B  Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008

   1    East Aurora              

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   7    3    621      Kirsten Weberg-12             19:46.2
  10    6    620      Catherine Phillips-11         19:49.0
  16   10    617      Megan Hulton-10               19:56.8
  19   13    616      Erin Crawford-12              20:04.5
  20   14    619      Marta McLaughlin-7            20:11.3
  34   20    618      Sarah Mars-10                 20:43.2
  50   33    615      Ashley Beyer-12               21:20.0

  Score : 46      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:25.1       Time total (1 - 5): 99:47.8

   2    Pearl River              

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   9    5    143      Chelsea Kushner-10            19:48.0
  15    9    144      Kelli VanHouten-9             19:56.5
  22   15    145      Kerry Guerin-10               20:22.0
  24   16    146      Erica Guerin-10               20:27.6
  39   24    147      Maria Kohlbrenner-9           21:01.7
  40   25    148      Tara Clinton-12               21:02.7
  68   41    149      Caitlin Lardaro-9             21:55.4

  Score : 69      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:13.7       Time total (1 - 5): 101:35.8

   3    North Shore              

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   3    1    835      Samantha Nadel-9              19:02.1
   8    4    830      Brianna Welch-11              19:47.2
  28   18    829      Brianna Nerud-9               20:37.1
  35   21    833      Gabriella Vezza-8             20:45.5
  46   29    832      Elizabeth Caldwell-8          21:10.7
  70   43    831      Charlotte Manogue-11          21:58.3
  80   45    834      Marisa Dussel-12              22:09.1

  Score : 73      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:08.6       Time total (1 - 5): 101:22.6

   4    Honeoye Falls-Lima       

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  18   12    508      Jessica Brunet-11             20:03.7
  27   17    510      Ruth Steinke-9                20:32.7
  43   27    513      Emma Denton-12                21:05.9
  47   30    509      Allison Hoh-11                21:16.8
  63   39    512      Emmy Held-8                   21:45.9
  69   42    511      Kaylin Beiter-10              21:56.4
  99   53    514      Rebekah Steinke-11            22:52.7

  Score : 125      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:42.2       Time total (1 - 5): 104:45.0

   5    Maine Endwell            

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   6    2    401      Megan Jacoby-12               19:30.6
  17   11    402      Marie Ferro-12                19:57.5
  54   36    403      Taylor Hackett-10             21:27.0
  66   40    404      Kristine Fish-10              21:51.0
  84   47    405      Samantha Wilks-8              22:20.2
  88   48    407      Adriana Hartung-11            22:28.4
  95   51    406      Amber McGlynn-12              22:45.4

  Score : 136      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:49.6       Time total (1 - 5): 105:06.3

   6    Broadalbin-Perth         

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  12    7    250      Gina Cristaldi-12             19:54.9
  37   23    251      Opal Jessica Bogdan-9         20:55.6
  48   31    252      Emily Baker-9                 21:17.4
  49   32    253      Nicole Wojciechowski-12       21:18.7
  82   46    254      Julianna Mendez-12            22:17.0
 110   61    255      Sarah DePalma-9               23:48.6
 112   63    256      Nicole Vainauskas-9           24:00.4

  Score : 139      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:22.1       Time total (1 - 5): 105:43.6

   7    Canton                   

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  13    8   1057      Aimee Beaudette-10            19:55.6
  36   22   1058      Maggie Lapinski-12            20:55.3
  41   26   1059      Sophie Goobic-11              21:03.7
 103   56   1060      Emily Sweeney-11              23:00.0
 124   69   1061      Nicole Potter-10              25:22.2
 125   70   1062      Claire Sweeney-11             25:39.3
    DNF     1063      Audrey Mooradian-10                  

  Score : 181      Time gap (1 - 5): 5:26.6       Time total (1 - 5): 110:16.8

   8    Shoreham Wading River    

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  45   28   1102      Kristen Purdy-11              21:08.3
  53   35   1101      Brooke Johnson-12             21:26.5
  57   37   1103      Codi Mullen-10                21:30.9
 102   55   1104      Corinne Woederkehr-10         22:59.8
 104   57   1105      Stephanie Anderson-12         23:01.0
 106   58   1106      Caitlin Condron-11            23:11.4
 120   67   1107      Alyssa Fleming-9              24:46.6

  Score : 212      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:52.7       Time total (1 - 5): 110:06.5

   9    New Paltz                

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  29   19    936      Gabby Mancuso-10              20:38.2
  90   49    938      Kayla Koonz-12                22:29.7
  92   50    937      Jordan Stern-11               22:33.3
  97   52    939      Naomi Bouchard-9              22:49.6
 118   65    941      Machele Clark-11              24:39.2
 119   66    940      Catherine Bird-10             24:40.8
 127   72    942      Mairead Fogarty-11            25:48.3

  Score : 235      Time gap (1 - 5): 4:01.0       Time total (1 - 5): 113:010.0

  10    Westhill                 

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  62   38    358      Katie Powers-11               21:41.9
  77   44    357      Heather Clancy-12             22:07.3
 100   54    359      Lissa DiPaloa-10              22:58.7
 107   59    360      Susan Lopez-10                23:15.2
 109   60    361      Catherine Coon-11             23:37.2
 114   64    362      Katie Lenkiewicz-11           24:28.2
 122   68    363      Kathryn Christensen-11        24:59.6

  Score : 255      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:55.3       Time total (1 - 5): 113:40.3

  11    Plattsburgh              

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  52   34    722      Monique Arvisais Anhalt-1     21:23.2
 111   62    723      Sophie Deshaies-9             23:51.1
 126   71    725      Rochelle Gist-12              25:47.8
 128   73    726      Emily Manchester-10           26:15.5
 129   74    724      Emma Schneider Ferrari-11     26:17.2
 130   75    728      Savannah Moore-12             26:32.4
 131   76    727      Molly Defayette-10            26:32.8

  Score : 314      Time gap (1 - 5): 4:54.0       Time total (1 - 5): 123:34.8

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls B  Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

   1    Section VI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   1    1    675      Brenna Symoniak-11            18:50.6
   7    7    621      Kirsten Weberg-12             19:46.2
  10   10    620      Catherine Phillips-11         19:49.0
  11   11    677      Jaime Wallace-11              19:52.0
  16   16    617      Megan Hulton-10               19:56.8
  19   19    616      Erin Crawford-12              20:04.5
  20   20    619      Marta McLaughlin-7            20:11.3
  34   34    618      Sarah Mars-10                 20:43.2
  50   50    615      Ashley Beyer-12               21:20.0
  56   56    676      Victoria Sosnowski            21:30.6
  75   75    679      Rachel Parker-11              22:02.7
  76   76    678      Hannah Moffett-11             22:03.4

  Score : 224      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:40.0       Time total (1 - 10): 202:04.2

   2    Section VIII
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   3    3    835      Samantha Nadel-9              19:02.1
   5    5    885      Erica Cirino-11               19:25.2
   8    8    830      Brianna Welch-11              19:47.2
  25   25    888      Brianna Cano-12               20:28.5
  28   28    829      Brianna Nerud-9               20:37.1
  35   35    833      Gabriella Vezza-8             20:45.5
  46   46    832      Elizabeth Caldwell-8          21:10.7
  51   51    886      Karissa Chiantella-11         21:20.4
  61   61    889      Kristen Wraith-11             21:38.4
  70   70    831      Charlotte Manogue-11          21:58.3
  80   80    834      Marisa Dussel-12              22:09.1
  87   87    887      Kristen Adorno                22:26.2

  Score : 332      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:56.2       Time total (1 - 10): 206:13.4

   3    Section I
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   9    9    143      Chelsea Kushner-10            19:48.0
  14   14    180      Megan Young-8                 19:56.1
  15   15    144      Kelli VanHouten-9             19:56.5
  22   22    145      Kerry Guerin-10               20:22.0
  24   24    146      Erica Guerin-10               20:27.6
  33   33    182      Jessica Kendzor-11            20:42.9
  39   39    147      Maria Kohlbrenner-9           21:01.7
  40   40    148      Tara Clinton-12               21:02.7
  68   68    149      Caitlin Lardaro-9             21:55.4
  72   72    181      Deanna Felicissimo-9          21:59.8
  78   78    184      Margaret Larkin-12            22:07.8
  79   79    183      Breeda Mannion-11             22:08.8

  Score : 336      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:11.8       Time total (1 - 10): 207:12.7

   4    Section V
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   4    4    570      Christine Driscoll-10         19:23.8
  18   18    508      Jessica Brunet-11             20:03.7
  23   23    573      Angela Jarvela-11             20:23.8
  26   26    572      Alison Lockwood-10            20:30.3
  27   27    510      Ruth Steinke-9                20:32.7
  30   30    571      Kelley Driscoll-11            20:39.5
  43   43    513      Emma Denton-12                21:05.9
  47   47    509      Allison Hoh-11                21:16.8
  63   63    512      Emmy Held-8                   21:45.9
  65   65    574      Erika Steensma-9              21:46.5
  69   69    511      Kaylin Beiter-10              21:56.4
  99   99    514      Rebekah Steinke-11            22:52.7

  Score : 346      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:22.7       Time total (1 - 10): 207:28.9

   5    Section IV
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   2    2    495      Lauren Mullins-9              18:54.8
   6    6    401      Megan Jacoby-12               19:30.6
  17   17    402      Marie Ferro-12                19:57.5
  31   31    497      Kristy Scordino-11            20:40.8
  42   42    496      McKenna Coughlin-10           21:04.0
  54   54    403      Taylor Hackett-10             21:27.0
  58   58    498      Alexis Fairbanks-12           21:31.2
  66   66    404      Kristine Fish-10              21:51.0
  74   74    499      Madison Zeitz-8               22:02.4
  84   84    405      Samantha Wilks-8              22:20.2
  88   88    407      Adriana Hartung-11            22:28.4
  95   95    406      Amber McGlynn-12              22:45.4

  Score : 434      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:25.4       Time total (1 - 10): 209:19.5

   6    Section II
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  12   12    250      Gina Cristaldi-12             19:54.9
  37   37    251      Opal Jessica Bogdan-9         20:55.6
  48   48    252      Emily Baker-9                 21:17.4
  49   49    253      Nicole Wojciechowski-12       21:18.7
  55   55    286      Analiese Mau-9                21:28.5
  60   60    285      Erica Kuhn-10                 21:35.7
  71   71    287      Larissa Melendez-10           21:59.5
  82   82    254      Julianna Mendez-12            22:17.0
  85   85    288      Sandra Garcia Fine-10         22:25.5
  89   89    289      Taylor Florio-9               22:29.5
 110  110    255      Sarah DePalma-9               23:48.6
 112  112    256      Nicole Vainauskas-9           24:00.4

  Score : 588      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:34.6       Time total (1 - 10): 215:42.3

   7    Section XI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  21   21   1170      Janie Turek-10                20:16.0
  45   45   1102      Kristen Purdy-11              21:08.3
  53   53   1101      Brooke Johnson-12             21:26.5
  57   57   1103      Codi Mullen-10                21:30.9
  59   59   1174      Meagan Donovan-11             21:32.0
  64   64   1171      Amanda Stasiewicz-11          21:46.2
  83   83   1172      Brittany Callahan-11          22:17.6
  93   93   1173      Ashley Bofinger-11            22:36.0
 102  102   1104      Corinne Woederkehr-10         22:59.8
 104  104   1105      Stephanie Anderson-12         23:01.0
 106  106   1106      Caitlin Condron-11            23:11.4
 120  120   1107      Alyssa Fleming-9              24:46.6

  Score : 681      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:45.0       Time total (1 - 10): 218:34.3

   8    Section III
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  32   32    390      Elizabeth Dean-8              20:41.9
  38   38    394      Savannah Boucher-11           20:59.5
  44   44    391      Carly VanTassel-11            21:08.0
  62   62    358      Katie Powers-11               21:41.9
  77   77    357      Heather Clancy-12             22:07.3
  86   86    393      Lauren MacDonald-11           22:25.8
  91   91    392      Leah Williams-11              22:31.0
 100  100    359      Lissa DiPaloa-10              22:58.7
 107  107    360      Susan Lopez-10                23:15.2
 109  109    361      Catherine Coon-11             23:37.2
 114  114    362      Katie Lenkiewicz-11           24:28.2
 122  122    363      Kathryn Christensen-11        24:59.6

  Score : 746      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:55.3       Time total (1 - 10): 221:26.5

   9    Section X
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  13   13   1057      Aimee Beaudette-10            19:55.6
  36   36   1058      Maggie Lapinski-12            20:55.3
  41   41   1059      Sophie Goobic-11              21:03.7
  94   94   1095      Megan Morrison-11             22:43.7
 103  103   1060      Emily Sweeney-11              23:00.0
 105  105   1098      Paige Studlack-12             23:04.0
 113  113   1099      Jacqueline Whitman-9          24:19.2
 115  115   1096      Mithra Mohtashan-9            24:29.4
 123  123   1097      Amanda LaRue-11               25:20.1
 124  124   1061      Nicole Potter-10              25:22.2
 125  125   1062      Claire Sweeney-11             25:39.3
    DNF     1063      Audrey Mooradian-10                  

  Score : 867      Time gap (1 - 10): 5:26.6       Time total (1 - 10): 230:13.2

  10    Section IX
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  29   29    936      Gabby Mancuso-10              20:38.2
  73   73    991      Kim Wiley-10                  22:01.1
  81   81    990      Diana Gonzalez                22:13.2
  90   90    938      Kayla Koonz-12                22:29.7
  92   92    937      Jordan Stern-11               22:33.3
  96   96    992      Erica Beesmer-11              22:46.7
  97   97    939      Naomi Bouchard-9              22:49.6
  98   98    993      Cara Ugolino-11               22:50.9
 101  101    994      Lorna Brundrett-9             22:59.3
 118  118    941      Machele Clark-11              24:39.2
 119  119    940      Catherine Bird-10             24:40.8
 127  127    942      Mairead Fogarty-11            25:48.3

  Score : 875      Time gap (1 - 10): 4:01.0       Time total (1 - 10): 226:01.2

  11    Section VII
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  52   52    722      Monique Arvisais Anhalt-1     21:23.2
  67   67    784      Bailey Weightman-11           21:53.9
 108  108    780      Abi Lajti-10                  23:18.6
 111  111    723      Sophie Deshaies-9             23:51.1
 116  116    781      Brittany Maulding-9           24:30.6
 117  117    783      Grace Mayhew-8                24:35.8
 121  121    782      Becca Goddeau-10              24:53.5
 126  126    725      Rochelle Gist-12              25:47.8
 128  128    726      Emily Manchester-10           26:15.5
 129  129    724      Emma Schneider Ferrari-11     26:17.2
 130  130    728      Savannah Moore-12             26:32.4
 131  131    727      Molly Defayette-10            26:32.8

  Score : 1075      Time gap (1 - 10): 4:54.0       Time total (1 - 10): 242:47.2

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls C Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8,2008

Place      School                  Score
  1     Bronxville                  47
  2     Rhinebeck                   51
  3     Newark Valley               64
  4     Tully                       89
  5     Fredonia                   126
  6     Saranac Lake               172
  7     Voorheesville              187
  8     Mynderse                   193
  9     Oyster Bay                 236
 10     Hampton Bays               266
 11     Salmon River               355

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls C Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8,2008

Place  Section   Score
  1       I     222
  2     III     252
  3      IX     284
  4      VI     465
  5      II     471
  6      IV     486
  7       V     613
  8     VII     831
  9    VIII     865
 10       X     986
 11      XI    1040

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls C Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8,2008
ind team sec number    name                   school
  1   1   1  422  Erin Cawley-12           Newark Valley            19:19.2
  2       2  395  Katie Weisneburger-10    Pulaski                  19:38.8
  3   2   3  957  Annabel Clarke-11        Rhinebeck                19:56.4
  4       4  290  Samantha Watson-10       Schuylerville            19:58.5
  5   3   5  959  Elizabeth Marvin-12      Rhinebeck                20:07.2
  6       6  397  Rachel Hosie-12          Skaneateles              20:10.1
  7       7  680  Shannon Murphy-9         Falconer                 20:10.6
  8   4   8  958  Anna Clark-9             Rhinebeck                20:11.2
  9   5   9  101  Caitlin Hudson-12        Bronxville               20:11.7
 10      10  396  Katie Brislin-8          CBA-Syracuse             20:13.4
 11      11  185  Libby Lazare-11          Pleasantville            20:17.9
 12      12  292  Emma D'Ambrio-12         Hoosic Valley            20:20.7
 13   6  13  102  Tori Flannery-12         Bronxville               20:21.6
 14      14  291  Rachel Wysocki-12        Schuylerville            20:24.7
 15   7  15  423  Jenna Cupp-8             Newark Valley            20:28.7
 16      16  399  Leah Rice-10             Holland Patent           20:29.5
 17      17  187  Annie Field-10           Irvington                20:30.7
 18   8  18  106  Amelia Phillips-8        Bronxville               20:33.6
 19   9  19  425  Jessica Johnson-11       Newark Valley            20:34.5
 20  10  20  424  Katie Weeks-11           Newark Valley            20:39.5
 21      21  575  Kristina Martin-11       Holley                   20:41.9
 22      22  186  Sarah King-9             Dobbs Ferry              20:43.8
 23      23  995  Rachel Sanborn-12        Tri-Valley               20:45.4
 24      24  293  Courtney Tedeschi-8      Berne-Knox-Westerlo      20:46.5
 25  11  25  315  Kelseigh Groth-11        Tully                    20:47.2
 26  12  26  317  Marietta Burt-10         Tully                    20:48.3
 27      27  892  Kira Garry-10            Friends Academy          20:49.6
 28  13  28  107  Meredith Rizzo-8         Bronxville               20:52.9
 29      29  398  Allison Lasnicki-11      Canastota                20:54.5
 30  14  30  316  Ashley Evans-9           Tully                    20:57.5
 31  15  31  104  Henrietta Miers-11       Bronxville               21:05.6
 32      32  998  Deirdre Dwyer-9          Spackenkill              21:06.1
 33  16  33  639  Carlene Sluberski-12     Fredonia                 21:07.5
 34      34  999  Rianne Erlwein-10        Sullivan West            21:07.8
 35  17  35  208  Michelyn Little-9        Voorheesville            21:09.7
 36      36  189  Caitlin Jelinek-11       Pawling                  21:10.0
 37      37  188  Sarah Costa-10           Croton-Harmon            21:11.2
 38  18  38  529  Sierra Devine-9          Mynderse                 21:20.8
 39  19  39  960  Catherine Clarke-8       Rhinebeck                21:27.9
 40  20  40  853  Kaitlyn Collins-12       Oyster Bay               21:28.8
 41      41  996  Caroline Bertholf-10     Tri-Valley               21:30.2
 42      42  681  Katie Saff-9             Falconer                 21:35.4
 43  21  43  743  Kendra Leonidas-10       Saranac Lake             21:36.0
 44      44 1070  Megan Morrow-9           Gouverneur               21:39.7
 45  22  45  318  Casey Cole-9             Tully                    21:40.1
 46      46  577  McKenzie Bennett-9       Dansville                21:42.7
 47      47  682  Ellen Goldhawk-12        Akron                    21:43.0
 48  23  48  961  Martha Alvarez-11        Rhinebeck                21:47.3
 49  24  49  852  Fiona Brunner-11         Oyster Bay               21:48.6
 50  25  50  103  Olivia Bruton-12         Bronxville               21:55.9
 51      51  997  Mallory Peterson-9       Millbrook                21:59.1
 52      52  683  Emma Wilson-11           Akron                    21:59.9
 53      53  473  Abbie Elliot-12          Chenango Valley          22:00.7
 54  26  54  642  Emily Wendell-11         Fredonia                 22:02.0
 55  27  55  636  Alissa Conti-11          Fredonia                 22:05.7
 56  28  56  638  Kaitlyn Marshall-11      Fredonia                 22:06.7
 57      57 1071  Jennifer Brown-11        Gouverneur               22:09.2
 58  29  58  640  Jessica Swoyer-10        Fredonia                 22:09.9
 59      59  579  Abby Decker-12           Wayland Cohocton         22:15.6
 60      60  578  Katie Piechowiak-11      Attica                   22:18.8
 61      61  684  Kelly Heuer-11           Royalton-Hartland        22:20.8
 62      62  576  Cassidy Bishop-8         Williamson               22:22.3
 63  30  63  319  Becky Bloom-12           Tully                    22:24.3
 64      64  294  Christina Bartonice-12   Berne-Knox-Westerlo      22:25.3
 65  31  65  744  Emily Kriwox-10          Saranac Lake             22:32.7
 66  32  66  320  Katherine Ward-9         Tully                    22:33.8
 67  33  67  746  Harriet Pederson-10      Saranac Lake             22:35.6
 68  34  68  637  Erin Criss-12            Fredonia                 22:38.1
 69      69  474  Janel Kaufman-11         Chenango Valley          22:40.0
 70  35  70  321  Erica Cole-10            Tully                    22:43.0
 71  36  71  745  Julie Bowler-10          Saranac Lake             22:45.0
 72      72  472  Shannon Hazlitt-10       Watkins Glen             22:46.4
 73  37  73  426  Angela Richter-10        Newark Valley            22:47.2
 74  38  74  209  Casey Morrison-9         Voorheesville            22:48.7
 75  39  75 1122  Sarah Reed-9             Hampton Bays             22:49.9
 76  40  76  211  Sawyer Cresap-9          Voorheesville            22:53.8
 77      77  894  Michelle Chin-11         Wheatley                 22:55.2
 78  41  78  427  Emily Gac-11             Newark Valley            22:56.4
 79      79 1072  Lindsey McCormick-9      Gouverneur               23:00.8
 80  42  80  534  Shea Oleksa-10           Mynderse                 23:05.1
 81  43  81  531  Isabella Baxter-10       Mynderse                 23:05.4
 82  44  82  530  Amy Lee-11               Mynderse                 23:07.2
 83  45  83  212  Grace Giampaglia-12      Voorheesville            23:07.5
 84  46  84  533  Liz Havelin-11           Mynderse                 23:15.6
 85  47  85  210  Zoe Edmunds-11           Voorheesville            23:16.9
 86      86  470  Brianna Vansoest-9       Trumansburg              23:20.0
 87  48  87  105  Katherine Marrone-11     Bronxville               23:21.2
 88  49  88 1123  Nicole Noa-9             Hampton Bays             23:25.1
 89      89 1074  Madelyn Ball-11          Potsdam                  23:35.5
 90  50  90  213  Sarah Madden-9           Voorheesville            23:36.8
 91  51  91  747  Emily Martin-12          Saranac Lake             23:40.4
 92      92  785  Claire Hipko-9           Northeasten Clinton      23:41.3
 93  52  93  428  Kelly Cawley-12          Newark Valley            23:41.6
 94  53  94  641  Laura Poweski-11         Fredonia                 23:47.2
 95  54  95  532  Rebecca Dygert-12        Mynderse                 23:50.9
 96  55  96  214  Carla Planz-8            Voorheesville            23:54.2
 97      97 1073  Robin Collyns-11         Gouverneur               23:59.8
 98      98  787  Persephone Turetsky-11   Ausable Valley           24:02.1
 99      99  786  Justine Rabideau-9       Northeasten Clinton      24:03.1
100  56 100  963  Marli Oxenholm           Rhinebeck                24:05.6
101     101  788  Kaitlyn Facteau-11       Saranac                  24:15.2
102     102 1175  Gabrielle Comanda-11     Center Moriches          24:18.5
103  57 103 1124  Samantha Makis-9         Hampton Bays             24:20.0
104  58 104  748  Hillary Pond-11          Saranac Lake             24:24.2
105  59 105 1125  Melissa Gregory-11       Hampton Bays             24:25.1
106     106  891  Catherine O'Connell StingFriends Academy          24:29.6
107     107  893  Mariel Halpern-11        Wheatley                 24:29.9
108     108  890  Erin Eschbach-11         East Rockaway            24:37.8
109     109 1177  Francesca Monaco-9       Center Moriches          24:42.2
110  60 110  962  Carrie Simon-11          Rhinebeck                24:45.3
111     111 1179  Elizabeth Garland-12     Port Jefferson           24:55.8
112  61 112  749  Jackie Cummings-10       Saranac Lake             25:19.9
113  62 113 1126  Sandra Cuccia-9          Hampton Bays             25:47.2
114     114  789  Maxine Rock-10           Saranac                  26:05.3
115     115 1178  Leigh Anne Fournier-11   Center Moriches          26:07.9
116  63 116  850  Brooke Mahoski-9         Oyster Bay               26:14.9
117  64 117  851  Christine Dreler-9       Oyster Bay               26:15.7
118  65 118  854  LeeAnne Dillman-10       Oyster Bay               26:22.3
119  66 119 1127  August Thilberg-10       Hampton Bays             26:31.4
120  67 120 1128  Stefani Joslin-9         Hampton Bays             26:58.0
121  68 121  535  Miranda Lombardo-12      Mynderse                 27:21.7
122  69 122 1016  Tahentahawi Chubb-12     Salmon River             27:22.8
123  70 123 1015  Samantha Whitehead-11    Salmon River             27:25.9
124  71 124 1017  Desiree Black-12         Salmon River             27:34.4
125  72 125 1019  Kanieh Chubb-9           Salmon River             28:30.3
126  73 126 1018  Kawe Francis Herne-9     Salmon River             28:30.5
127  74 127 1020  Kaylee Gadway-12         Salmon River             31:21.4
128  75 128 1021  Sara Spaulding-11        Salmon River             34:09.4
129     129  471  Somer Pettet-11          Watkins Glen                 DNF
DNF         1176  Molly Schaefer-9         Center Moriches                 

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls C Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8,2008

   1    Bronxville               
 ind  team  number    name                         time
   9    5    101      Caitlin Hudson-12             20:11.7
  13    6    102      Tori Flannery-12              20:21.6
  18    8    106      Amelia Phillips-8             20:33.6
  28   13    107      Meredith Rizzo-8              20:52.9
  31   15    104      Henrietta Miers-11            21:05.6
  50   25    103      Olivia Bruton-12              21:55.9
  87   48    105      Katherine Marrone-11          23:21.2

  Score : 47      Time gap (1 - 5): 0:53.9       Time total (1 - 5): 103:05.4

   2    Rhinebeck                
 ind  team  number    name                         time
   3    2    957      Annabel Clarke-11             19:56.4
   5    3    959      Elizabeth Marvin-12           20:07.2
   8    4    958      Anna Clark-9                  20:11.2
  39   19    960      Catherine Clarke-8            21:27.9
  48   23    961      Martha Alvarez-11             21:47.3
 100   56    963      Marli Oxenholm                24:05.6
 110   60    962      Carrie Simon-11               24:45.3

  Score : 51      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:50.9       Time total (1 - 5): 103:30.0

   3    Newark Valley            
 ind  team  number    name                         time
   1    1    422      Erin Cawley-12                19:19.2
  15    7    423      Jenna Cupp-8                  20:28.7
  19    9    425      Jessica Johnson-11            20:34.5
  20   10    424      Katie Weeks-11                20:39.5
  73   37    426      Angela Richter-10             22:47.2
  78   41    427      Emily Gac-11                  22:56.4
  93   52    428      Kelly Cawley-12               23:41.6

  Score : 64      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:28.0       Time total (1 - 5): 103:49.1

   4    Tully                    
 ind  team  number    name                         time
  25   11    315      Kelseigh Groth-11             20:47.2
  26   12    317      Marietta Burt-10              20:48.3
  30   14    316      Ashley Evans-9                20:57.5
  45   22    318      Casey Cole-9                  21:40.1
  63   30    319      Becky Bloom-12                22:24.3
  66   32    320      Katherine Ward-9              22:33.8
  70   35    321      Erica Cole-10                 22:43.0

  Score : 89      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:37.1       Time total (1 - 5): 106:37.4

   5    Fredonia                 

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  33   16    639      Carlene Sluberski-12          21:07.5
  54   26    642      Emily Wendell-11              22:02.0
  55   27    636      Alissa Conti-11               22:05.7
  56   28    638      Kaitlyn Marshall-11           22:06.7
  58   29    640      Jessica Swoyer-10             22:09.9
  68   34    637      Erin Criss-12                 22:38.1
  94   53    641      Laura Poweski-11              23:47.2

  Score : 126      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:02.4       Time total (1 - 5): 109:31.8

   6    Saranac Lake             
 ind  team  number    name                         time
  43   21    743      Kendra Leonidas-10            21:36.0
  65   31    744      Emily Kriwox-10               22:32.7
  67   33    746      Harriet Pederson-10           22:35.6
  71   36    745      Julie Bowler-10               22:45.0
  91   51    747      Emily Martin-12               23:40.4
 104   58    748      Hillary Pond-11               24:24.2
 112   61    749      Jackie Cummings-10            25:19.9

  Score : 172      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:04.4       Time total (1 - 5): 113:09.7

   7    Voorheesville            
 ind  team  number    name                         time
  35   17    208      Michelyn Little-9             21:09.7
  74   38    209      Casey Morrison-9              22:48.7
  76   40    211      Sawyer Cresap-9               22:53.8
  83   45    212      Grace Giampaglia-12           23:07.5
  85   47    210      Zoe Edmunds-11                23:16.9
  90   50    213      Sarah Madden-9                23:36.8
  96   55    214      Carla Planz-8                 23:54.2

  Score : 187      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:07.2       Time total (1 - 5): 113:16.6

   8    Mynderse                 
 ind  team  number    name                         time
  38   18    529      Sierra Devine-9               21:20.8
  80   42    534      Shea Oleksa-10                23:05.1
  81   43    531      Isabella Baxter-10            23:05.4
  82   44    530      Amy Lee-11                    23:07.2
  84   46    533      Liz Havelin-11                23:15.6
  95   54    532      Rebecca Dygert-12             23:50.9
 121   68    535      Miranda Lombardo-12           27:21.7

  Score : 193      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:54.8       Time total (1 - 5): 113:54.1

   9    Oyster Bay               

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  40   20    853      Kaitlyn Collins-12            21:28.8
  49   24    852      Fiona Brunner-11              21:48.6
 116   63    850      Brooke Mahoski-9              26:14.9
 117   64    851      Christine Dreler-9            26:15.7
 118   65    854      LeeAnne Dillman-10            26:22.3

  Score : 236      Time gap (1 - 5): 4:53.5       Time total (1 - 5): 122:10.3

  10    Hampton Bays             

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  75   39   1122      Sarah Reed-9                  22:49.9
  88   49   1123      Nicole Noa-9                  23:25.1
 103   57   1124      Samantha Makis-9              24:20.0
 105   59   1125      Melissa Gregory-11            24:25.1
 113   62   1126      Sandra Cuccia-9               25:47.2
 119   66   1127      August Thilberg-10            26:31.4
 120   67   1128      Stefani Joslin-9              26:58.0

  Score : 266      Time gap (1 - 5): 2:57.3       Time total (1 - 5): 120:47.3

  11    Salmon River             

 ind  team  number    name                         time
 122   69   1016      Tahentahawi Chubb-12          27:22.8
 123   70   1015      Samantha Whitehead-11         27:25.9
 124   71   1017      Desiree Black-12              27:34.4
 125   72   1019      Kanieh Chubb-9                28:30.3
 126   73   1018      Kawe Francis Herne-9          28:30.5
 127   74   1020      Kaylee Gadway-12              31:21.4
 128   75   1021      Sara Spaulding-11             34:09.4

  Score : 355      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:07.7       Time total (1 - 5): 139:23.9

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls C Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8,2008

   1    Section I
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   9    9    101      Caitlin Hudson-12             20:11.7
  11   11    185      Libby Lazare-11               20:17.9
  13   13    102      Tori Flannery-12              20:21.6
  17   17    187      Annie Field-10                20:30.7
  18   18    106      Amelia Phillips-8             20:33.6
  22   22    186      Sarah King-9                  20:43.8
  28   28    107      Meredith Rizzo-8              20:52.9
  31   31    104      Henrietta Miers-11            21:05.6
  36   36    189      Caitlin Jelinek-11            21:10.0
  37   37    188      Sarah Costa-10                21:11.2
  50   50    103      Olivia Bruton-12              21:55.9
  87   87    105      Katherine Marrone-11          23:21.2

  Score : 222      Time gap (1 - 10): 0:59.5       Time total (1 - 10): 206:59.0

   2    Section III
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   2    2    395      Katie Weisneburger-10         19:38.8
   6    6    397      Rachel Hosie-12               20:10.1
  10   10    396      Katie Brislin-8               20:13.4
  16   16    399      Leah Rice-10                  20:29.5
  25   25    315      Kelseigh Groth-11             20:47.2
  26   26    317      Marietta Burt-10              20:48.3
  29   29    398      Allison Lasnicki-11           20:54.5
  30   30    316      Ashley Evans-9                20:57.5
  45   45    318      Casey Cole-9                  21:40.1
  63   63    319      Becky Bloom-12                22:24.3
  66   66    320      Katherine Ward-9              22:33.8
  70   70    321      Erica Cole-10                 22:43.0

  Score : 252      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:45.5       Time total (1 - 10): 208:03.7

   3    Section IX
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   3    3    957      Annabel Clarke-11             19:56.4
   5    5    959      Elizabeth Marvin-12           20:07.2
   8    8    958      Anna Clark-9                  20:11.2
  23   23    995      Rachel Sanborn-12             20:45.4
  32   32    998      Deirdre Dwyer-9               21:06.1
  34   34    999      Rianne Erlwein-10             21:07.8
  39   39    960      Catherine Clarke-8            21:27.9
  41   41    996      Caroline Bertholf-10          21:30.2
  48   48    961      Martha Alvarez-11             21:47.3
  51   51    997      Mallory Peterson-9            21:59.1
 100  100    963      Marli Oxenholm                24:05.6
 110  110    962      Carrie Simon-11               24:45.3

  Score : 284      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:02.7       Time total (1 - 10): 209:58.6

   4    Section VI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   7    7    680      Shannon Murphy-9              20:10.6
  33   33    639      Carlene Sluberski-12          21:07.5
  42   42    681      Katie Saff-9                  21:35.4
  47   47    682      Ellen Goldhawk-12             21:43.0
  52   52    683      Emma Wilson-11                21:59.9
  54   54    642      Emily Wendell-11              22:02.0
  55   55    636      Alissa Conti-11               22:05.7
  56   56    638      Kaitlyn Marshall-11           22:06.7
  58   58    640      Jessica Swoyer-10             22:09.9
  61   61    684      Kelly Heuer-11                22:20.8
  68   68    637      Erin Criss-12                 22:38.1
  94   94    641      Laura Poweski-11              23:47.2

  Score : 465      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:10.2       Time total (1 - 10): 217:21.5

   5    Section II
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   4    4    290      Samantha Watson-10            19:58.5
  12   12    292      Emma D'Ambrio-12              20:20.7
  14   14    291      Rachel Wysocki-12             20:24.7
  24   24    293      Courtney Tedeschi-8           20:46.5
  35   35    208      Michelyn Little-9             21:09.7
  64   64    294      Christina Bartonice-12        22:25.3
  74   74    209      Casey Morrison-9              22:48.7
  76   76    211      Sawyer Cresap-9               22:53.8
  83   83    212      Grace Giampaglia-12           23:07.5
  85   85    210      Zoe Edmunds-11                23:16.9
  90   90    213      Sarah Madden-9                23:36.8
  96   96    214      Carla Planz-8                 23:54.2

  Score : 471      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:18.4       Time total (1 - 10): 217:12.3

   6    Section IV
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   1    1    422      Erin Cawley-12                19:19.2
  15   15    423      Jenna Cupp-8                  20:28.7
  19   19    425      Jessica Johnson-11            20:34.5
  20   20    424      Katie Weeks-11                20:39.5
  53   53    473      Abbie Elliot-12               22:00.7
  69   69    474      Janel Kaufman-11              22:40.0
  72   72    472      Shannon Hazlitt-10            22:46.4
  73   73    426      Angela Richter-10             22:47.2
  78   78    427      Emily Gac-11                  22:56.4
  86   86    470      Brianna Vansoest-9            23:20.0
  93   93    428      Kelly Cawley-12               23:41.6
 129  129    471      Somer Pettet-11                   DNF

  Score : 486      Time gap (1 - 10): 4:00.8       Time total (1 - 10): 217:32.6

   7    Section V
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  21   21    575      Kristina Martin-11            20:41.9
  38   38    529      Sierra Devine-9               21:20.8
  46   46    577      McKenzie Bennett-9            21:42.7
  59   59    579      Abby Decker-12                22:15.6
  60   60    578      Katie Piechowiak-11           22:18.8
  62   62    576      Cassidy Bishop-8              22:22.3
  80   80    534      Shea Oleksa-10                23:05.1
  81   81    531      Isabella Baxter-10            23:05.4
  82   82    530      Amy Lee-11                    23:07.2
  84   84    533      Liz Havelin-11                23:15.6

  95   95    532      Rebecca Dygert-12             23:50.9
 121  121    535      Miranda Lombardo-12           27:21.7

  Score : 613      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:33.7       Time total (1 - 10): 223:15.4

   8    Section VII
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  43   43    743      Kendra Leonidas-10            21:36.0
  65   65    744      Emily Kriwox-10               22:32.7
  67   67    746      Harriet Pederson-10           22:35.6
  71   71    745      Julie Bowler-10               22:45.0
  91   91    747      Emily Martin-12               23:40.4
  92   92    785      Claire Hipko-9                23:41.3
  98   98    787      Persephone Turetsky-11        24:02.1
  99   99    786      Justine Rabideau-9            24:03.1
 101  101    788      Kaitlyn Facteau-11            24:15.2
 104  104    748      Hillary Pond-11               24:24.2
 112  112    749      Jackie Cummings-10            25:19.9
 114  114    789      Maxine Rock-10                26:05.3

  Score : 831      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:48.2       Time total (1 - 10): 233:35.6

   9    Section VIII
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  27   27    892      Kira Garry-10                 20:49.6
  40   40    853      Kaitlyn Collins-12            21:28.8
  49   49    852      Fiona Brunner-11              21:48.6
  77   77    894      Michelle Chin-11              22:55.2
 106  106    891      Catherine O'Connell Sting     24:29.6
 107  107    893      Mariel Halpern-11             24:29.9
 108  108    890      Erin Eschbach-11              24:37.8
 116  116    850      Brooke Mahoski-9              26:14.9
 117  117    851      Christine Dreler-9            26:15.7
 118  118    854      LeeAnne Dillman-10            26:22.3

  Score : 865      Time gap (1 - 10): 5:32.7       Time total (1 - 10): 239:32.4

  10    Section X
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  44   44   1070      Megan Morrow-9                21:39.7
  57   57   1071      Jennifer Brown-11             22:09.2
  79   79   1072      Lindsey McCormick-9           23:00.8
  89   89   1074      Madelyn Ball-11               23:35.5
  97   97   1073      Robin Collyns-11              23:59.8
 122  122   1016      Tahentahawi Chubb-12          27:22.8
 123  123   1015      Samantha Whitehead-11         27:25.9
 124  124   1017      Desiree Black-12              27:34.4
 125  125   1019      Kanieh Chubb-9                28:30.3
 126  126   1018      Kawe Francis Herne-9          28:30.5
 127  127   1020      Kaylee Gadway-12              31:21.4
 128  128   1021      Sara Spaulding-11             34:09.4

  Score : 986      Time gap (1 - 10): 6:50.8       Time total (1 - 10): 253:48.9

  11    Section XI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  75   75   1122      Sarah Reed-9                  22:49.9
  88   88   1123      Nicole Noa-9                  23:25.1
 102  102   1175      Gabrielle Comanda-11          24:18.5
 103  103   1124      Samantha Makis-9              24:20.0
 105  105   1125      Melissa Gregory-11            24:25.1
 109  109   1177      Francesca Monaco-9            24:42.2
 111  111   1179      Elizabeth Garland-12          24:55.8
 113  113   1126      Sandra Cuccia-9               25:47.2
 115  115   1178      Leigh Anne Fournier-11        26:07.9
 119  119   1127      August Thilberg-10            26:31.4
 120  120   1128      Stefani Joslin-9              26:58.0
    DNF     1176      Molly Schaefer-9                     

  Score : 1040      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:41.5       Time total (1 - 10): 247:23.1

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls D Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008

Place      School                  Score
  1     Greenwich                   30
  2     Geneseo                     91
  3     Seton Plattsburgh          107
  4     Delhi                      108
  5     Fabius Pompey              137
  6     Sherman                    139
  7     John A. Coleman            145
  8     Norwood-Norfolk            172
  9     Pierson                    215
 10     Haldane                    290

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls D Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

Place  Section   Score
  1       V     203
  2      II     267
  3      IV     350
  4     III     358
  5      VI     489
  6      IX     537
  7     VII     645
  8       X     722
  9      XI     734
 10       I     997

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls D Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008
ind team sec number    name                   school
  1       1  580  Amanda Moreland          Bloomfield               18:54.8
  2   1   2  215  Roxanne Henningson-11    Greenwich                19:23.6
  3   2   3  536  Elizabeth Schinski-11    Geneseo                  19:40.8
  4   3   4  750  Genna Hartung-12         Seton Plattsburgh        20:02.2
  5       5  370  Victoria Champanian-8    South Lewis              20:13.1
  6       6  583  Marissa Liberati-12      Red Jacket               20:20.7
  7       7  582  Kim Mills-12             Oakfield-Alabama         20:29.4
  8   4   8  216  Cady Kuzmich-10          Greenwich                20:34.1
  9       9  475  Sarah Palmer-11          Thomas A. Edison         20:35.1
 10      10  581  Liz Valento-9            Pavilion                 20:46.7
 11   5  11  217  Brittney Lane-11         Greenwich                20:53.9
 12   6  12  901  Ann Shults-12            John A. Coleman          20:55.1
 13   7  13  537  Emily Ingalls-11         Geneseo                  20:56.8
 14   8  14  646  Holly Eliason-7          Sherman                  20:57.7
 15      15  584  Carey Crooker-12         Addison                  20:58.9
 16   9  16  218  Betsy Edinger-10         Greenwich                21:01.2
 17  10  17  431  Sarah Cummings-11        Delhi                    21:04.7
 18      18  371  Samantha Moade-11        DeRuyter                 21:17.8
 19  11  19  220  Madeline Montague-9      Greenwich                21:18.8
 20      20  372  Karlee Duffer-9          Beaver River             21:20.5
 21      21 1180  Alexis Fernandez-8       Stony Brook              21:23.9
 22      22  477  Elizabeth Jewiss-8       Marathon                 21:28.2
 23      23  685  Caroline Benson-7        Maple Grove              21:30.5
 24  12  24  219  Britney Henderson-12     Greenwich                21:31.9
 25  13  25 1023  Emily Cotey-11           Norwood-Norfolk          21:32.5
 26  14  26 1022  Victoria Hall-10         Norwood-Norfolk          21:34.1
 27      27  295  Lauren McGarry-12        Duanesburg               21:40.8
 28      28  373  Renee Koch-11            Onondaga                 21:46.6
 29  15  29  751  Anna Rabideau-10         Seton Plattsburgh        21:48.4
 30  16  30  902  Kate Shults-9            John A. Coleman          21:52.2
 31  17  31  752  Andrea Maynard-12        Seton Plattsburgh        21:56.4
 32      32  970  Lyndi Fielitz-12         Chapel Field             21:58.1
 33      33  478  Aubrie Russell-9         Candor                   22:06.7
 34      34  374  Emily Peebles-9          Lafayette                22:15.4
 35  18  35 1129  Keriann Fitzpatrick-9    Pierson                  22:20.8
 36      36  476  Sam Sauer-8              Thomas A. Edison         22:21.1
 37  19  37  322  Dia Haffar-11            Fabius Pompey            22:21.9
 38      38  971  Heather St. Germain-8    Chapel Field             22:27.3
 39  20  39  323  Erin McConnell-8         Fabius Pompey            22:28.3
 40  21  40  435  Joanna Wheatley-11       Delhi                    22:29.2
 41  22  41  649  Cheryl Svetz-12          Sherman                  22:32.8
 42  23  42  430  Hannah Backus-12         Delhi                    22:33.5
 43  24  43  538  Connie Lin-11            Geneseo                  22:36.9
 44  25  44  539  Casey Emerson-9          Geneseo                  22:38.2
 45  26  45  429  Bethany Althaus-11       Delhi                    22:41.0
 46      46  686  Emma Verdonik-7          Maple Grove              22:46.9
 47      47 1181  Alexandra Russo-8        Stony Brook              22:48.3
 48  27  48  324  BarbaraAnn Scheibel-10   Fabius Pompey            22:49.4
 49  28  49  434  Gabriella Rollo-9        Delhi                    22:54.1
 50      50  296  Kelsey Demick-11         Berlin                   23:10.3
 51  29  51  221  Candace Haskell-8        Greenwich                23:11.0
 52      52  973  Christina Donnelly-9     Eldred                   23:12.5
 53  30  53  325  Natalie Teale-12         Fabius Pompey            23:14.0
 54      54  689  Deanna Platt-10          Barker                   23:16.1
 55  31  55  643  Lindsey Alday-12         Sherman                  23:16.9
 56      56  688  Abby Benton-12           Frewsburg                23:17.7
 57      57  479  Aimee Glenister-11       Moravia                  23:19.0
 58      58  687  Mallory Apperson-11      Maple Grove              23:20.9
 59      59  297  Ashley Rokjer-12         Berlin                   23:21.9
 60  32  60  644  Alyssa Cole-10           Sherman                  23:26.8
 61  33  61  540  Kristen Wiezel-9         Geneseo                  23:27.5
 62      62  790  Katie Karkoski-11        Ticonderoga              23:30.4
 63      63  298  Emily DeGeyter-9         Hawthorne Valley         23:32.3
 64  34  64  754  Kathryn VanHerp-10       Seton Plattsburgh        23:34.7
 65  35  65  541  Leah Moreland-10         Geneseo                  23:39.2
 66      66 1076  Becky Dukett-10          Tupper Lake              23:40.0
 67  36  67 1131  Amelia Skerys-12         Pierson                  23:42.1
 68      68  974  Kristina Brown-11        Eldred                   23:44.4
 69      69 1075  Olivia Walsh-10          Tupper Lake              23:49.9
 70  37  70  903  Lindsay Tschinkel-12     John A. Coleman          23:54.3
 71  38  71  753  Mary Glynn-10            Seton Plattsburgh        23:57.2
 72  39  72  542  Rachel Gambino-11        Geneseo                  23:59.1
 73  40  73 1130  Rafaela Gurtler-12       Pierson                  24:02.8
 74      74  190  Kirstine Jessamy-12      Alexander Hamilton       24:03.2
 75      75  299  Cassie Maday-9           North Warren             24:03.9
 76  41  76  326  Caitlin Hudgston-12      Fabius Pompey            24:06.8
 77      77  972  Sarah Girardin-12        Chapel Field             24:11.0
 78  42  78  905  Lena Reagan-10           John A. Coleman          24:11.8
 79  43  79  327  Sierra Giruad-10         Fabius Pompey            24:16.4
 80  44  80  904  Taylor Gengo-12          John A. Coleman          24:22.1
 81  45  81 1024  Morgan Langtry-9         Norwood-Norfolk          24:26.4
 82  46  82  647  Rachel Ottaway-12        Sherman                  24:33.4
 83  47  83 1025  Jess Fulk-8              Norwood-Norfolk          24:33.9
 84  48  84  645  Nicole Damcott-9         Sherman                  24:34.5
 85  49  85  328  Rosie Kolb-11            Fabius Pompey            24:38.5
 86  50  86  906  Taylor Tschinkel-9       John A. Coleman          24:47.7
 87  51  87  755  Dana Chapman-8           Seton Plattsburgh        25:00.3
 88  52  88  108  Shauna Kalantri-11       Haldane                  25:08.5
 89  53  89 1026  Allie Willer-11          Norwood-Norfolk          25:09.3
 90      90 1183  Ive Croteau-10           Southold                 25:21.3
 91  54  91 1028  Ashley Woodward-8        Norwood-Norfolk          25:26.7
 92      92 1077  Britney LaPierre-10      Tupper Lake              25:40.9
 93  55  93  109  K'yla Moran-9            Haldane                  25:47.8
 94      94  793  Ashley Lavery-12         Lake Placid              25:49.3
 95  56  95  111  Juliette Loeb-10         Haldane                  25:52.6
 96      96 1184  Valerie Tomici-12        Southold                 26:11.4
 97      97 1182  Alexandra Damianos-8     Stony Brook              26:12.2
 98      98  191  Sydney Bridges-10        Alexander Hamilton       26:13.8
 99      99  794  Elise Mellor-11          Lake Placid              26:25.2
100  57 100 1027  Shannon Harris-9         Norwood-Norfolk          26:33.6
101  58 101  433  Anna Padovani-9          Delhi                    26:35.1
102  59 102 1133  Aura Skerys-11           Pierson                  26:53.3
103  60 103  432  Julie Higbie-11          Delhi                    26:53.9
104  61 104  756  Elizabeth Fisher-8       Seton Plattsburgh        26:56.3
105     105  791  Amber Perkins-12         Ticonderoga              26:57.2
106  62 106 1132  Brianna Kinnier-10       Pierson                  27:11.0
107  63 107  110  Hannah Parks-11          Haldane                  27:20.7
108     108  792  Brittney LaVoie-12       Ticonderoga              27:31.3
109     109  192  Kathleen Gonzales-10     Alexander Hamilton       27:53.8
110  64 110  112  Skylar Francis-11        Haldane                  28:46.6
111     111  193  Dulce Rosas-10           Alexander Hamilton       29:06.3
112  65 112  113  Briana Harrold-12        Haldane                  31:01.9
DNF         1135  Arielle Chase-12         Pierson                         
DNF         1134  Olivia Kaminski-11       Pierson                         
DNF          907  K.C.Keegan Twonbly-12    John A. Coleman                 
DNF          648  Ellen Reed-8             Sherman                         

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls D Sunken Meadows(XI)
Date : November 8, 2008

   1    Greenwich                

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   2    1    215      Roxanne Henningson-11         19:23.6
   8    4    216      Cady Kuzmich-10               20:34.1
  11    5    217      Brittney Lane-11              20:53.9
  16    9    218      Betsy Edinger-10              21:01.2
  19   11    220      Madeline Montague-9           21:18.8
  24   12    219      Britney Henderson-12          21:31.9
  51   29    221      Candace Haskell-8             23:11.0

  Score : 30      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:55.2       Time total (1 - 5): 103:11.6

   2    Geneseo                  

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   3    2    536      Elizabeth Schinski-11         19:40.8
  13    7    537      Emily Ingalls-11              20:56.8
  43   24    538      Connie Lin-11                 22:36.9
  44   25    539      Casey Emerson-9               22:38.2
  61   33    540      Kristen Wiezel-9              23:27.5
  65   35    541      Leah Moreland-10              23:39.2
  72   39    542      Rachel Gambino-11             23:59.1

 Score : 91      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:46.7       Time total (1 - 5): 109:20.2

   3    Seton Plattsburgh        

 ind  team  number    name                         time
   4    3    750      Genna Hartung-12              20:02.2
  29   15    751      Anna Rabideau-10              21:48.4
  31   17    752      Andrea Maynard-12             21:56.4
  64   34    754      Kathryn VanHerp-10            23:34.7
  71   38    753      Mary Glynn-10                 23:57.2
  87   51    755      Dana Chapman-8                25:00.3
 104   61    756      Elizabeth Fisher-8            26:56.3

  Score : 107      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:55.0       Time total (1 - 5): 111:18.9

   4    Delhi                    

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  17   10    431      Sarah Cummings-11             21:04.7
  40   21    435      Joanna Wheatley-11            22:29.2
  42   23    430      Hannah Backus-12              22:33.5
  45   26    429      Bethany Althaus-11            22:41.0
  49   28    434      Gabriella Rollo-9             22:54.1
 101   58    433      Anna Padovani-9               26:35.1
 103   60    432      Julie Higbie-11               26:53.9

  Score : 108      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:49.4       Time total (1 - 5): 111:42.5

   5    Fabius Pompey            

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  37   19    322      Dia Haffar-11                 22:21.9
  39   20    323      Erin McConnell-8              22:28.3
  48   27    324      BarbaraAnn Scheibel-10        22:49.4
  53   30    325      Natalie Teale-12              23:14.0
  76   41    326      Caitlin Hudgston-12           24:06.8
  79   43    327      Sierra Giruad-10              24:16.4
  85   49    328      Rosie Kolb-11                 24:38.5

  Score : 137      Time gap (1 - 5): 1:44.9       Time total (1 - 5): 115:00.4

   6    Sherman                  

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  14    8    646      Holly Eliason-7               20:57.7
  41   22    649      Cheryl Svetz-12               22:32.8
  55   31    643      Lindsey Alday-12              23:16.9
  60   32    644      Alyssa Cole-10                23:26.8
  82   46    647      Rachel Ottaway-12             24:33.4
  84   48    645      Nicole Damcott-9              24:34.5
    DNF      648      Ellen Reed-8                         

  Score : 139      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:35.7       Time total (1 - 5): 114:47.6

  7    John A. Coleman          

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  12    6    901      Ann Shults-12                 20:55.1
  30   16    902      Kate Shults-9                 21:52.2
  70   37    903      Lindsay Tschinkel-12          23:54.3
  78   42    905      Lena Reagan-10                24:11.8
  80   44    904      Taylor Gengo-12               24:22.1
  86   50    906      Taylor Tschinkel-9            24:47.7
    DNF      907      K.C.Keegan Twonbly-12                

  Score : 145      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:27.0       Time total (1 - 5): 115:15.5

   8    Norwood-Norfolk          

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  25   13   1023      Emily Cotey-11                21:32.5
  26   14   1022      Victoria Hall-10              21:34.1
  81   45   1024      Morgan Langtry-9              24:26.4
  83   47   1025      Jess Fulk-8                   24:33.9
  89   53   1026      Allie Willer-11               25:09.3
  91   54   1028      Ashley Woodward-8             25:26.7
 100   57   1027      Shannon Harris-9              26:33.6

  Score : 172      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:36.8       Time total (1 - 5): 117:16.2

   9    Pierson                  

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  35   18   1129      Keriann Fitzpatrick-9         22:20.8
  67   36   1131      Amelia Skerys-12              23:42.1
  73   40   1130      Rafaela Gurtler-12            24:02.8
 102   59   1133      Aura Skerys-11                26:53.3
 106   62   1132      Brianna Kinnier-10            27:11.0
    DNF     1135      Arielle Chase-12                     
    DNF     1134      Olivia Kaminski-11                   

  Score : 215      Time gap (1 - 5): 4:50.2       Time total (1 - 5): 124:010.0

  10    Haldane                  

 ind  team  number    name                         time
  88   52    108      Shauna Kalantri-11            25:08.5
  93   55    109      K'yla Moran-9                 25:47.8
  95   56    111      Juliette Loeb-10              25:52.6
 107   63    110      Hannah Parks-11               27:20.7
 110   64    112      Skylar Francis-11             28:46.6
 112   65    113      Briana Harrold-12             31:01.9

  Score : 290      Time gap (1 - 5): 3:38.1       Time total (1 - 5): 132:56.2

Race : N.Y.S. X-C Girls D Sunken Meadows(XI)

Date : November 8, 2008

   1    Section V
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   1    1    580      Amanda Moreland               18:54.8
   3    3    536      Elizabeth Schinski-11         19:40.8
   6    6    583      Marissa Liberati-12           20:20.7
   7    7    582      Kim Mills-12                  20:29.4
  10   10    581      Liz Valento-9                 20:46.7
  13   13    537      Emily Ingalls-11              20:56.8
  15   15    584      Carey Crooker-12              20:58.9
  43   43    538      Connie Lin-11                 22:36.9
  44   44    539      Casey Emerson-9               22:38.2
  61   61    540      Kristen Wiezel-9              23:27.5
  65   65    541      Leah Moreland-10              23:39.2
  72   72    542      Rachel Gambino-11             23:59.1

  Score : 203      Time gap (1 - 10): 4:32.7       Time total (1 - 10): 210:50.7

   2    Section II
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   2    2    215      Roxanne Henningson-11         19:23.6
   8    8    216      Cady Kuzmich-10               20:34.1
  11   11    217      Brittney Lane-11              20:53.9
  16   16    218      Betsy Edinger-10              21:01.2
  19   19    220      Madeline Montague-9           21:18.8
  24   24    219      Britney Henderson-12          21:31.9
  27   27    295      Lauren McGarry-12             21:40.8
  50   50    296      Kelsey Demick-11              23:10.3
  51   51    221      Candace Haskell-8             23:11.0
  59   59    297      Ashley Rokjer-12              23:21.9
  63   63    298      Emily DeGeyter-9              23:32.3
  75   75    299      Cassie Maday-9                24:03.9

  Score : 267      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:58.3       Time total (1 - 10): 216:07.5

   3    Section IV
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   9    9    475      Sarah Palmer-11               20:35.1
  17   17    431      Sarah Cummings-11             21:04.7
  22   22    477      Elizabeth Jewiss-8            21:28.2
  33   33    478      Aubrie Russell-9              22:06.7
  36   36    476      Sam Sauer-8                   22:21.1
  40   40    435      Joanna Wheatley-11            22:29.2
  42   42    430      Hannah Backus-12              22:33.5
  45   45    429      Bethany Althaus-11            22:41.0
  49   49    434      Gabriella Rollo-9             22:54.1
  57   57    479      Aimee Glenister-11            23:19.0
 101  101    433      Anna Padovani-9               26:35.1
 103  103    432      Julie Higbie-11               26:53.9

  Score : 350      Time gap (1 - 10): 2:43.9       Time total (1 - 10): 221:32.6

   4    Section III
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   5    5    370      Victoria Champanian-8         20:13.1
  18   18    371      Samantha Moade-11             21:17.8
  20   20    372      Karlee Duffer-9               21:20.5
  28   28    373      Renee Koch-11                 21:46.6
  34   34    374      Emily Peebles-9               22:15.4
  37   37    322      Dia Haffar-11                 22:21.9
  39   39    323      Erin McConnell-8              22:28.3
  48   48    324      BarbaraAnn Scheibel-10        22:49.4
  53   53    325      Natalie Teale-12              23:14.0
  76   76    326      Caitlin Hudgston-12           24:06.8
  79   79    327      Sierra Giruad-10              24:16.4
  85   85    328      Rosie Kolb-11                 24:38.5

  Score : 358      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:53.7       Time total (1 - 10): 221:53.8

   5    Section VI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  14   14    646      Holly Eliason-7               20:57.7
  23   23    685      Caroline Benson-7             21:30.5
  41   41    649      Cheryl Svetz-12               22:32.8
  46   46    686      Emma Verdonik-7               22:46.9
  54   54    689      Deanna Platt-10               23:16.1
  55   55    643      Lindsey Alday-12              23:16.9
  56   56    688      Abby Benton-12                23:17.7
  58   58    687      Mallory Apperson-11           23:20.9
  60   60    644      Alyssa Cole-10                23:26.8
  82   82    647      Rachel Ottaway-12             24:33.4
  84   84    645      Nicole Damcott-9              24:34.5
    DNF      648      Ellen Reed-8                         

  Score : 489      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:35.7       Time total (1 - 10): 228:59.7

   6    Section IX
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  12   12    901      Ann Shults-12                 20:55.1
  30   30    902      Kate Shults-9                 21:52.2
  32   32    970      Lyndi Fielitz-12              21:58.1
  38   38    971      Heather St. Germain-8         22:27.3
  52   52    973      Christina Donnelly-9          23:12.5
  68   68    974      Kristina Brown-11             23:44.4
  70   70    903      Lindsay Tschinkel-12          23:54.3
  77   77    972      Sarah Girardin-12             24:11.0
  78   78    905      Lena Reagan-10                24:11.8
  80   80    904      Taylor Gengo-12               24:22.1
  86   86    906      Taylor Tschinkel-9            24:47.7
    DNF      907      K.C.Keegan Twonbly-12                

  Score : 537      Time gap (1 - 10): 3:27.0       Time total (1 - 10): 230:48.8

   7    Section VII
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
   4    4    750      Genna Hartung-12              20:02.2
  29   29    751      Anna Rabideau-10              21:48.4
  31   31    752      Andrea Maynard-12             21:56.4
  62   62    790      Katie Karkoski-11             23:30.4
  64   64    754      Kathryn VanHerp-10            23:34.7
  71   71    753      Mary Glynn-10                 23:57.2
  87   87    755      Dana Chapman-8                25:00.3
  94   94    793      Ashley Lavery-12              25:49.3
  99   99    794      Elise Mellor-11               26:25.2
 104  104    756      Elizabeth Fisher-8            26:56.3
 105  105    791      Amber Perkins-12              26:57.2
 108  108    792      Brittney LaVoie-12            27:31.3

  Score : 645      Time gap (1 - 10): 6:54.1       Time total (1 - 10): 239:00.4

   8    Section X
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  25   25   1023      Emily Cotey-11                21:32.5
  26   26   1022      Victoria Hall-10              21:34.1
  66   66   1076      Becky Dukett-10               23:40.0
  69   69   1075      Olivia Walsh-10               23:49.9
  81   81   1024      Morgan Langtry-9              24:26.4
  83   83   1025      Jess Fulk-8                   24:33.9
  89   89   1026      Allie Willer-11               25:09.3
  91   91   1028      Ashley Woodward-8             25:26.7
  92   92   1077      Britney LaPierre-10           25:40.9
 100  100   1027      Shannon Harris-9              26:33.6

  Score : 722      Time gap (1 - 10): 5:01.1       Time total (1 - 10): 242:27.3

   9    Section XI
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  21   21   1180      Alexis Fernandez-8            21:23.9
  35   35   1129      Keriann Fitzpatrick-9         22:20.8
  47   47   1181      Alexandra Russo-8             22:48.3
  67   67   1131      Amelia Skerys-12              23:42.1
  73   73   1130      Rafaela Gurtler-12            24:02.8
  90   90   1183      Ive Croteau-10                25:21.3
  96   96   1184      Valerie Tomici-12             26:11.4
  97   97   1182      Alexandra Damianos-8          26:12.2
 102  102   1133      Aura Skerys-11                26:53.3
 106  106   1132      Brianna Kinnier-10            27:11.0
    DNF     1135      Arielle Chase-12                     
    DNF     1134      Olivia Kaminski-11                   

  Score : 734      Time gap (1 - 10): 5:47.1       Time total (1 - 10): 246:07.1

  10    Section I
 ind  sect  number    name                         time
  74   74    190      Kirstine Jessamy-12           24:03.2
  88   88    108      Shauna Kalantri-11            25:08.5
  93   93    109      K'yla Moran-9                 25:47.8
  95   95    111      Juliette Loeb-10              25:52.6
  98   98    191      Sydney Bridges-10             26:13.8
 107  107    110      Hannah Parks-11               27:20.7
 109  109    192      Kathleen Gonzales-10          27:53.8
 110  110    112      Skylar Francis-11             28:46.6
 111  111    193      Dulce Rosas-10                29:06.3
 112  112    113      Briana Harrold-12             31:01.9

  Score : 997      Time gap (1 - 10): 6:58.7       Time total (1 - 10): 271:15.2

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