Below are the top five girls schools in each class.
The figure in parenthesis after the school's name indicates the number of sports in which the girls teams scored points.
Class AA
1. Penfield (3), 35 points
2. Cicero-North Syracuse (2), 25 points
3. MacArthur (2), 22 points
4. Clarence (3), 21 points
5. Fayetteville-Manlius (2), 18.33 points
Class A
1. Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake (4), 34.5 points
2. Garden City (4), 31.17 points
3. Honeoye Falls-Lima (3), 23 points
4. John Glenn (2), 22 points
5. North Shore (4), 19.33 points
Class B
1. Bronxville (4), 32.33 points
2. Cazenovia (2), 17.33 points
3. (tie) Eden (1), 15 points
3. (tie) Irvington (1), 15 points
3. (tie) Mynderse (1), 15 points
3. (tie) Schalmont (1), 15 points
Class C
1. Greenwich (3), 35 points
2. Friends Academy (3), 21.5 points
3. Randolph (2), 20 points
4. Greene (2), 17 points
5. (tie) Haldane (1), 15 points
5. (tie) Hoosic Valley (1), 15 points
5. (tie) Maple Grove (1), 15 points
5. (tie) Tully (2), 15 points